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Survivor: Vanuatu
Filming location Efate, Shefa Province, Vanuatu
Winner Chris Daugherty (5-2)
Original run September 16, 2004
December 12, 2004
Filming dates June 28, 2004
August 05, 2004
No. of episodes 14
No. of days 39
No. of survivors 18
Tribes Lopevi
Fans vs. Favorites Ami Cusack
Eliza Orlins
Season chronology
Previous Survivor: All-Stars
Next Survivor: Palau

Survivor: Vanuatu - Islands of Fire (also known as Survivor: Vanuatu for short) is the ninth installment of the reality television game show series Survivor. Filmed in summer 2004, the game took place on Vanuatu, a chain of volcanic islands in the South Pacific.

Survivor: Vanuatu debuted on September 16, 2004. Also debuting that day was Survivor Live, an hour-long Internet talk show hosted by the original Sole Survivor Richard Hatch and Entertainment Tonight correspondent Chris Booker. The talk show, airing every Thursday and Friday on the CBS website, interviews former contestants and reviews the players' gameplay.

On December 12, 2004, Chris Daugherty defeated Twila Tanner by a vote of 5-2 to become the sole survivor. The DVD for this season was released on December 5, 2006.

Eliza Orlins and Amy Cusack were selected from this season to return to Micronesia as members of the Favorites tribe.



For the first time outside of the All Star edition that preceded it, there were 18 contestants. In the first seven seasons, there were only 16 contestants. This was the second season to initially divide the tribes by gender. It was also the first season to feature an amputee (Chad Crittenden, who had lost a foot to cancer) and not one, but two open lesbians (motivational speaker Scout Cloud Lee and former Playboy model Ami Cusack).

The season began like Survivor: The Amazon in that the tribes were divided by gender. The male tribe was Lopevi, after one of Vanuatu's volcanic islands; the female tribe was Yasur, after Mount Yasur. On Day 11, there was a "tribal shuffle" like in other seasons, which ended up moving two people from each tribe over to the other tribe.

On Day 20, the tribes were merged; the tribe was christened Alinta, a name proposed by Scout meaning "people of fire".

Contestant Starting Tribe Episode 5 Tribe Merged Tribe Finish Total Votes
Brook Geraghty
27, Winthrop, MA
Lopevi 1st Voted Out
Day 3
Dolly Neely
25, Mercer, PA
Yasur 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
John Palyok
31, Los Angeles, CA
Lopevi 3rd Voted Out
Day 7
Mia Galeotalanza
30, Tom's River, NJ
Yasur 4th Voted Out
Day 7
Brady Finta
33, Huntington Beach, CA
Lopevi 5th Voted Out
Day 10
Travis "Bubba" Sampson
33, Blountville, TN
Lopevi Yasur 6th Voted Out
Day 12
Lisa Keiffer
44, New Orleans, LA
Yasur Yasur 7th Voted Out
Day 15
John Kenney
22, Los Angeles, CA
Lopevi Lopevi 8th Voted Out
Day 18
Rory Freeman
35, Des Moines, Iowa
Lopevi Yasur Alinta 9th Voted Out
Day 21
Lea "Sarge" Masters
40, Columbia, SC
Lopevi Lopevi 10th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 24
Chad Crittenden
35, Oakland, CA
Lopevi Lopevi 11th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 27
Leann Slaby
35, Kansasville, WI
Yasur Yasur 12th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 30
Ami Cusack
31, Lakewood, CO
Yasur Yasur 13th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 33
Julie Berry
23, Gorham, ME
Yasur Lopevi 14th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 36
Eliza Orlins
21, Syracuse, NY
Yasur Yasur 15th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 37
Scout Cloud Lee
59, Stillwater, OK
Yasur Yasur 16th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 38
Twila Tanner
41, Marshall, MO
Yasur Lopevi Runner-Up 6
Chris Daugherty
33, South Vienna, OH
Lopevi Lopevi Sole Survivor 3
The Total Votes is the number of votes a castaways has received during Tribal Councils where the castaway is eligible to be voted out of the game. It does not include the votes received during the final Tribal Council.

