Lene Marlin - Vev

Lene Marlin

Un article de Vev.

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Version du 7 mai 2006 à 11:51 (Discuter)

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Vev (Discuter | contribs)
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-!20050618 - lene marlin dernier album est sorti - LeNemarlin+[[catégorie:Hervé Le Blouch]]
-[http://www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg]c est trop bon ce qu elle fait+[[catégorie:Lene Marlin]]
-[plein de chansons live|http://www.lene-marlin.no/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=20&Itemid=83]+[[wpfr:Lene Marlin]] [[wpen:Lene Marlin]]
 +*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP4X_5MoVZk&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLABA947772D873F4D dernier album]
-[http://www.lene.it/dl/sfondi/desktop_1_640x480.jpg]+'''20050618 - lene marlin dernier album est sorti'''
 +http://www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg "all i can say" is: c est trop bon ce qu elle fait
 +[http://www.lene-marlin.no/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=20&Itemid=83 plein de chansons live]
-!!==playing my game==+[http://www.lenemarlin.fr/ lenemarlin.fr]
-!Sitting Down Here+== lyrics par albums ==
-I'm sitting down here but hey you can't see me+#[[Playing My Game]]
 +#[[Another Day]]
 +#[[Lost in a Moment]]
 +#[[Twist The Truth]]
-Your words cut rather deeply+== vidéos ==
-They're just some other lies+
-I'm hiding from a distance+
-I've got to pay the price+
-Defending all against it+
-I really don't know why+
-You're obsessed with all my secrets+
-You always make me cry+
-You seem to wanna hurt me+
-No matter what I do+
-I'm telling just a couple+
-But somehow it gets to you+
-But I've learned to get revenge+*[http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=search_videos&search_sort=relevance&search_query=lene+marlin&search=Search lene sur youtube]
-And I swear you'll experience that someday+*[http://www.youtube.com/player2.swf?title=Lene+Marlin+-+Still+Here&video_id=pNHvBy63eiQ&l=224&fs=1&t=OEgsToPDskLrMG8g9ZL4I8BLfvy2V-XX still here]
-I'm sitting down here but hey you can't see me+<videoflash type="googlevideo">-6399877915224998947|800|600</videoflash>
-Kinda invisible you don't sense my stay+*sitting down here
-Not really hiding not like a shadow+
-Just thought I would join you for one day+
-I'm sitting down here but hey you can't see me+<videoflash type="googlevideo">5803559582575476782|800|600</videoflash>
 +*FFVIII unforgivable sinner
-I'm not trying to avoid you+<videoflash type="youtube">9egt5C0K6uc|800|600</videoflash>
-Just don't wanna hear your voice+*How Would It Be
-When you call me up so often+
-I don't really have a choice+
-You're talking like you know me+
-And wanna be my friend+
-But that's really too late now+
-I won't try it once again+
-You may think that I'm a loser+
-That I don't really care+
-You may think that it's forgotten+
-But you should be aware+
-That I've learned to get revenge+<videoflash type="youtube">1fccJPtZDOA|800|600</videoflash>
-And I swear you'll experience that someday+*Faces (Another Day DVD version 2003)
-I'm sitting down here but hey you can't see me+<videoflash type="youtube">rkqC-AV_UP0|800|600</videoflash>
-Kinda invisible you don't sense my stay+*You weren't there
-Not really hiding not like a shadow+
-Just thought I would join you for one day+
-I'm sitting down here but hey you can't see me+<videoflash type="youtube">BQkmYL3PPuM|800|600</videoflash>
-Kinda invisible you don't sense my stay+*Lene Marlin & Lovebugs - Avalon
-Not really hiding not like a shadow+
-But sure I wanna join you for one day+
-You seem to wanna hurt me+<videoflash type="youtube">xxxxxxxxxxx|800|600</videoflash>
-No matter what I do+
-I'm telling just a couple+
-But somehow it gets to you+
- +
-But I've learned to get revenge+
-And I swear you'll experience that someday+
- +
-I'm sitting down here but hey you can't see me+
-Kinda invisible you don't sense my stay+
-Not really hiding not like a shadow+
-Just thought I would join you for one day+
- +
-I'm sitting down here but hey you can't see me+
-Kinda invisible you don't sense my stay+
-Not really hiding not like a shadow+
-Just thought I would join you for one day+
- +
-I'm sitting down here but hey you can't see me+
-Kinda invisible you don't sense my stay+
-Not really hiding not like a shadow+
-Just thought I would join you for one day.+
- +
- +
-!Playing My Game+
- +
-Won’t open my mouth+
-You know what I’ll say+
-It hurts me that it's gotta be this way+
-I can no longer hide+
-God knows I’ve tried+
-I held on as long as I could+
-If I could change it I would+
-This is the way I am+
-And this is what I do+
- +
-I cry my tears+
-But they're not for you+
-Playing a game+
-I know you've done too+
-I shouldn't have waited+
-But still it is all the same+
-'Cause you know+
-I’m just playing my game+
- +
