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Greek alphabet

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The Greek alphabet (Modèle:Lang-el) is an alphabet consisting of 24 letters that has been used to write the Greek language since the late 9th or early 8th century BC. It was the first alphabet in the narrow sense, that is, a writing system using a separate symbol for each vowel and consonant.<ref name="Blackwell">Modèle:Cite book</ref> It is the oldest alphabetic script in continuous use today. The letters were also used to represent Greek numerals, beginning in the 2nd century BC.

The Greek alphabet is descended from the Phoenician alphabet, and unrelated to Linear B and the Cypriot syllabary, earlier writing systems for Greek. It has given rise to many other alphabets used in Europe and the Middle East, including the Latin alphabet.<ref name="Blackwell" /> In addition to being used for writing modern Greek, its letters are today used as symbols in mathematics and science, particle names in physics, as names of stars, in the names of fraternities and sororities, in the naming of supernumerary tropical cyclones, and for other purposes.



The Greek alphabet emerged several centuries after the fall of the Mycenaean civilization and consequent abandon of its Linear B script, an early Greek writing system. Linear B is descended from Linear A, which was developed by the Minoans, whose language was probably unrelated to Greek; consequently the Minoan syllabary did not provide an ideal medium for the transliteration of the sounds of the Greek language.

The Greek alphabet we recognize today arose after those illiterate Greek Dark Ages — the period between the downfall of Mycenae (ca. 1200 BC) and the rise of Ancient Greece, which begins with the appearance of the epics of Homer, around 800 BC, and the institution of the Ancient Olympic Games in 776 BC. Its most notable change, as an adaptation of the Phoenician alphabet, is the introduction of vowel letters, without which Greek, unlike Phoenician, would be illegible.<ref name="Blackwell" />

Vowel signs were originally not used in Semitic alphabets. Whereas in the earlier West Semitic family of scripts (Phoenician, Hebrew, Moabite etc.) a letter always stood for a consonant in association with an unspecified vowel or no vowel, the Greek alphabet divided the letters into two categories, consonants ("things that sound along") and vowels, where the consonant letters always had to be accompanied by vowels to create a pronounceable unit. Although the old Ugaritic alphabet did develop matres lectionis, i.e. consonant letters were used to denote vowels, they were never employed systematically.


The first vowel letters were Α (alpha), Ε (epsilon), Ι (iota), Ο (omicron), and Υ (upsilon), modifications of Semitic glottal, pharyngeal, or glide consonants that were mostly superfluous in Greek: Modèle:Unicode ('aleph), Modèle:IPA (he), Modèle:IPA (yodh), Modèle:Unicode ([[Ayin|Modèle:IPA]]), and Modèle:IPA (waw), respectively. In eastern Greek, which lacked aspiration entirely, the letter Η (eta), from the Semitic glottal consonant Modèle:IPA (heth) was also used for the long vowel Modèle:IPA, and eventually the letter Ω (omega) was introduced for a long Modèle:IPA.

Greek also introduced three new consonant letters, Φ (phi), Χ (chi) and Ψ (psi), appended to the end of the alphabet as they were developed. These consonants made up for the lack of comparable aspirates in Phoenician. In western Greek, Χ was used for Modèle:IPA and Ψ for Modèle:IPA — hence the value of the Latin letter X, derived from the western Greek alphabet. The origin of these letters is disputed.

The letter Modèle:Unicode (san) was used at variance with Σ (sigma), and by classical times the latter won out, san disappearing from the alphabet. The letters Modèle:Unicode (wau, later called digamma) and Modèle:Unicode (qoppa) also fell into disuse. The former was only needed for the western dialects and the latter was never truly needed at all. These lived on in the Ionic numeral system, however, which consisted of writing a series of letters with precise numerical values. Modèle:Unicode (sampi), apparently in a rare local glyph form from Ionia, was introduced at latter times to stand for 900. Thousands were written using a mark at the upper left ('A for 1000, etc).

Because Greek minuscules arose at a much later date, no historic minuscule actually exists for san. Minuscule forms for the other letters were only used as numbers. For the number 6, modern Greeks use an old ligature called stigma (Modèle:Polytonic, Modèle:Polytonic) instead of digamma, or ΣΤ/στ if this is not available. For 90 the modern Z-shaped qoppa forms were used: Modèle:Polytonic, Modèle:Polytonic. (Note that some web browser/font combinations will show the other qoppa here.)

Originally there were several variants of the Greek alphabet, most importantly western (Chalcidian) and eastern (Ionic) Greek. The former gave rise to the Old Italic alphabet and thence to the Latin alphabet, while the latter is the basis of the present Greek alphabet. Athens originally used the Attic script for official documents such as laws and the works of Homer: this contained only the letters from alpha to upsilon, and used the letter eta for the sound "h" instead of the long "e". In 403 BC Athens adopted the Ionic script as its standard, and shortly thereafter the other versions disappeared.

