George H. W. Bush - Vev

George H. W. Bush

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George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924), was the forty-first President of the United States, serving from 1989 to 1993. Before his presidency, Bush was the forty-third vice president of the United States in the administration of Ronald Reagan. He has also served as the member of the United States House of Representatives for the 7th district of Texas (1967–1971), the United States Ambassador to the United Nations (1971–1973), chairman of the Republican National Committee (1973–1974), Chief of the United States Liaison Office in the People's Republic of China (1974–1976), and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1976–1977).

Bush is the son of Prescott Bush, who served in the United States Senate from 1953 to 1963, and Dorothy Walker Bush. He is the father of George W. Bush, the 43rd and current president of the United States, and Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida.

Upon the death of Gerald Ford in 2006, Bush became the oldest living United States president.


Early years|title=Presidential Avenue: George Bush}}</ref> on June 12, 1924. The Victorian house where he was born is privately owned and not open to the public. The Bush family moved from Milton to Greenwich, Connecticut shortly after his birth.//|title=Presidential Avenue: George Bush}}</ref> on June 12, 1924. The Victorian house where he was born is privately owned and not open to the public. The Bush family moved from Milton to Greenwich, Connecticut shortly after his birth.|title=Kennedy, the Adamses and One More in Boston |date=2006-09-15}}</ref> in Andover, Massachusetts, where he held a large number of leadership positions including being the president of the senior class and secretary of the student council, president of the community fund-raising group, the Society of Inquiry, a member of the editorial board of the school newspaper, the Philippian, captain of both the varsity baseball and soccer teams.<ref> Former President George Bush honored at 60th reunion


.</ref> It is said that he was a member of A.U.V., or "Auctoritas, Unitas, Veritas" (Latin for "Authority, Unity, Truth"), an exclusive fraternity.//|title=Kennedy, the Adamses and One More in Boston |date=2006-09-15}}</ref> in Andover, Massachusetts, where he held a large number of leadership positions including being the president of the senior class and secretary of the student council, president of the community fund-raising group, the Society of Inquiry, a member of the editorial board of the school newspaper, the Philippian, captain of both the varsity baseball and soccer teams.<ref> Former President George Bush honored at 60th reunion


.</ref> It is said that he was a member of A.U.V., or "Auctoritas, Unitas, Veritas" (Latin for "Authority, Unity, Truth"), an exclusive fraternity.

World War II

Image:Babe Ruth George Bush.jpg
George Bush met Babe Ruth as a student at Yale

After graduating from Phillips Academy in June 1942, he joined the U.S. Navy on his 18th birthday to become a naval aviator. After completing the 10-month course, he was commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve at Corpus Christi, Texas on June 9, 1943, just three days before his 19th birthday, which made him the youngest naval aviator to that date.|title=Lieutenant Junior Grade George Bush, USNR |date=2001-04-06}}</ref><ref>Duane Hove, American Warriors: Five Presidents in the Pacific Theater of World War II, Burd Street Press, 2003. ISBN 1-57249-307-0. </ref>//|title=Lieutenant Junior Grade George Bush, USNR |date=2001-04-06}}</ref><ref>Duane Hove, American Warriors: Five Presidents in the Pacific Theater of World War II, Burd Street Press, 2003. ISBN 1-57249-307-0. </ref>

After Bush's promotion to lieutenant junior grade on August 1, the San Jacinto commenced operations against the Japanese in the Bonin Islands. On September 2, 1944, Bush piloted one of four Grumman TBM Avenger aircraft from VT-51 that attacked the Japanese installations on Chichi Jima. For this mission his crew included Radioman Second Class John Delaney and Lieutenant Junior Grade William White, who substituted for Bush's regular gunner. During their attack, four Avengers from VT-51 encountered intense antiaircraft fire. While starting the attack, Bush's aircraft was hit and his engine caught on fire. Despite the fact that his plane was on fire, he completed his attack and released the bombs over his target, scoring several damaging hits. With his engine on fire, Bush flew several miles from the island, where he and one other crew member on the TBM Avenger bailed out of the aircraft. However, the other man's parachute did not open, and he fell to his death. It was never determined which man bailed out with Bush. Both Delaney and White were killed in action. While Bush waited four hours in his inflated raft, several fighters circled protectively overhead until he was rescued by the lifeguard submarine USS Finback. For this action Bush received the Distinguished Flying Cross. During the month he remained on the USS Finback, Bush participated in the rescue of other pilots.