-Close your ears if you don't like+
-The sound of my voice+
-You’re acting like I+
-Like I had a choice+
-But to leave you behind+
-Well, I’ve made up my mind+
- +
- +
-Don’t hold me with your eyes+
-The light in them I cannot see+
-No need to blind me+
-There’s this darkness where I walk+
-You thought you had your future+
-All figured out+
- +
-I cry...+
- +
- +
-I’m playing my game+
- +
- +
-!Unforgivable Sinner+
- +
-Kinda lose your sense of time+
-'Cause the tears don't matter no more+
-All the feelings that you hide+
-Gonna chear you up inside+
-You hope she knows you tried+
- +
-Follows you around all day+
-And you wake up soaking wet+
-'Cause between this world and eternity+
-There is a face you hope to see, yeah+
- +
-You know where you've sent her+
-You sure know where you are+
-You're trying to ease off+
-But you know you won't get far+
-And now she's up there+
-Sings like an angel+
-But you can't hear those words+
-And now she's up there+
-Sings like an angel+
-Unforgivable sinner+
- +
-You've been walking around in tears+
-No answers are there to get+
-You won't ever be the same+
-Someone cries and you're to blame+
-Struggling with a fight inside+
-Sorrow you'll defeat+
-The picture you see it won't disappear+
-Not unpleasant dreams or her voice you hear+
- +
-Repeat CHORUS+
- +
-Maybe one time lost+
-But now you are found+
-Stand right up before+
-You hit the ground+
-Maybe one time lost+
-But now you are found+
-Stand right up before+
-You hit the ground+
-Hit the ground+
- +
-Repeat CHORUS+
- +
- +
-!Flown Away+
- +
-I’ve flown too high on borrowed wings+
-Beyond the clouds and where the angels sings+
-In a sky containing+
-No one but me+
-Up there's all-empty+
-And down there's the sea+
-No one here but me+
- +
-There’s nothing but light+
-That comes into sight, oh+
- +
-There’s something up here that makes me wince+
-And I still got the feelings that I’ve felt ever since+
-I got to this place+
-Arrived at last+
-In front there's the future+
-Right back there's the past+
-Everything’s moving so fast+
- +
-There’s nothing but light+
-That comes into sight, oh+
- +
-The present like I’ve never seen it before+
-Is this the right place to stay?+
-Please, my wings+
-Fly me away+
- +
-The present like I’ve never seen it before+
-Is this the right place to stay?+
-Please, my wings+
-Fly me away+
- +
-Please my wings+
-Fly me away+
- +
-Please, my wings+
-Fly me away+
- +
- +
-!The Way We Are+
- +
-I watch you growing+
-Sometimes I see myself in you+
-It can be scary but kinda funny too+
-I hear you talking a lot of similarities+
-Your choice of words and all the fantasies+
- +
-Just the way we are I guess you’ve seen it now+
-A mirror of ourselves+
-Sure makes us weird falling down+
-From a mountain of frights+
- +
-What’s there to hold on to?+
- +
-The way you make us all smile+
-And the despair when you just won’t go to sleep+
-You could have me walking a mile+
-To make you smile+
-Still it’s not really a weep+
-I know you fooled me a million times+
-I just can’t help it don’t know why+
- +
-Just the way we are I guess you’ve seen it now+
-A mirror of ourselves+
-Sure makes us weird falling down+
-From a mountain of frights+
- +
-What’s there to hold on to?+
- +
-I know you hate it+
-But they really have to do what they do+
-You’re crying out your wishes I understand+
-Yet they don’t have a clue+
- +
-Just the way we are I guess you’ve seen it now+
-A mirror of ourselves+
-Sure makes us weird falling down+
-From a mountain of frights+
-What’s there to hold on to?+
-Falling down from a mountain of frights+
- +
-What’s there to hold on to?+
- +
- +
-!So I See+
- +
-So I see it+
-It's right there in front of me+
-What's the matter?+
-Oh you cannot see+
-feeling like i did when+
-When you blindfolded me+
-So I hear it for a brief moment+
-thereI thought I knew+
-All those things they were far, far from true+
-But I guess you cannot hide+
-From the truth+
- +
-So I see right through you+
-And I know+
-What you've been up to+
-So I see right through you+
-And I know the things you do+
- +
-So I see it+
-It's right there in front of me+
-Oh I'm sorry+
-You did not wanna see+
-acting like I did when you betrayed me+
-So I hear it they didn't have to+
-scream it in my head+
-They just could have whispered it instead+
-Cause I am already over it now+
- +
- +
-So I hear it+
-They didn't have to scream it in my head+
-They just Could have whispered it instead+
-Cause I am already over it now+
- +
-CHORUS (repeat to fade)+
- +
- +
-!Maybe I'll Go+
- +
-You think you've made it+
-Everything is going so fine+
-But then appears someone who wanna+
-Tear you down+
-Wanna rip you off those+
-Few nice things you've found+
-When and if you hit the ground+
-Then it's falling kinda hard+
- +
-'Cause all you do is being yourself+
-Trying everything to succeed somehow+
-But that's not the way things are right now+
-Feeling kinda lost+
- +
-Those reasons+