By then Greek was written left to right, but originally it had been written right to left (with asymmetrical characters flipped), and in-between written either way — or, most likely, in the so-called boustrophedon style, where successive lines alternate direction.

In the Hellenistic period, Aristophanes of Byzantium introduced the process of accenting Greek letters for easier pronunciation. During the Middle Ages, the Greek scripts underwent changes paralleling those of the Latin alphabet: while the old forms were retained as a monumental script, uncial and eventually minuscule hands came to dominate. The letter σ is even written ς at the ends of words, paralleling the use of the Latin long and short s.

Letter names

Each of the Phoenician letter names was a word that began with the sound represented by that letter; thus 'aleph, the word for “ox,” was adopted for the glottal stop Modèle:Unicode, bet, or “house,” for the Modèle:IPA sound, and so on. When the letters were adopted by the Greeks, most of the Phoenician names were maintained or modified slightly to fit Greek phonology; thus, 'aleph, bet, gimel became alpha, beta, gamma. These borrowed names had no meaning in Greek except as labels for the letters. However, a few signs that were added or modified later by the Greeks do in fact have names with a meaning. For example, o mikron and o mega mean “small o” and “big o”. Similarly, e psilon and u psilon mean “plain e” and “plain u,” respectively.

Main alphabet

Below is a table listing the modern Greek letters, as well as their forms when romanized. The table also provides the equivalent Phoenician letter from which each Greek letter is derived. Pronunciations transcribed using the International Phonetic Alphabet.

Also note that the classical pronunciation given below is the reconstructed pronunciation of Attic in the late 5th and early 4th century (BC). Some of the letters had different pronunciations in pre-classical times or in non-Attic dialects. For details, see History of the Greek alphabet and Ancient Greek phonology. For details on post-classical Ancient Greek pronunciation, see Koine Greek phonology.

Letter Corresponding
Transliteration1 Pronunciation Name Numeric value
English Ancient
Α α Image:Phoenician aleph.png Aleph a Modèle:IPA Modèle:IPA Alpha Modèle:Polytonic άλφα 1
Β β
Image:Phoenician beth.png Beth b v Modèle:IPA Modèle:IPA Beta Modèle:Polytonic βήτα 2
Γ γ Image:Phoenician gimel.png Gimel g gh, g, y Modèle:IPA format=PDF 0.0 bytes}}}} — Includes discussion of the Greek alphabet used for languages other than Greek.//}} — Includes discussion of the Greek alphabet used for languages other than Greek.


<references />

See also

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Modèle:Writing systemsaf:Griekse alfabet als:Griechisches Alphabet ar:أبجدية إغريقية arc:ܐܠܦܒܝܬ ܝܘܢܝܐ ast:Alfabetu griegu az:Yunan əlifbası bn:গ্রিক বর্ণমালা bs:Grčko pismo br:Lizherenneg c'hresianek bg:Гръцка азбука ca:Alfabet grec cs:Řecká abeceda cy:Yr Wyddor Roeg da:Græske alfabet de:Griechisches Alphabet et:Kreeka tähestik el:Ελληνικό αλφάβητο es:Alfabeto griego eo:Greka alfabeto eu:Alfabeto greko fa:الفبای یونانی fr:Alphabet grec ga:Aibítir Ghréagach gd:Aibidil Ghreugach gl:Alfabeto grego ko:그리스 문자 hr:Grčko pismo id:Huruf Yunani ia:Alphabeto grec is:Grískt stafróf it:Alfabeto greco he:אלפבית יווני ka:ბერძნული დამწერლობა sw:Alfabeti ya Kigiriki ht:Alfabèt grèk ku:Alfabeya yewnanî la:Abecedarium Graecum lv:Grieķu alfabēts lt:Graikų raštas hu:Görög ábécé mk:Грчка азбука ms:Abjad Yunani nl:Grieks alfabet nds-nl:Griekse alfabet ja:ギリシア文字 no:Det greske alfabetet nn:Det greske alfabetet nrm:Alphabet greis pl:Alfabet grecki pt:Alfabeto grego ro:Alfabetul grec qu:Grigu siq'i llumpa ru:Греческий алфавит sq:Alfabeti grek simple:Greek alphabet sk:Grécka abeceda sl:Grška abeceda sr:Грчко писмо sh:Grčki alfabet fi:Kreikkalainen kirjaimisto sv:Grekiska alfabetet kab:Agemmay agrigi th:อักษรกรีก tg:Алифбои юнонӣ tr:Yunan alfabesi uk:Грецька абетка wa:Alfabet grek yi:גריכישער אלפאבעט zh:希腊字母