Image:TBF GeorgeBush.jpg
George Bush in his TBM Avenger on the carrier USS San Jacinto in 1944

Bush subsequently returned to San Jacinto in November 1944 and participated in operations in the Philippines. When San Jacinto returned to Guam, the squadron, which had suffered 50% casualties of its pilots, was replaced and sent to the United States. Through 1944, he had flown 58 combat missions for which he received the Distinguished Flying Cross, three Air Medals, and the Presidential Unit Citation awarded aboard the San Jacinto.

Because of his valuable combat experience, Bush was reassigned to Norfolk Navy Base and put in a training wing for new torpedo pilots. He was later assigned as a naval aviator in a new torpedo squadron, VT-153. With the surrender of Japan, he was honorably discharged in September 1945 and then entered Yale University.

Marriage, Yale, and Skull and Bones

Image:Baseball cropped.jpg
Captain-elect "Poppy" Bush as featured in a 1948 Yale Banner

Almost immediately upon his return from the war in December 1944, George Bush married Barbara Pierce. Their marriage produced six children: George Walker Bush, Pauline Robinson Bush ("Robin," 1949–1953, died of leukemia), John Ellis "Jeb" Bush, Neil Mallon Bush, Marvin Bush, and Dorothy Bush Koch.

While at Yale, he joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity and was elected president. He also captained the Yale baseball team, and as a left-handed first baseman, played in the first College World Series. Late in his junior year he was, like his father Prescott Bush (1917), tapped for membership by the Skull and Bones secret society. Some people believe that through this organization, also known as "the Order", Bush made connections with other influential people and families which would shape his career.|title=George Herbert Walker Bush — |year=2007}}</ref>//|title=George Herbert Walker Bush — |year=2007}}</ref>

Business ventures

After graduating from Yale, Bush went into the Texas oil exploration business. He was given a position with Dresser Industries, a subsidiary of Brown Brothers Harriman, where his father served on the board of directors for 22 years. His son, Neil Mallon Bush, is named after his employer at Dresser, Henry Neil Mallon, who was a close family friend dating back to Skull & Bones at Yale in 1918 along with Prescott. Zapata Corporation was created by Bush and the Liedtke brothers in 1953 as Zapata Oil.

Campaigns for Senate and Congress

In 1964, Bush won the Republican Party's nomination for U.S. senator from Texas. His opponent was incumbent Democratic Senator Ralph Yarborough. Yarborough made several personal attacks against Bush, calling him a "tool of the eastern kingmakers" and a right-wing extremist. Bush lost the general election."|title=Chapter 10.1: Rubbers Goes to Congress (part 1) |year=1991}}</ref>//"|title=Chapter 10.1: Rubbers Goes to Congress (part 1) |year=1991}}</ref>

In 1970, President Nixon convinced Bush to relinquish his House seat to again run for the Senate against Democratic Senator Ralph Yarborough, a fierce Nixon critic. In the Republican primary, Bush easily defeated conservative Robert Morris, a defeated 1964 candidate, by a margin of 87.6% to 12.4%. However, former Congressman Lloyd Bentsen, a native of Mission, Texas, defeated Yarborough in the Democratic primary, 816,641 votes (53%) to 724,122 (47%). Yarborough then endorsed Bentsen. With Yarborough defeated in the primary, Nixon's support for Bush's campaign waned.

Because there was no presidential election in 1970, turnout in Texas was unusually low in the general election. Bentsen defeated Bush by a margin similar to that in his primary victory over Yarborough. Ironically, Bentsen later became the Democratic Party nominee for vice president in the 1988 presidential election on a ticket with Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis and lost to Bush.


After the 1970 election loss, President Richard Nixon appointed Bush Ambassador to the United Nations, where he served from 1971 to 1973.

After Nixon was re-elected in 1972, he asked Bush to become chairman of the Republican National Committee. Bush held this position during the Watergate scandal, when the popularity of both Nixon and the Republican Party plummeted. Bush defended Nixon steadfastly, but later as Nixon's complicity became clear he focused more on defending the Republican Party while still maintaining loyalty to Nixon.