-Those unkind words being expressed+
-Oh, they'll get to you, I promise, one day+
-But maybe that's too late for you to say+
-I knew it from the go, 'cause you know+
-That’s some miles away from the truth+
-Don’t forget+
- +
-Hey, what do you think of me now+
-Am I not like I once were+
-Still if you don't know me+
-What’s the story of this pen?+
-I guess you're not a stranger+
-And I can tell you're not a friend+
-It might take a while but I guess I’ll manage waiting till then+
-Then, when you confront me with your thoughts+
- +
-You may think I don't notice+
-Don’t get a bit hurt by what you do+
-I ask to please think of+
-What I’ve done to you+
-Please search inside and let me know+
-If I’ve done something wrong I guess I’ll go+
-Far (far)+
-Hidden (hidden)+
-Never to be found+
- +
-Just let me know+
-Then I’ll go+
-Then I’ll go+
- +
- +
-!Where I'm Headed+
- +
-(pass by don't dare to stop)+
- +
-got a suitcase in my hand+
-filled with stuff most precious to me+
-sidewalk brings my feet+
-wherever they're headed+
- +
-There's no directions given+
-just some trust in human mind+
-to rely on and to hold on to+
-honestly don't know+
-where i'll end up at last+
-won't even count the days+
-one thing i'm sure know+
-i won't move so fast+
-my mind in complete haze+
- +
-I pass by+
-don't dare to stop+
-when there's someone i see+
-there's no one here but me+
-i'm fooled by something inside my head+
-if i lay down now+
-i might seem kinda dead+
-just keep on wasting time+
- +
-scary thoughts and frightening sounds+
-in my mind still i try to avoid it+
-heading through this hope not one way alley+
-i can't really sense my surroundings+
-seems to be all dark around+
-nothing there to lighten up my way+
-honestly don't know where i'll end up at last+
-won't even count the days+
-one thing I sure know+
-i won't move so fast+
-my mind is complete haze+
- +
-i pass by+
-don't dare to stop+
-when there's someone i see+
-there's no one here but me+
-i'm fooled by something+
-inside my head+
-if i lay down now+
-i might seem kinda dead+
-just keep on wasting time+
- +
-I walk slow in secret+
-listening to the sound of steps+
-imagination seems to go all crazy+
-I've got all the time I need+
-wanna dream fulfil my wishes+
-like this future already now been entered+
-i pass by+
-don't dare to stop+
-when there's someone i see+
-there's no one here but me+
-i'm fooled by something+
-inside my head+
-if i lay down now+
-i might seem kinda dead+
-just keep on wasting time+
- +
- +
-!One Year Ago+
- +
-She’s walking there alone+
-No one by her side+
-She manages to fight the tears+
-But the pain inside+
-She can't hide+
-And all the tears she's cried+
- +
-The moment she closes her eyes+
-She starts thinking of you+
-The dreams that she had one time+
-Have gone away+
-Will they ever come true?+
-All she needs is...+
-All she needs is you+
- +
-And she wishes today was one year ago+
-When you cared so much for her and loved her so+
-Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you+
-'Cause the love that you shared+
-It was true+
- +
-You never thought about it+
-What you made her feel+
-You promised you'd stay together+
-But the hope she once had...+
-So unreal+
-All she needs is...+
-All she needs is you+
- +
-And she wishes today was one year ago+
-When you cared so much for her and loved her so+
-Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you+
-'Cause the love that you shared+
-It was true+
- +
-She’s walking there alone+
-No one by her side+
-She manages to fight the tears+
-But the pain inside+
-She can't hide+
- +
-And she wishes today was one year ago+
-When you cared so much for her and loved her so+
-Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you+
-'Cause the love that you shared... it was true+
- +
-And she wishes today was one year ago+
-When you cared so much for her and loved her so+
-Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you+
-'Cause the love that you shared... it was true+
- +
- +
-!A Place Nearby+
- +
-I entered the room+
-Sat by your bed all through the night+
-I watched your daily fight+
-I hardly knew+
-The pain+
-Was almost more than I could bear+
-And still I hear+
-Your last words to me+
- +
-Heaven is a place nearby+
-So I won't be so far away+
-And if you try and look for me+
-Maybe you'll find me someday+
-Heaven is a place nearby+
-So there's no need to say goodbye+
-I wanna ask you not to cry+
-I'll always be by your side+
- +
-You just faded away+
-You spread your wings, you had flown+
-Away to something unknown+
-Wish I could bring you back+
-You're always on my mind+
-About to tear myself apart+
-You have your special place in my heart+
- +
-Heaven is a place nearby+
-So I won't be so far away+
-And if you try and look for me+
-Maybe you'll find me someday+
-Heaven is a place nearby+
-So there's no need to say goodbye+
-I wanna ask you not to cry+
-I'll always be by your side+
