Survivor: Pearl Islands - Vev

Survivor: Pearl Islands

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Survivor: Pearl Islands
Filming location Pearl Islands, Panama
Winner Sandra Diaz-Twine (6-1)
Original run September 18, 2003
December 14, 2003
Filming dates June 25, 2003
August 02, 2003
No. of episodes 14
No. of days 39
No. of survivors 16
Tribes Drake
The Outcasts
All-Stars Rupert Boneham
Fans vs. Favorites Jon Dalton
Season chronology
Previous Survivor: The Amazon
Next Survivor: All-Stars

Survivor: Pearl Islands - Panama is the seventh installment of the popular television reality show Survivor. It was filmed in 2003 and debuted in the United States on CBS on September 18, 2003.

The show takes place on the Pearl Islands, off the coast of Panama, and had a pirate culture theme. The two original tribes were Drake (named for Francis Drake) and Morgan (named for Henry Morgan). Eventually the two were merged into the Balboa tribe (named for Vasco Núñez de Balboa).

Survivor: Pearl Islands - Panama was the most watched since Survivor: The Australian Outback, in part to unique twists (Outcasts, Looting, Buried Treasure) and colorful, memorable contestants (Rupert Boneham, Jon Dalton). In some cases, the official title Survivor: Pearl Islands is referred to as Survivor: Pearl Islands - Panama (as indicated by CBS and the opening titles of the season)

On the very first day, the castaways, who earlier were to dress up for a promotional event for the show on board a ship, were shocked to learn that they were going to be marooned with only the clothes they were wearing. They were then given 100 Panamanian balboas (exactly US$100) which they could exchange, along with any personal items such as earrings, gold chains, and sneakers for supplies at a nearby fishing village on the first day. While in the village, Rupert sat down with his tribe's supply raft. The Morgan tribe stopped beside him and left their raft unguarded, thus giving him an idea he considered common in pirate culture: stealing the supplies. Meanwhile, the bi-lingual Sandra Diaz-Twine communicated well with the locals (one of whom seemed enamored with Drake member Trish Dunn's eyes and seemed to want to barter for them) in Spanish for a wealth of extra supplies for Drake, whereas the Morgans were nowhere near as adept or successful. Some of the items bought were lighters, chickens, aluminum foil, waterproof matches, pots, and knives.

Young and muscular African-American, Osten Taylor ended up bartering all his clothing except his boxer shorts and sneakers for goods for his tribe. On day 3, while participating in the tribes' first immunity challenge, Taylor decided to take off his boxer shorts, which had become extremely loose due to rapid weight loss in the preceding days, and complete the challenge in the nude to eliminate the trouble of having to keep his shorts up. His two alliance partners, Andrew Savage and Ryan Opray, decided to honour that alliance and so stripped down as well. Ultimately, however, their efforts went unrewarded when their tribe, Morgan, lost the challenge.

Burton Roberts made a significant error at a critical point. Having seen three of the Morgans eliminated and none of the Drakes yet at Tribal Council, he encouraged his tribe to throw an immunity challenge. (Boneham did not appreciate this idea but felt bringing it up against the majority view would be counterproductive.) However, he failed to consider the consequences of this decision and ended up being eliminated in place of the player he had in mind.

Osten Taylor was not voted out on the show. He became the first contestant in Survivor history to quit the game, saying that his health was more important to him than the million dollar prize. While other players had quit in essence by asking their teammates to vote them off, Taylor's elimination was the first in which voting was foregone completely and host Jeff Probst simply accepted his resignation at Tribal Council. Taylor did agree to let his tribe cast votes for his elimination, but Probst said this was not necessary. In a Survivor first, his torch was laid down after being extinguished, and his final words were not broadcast.

Contestant Jon Dalton gained massive notoriety on the show when, in a challenge where the contestant's loved ones competed, he had his friend say that his grandmother had died. The lie convinced the others to let him win the challenge; he continued to milk the lie for all its worth by frequently swearing loyalty on his grandmother's grave. According to producer Mark Burnett, when he called Dalton's family to offer his condolences, he was shocked to hear her pick up the phone. In the reunion show that aired after the season finale, host Jeff Probst did a brief interview with Jon's grandmother, who was not only alive and well, but much younger than many expected. Jon eventually won a fan poll for the title of 'Greatest Survivor Villain Ever.'