The Game

Episode title Air date Challenges Eliminated Vote Finish
Reward Immunity
They Came at Us With Spears September 162004 Yasur Brook 5-3-1 1st Voted Out
Day 3
Burly Girls, Bowheads, Young Studs and the Old Bunch September 232004 Yasur Lopevi Dolly 5-4 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
Double Tribal, Double Trouble September 302004 Lopevi John K John P 5-3 3rd Voted Out
Day 7
Mia 5-3 4th Voted Out
Day 7
Now That's a Reward October 072004 Yasur Yasur Brady 6-1 5th Voted Out
Day 10
Earthquakes and Shake Ups! October 142004 Lopevi Lopevi Travis 6-1 6th Voted Out
Day 12
Hog Tied October 212004 Lopevi Lopevi Lisa 4-2 7th Voted Out
Day 15
Anger, Threats, Tears...and Coffee October 282004 Yasur Yasur John K 5-1 8th Voted Out
Day 18
Now the Battle Really Begins November 42004 Lopevi Lea Rory 6-4 9th Voted Out
Day 21
Gender Wars ... And It's Getting Ugly November 112004 Leann
Ami Lea 7-1-1 10th Voted Out
Day 24
Culture Shock and Violent Storms November 182004 Ami, Chris,
Chad, Eliza
Twila Chad 6-2 11th Voted Out
Day 27
Surprise! And... Surprise Again! November 252004 Eliza Ami Leann 4-3 12th Voted Out
Day 30
Now Who's in Charge Here?! December 22004 Eliza(car)
Ami, Chris
Chris Ami 4-2 13th Voted Out
Day 33
Eruptions of a Volcanic Magnitude! December 92004 Julie
Eliza Julie 3-2 14th Voted Out
Day 36
Spirits and the Final Four December 122004 None Chris Eliza 3-1 15th Voted Out
Day 37
<center>Chris <center>Scout 1-0 16th Voted Out
Day 38
Survivor-Vanuatu: The Reunion December 122004 Jury Vote Twila 5-2 <center>Runner-Up
Chris <center>Sole Survivor

Note 1: : John K. had to spend a day with the other tribe for the point of giving immunity to one of them at tribal council that night. He chose Ami because he thought she was safe no matter what.