- +
-And even when I go to sleep+
-I still can hear your voice+
-And those words+
-I never will forget+
- +
-Heaven is a place nearby+
-So I won't be so far away+
-And if you try and look for me+
-Maybe you'll find me someday+
-Heaven is a place nearby+
-So there's no need to say goodbye+
-I wanna ask you not to cry+
-I'll always be by your side+
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-!!==another day==+
- +
-!Another Day+
- +
-Lie to me, say that you need me+
-That's what I wanna hear+
-That is what, what makes me happy+
-Hoping you'll be near+
-All this time, how could I know+
-Within these walls, I can feel you+
- +
-Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why+
-You made me feel good, made me smile+
-I see it now, and I can say it's gone+
-That would be a lie+
-Cannot control this, this thing called love+
- +
-You must think, how can this be+
-You don't really know me+
-I can't tell, this ain't the time+
-You'll never be mine+
-What can I say, something 'bout my life+
-I just lost again+
- +
-Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why+
-You made me feel good, made me smile+
-I see it now, and I can say it's gone+
-That would be a lie+
-Cannot control this, this thing called love+
- +
-Always have to move on,+
-To leave it all behind+
-Go along with time+
- +
-Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why+
-You made me feel good, made me smile+
-I see it now, and I can say it's gone+
-That would be a lie+
-Cannot control this, this thing called love+
- +
- +
- +
-Pour me some wine, join me tonight+
-Surround me with your happy faces+
-Share some fun stories, stay up all night+
-Sorround me with your friendly faces+
-Then look at me, when I'm not aware+
-Then you'll see, I cannot do without you+
-I'll be right there, if you ask me to+
-If you're feeling sad, I'll stay with you+
-And if you're scared, I'll hold your hand+
-Like I know you'd do for me too, like I know+
-You'd do for me too+
-Pour me some wine, join me tonight+
-Life is so good when I'm with you+
-I needed the laughs, I needed you tonight+
- +
-So look at me, when I'm not aware+
-Then you'll see, I cannot do without you+
-I'll be right there, if you ask me to+
-If you're feeling sad, I'll stay with you+
-And if you're scared, I'll hold your hand+
-Like I know you'd do for me too.+
-I'll be right there, if you ask me to+
-If you're feeling sad, I'll stay with you+
-And if you're scared, I'll hold your hand+
-Like I know you'd do for me too.+
- +
- +
-!You Weren't There+
- +
-She came home just won the game+
-Long time struggle she fulfilled her dream+
-All she wanted was to make you proud+
-You weren't there+
- +
-He had his birthday a few days ago+
-He got some presents, a big party too+
-And there were congratulation calls+
-As the years before+
-Not ever one from you+
- +
-You weren't there+
-Distant far away+
-It's like this everyday+
-They see you in their heads+
-Wonder if you'll come+
-Afraid to close their eyes+
-And miss you once again+
- +
-She cut herself on a piece of paper+
-It didn't hurt but she saw the blood+
-She could need that embrace+
-You weren't there+
- +
-Did he have to cry louder?+
-Would that make you hear him?+
-You see his heart was broken+
-For the first time+
- +
-You weren't there+
-Distant far away+
-It's like this everyday+
-They see you in their heads+
-Wonder if you'll come+
-Afraid to close their eyes+
-And miss you once again+
- +
-Cannot turn back time+
-A wish yet to come true+
-They're making up these stories about you+
- +
-You weren't there+
-Distant far away+
-It's like this everyday+
-They see you in their heads+
-Wonder if you'll come+
-Afraid to close their eyes+
-And miss you once again+
- +
-And miss you once again+
- +
- +
-!From This Day+
- +
-There's a day I never will forget+
-The day we met, when we met+
-I know that they all thought that you were good+
-You were good, we were good+
-From this day on, I'll follow you+
-I'll keep you near, like I promised to+
-And I swear to you+
-I won't be gone when the night comes+
-From this day on, I'll be with you+
-I'll take your hand, when you need me to+
-From this day on+
- +
-So maybe I didn't think we'd come this far+
-Well, here we are ... here we are+
-Now I wouldn't know what to do+
-If I were to lose you, I don't wanna lose you+
- +
-From this day on, I'll follow you+
-I'll keep you near, like I promised to+
-And I swear to you+
-I won't be gone when the night comes+
-From this day on, I'll be with you+
-I'll take your hand, when you need me to+
-From this day on+
- +
-Maybe I didn't think we'd come this far+
-Well, here we are ... here we are+
- +
- +
- +
-Do you wanna know, what I think of you+
-Do you wanna know+
-Do you wanna know, if I'm doing OK+
-Just ask and I'll say+
-I'll say the words that I've longed to speak+
-Have kept quiet for some time+
-I'm sorry, it's just too late+
-To get it all back, get back what we had+