This series of Survivor had a surprise feature where the first six contestants voted off were given an opportunity to win their way back on to the show. Lillian Morris (who was originally the third person voted off) and Burton Roberts (who was the fourth) rejoined the contest in this manner, and were each given individual immunity at their first Tribal Council to allow them time to "integrate" back into their tribe. Known among Survivor fans as the Outcast twist, this feature was the cause of huge controversy among Survivor fans and was also viewed as unfair by many of the contestants still in the game, notably Andrew Savage (this partly resulted in him being voted out of the game immediately after Morris and Roberts rejoined the contest). Roberts became the first — and thus far, the only — contestant in Survivor history to be eliminated twice in the same season, while Morris managed to find her way to the Final Two where she lost to Sandra Diaz-Twine by a vote of 6-1.

Survivor: Pearl Islands was released on DVD on February 7, 2006.



Contestant Original Tribe Merged Tribe Finish Total Votes
Nicole Delma
24, Hermosa Beach, CA
Morgan 1st Voted Out
Day 3
Ryan Shoulders
23, Clarksville, TN
Morgan 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
Lillian Morris
Returned to game as Outcast
Morgan1 3rd Voted Out
Day 91
Burton Roberts
Returned to game as Outcast
Drake1 4th Voted Out
Day 121
Michelle Tesauro
22, Pittstown, NJ
Drake 5th Voted Out
Day 15
Trish Dunn
42, Annapolis, MD
Drake 6th Voted Out
Day 18
Shawn Cohen
28, New York City, NY
Drake 7th Voted Out
Day 19
Osten Taylor
27, Boston, MA
Morgan Quit The Game
Day 19
Andrew Savage
40, Chicago, IL
8th Voted Out
Day 21
Ryan Opray
31, Los Gatos, CA
Morgan 9th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 24
Rupert Boneham
39, Indianapolis, IN
Drake 10th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 27
Tijuana Bradley
27, St. Louis, MO
Morgan 11th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 30
Christa Hastie
24, Los Angeles, CA
Drake 12th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 33
Burton Roberts
31, San Franciso, CA
Drake 13th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 361
Darrah Johnson
22, Liberty, MS
Morgan 14th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 37
Jon Dalton
29, Danville, VA
Drake 15th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 38
Lillian Morris
51, Cincinnati, OH
Morgan Runner-up1 10
Sandra Diaz-Twine
29, Fort Lewis, WA
Drake Sole Survivor 0
The Total Votes is the number of votes a castaways has received during Tribal Councils where the castaway is eligible to be voted out of the game. It does not include the votes received during the final Tribal Council.