After Nixon's resignation in 1974, Vice President Gerald R. Ford became President, and Bush was one of the two leading contenders to be appointed vice president by Ford, but he lost to the other leading contender, Nelson Rockefeller. Bush had the support of many conservative elements in the Republican Party, particularly Barry Goldwater, against Rockefeller for the vice presidency. Ford appointed Bush to be Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office in the People's Republic of China. (Since the United States at the time maintained official relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan and not the People's Republic of China, the Liaison Office did not have the official status of an embassy and Bush did not formally hold the position of "ambassador" even though he unofficially acted as one.)

In 1976, Ford brought Bush back to Washington to become Director of Central Intelligence. Bush claimed the appointment was "a real shocker" and denied any prior involvement with the agency.

Interestingly, initially Bush's confirmation as Director of Central Intelligence was opposed by many pundits and politicians still reeling from the Watergate scandal (when Bush was head of the Republican National Committee, and a steadfast defender of Nixon) and the Church Committee investigating whether CIA-ordered foreign assassinations were being directed towards domestic officials, including President Kennedy. Many arguments against Bush's initial confirmation were that he was too partisan for the office. The Washington Post, George Will, and Senator Frank Church were some notable figures opposed to Bush's nomination. After a pledge by Bush not to run for either president or vice president in 1976, opposition to his nomination died down. The George Bush Center for Intelligence] - CIA, accessed February 26, 2006</ref> The CIA had been rocked by a series of revelations, including revelations based on investigations by the Senate's Church Committee, about the CIA's illegal and unauthorized activities, and Bush was credited with helping to restore the agency's morale.<ref>George Herbert Walker Bush -, accessed February 26, 2006</ref> In his capacity as DCI, Bush gave national security briefings to Jimmy Carter both as a Presidential candidate and as President-elect, and discussed the possibility of remaining in that position in a Carter administration.<ref>{{cite web// The George Bush Center for Intelligence] - CIA, accessed February 26, 2006</ref> The CIA had been rocked by a series of revelations, including revelations based on investigations by the Senate's Church Committee, about the CIA's illegal and unauthorized activities, and Bush was credited with helping to restore the agency's morale.<ref>George Herbert Walker Bush -, accessed February 26, 2006</ref> In his capacity as DCI, Bush gave national security briefings to Jimmy Carter both as a Presidential candidate and as President-elect, and discussed the possibility of remaining in that position in a Carter administration.<ref>{{cite web |title=CIA Briefings of Presidential Candidates; Chapter 5: In-Depth Discussions With Carter |publisher=Central Intelligence Agency: Center for the Study of Intelligence |accessdate=2007-10-11}}</ref>

After a Democratic administration took power in 1977, Bush became chairman of the First International Bank in Houston. He also became an adjunct professor of Administrative Science at Rice University in the Jones School of Business in 1978, the year it opened. The course, Organization Theory, involved lectures from Bush regarding the organizations he headed: the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Republican Party, a U.S. congressional office, the USA Representative Office to China, and an oil exploration company. Just months before Bush hit the presidential campaign trail, he was also candid about his internal debate to enter the primaries.[citation needed]

He also became a board member of the Committee on the Present Danger.

1980 presidential campaign and vice presidency

Modèle:See also

In the 1980 presidential election, Bush ran for the presidency, stressing his wide range of government experience. In the contest for the Republican Party nomination, despite Bush's establishment backing, the front-runner was Ronald Reagan, former actor and governor of California who was running for his third presidential bid. Expectations, momentum, fatal mistakes] - Tom Curry, MSNBC, January 15, 2004</ref> With a growing popularity among the Republican voting base, Reagan won most of the remaining primaries as well as the nomination.// Expectations, momentum, fatal mistakes] - Tom Curry, MSNBC, January 15, 2004</ref> With a growing popularity among the Republican voting base, Reagan won most of the remaining primaries as well as the nomination.

After some preliminary discussion of choosing former President Gerald Ford as his running mate, Reagan selected Bush as his Vice Presidential nominee, placing him on the winning Republican presidential ticket of 1980.

Four years later, the Reagan-Bush ticket won again in a landslide in against the Democrats' Walter Mondale-Geraldine Ferraro ticket.

During his second term as Vice President, Bush became the first Vice President to become Acting President when, on July 13, 1985, President Reagan underwent surgery to remove polyps from his colon. Bush served as Acting President for approximately eight hours, most of which he passed playing tennis. Transcript] - New York Times, June 30, 1997</ref>// Transcript] - New York Times, June 30, 1997</ref>

1988 presidential campaign

The 1988 presidential electoral votes by state

In 1988, after nearly eight years as Vice President, Bush again ran for President. His challengers for the Republican presidential nomination included U.S. Senator Bob Dole and Conservative Christian televangelist Pat Robertson.