-I'm sorry, it's just not right+
-We both know it wasn't meant to be like+
-This at all+
- +
-Do you wanna know, how I feel about you+
-Do you wanna know,+
-Do you wanna know, if I'm able to forget+
-There are times, I wish we'd never met+
- +
-I'm sorry, it's just too late+
-To get it all back, get back what we had+
-I'm sorry, it's just not right+
-We both know it wasn't meant to be like+
-This at all+
- +
-Time won't change this,+
-change the way I feel+
- +
- +
-!My Love+
- +
-Please come and find me my love.+
-I'm ready now, to come home.+
-Please come and find me my love.+
-Lets leave this place, lets leave no trace.+
- +
-Can you hear me my love? I'm shouting in the rain.+
-Can you hear me?+
- +
-Can you see me my love? I'm drawing in the sand.+
-Can you see me?+
- +
-I hope that im still with you. That you are with me. You always will be.+
- +
-Please come and find me my love.+
-I'm ready now, to come home.+
-Please come and find me my love.+
-Lets leave this place, lets leave no trace.+
- +
-Can you feel me my love? I'm hurting so bad.+
-Can you feel me?+
- +
-Can you tell about my thoughts? I wish that you were here.+
-Do you know it?+
- +
-The time that i've had dont need anymore, you're the one i wait for.+
- +
-Please come and find me my love.+
-I'm ready now, to come home.+
-Please come and find me my love.+
-Lets leave this place, lets leave no trace.+
- +
-Please come and find me my love.+
-I'm ready now, to come home.+
-Please come and find me my love.+
-Lets leave this place, lets leave no trace.+
- +
- +
-!Whatever It Takes+
- +
-Tell me I'm wrong+
-You see, I've heard this thing about you+
-Some sad stories about you+
-I look at you know+
-As always, you're keeping a straight face+
-Acting like, like you truly love this place+
-(but) you see, I'm told that the place that you long for+
-Is where the shadows won't dance on your walls anymore+
-Where the nightmares will leave you alone+
-I'll keep the lights out, I'll tell you fairy tales+
-Whatever it takes to make you feel safe+
-I promise you now, they will disappear+
-I'll take you back home, they won't find you there+
- +
-Tell me I'm wrong+
-You see, I've heard this thing about you+
-Some sad stories about you+
-Please, understand+
-I need you to tell me the truth now+
-No more hiding or lies now+
- +
-I'll keep the lights out, I'll tell you fairy tales+
-Whatever it takes to make you feel safe+
-I promise you now, they will disappear+
-I'll take you back home, they won't find you there+
- +
-I'll keep the lights out, I'll tell you fairy tales+
-Whatever it takes to make you feel safe+
-I promise you now, they will disappear+
-I'll take you back home, they won't find you there+
- +
- +
-!Fight Against The Hours+
- +
-I'm here, sitting in a bed+
-In a place where I don't feel at home+
-Where are you, I sure don't know why+
-You haven't called me, you promised you would+
-The phone must be broken it has to be broken+
-I'm sure there's a reason, say there's a reason+
-I fight against the hours, I cannot go to sleep+
-I know that if I lay down now,+
-Inside I know I'll weep+
-Guess I'm holding on two treasures.+
-Two things that just aren't there+
-Two people that I used to know,+
-Two words I wish to hear.+
- +
-I'm here, thinking only of you+
-Wish to know, if I need to go+
-And I try, I swear to you that I try+
-But you haven't called me, you promised you would+
-The phone must be broken, it has to be broken+
-I'm sure there's a reason, say there's a reason+
- +
-I fight against the hours, I cannot go to sleep+
-I know that if I lay down now,+
-Inside I know I'll weep.+
-Guess I'm holding on two treasures.+
-Two things that just aren't there,+
-Two people that I used to know,+
-Two words I wish to hear.+
- +
-I'm thinking about you, wondering about you+
-Do I really know you? have I ever known you?+
- +
-*I fight against the hours, I cannot go to sleep+
-I know that if I lay down now,+
-Inside I know I'll weep+
-Guess I'm holding on two treasures,+
-Two things that just aren't there ,+
-Two people that I used to know,+
-Two words I wish to hear.+
- +
- +
- +
- +
-Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside+
-You will never measure up, to those people you+
-Must be strong, can't show them that you're weak+
-Have you ever told someone something+
-That's far from the truth+
-Let them know that you're okay+
-Just to make them stop+
-All the wondering, and questions they may have+
- +
-I'm okay, I really am now+
-Just needed some time, to figure things out+
-Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you+
-Still we don't know what's yet to come+
- +
-Have you ever seen your face,+
-In a mirror there's a smile+
-But inside you're just a mess,+
-You feel far from good+
-Need to hide, 'cos they'd never understand+
-Have you ever had this wish, of being+
-Somewhere else+
-To let go of your disguise, all your worries too+