The Game

Episode title Air date Challenges Eliminated Vote Finish
Reward Immunity
Beg, Barter, Steal September 182003 None Drake Nicole 7-1 1st Voted Out
Day 3
To Quit or Not to Quit September 252003 Drake Drake Ryan S 5-2 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
United We Stand, Divided We... ? October 22003 Drake Drake Lillian 5-1 3rd Voted Out
Day 91
Pick a Castaway... Any Castaway October 92003 Drake Morgan Burton 5-2 4th Voted Out
Day 121
Everyone's Hero October 162003 Morgan Morgan Michelle 6-1 5th Voted Out
Day 15
Me and My Snake October 232003 Drake Morgan Trish 4-2 6th Voted Out
Day 18
What the...?, Part 1 October 302003 The Outcasts2 None Shawn 4-1 7th Voted Out
Day 19
Osten No
Quit The Game
Day 19
What the...?, Part 2 November 62003 None Burton3 Andrew 6-4 8th Voted Out
Day 21
Shocking! Simply Shocking! November 132003 Rupert4
Rupert Ryan O 8-1 9th Voted Out
Day 24
Swimming With Sharks November 202003 Jon5, Lill Burton Rupert 5-2-1 10th Voted Out
Day 27
The Great Lie November 262003 Jon Darrah6 Tijuana 5-2 11th Voted Out
Day 30
Would You Be My Brutus Today? December 042003 Darrah, Lill, Jon Darrah Christa 4-2 12th Voted Out
Day 33
Mutiny December 112003 Burton Darrah Burton 3-2 13th Voted Out
Day 361
Flames and Endurance December 142003 None Jury7 Darrah 3-1 14th Voted Out
Day 37
Lillian Jon 1-0 15th Voted Out
Day 38
Reunion December 142003 Jury Vote Lillian 6-1 Runner-up1
Sandra Sole Survivor
  1. Lillian Morris and Burton Roberts were brought back into the game on Day 20, so they are both listed as having placed in two different points in the game. The tribes they were briefly in upon their return were the same tribes they were originally in.
  2. This was not actually a reward challenge, but what the Outcasts won was a chance to get voted back into the game.
  3. Burton won immunity, but gave it to Rupert during tribal council; it was no use to Burton since he and Lillian already had immunity.
  4. Rupert won reward, but gave it to Burton.
  5. Burton and Lillian won reward. Burton gave Jon his reward, while Lillian kept hers.
  6. Burton originally won immunity, but he lost it when Jeff Probst realized he'd missed a misspelled word ("liaison"). Because of this, a runoff between those not already eliminated was conducted; Darrah eventually won immunity.
  7. The immunity challenge was a trivia competition, and the five members of the Jury were allowed to compete as a team against the four remaining players. The Jury won immunity, meaning that none of the four remaining players had immunity for that vote.

Voting history

Starting Tribes Merged Tribe
Episode #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Reunion
Eliminated: Nicole
7/8 votes
Ryan S
5/7 votes
5/6 votes
5/7 votes
6/7 votes
4/6 votes
4/5 votes
No vote1
6/10 votes
Ryan O
8/9 votes
5/8 votes
5/7 votes
4/6 votes
3/5 votes
3/4 votes
1 vote
1/7 votes
6/7 votes
Sandra Burton Michelle Trish Shawn Andrew Ryan O Jon Tijuana Lillian Burton Darrah Jury Vote
Lillian Nicole Osten Darrah Andrew Ryan O Rupert Tijuana Christa Burton Darrah Jon
Jon Burton Michelle Rupert Shawn Andrew Ryan O Rupert Tijuana Christa Lillian Darrah Sandra
Darrah Nicole Ryan S Lillian Jon Ryan O Rupert Burton Christa Burton Lillian Sandra
Burton Christa Andrew Ryan O Rupert Tijuana Christa Lillian Sandra
Christa Burton Michelle Trish Shawn Andrew Ryan O Darrah Tijuana Lillian Sandra
Tijuana Nicole Ryan S Lillian Jon Ryan O Rupert Burton Lillian
Rupert 3 Michelle Trish Shawn Andrew Ryan.O Darrah Sandra
Ryan O Nicole Ryan S Lillian Jon Christa Sandra
Andrew Nicole Ryan S Lillian Jon
Osten Nicole Ryan.S Lillian
Shawn Burton Michelle Trish Jon
Trish Burton Michelle Rupert
Michelle Christa Shawn
Ryan S Nicole Osten
Nicole Ryan.S

</div> Note 1: Osten chose to quit the game, claiming that his body was breaking down and his health was more important to him than a million dollars.
Note 2: Both tribes lost a challenge to the Outcast Tribe composed of the first 6 departed players; as a result, both tribes had to vote out a player.
Note 3: Rupert abstained from the vote, as he was captured by Morgan.