Though considered the early frontrunner for the Republican nomination, Bush came in third in the Iowa caucus, beaten by winner Dole and runner-up Robertson. However, Bush rebounded to win the New Hampshire primary, perhaps partly because of television commercials portraying Dole as a tax raiser. Once the multiple-state primaries such as Super Tuesday began, Bush's organizational strength and fundraising lead were impossible for the other candidates to match, and the nomination was his.

Leading up to the 1988 Republican National Convention, there was much speculation as to Bush's choice of running mate. In a move anticipated by few, Bush chose little-known U.S. Senator Dan Quayle of Indiana. On the eve of the convention, Bush trailed Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis, then Massachusetts governor, by double digits in most polls. George H. W. Bush: 1988 Republican National Convention Acceptance Address] - transcript, speech delivered August 18, 1988, Superdome, New Orleans</ref> for his use of that phrase to describe his vision of American community. Bush's acceptance speech and a generally well-managed Convention catapulted him ahead of Dukakis in the polls, and he held the lead for the rest of the race. Bush's acceptance speech at the convention included the famous pledge: Read my lips: no new taxes.// George H. W. Bush: 1988 Republican National Convention Acceptance Address] - transcript, speech delivered August 18, 1988, Superdome, New Orleans</ref> for his use of that phrase to describe his vision of American community. Bush's acceptance speech and a generally well-managed Convention catapulted him ahead of Dukakis in the polls, and he held the lead for the rest of the race. Bush's acceptance speech at the convention included the famous pledge: Read my lips: no new taxes.

Bush blamed Dukakis for polluting the Boston Harbor as the Massachusetts governor. Bush also pointed out that Dukakis was opposed to the law that would require all students to say the pledge of allegiance. Another, produced and placed by an independent group supporting Bush, referred to murderer Willie Horton, a man who had committed a rape and assault while on a weekend furlough from a life sentence being served in Massachusetts.

Dukakis's unconditional opposition to capital punishment also led to a pointed question during the U.S. presidential debates. Moderator Bernard Shaw asked Dukakis hypothetically if Dukakis would support the death penalty if his wife were raped and murdered. Dukakis's response appeared to many oddly wooden and technical, and contributed toward the characterization of him as "soft on crime." These images helped enhance Bush's stature as a possible Commander-in-Chief compared to the Massachusetts governor.

Bush beat Michael Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen soundly in the Electoral College, by 426 to 111 (Bentsen received one vote). In the nationwide popular vote, Bush took 53.4% of the ballots cast while Dukakis gained 45.6%. Bush was the first serving Vice President to be elected President since Martin Van Buren in 1836.

Presidency 1989-1993


Image:George H. W. Bush inauguration.jpg
Chief Justice William Rehnquist administering the oath of office to Bush during Inaugural ceremonies at the United States Capitol, January 20, 1989.

Foreign policy

Foreign policy drove the Bush Presidency from its first days. In his January 20, 1989, Inaugural Address upon taking the Presidency, Bush said, George H. W. Bush: Inaugural Address] - transcript, speech delivered January 20, 1989</ref>// George H. W. Bush: Inaugural Address] - transcript, speech delivered January 20, 1989</ref>

Leading up to the first Gulf War, on September 11, 1990, President Bush addressing a joint session of Congress stated: George H. W. Bush: Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf Crisis and the Federal Budget Deficit] - transcript, speech delivered September 11, 1990</ref>// George H. W. Bush: Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf Crisis and the Federal Budget Deficit] - transcript, speech delivered September 11, 1990</ref>

With these words President Bush gave the order to start the military action which would later be known as the Gulf War.


Operation Just Cause was the U.S. military invasion of Panama that deposed General Manuel Noriega in December 1989. Involving an expeditionary force of 25,000 troops and state-of-the-art military equipment, the invasion was a large American military operation. General Manuel Noriega was at one time a U.S. ally, who was increasingly using Panama to facilitate the drug traffic from South America to the United States. In the 1980s, dictator Manuel Noriega was one of the most recognizable names in the United States, being constantly covered by the press. The deteriorating situation in Panama was a growing embarrassment for the Reagan Administration, which President Bush inherited. The military implementation took place under supervision of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Colin Powell who—as National Security Advisor for President Reagan—knew well the Panama situation and dictator Noriega. The invasion was preceded by massive protests in Panama against Noriega. Bush's Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney visited American troops in Panama right after the invasion. President Bush visited Panama with his wife in June 1992, to give support to the first post-invasion Panamanian government.