-And from that moment, then you see things clear+
- +
-I'm okay, I really am now+
-Just needed some time, to figure things out+
-Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you+
-Still we don't know what's yet to come+
- +
-Are you waiting for the day+
-When your pain will disappear+
-When you know that it's not true+
-What they say about you+
-You could not care less about the things+
-Surrounding you+
-Ignoring all the voices from the walls+
- +
-I'm okay, I really am now+
-Just needed some time, to figure things out+
-Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you+
-Still we don't know what's yet to come+
-I'm okay, I really am now+
-Just needed some time, to figure things out+
-Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you+
-Still we don't know what's yet to come+
- +
-Still we don't know what's yet to come+
-Still we don't know what's yet to come+
- +
- +
- +
-I heard about your story from a friend+
-To let go and make an end+
-That's what you did+
- +
-You left some words saying now it would be good+
-You knew they'd cry but you hoped they understood+
- +
-Things you've had to face, what you have seen+
-To make it through each day you tried+
-Without the tears+
-They tried to help but they didn't see you crawl+
- +
-They knew you fought but they never thought you'd fall+
-Never thought you'd fall+
- +
-Tell them please, how could they know+
-Hurts inside, no scars to show+
-You played the lead and never once you failed+
- +
-And the place from where you watch us now+
-Hope you've found your peace somehow+
- +
-I heard about your story through the years+
-Know 'bout all your hurt and fears+
-I won't forget+
- +
-I wrote a song that i wish for you to hear+
-It's about yourself and the life you couldn't bear+
- +
-I wanna remember all there's about you+
-And I know there's so much+
-I see all the faces+
- +
-The tears and embraces+
-Wish you could be here to see it too+
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-!!==lost in a moment==+
- +
-!My Lucky Day+
- +
-Tell me what you saw that was so bad+
-Tell me all the reasons+
-Why you made me so sad+
-I wish that I was like you,+
-And I'm sorry that I'm not+
-At least I still have hope,+
-I guess that's all I've got+
- +
-I know you must be happy+
-Thrilled that I'm not there+
-Yet I know that I will make it,+
-Make it good for me out here+
-And soon I will be smiling,+
-Everything will be okay+
-I'll not worry anymore,+
-that will be my lucky day+
- +
-I wish that you'd seen something+
-Special 'bout me too+
-That you would think of something else,+
-Not just the way I look to you+
-I don't see what you see,+
-How different can I be+
-And why does it really matter,+
-I'm just being me+
- +
-I know you must be happy+
-Thrilled that I'm not there+
-Yet I know that I will make it,+
-Make it good for me out here+
-And soon I will be smiling,+
-Everything will be okay+
-I'll not worry anymore,+
-that will be my lucky day+
- +
- +
-!All I Can Say+
- +
-If I got scared I don't know+
-It just didn't feel right anymore+
-Something's changed from before, I wish I knew+
-I did not want to hurt you, I don't want to still+
-But I'll be around, you know I will+
-I just have to face the day+
-Now all I can say+
- +
-All I can say is, I need more+
-All I can say is, I'm so sorry for+
-The promises I made to you+
-What I said I would do+
- +
-I could make it all good+
-I could say that I'd try+
-But that would be a lie, you don't deserve+
-I got lost in the moment,+
-I was lost in you+
-I tried to ignore it, but then I had to+
-Had to face the day+
-Now all I can say+
- +
-All I can say is, I need more+
-All I can say is, I'm so sorry for+
-The promises I made to you+
-What I said I would do+
- +
-And I'm hoping that you can forgive me,+
-And I'm praying that you don't think less of me+
-And I'm hoping that you, will see it too+
-See that it is for the better+
- +
-All I can say is, I need more+
-All I can say is, I'm so sorry for+
-The promises I made to you+
-What I said I would do+
- +
- +
-!How Would It Be+
- +
-What have I done?+
-What if it's too late now?+
-Did I do all I could, did I?+
-Did I make it good, did I?+
- +
-Somehow it doesn't feel right+
-Is it really all over?+
-Did I think it through, did I?+
-What if all I want is you?+
- +
-And now+
-I won't see you again+
-The moment was there but we lost it+
-Time changed it all+
-And we let it+
-We let it happen+
- +
-And now+
-I wonder how it would be+
-If things stayed the same and we liked it+
-The end of a search 'cos we found it+
-How would it be?+
-How would it be?+
-How would it be?+
-How would it be?+
- +
-What have we done?+
-What if it's too late now?+
-Was it always like this, was it?+
-Was it something we missed, was it?+
- +
-Somehow it doesn't feel right+
-Is it really all over?+
-Was it all it could be, was it?+
-Did I give you the best of me?+
- +
-And now+
-I won't see you again+