Elimination notes

  • Brook - After the male tribe (Lopevi) had lost the first immunity challenge, Brook, John P, John K and Brady (the four most athletic men) saw Chris as their weakest link and not as strong as they were because he had caused Lopevi to fall behind in the challenge and lost. In the tribe, Chris was one of the five "unfit" men, along with Lea, Travis, Chad and Rory (known to TV viewers as the Fat Five, even though at least two of those five (Lea and Chad) were in great physical condition). The Fat Five felt obviously targeted, and realized that the best strategy for them would be to stick together and vote out the seemingly more athletic men before it was too late. Brook was eliminated in a 5-3-1 vote.
  • Dolly - Dolly, a young farm girl who was friendly with Scout and Twila, two of the older women in the female tribe (Yasur), was caught between the opposing alliances of "youngins" (Mia, Julie, Eliza and Lisa) and older women (Scout, Twila, Ami and Leann). The older women at first wanted to eliminate Eliza, and counted on young Dolly to have a five vote majority in a tribe of nine. However, they targeted Dolly after she indecisively wavered among several possible elimination votes and would not commit to a firm voting decision with them. When Eliza learned from "older woman" Ami that Dolly had played both sides and had considered voting against the youngin alliance at Tribal Council, Eliza herself betrayed the youngins and joined the older women to preemptively get rid of Dolly, in a 5-4 vote.
  • John P. - Lopevi, with the "Fat Five" alliance in total control, voted 5-3 against another athletic man, John P., after he failed to gain immunity before the first of two separate tribal councils in which each tribe had to eliminate a member. The Lopevi tribe became the first tribe ever in the series to go to Tribal Council and eliminate a member after winning an immunity challenge.
  • Mia - Before knowing there would be tribal council at each camp that day, youngin Mia became confrontational with older woman Twila. While the youngins and older women alliances apparently held at four and four, Lisa, the oldest woman in the youngin alliance, became distrustful of Eliza and the youngin alliance, as a result of Eliza's earlier vote against Dolly. Lisa switched sides after Scout convinced her. John K., who won individual immunity in a challenge after the tribal immunity challenge, was allowed to attend the Yasur tribal council and choose a member which to give his immunity necklace. John K. chose Ami, and Mia was voted out 5-3.
  • Brady - Handsome Brady became the third casualty of the Fat Five alliance at Lopevi, after John K, the other pretty boy left in the island, put into question Brady's loyalty to the majority in the tribe and turned against Brady in a 6-1 Lopevi vote.
  • Travis - After a tribal shuffle, two males, Travis and Rory, landed in the female-ruled Yasur tribe. Travis and Rory were not accepted by the five-woman tribe, and Travis realized the women would eliminate the two male minority and make the tribal merge with majority. When the two tribes met again at the next immunity challenge, Travis attempted to send a signal to Chris and warn the male-ruled Lopevi tribe to get rid of their female members too, and Ami caught him. Although the Yasur women had originally planned to vote out Rory first, Ami led the women to eliminate Travis in a 6-1 vote.
  • Lisa - Lisa said to Ami that she would like know where to find manioc in case Ami wasn't around, leading Ami to suspect Lisa was sneaky and disloyal towards her. Ami and the women also realized they needed Rory to beat Lopevi during the reward and immunity challenges, so Lisa's position in the game came back to haunt her as she was not a member of either Yasur alliance, the youngins or the older women. Although Ami had told Rory that he would be going, she led the women to vote out Lisa at Tribal Council in a 4-2 decision, in spite of Scout's mild objection to Lisa's expulsion.
  • John K. - As a merge was coming, the three remaining "Fat Five" members in Lopevi felt that they could trust their two female tribemates (Julie and Twila) but not John K., the last athletic male in the tribe. Lea, Chad, and Chris made a promise to Twila that they would ally with her after the merge. Julie, wanting to protect herself, lied to Twila in a private conversation that the three men made the same promise to her (which they hadn't). This planted a seed of doubt in Twila as to whether or not to stay with the men. Julie also began to openly flirt (mainly with Lea, the apparent leader of the men), at one point taking off her swimsuit while sunbathing with the men so she could tan her buttocks. This opened the door for John K's elimination. He became very distrustful of the remaining members of the Fat Five alliance after they had systematically eliminated all others like him, and the men didn't like him, so he was the next to go in a 5-1 vote.
  • Rory - At the merge, Ami and Julie enticed Twila to betray Lopevi. Julie and Twila joined the Yasur women to form a six-woman alliance and pick off the four men one by one. Because the male leader and original target (Lea) won individual immunity, the women decided to dispose of another male, Rory, in a 6-4 vote, and blindsided the men at tribal council.
  • Lea - Lea was the next man in line and the strongest challenge threat. Chris, knowing that it was hopeless to stay with the dwindling men, joined the women in voting off Lea. In Chris' dramatic voting confession, he said that his vote was for, not against, Lea, and he swore that he would find a back door to the woman alliance and burn all the women to avenge Lea.
  • Chad - Continuing the elimination of the men, Chad was voted off after Ami maneuvered to keep the woman alliance's momentum going. Most noteworthy is that, after everybody got back to camp after Lea was voted out at tribal council, Chris falsely stated that Lea whispered and told him on to go ahead and vote for him while they were walking to the council site. This turned out to buy Chris some time, as either he or Chad were next to go. Scout and Twila's plan to turn the tables on Ami and Leann actually took root in this episode; they at first invited Chad and Chris to join them. However, Twila and Scout could not convince either Julie or Eliza to go along with it and neither wanted to risk a tie vote at Tribal Council, so they decided to stay with the rest of the women, in 6-2 vote. Chad's ouster marked the second time that four consecutive males have been voted out in a season (it first happened in Survivor: Pearl Islands).
  • Leann - In a surprise twist, Leann got voted off as a result of two main factors: Twila and Scout's decision to overturn Ami and Leann's alliance after Leann told Scout that she had excluded Scout from their final four plan, and Ami and Leann's decision to eliminate Eliza before Chris because they felt he was more deserving than her. Although Scout and Twila hated Eliza and vice versa, Chris persuaded Eliza to join him, Twila and Scout to save herself from being eliminated next. When Ami won individual immunity, the four ragtag rebels came together to target her loyal ally, Leann. The four overpowered the other three female votes for Eliza. Leann was voted off in a 4-3 vote. The women's alliance was history.
  • Ami - Chris, Scout and Twila again banded together to usurp Ami, the leader of the former six-woman alliance. Ami tried to save herself by attempting to convince Eliza to reform the alliance between the two of them and Julie. As the swing vote, Eliza joined Chris, Scout, and Twila because of her fear of a "Purple Rock" scenario in case of a tie at tribal council. Ami was voted out in a 4-2 vote. (The players were told that in case of a deadlock tie, everyone whose name did not appear on the vote ballots would have to randomly draw rocks from a bag, and the unlucky person who drew the colored rock would be eliminated. This would be changed in Survivor: Palau).
  • Julie - The four-person alliance that overthrew Ami and Leann began to splinter as the two remaining youngins, Eliza and Julie, realigned themselves against the two remaining older women, Scout and Twila. Chris seized control of the game and became the swing vote at tribal council. He joined Scout and Twila to vote out Julie because she led the betrayal of the Lopevi men and was too well-liked by Ami and Leann on the jury.
  • Eliza - Chris again joined Scout and Twila to vote out Eliza, breaking his promise to her. Eliza had switched sides too often during the game, gained a reputation as a backstabber and would be too strong a physical and mental threat for the final immunity challenge.
  • Scout - After winning the final immunity, Chris eliminated Scout and chose Twila for the final two because he had a final two agreement with Twila and he believed he could more easily defeat her. Scout's ouster marked the first of three times that five consecutive members of the same gender have been voted out in a season (5 males in Survivor: Guatemala, 5 females in Survivor: Fiji).
  • Twila - Prior to facing the final tribal council, Chris prepared Twila for the jury by telling her not to "not take any crap" from them, and he told Twila that he would do the same. At the council, Eliza demanded apologies from Twila and Chris. Twila followed Chris' suggestion and got into an angry argument with Eliza, but Chris readily apologized to Eliza for breaking their pact. Twila lost Eliza's jury vote for insulting Eliza. She lost the two male jury members' votes for betraying Lopevi at the merge. She lost Leann's jury vote for voting her out after swearing on her son's name she would not break the alliance. She received only jury votes from two openly gay women, Ami (who thought Twila spoke from the heart when she called Ami "too nice" to play the game) and Scout (who had an alliance with Twila since day one.)
  • Chris - Received a majority of five jury votes (out of seven) at the final tribal council to become the Sole Survivor. Female jury member Leann and the two men from Lopevi, Lea and Chad, were impressed that he became the last man standing to break through the female alliance of six women. The two men also voted against Twila for betraying them at the merge. Eliza voted for Chris because Twila insulted her in front of the jury and then refused to apologize to her like Chris did. Julie voted for Chris because he apologized for voting against her. Chris won the game by 5-2 votes.