Gulf War

Image:Bush troops.jpg
President Bush visited American troops in Saudi Arabia on Thanksgiving Day, 1990

As President, Bush is perhaps best known internationally for leading the United Nations coalition in the 1990–1991 Gulf War. In 1990, Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein invaded its oil-rich neighbor to the south, Kuwait. The broad coalition, in an operation known as Desert Shield, sought to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait and ensure that Iraq did not invade Saudi Arabia. Bush summed up his position succinctly when he said, "This aggression will not stand," and, "This is not a war for oil. This is war against aggression." On November 29, the UN passed a resolution establishing a deadline that authorized the nations allied with Kuwait 'to use all necessary means' if Iraq did not withdraw from Kuwait by January 15, 1991. Fighting began on January 17, 1991, when U.S.-led air units launched a devastating series of air attacks against Iraq, with this operation referred to as Desert Storm.<ref>After the Storm, Anthony H. Cordesman</ref> On February 24, coalition ground troops attacked Iraq, and on February 26, Iraqi forces began retreating from Kuwait. Coalition troops pursued the retreating Iraqi troops into Iraq, to within 150 miles (240 km) of Baghdad before withdrawing. President Bush declared a cease-fire on February 27. Reasons Not to Invade Iraq, by George Bush Sr.] - The Memory Hole, accessed February 26, 2006</ref><ref>A World Transformed - accessed February 26, 2006</ref>// Reasons Not to Invade Iraq, by George Bush Sr.] - The Memory Hole, accessed February 26, 2006</ref><ref>A World Transformed - accessed February 26, 2006</ref>

Post-Soviet breakup

Modèle:See also After the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, President Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev declared a U.S.-Soviet strategic partnership at the summit that July, marking the end of the Cold War. President Bush declared that U.S.-Soviet cooperation during the Persian Gulf War in 1990–1991 had laid the groundwork for a partnership in resolving bilateral and world problems. Transcripts from Malta Summit] - CNN</ref>// Transcripts from Malta Summit] - CNN</ref>



From left to right: (standing) President Carlos Salinas, President Bush, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney; (seated) Jaime Serra Puche, Carla Hills, and Michael Wilson at the NAFTA Initialing Ceremony, October 1992

Bush's government, along with the Progressive Conservative Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, spearheaded the negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Bush's primary negotiator was Trade Secretary Carla Anderson Hills. While initial signing was possible during his term, negotiations made slow but steady progress during Bush's term. President Clinton would go on to make the passage of NAFTA a priority for his administration, despite its conservative and Republican roots — with the addition of two side agreements — to achieve its passage in 1993.


Image:George H. W. Bush - portrait.gif
The official White House portrait of President George H.W Bush

As other Presidents have done, Bush issued a series of pardons during his last days in office. On December 24, 1992, he pardoned six former government employees implicated in the Iran-Contra scandal - most prominently former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. Weinberger had been scheduled to stand trial on January 5, 1993, for lying to Congress regarding his knowledge of arms sales to Iran and concealing 1700 pages of his personal diary detailing discussions with other officials about the arms sales.|title=U.S. promotes double standard in how it deals with 'terrorist' cases|date=2005-05-09}}</ref><ref> Venezuelans Absolve Bosch in Bombing of Plane


.</ref>//|title=U.S. promotes double standard in how it deals with 'terrorist' cases|date=2005-05-09}}</ref><ref> Venezuelans Absolve Bosch in Bombing of Plane



1992 re-election campaign

The 1992 presidential electoral votes by state|title=Maybe I'm Amazed|date=2001-04-01}}</ref> Nevertheless, media outlets reported the story as it tied in with and supported the notion that the president was out of touch with the common man.//|title=Maybe I'm Amazed|date=2001-04-01}}</ref> Nevertheless, media outlets reported the story as it tied in with and supported the notion that the president was out of touch with the common man.

