Lene Marlin - Vev

Lene Marlin

Un article de Vev.

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Version du 9 juillet 2006 à 11:59
Vev (Discuter | contribs)

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Vev (Discuter | contribs)
Ligne 3: Ligne 3:
[[wpfr:Lene Marlin]] [[wpen:Lene Marlin]] [[wpfr:Lene Marlin]] [[wpen:Lene Marlin]]
 +*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP4X_5MoVZk&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLABA947772D873F4D dernier album]
'''20050618 - lene marlin dernier album est sorti''' '''20050618 - lene marlin dernier album est sorti'''
Ligne 14: Ligne 16:
[http://www.lenemarlin.fr/ lenemarlin.fr] [http://www.lenemarlin.fr/ lenemarlin.fr]
-== lyrics ==+== lyrics par albums ==
#[[Playing My Game]] #[[Playing My Game]]
#[[Another Day]] #[[Another Day]]
#[[Lost in a Moment]] #[[Lost in a Moment]]
 +#[[Twist The Truth]]
== vidéos == == vidéos ==
-*[http://www.youtube.com/results?search=lene+marlin&search_type=search_videos&search=Search lene sur youtube]+*[http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=search_videos&search_sort=relevance&search_query=lene+marlin&search=Search lene sur youtube]
*[http://www.youtube.com/player2.swf?title=Lene+Marlin+-+Still+Here&video_id=pNHvBy63eiQ&l=224&fs=1&t=OEgsToPDskLrMG8g9ZL4I8BLfvy2V-XX still here] *[http://www.youtube.com/player2.swf?title=Lene+Marlin+-+Still+Here&video_id=pNHvBy63eiQ&l=224&fs=1&t=OEgsToPDskLrMG8g9ZL4I8BLfvy2V-XX still here]
 +<videoflash type="googlevideo">-6399877915224998947|800|600</videoflash>
 +*sitting down here
 +<videoflash type="googlevideo">5803559582575476782|800|600</videoflash>
 +*FFVIII unforgivable sinner
 +<videoflash type="youtube">9egt5C0K6uc|800|600</videoflash>
 +*How Would It Be
 +<videoflash type="youtube">1fccJPtZDOA|800|600</videoflash>
 +*Faces (Another Day DVD version 2003)
 +<videoflash type="youtube">rkqC-AV_UP0|800|600</videoflash>
 +*You weren't there
 +<videoflash type="youtube">BQkmYL3PPuM|800|600</videoflash>
 +*Lene Marlin & Lovebugs - Avalon
 +<videoflash type="youtube">xxxxxxxxxxx|800|600</videoflash>

Version actuelle

wpfr:Lene Marlin wpen:Lene Marlin

  • [www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg "all i can say" is: c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP4X_5MoVZk&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLABA947772D873F4D dernier album]

20050618 - lene marlin dernier album est sorti www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg "all i can say" is: c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg "all i can say" is: c est trop bon ce qu elle fait www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg "all i can say" is: c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.lenemarlin.fr/images/presse/lenelle_800.jpg [www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg "all i can say" is: c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.lene-marlin.no/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=20&Itemid=83 plein de chansons live]

www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg "all i can say" is: c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.lene.it/dl/sfondi/desktop_1_640x480.jpg

[www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg "all i can say" is: c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.lenemarlin.fr/ lenemarlin.fr]

lyrics par albums

  1. Playing My Game
  2. Another Day
  3. Lost in a Moment
  4. Twist The Truth


  • [www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg "all i can say" is: c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.youtube.com/results?search_type=search_videos&search_sort=relevance&search_query=lene+marlin&search=Search lene sur youtube]
  • [www.lene.it/it/images/index-foto.jpg "all i can say" is: c est trop bon ce qu elle fait//www.youtube.com/player2.swf?title=Lene+Marlin+-+Still+Here&video_id=pNHvBy63eiQ&l=224&fs=1&t=OEgsToPDskLrMG8g9ZL4I8BLfvy2V-XX still here]
  • sitting down here
  • FFVIII unforgivable sinner
  • How Would It Be
  • Faces (Another Day DVD version 2003)
  • You weren't there
  • Lene Marlin & Lovebugs - Avalon