-The moment was there but we lost it+
-Time changed it all+
-And we let it+
-We let it happen+
- +
-And now+
-I wonder how it would be+
-If things stayed the same and we liked it+
-The end of a search 'cos we found it+
-How would it be?+
-How would it be?+
-How would it be?+
-How would it be?+
- +
-And now+
-I won't see you again+
-The moment was there but we lost it+
-Time changed it all+
-And we let it+
-We let it happen+
- +
-And now+
-I wonder how it would be+
-If things stayed the same and we liked it+
-The end of a search 'cos we found it+
- +
-How would it be?+
-How would it be?+
-How would it be?+
-How would it be?+
- +
- +
-!Hope You're Happy+
- +
-I can speak about the pain you know+
-What you say you didn't see+
-I can show you all my scars you know+
-The ones I keep inside of me+
- +
-Would that make it easier+
-Or would it be the same+
- +
-Sorry that I could not be+
-As perfect as you wanted me+
-Just wondering what's going on in your mind+
-I sure hope you're fine+
-I hope your conscience is clear+
-Hope you're happy+
- +
-I can tell about the times you know+
-When I wished to leave this world+
-I can read to you the letters I wrote+
-All the words you say you've never heard+
- +
-Sorry that I could not be+
-As perfect as you wanted me+
-Just wondering what's going on in your mind+
-I sure hope you're fine+
-I hope your conscience is clear+
-Hope you're happy+
- +
-Sorry that I could not be+
-As perfect as you wanted me+
-Just wondering what's going on in your mind+
-I sure hope you're fine+
-I hope your conscience is clear+
-Hope you're happy+
- +
-Sorry that I could not be+
-As perfect as you wanted me+
-Just wondering what's going on in your mind+
-I sure hope you're fine+
-I hope your conscience is clear+
-Hope you're happy+
- +
- +
-!What If+
- +
-What if I don't wanna move one+
-If I like it as it is+
-Wanna keep it like this, for a while...forever+
-Just let me lie close to you+
-Don't wanna let you go, don't wanna let you go+
- +
-If I said I want you, if I said I need you+
-If I said I love you, what would you do+
-If I said I want you, if I said I need you+
-If I said I love you, what would you do+
- +
-What if I don't wanna forget+
-Don't want anyone but you+
-Believe me, it's true, for a while...forever+
-Just let me stay here with you+
-I don't wanna leave, I don't wanna leave+
- +
-If I said I want you, if I said I need you+
-If I said I love you, what would you do+
-If I said I want you, if I said I need you+
-If I said I love you, what would you do+
- +
-And I thought I could, let this go+
-I thought I would, but now I know+
-Now I know...+
- +
-If I said I want you, if I said I need you+
-If I said I love you, what would you do+
-If I said I want you, if I said I need you+
-If I said I love you, what would you do+
- +
- +
-!Leave My Mind+
- +
-Now I really cannot see,+
-If you were good for me at all+
-I wanna say, that everything’s fine,+
-But it’s not… but it’s not+
-All the times you made me stay,+
-I see it all so clear today+
-And I wish I could+
-Turn back time… turn back time+
- +
-If I had a choice+
-I’d leave all behind+
-If I had a choice+
-I’d make you leave my mind+
-Leave my mind+
- +
-The things you had me do+
-Everytime you knew I would+
-I wanna say, that I was aware+
-But I can’t… but I can’t+
-All you tried to take away+
-I see it all so clear today+
-And I feel like a fool+
-I let myself down… let myself down+
- +
-If I had a choice+
-I’d leave all behind+
-If I had a choice+
-I’d make you leave my mind+
-Leave my mind+
- +
-And you begged me to trust you+
-I wish I never did+
-And you begged me to trust you+
-I wish I never did+
- +
-If I had a choice+
-I’d leave all behind+
-If I had a choice+
-I’d make you leave my mind+
-Leave my mind+
- +
- +
-!When You Were Around+
- +
-I miss those times,+
-I miss those days+
-When you were around,+
-in so many ways+
-And it felt so safe,+
-and I was glad.+
-But now something’s changed,+
-That makes me sad+
- +
-And I, was waiting patiently,+
-But you never came+
-I realize it now, won’t ever be the same… again+
-Won’t ever be the same… again+
- +
-If you’re doing fine,+
-I don’t know+
-You see, I gave up calling+
-long time ago+
-Haven’t heard from you,+
-I guess that means+
-That I’m no good no more,+
-that’s what it seems+
- +
-And I, was waiting patiently,+
-But you never came+
-I realize it now, won’t ever be the same… again+
-Won’t ever be the same… again+
- +
-You see, I gave up waiting – for you to care+
-You’re not there,+
-and I wonder if you… ever were+
- +
-And I, was waiting patiently,+
-But you never came+
-I realize it now, won’t ever be the same… again+
-Won’t ever be the same… again+
- +
- +
-!Never To Know+
- +
-Did you know,+
-hidden by his clothes there are some scars+
-Some are recent,+
-some have been there for years+
-Did you know+
-It doesn’t even hurt+
-It never really hurts, but there are tears+
- +
-Do you want the real story,+