Several other factors were key in his defeat, including agreeing in 1990 to raise taxes despite his famous "Read my lips: no new taxes" pledge not to institute any new taxes. In doing so, Bush alienated many members of his conservative base, losing their support for his re-election. Bush raised taxes in an attempt to address an ever-increasing budget deficit, which some attributed to the Reagan tax cuts and military spending of the 1980s. George Bush had been supported in 1988 by conservatives to continue the Reagan revolution, and was seen as a failure in this regard. Ironically, Bush had previously admonished Reagan's supply side tax cuts in the 1980 presidential primary when he referred to Reagan's tax proposals as "voodoo economics."

Ross Perot won 19% of the popular vote, the highest total for a third-party candidate since Theodore Roosevelt on the ticket of the Bull-Moose Party. Poll: Clinton Legacy Mixed] - Gary Langer, ABC News, January 17, 2001</ref>// Poll: Clinton Legacy Mixed] - Gary Langer, ABC News, January 17, 2001</ref>

Administration and Cabinet

Modèle:Infobox U.S. Cabinet

Supreme Court appointments

Bush appointed the following Justices to the Supreme Court of the United States:


Image:Five Presidents.jpg
Presidents (from left) George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, and Richard Nixon at the dedication of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in 1991

Since his 1992 election campaign, Bush has retired to be with his wife at their home in the exclusive neighborhood of Tanglewood in Houston, with a presidential office nearby. They summer at Walker's Point in Kennebunkport, Maine. Bush holds his own fishing tournament in Islamorada, an island in the Florida Keys.

Since 1992, Bush has made many public appearances, and even more so in the years of his son's Presidential term. He and Mrs. Bush attended the state funeral of Ronald Reagan in June 2004, and of Gerald Ford in January 2007. One month later, he was awarded the Ronald Reagan Freedom Award in Beverly Hills, California by former First Lady Nancy Reagan.

In 1993, Bush was awarded an honorary knighthood (GCB) by Queen Elizabeth II. <ref>The Times, 1 December 1993, p24</ref>

Bush was also present in various ceremonies during the construction of USS George H. W. Bush (CVN-77), which is the last Nimitz class supercarrier of the United States Navy, and one of the few that are named after persons that are living at the time of the vessel's christening.

Texas A&M University | accessdate = 2007-03-22}}</ref> This tenth presidential library was built between 1995 and 1997 and contains the presidential and vice-presidential papers of George H.W. Bush and the vice-presidential papers of Dan Quayle.<ref name="bushmaterials"> The Birth of the Tenth Presidential Library: The Bush Presidential Materials Project, 1993–1994

. George Bush Presidential Library  


. Retrieved on 2007-03-22. </ref> The school, offers a master's degree in public policy and one in international affairs as well as two research degrees, officially launched in 1997. It became a separate school within the university in 1999.<ref name="bushhistory"> The Bush School of Government and Public Service: History

. Texas A&M University 

. Retrieved on 2007-03-22. </ref>// | accessdate = 2007-03-22}}</ref> This tenth presidential library was built between 1995 and 1997 and contains the presidential and vice-presidential papers of George H.W. Bush and the vice-presidential papers of Dan Quayle.<ref name="bushmaterials"> The Birth of the Tenth Presidential Library: The Bush Presidential Materials Project, 1993–1994

. George Bush Presidential Library  


. Retrieved on 2007-03-22. </ref> The school, offers a master's degree in public policy and one in international affairs as well as two research degrees, officially launched in 1997. It became a separate school within the university in 1999.<ref name="bushhistory"> The Bush School of Government and Public Service: History

. Texas A&M University 

. Retrieved on 2007-03-22. </ref>

Presidential Library

The George Bush Presidential Library

The George Bush Presidential Library and Museum is the presidential library named for Bush. It was dedicated on November 6, 1997 and opened to the public shortly thereafter. It was designed by the architectural firm of Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum. Presidential Libraries Act of 1955].// Presidential Libraries Act of 1955].

George Bush School of Government and Public Service Master of Science in Homeland Security Program notes]</ref> coordinated by the Integrative Center for Homeland Security, recognized as a national leader in the emerging field of homeland security strategy and policy. Dr. Robert M. Gates, Secretary of Defense and former Director of Central Intelligence, was the school's first dean before becoming president of the university.// Master of Science in Homeland Security Program notes]</ref> coordinated by the Integrative Center for Homeland Security, recognized as a national leader in the emerging field of homeland security strategy and policy. Dr. Robert M. Gates, Secretary of Defense and former Director of Central Intelligence, was the school's first dean before becoming president of the university.


Note: All The Best is not a memoir and Bush has declared that he will not be writing one.