Voting History

Starting Tribes Mixed Tribes Merged Tribe
Episode #: <center>1 <center>2 3 <center>4 <center>5 <center>6 <center>7 <center>8 <center>9 <center>10 <center>11 <center>12 <center>13 14 <center>Reunion
Eliminated: Brook
5/9 Votes
5/9 Votes
John P
5/8 Votes
5/8 Votes
6/7 Votes
6/7 Votes
4/6 Votes
John K
5/6 Votes
6/10 Votes
7/9 Votes
6/8 Votes
4/7 Votes
4/6 Votes
3/5 Votes
3/4 Votes
1 Vote
2/7 Votes
5/7 Votes
Chris Brook John P Brady John K Ami Lea Eliza Leann Ami Julie Eliza Scout Jury Vote
Twila Dolly Mia John K Rory Lea Chad Leann Ami Julie Eliza
Scout Dolly Mia Travis Rory Rory Lea Chad Leann Ami Julie Eliza Twila
Eliza Dolly Twila Travis Lisa Rory Lea Chad Leann Ami Twila Twila Chris
Julie Leann Twila John K Rory Lea Chad Eliza Scout Twila Chris
Ami Dolly Mia Travis Lisa Rory Lea Chad Eliza Scout Twila
Leann Dolly Mia Travis Lisa Rory Lea Chad Eliza Chris
Chad Brook John P Brady John K Ami Julie Eliza Chris
Lea Brook John P Brady John.K Ami Eliza Chris
Rory Brook John P Brady Travis Lisa Ami
John K Chris Rory Brady Chad
Lisa Leann Mia Travis Rory
Travis Brook John.P Brady Rory
Brady Rory Rory Rory
Mia Leann Twila
John P Chris Rory
Dolly Leann
Brook Chris

External links Official CBS Survivor Vanuatu Website]// Official CBS Survivor Vanuatu Website]

Borneo (2000) · Australia (2001) · Africa (2001) · Marquesas (2002) · Thailand (2002)
Amazon (2003) · Pearl Islands (2003) · All-Stars (2004) · Vanuatu (2004) · Palau (2005)
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