-or do you prefer the lie+
-Do you want to see him smile,+
-or maybe see him cry+
-Do you want to follow,+
-or let him go alone+
-For then, never to know… never to know+
- +
-Have you seen the way he acts sometimes+
-And when you ask,+
-he’ll say that he’s okay.+
-Have you seen how well he pretends+
-Laughs out loud,+
-before he looks away+
- +
-Do you want the real story,+
-or do you prefer the lie+
-Do you want to see him smile,+
-or maybe see him cry+
-Do you want to follow,+
-or let him go alone+
-For then, never to know… never to know+
- +
- +
-!Eyes Closed+
- +
-She could have, when she's had a chance to miss him+
-She could have kissed him, and you never would have known+
-She could have, when he asked if there is someone else+
-She could have said there's no one else, and you never would have known+
- +
-Her eyes are closed, all she sees is your face+
-All she needs is your touch, is that asking too much+
-She'll take you to that place,+
-Where nothing would feel better,+
-just knowing that you're with her+
- +
-She could have, when he asked to hold her hand+
-She could have given him her hand, and you never would have seen+
-What would happen if she did so,+
-What the ending would be like+
- +
-Her eyes are closed, all she sees is your face+
-All she needs is your touch, is that asking too much+
-She'll take you to that place,+
-Where nothing would feel better,+
-just knowing that you're with her+
- +
-And in a way you're with her+
-In a way you never left her+
-But she misses you still, she misses you still+
- +
-Her eyes are closed, all she sees is your face+
-All she needs is your touch, is that asking too much+
-She'll take you to that place,+
-Where nothing would feel better,+
-just knowing that you're with her+
- +
- +
-!It's True+
- +
-I wish I could,+
-Sit here all alone+
-Thinking this is okay+
-Don't need anybody tonight,+
-Just complete silence and the candle light+
-And I'd drink my coffee,+
-Wouldn't worry at all... wouldn't worry at all+
- +
-I would feel fine+
-Like I always do+
-I would be smiling+
-Laughing too+
-Don't need anybody,+
-Least of all you+
-And then I would convince myself it's true+
-It's true+
- +
-I wish I could,+
-Stare at the wall+
-And see something different everytime+
-The candle wouldn't stop burning+
-I could lay down,+
-And I wouldn't be crying+
- +
-I would feel fine+
-Like I always do+
-I would be smiling+
-Laughing too+
-Don't need anybody,+
-Least of all you+
-And then I would convince myself it's true+
-It's true+
- +
- +
-!Wish I Could+
- +
-I thought I did everything right+
-I thought I treated you,+
-The best way I know how+
-But where do i find myself now+
-Where do I find myself now+
-I look around,+
-And my friend you're gone,+
-What did I do wrong+
- +
-I wish I could say+
-that if you change you're mind I'm here+
-that if you call for me, I'm there+
-if you're hurting, I'll run fast+
-forget about the past+
-I'll be right by your side+
-Be right by your side+
- +
-I thought you cared for real+
-I thought that I was good to you,+
-And made you smile a lot+
-But this is what I've got+
-I look around,+
-And my friend you are gone,+
-I guess you've been for long+
- +
-I wish I could say+
-that if you change you're mind I'm here+
-that if you call for me, I'm there+
-if you're hurting, I'll run fast+
-forget about the past+
-I'll be right by your side+
-Be right by your side+

Version actuelle

wpfr:Lene Marlin wpen:Lene Marlin

  • www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg]c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP4X_5MoVZk&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLABA947772D873F4D dernier album]

20050618 - lene marlin dernier album est sorti index-foto.jpg "all i can say" is: c est trop bon ce qu elle fait lenelle_800.jpg www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg]c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.lene-marlin.no/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=20&Itemid=83 plein de chansons live]


www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg]c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.lenemarlin.fr/ lenemarlin.fr]

lyrics par albums

  1. Playing My Game
  2. Another Day
  3. Lost in a Moment
  4. Twist The Truth


  • www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg]c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.youtube.com/results?search_type=search_videos&search_sort=relevance&search_query=lene+marlin&search=Search lene sur youtube]
  • www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg]c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.youtube.com/player2.swf?title=Lene+Marlin+-+Still+Here&video_id=pNHvBy63eiQ&l=224&fs=1&t=OEgsToPDskLrMG8g9ZL4I8BLfvy2V-XX still here]
  • sitting down here
  • FFVIII unforgivable sinner
  • How Would It Be
  • Faces (Another Day DVD version 2003)
  • You weren't there
  • Lene Marlin & Lovebugs - Avalon