<references />

Further reading

External links

Modèle:Sisterlinks Bush Presidential Library and Museum]// Bush Presidential Library and Museum] Bush Presidential Library and Museum]// White House biography] Bush Presidential Library and Museum]// Essays on Bush and His Administration] Bush Presidential Library and Museum]// George H. W. Bush Speeches]

Preceded by
William E. Colby
Director of Central Intelligence
1976 – 1977
Succeeded by
Adm. Stansfield Turner
Preceded by
Walter Mondale
Vice President of the United States
January 20, 1981January 20, 1989
Acting President: July 13, 1985
Succeeded by
Dan Quayle
Preceded by
Ronald Reagan
President of the United States
January 20, 1989January 20, 1993
Succeeded by
Bill Clinton
Preceded by
François Mitterrand
Chair of the G7
Succeeded by
John Major
United Kingdom
Preceded by
John V. Dowdy
Member from Texas's 7th congressional district
1967 – 1971
Succeeded by
Bill Archer
Preceded by
Bob Dole
Chairman of the Republican National Committee
1973 – 1974
Succeeded by
Mary Louise Smith
Republican Party vice presidential candidate
1980, 1984
Succeeded by
Dan Quayle
Preceded by
Ronald Reagan
Republican Party presidential candidate
1988, 1992
Succeeded by
Bob Dole
Preceded by
Charles W. Yost
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
1971 – 1973
Succeeded by
John A. Scali
Preceded by
David K. E. Bruce
Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office in Beijing
1974 – 1976
Succeeded by
Thomas S. Gates, Jr.
Preceded by
Gerald Ford
Oldest U.S. President still living
December 26, 2006 – Present


Preceded by
Mikhail Gorbachev
Time's Man of the Year
Succeeded by
Ted Turner
Preceded by
Jimmy Carter
United States order of precedence
Former President of the United States
Succeeded by
Bill Clinton
Preceded by
Rudy Guiliani
Recipient of the Ronald Reagan Freedom Award


Modèle:USRepPresNomineesModèle:US Vice PresidentsModèle:USRepVicePresNomineesModèle:DCIAModèle:USUNambassadorsModèle:RNCchairmenModèle:Cold WarModèle:George W. Bush

Modèle:Persondata Modèle:DEFAULTSORT:Bush, George H.جورج بوش الأب frp:George Herbert Walker Bush bn:জর্জ এইচ ডব্লিউ বুশ be:Джордж Герберт Уокер Буш bs:George H. W. Bush bg:Джордж Х. У. Буш ca:George Herbert Walker Bush cs:George H. W. Bush co:George Bush Sr. cy:George H.W. Bush da:George H.W. Bush de:George H. W. Bush et:George H. W. Bush el:Τζωρτζ Μπους (πρεσβύτερος) es:George H. W. Bush eo:George H. W. Bush eu:George H. W. Bush fa:جورج هربرت واکر بوش fr:George Herbert Walker Bush ga:George H. W. Bush gl:George Herbert Walker Bush ko:조지 H. W. 부시 hy:Ջորջ Հերբերտ Վոկեր Բուշ hi:जार्ज हर्बर्ट वाकर बुश hr:George H. W. Bush io:George H. W. Bush id:George H. W. Bush is:George H. W. Bush it:George H. W. Bush he:ג'ורג' הרברט ווקר בוש ka:ჯორჯ ჰერბერტ უოლკერ ბუში la:Georgius H. W. Bush lv:Džordžs H. V. Bušs lt:George Herbert Bush hu:George H. W. Bush mr:जॉर्ज एच.डब्ल्यू. बुश ms:George H. W. Bush nl:George H.W. Bush ja:ジョージ・H・W・ブッシュ no:George H.W. Bush nn:George H.W. Bush oc:George H. W. Bush pl:George H. W. Bush pt:George H. W. Bush ro:George H. W. Bush rm:George H. W. Bush ru:Буш, Джордж Герберт Уокер sq:George H. W. Bush simple:George H. W. Bush sk:George H. W. Bush sl:George H. W. Bush sr:Џорџ Х. В. Буш sh:George H. W. Bush fi:George H. W. Bush sv:George H.W. Bush th:จอร์จ เอช. ดับเบิลยู. บุช vi:George H. W. Bush tg:Георге Ҳ. У. Буш tr:George H. W. Bush uk:Джордж Герберт Вокер Буш yi:דזשארזש הערבערט וואלקער בוש zh:乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什