Elimination Notes

  • Nicole - It appeared that Ryan S. or Lill would get the boot for being the weakest link. However, due to Nicole's excessive plotting and scheming, especially to oust Tijuana, she was eliminated in a unanimous vote. (7-1)
  • Ryan S. - Eliminated as a result of his lackluster performance in the challenges as well as being on the outside of Morgan alliance. (5-2)
  • Lillian - Between Darrah and Lill who were on the outside of the Morgan alliance, Lill was seen as weaker in the physical challenges. Additionally, she lost a fishing hook while attempting to find food, which angered the men in her tribe and contributed to her elimination. (5-1)
  • Burton - He convinced the Drake tribe to throw the challenge to get rid of their dead weight, which he believed was Christa. However, his move made the women and Rupert believe he was a hard-core gamer. Even though Rupert was captured by Morgan and safe from the vote, Jon convinced Shawn to break away from Burton and Michelle, and Burton was eliminated in a 5-2 vote. Jon furthered added to his "Jonny Fairplay" persona by coming to Tribal Council drunk and annoying Jeff Probst with his flippant answers to questions.
  • Michelle - The departure of the strong Burton sent Drake into a challenge tailspin. Since Michelle was the only one who sided with Burton, she was an outcast. Michelle also failed to go along with Drake's plan to win the immunity challenge by having her, their best gross-food eater, pretend to be their worst so that the other tribe would pick her in a tie breaker. Even though she tried to rally against Shawn, she got ousted in a 6-1 vote.
  • Trish - Trish and Jon decided to oust Rupert because they felt he was too powerful and feared that he could use both tribes to his advantage. Rupert was tipped off by ally Sandra, and convinced Shawn along with Christa to turn against Trish. After that tribal council, Rupert lost his temper and cursed at Jon, threatened him, and even put his hands around Jon's neck.
  • Shawn - Both tribes lost a challenge to the Outcast Tribe composed of the first 6 departed players; as a result, both tribes had to vote out a player. Drake voted out Shawn due to his friendship with Burton, who they accurately believed would be voted back into the game. (4-1)
  • Osten - Osten chose to quit the game, claiming that his body was breaking down and his health was more important to him than a million dollars. Instead of voting, all 4 other Morgan members agreed to let Osten quit (through a verbal vote, rather than the traditional written vote). His quitting visibly annoyed Jeff Probst, who extinguished Osten's torch (and laid it down on the ground as a symbol of his quitting) and dismissed him with a curt, "Per your wishes, go home."
  • Both Lill and Burton re-entered the game after being voted back in by their fellow outcasts.
  • Andrew - Lill's return sparked Andrew's demise as she was bitter about his choice to eliminate her. Since he never attempted to form a better relationship with her, as the Drakes tried to, she felt inclined to side with the Drakes. Upon the merge, Drake saw Andrew as a physical threat and the leader of the enemy tribe, and Andrew was voted out of the game with a vote of 6-4.
  • Ryan O. - He was the next person on the chopping block due to his strength over the remaining Morgan members. He was eliminated with a unanimous 8-1 vote and became the first member of the jury.
  • Rupert - Jonny Fairplay and his ally Burton banded together with Lill and the final Morgan members Darrah and Tijuana. On a reward challenge, Jon managed to convince Lill that Rupert was too big of a threat to keep in the game. He was betrayed by his fellow alliance members and became the second member of the jury after the vote of 5-2-1.
  • Tijuana - When Sandra took Tijuana out in the middle of the night to spy on Burton and Jon as they schemed, Tijuana realized she was being played. Tijuana and Sandra devised a plan to get Burton out with Christa and Darrah. When Jon found out, he turned the tables on her by using his now infamous "dead grandmother" lie to secure the votes of Christa and Sandra. As a shock to the Morgan women, she was voted out of the game with a 5-2 decision and became the third member of the jury.
  • Christa - Because Christa was seen as the biggest physical threat to the men, Burton worked on Lill while Jon worked on Darrah to secure their votes against her. The tribe also (mistakenly) blamed her for throwing away a bucket of fish (Sandra threw the fish). She became the fourth jury member. (4-2)
  • Burton - In another blindside vote, Burton attempted to oust Darrah because of her strength at the challenges. However, when the boys went on a reward trip, Sandra and Darrah convinced Lill to turn on Burton. They promised not to say something to tip off Burton or Jon when they came back. To Burton's surprise, he was eliminated for the second time in the game with a 3-2 vote and became the fifth member of the jury.
  • Darrah - Jon, knowing he would be out next, devised a plan to have Lill and Darrah turn on each other. He spread the rumor that Darrah thought Lill was too well-liked to risk taking to the finals, and she fell for it. The jury won immunity making everyone eligible for the vote, which provided the perfect opportunity for Sandra, Jon and Lill to vote for Darrah and make her the sixth jury member. (3-1)
  • Jon - Lill won the final immunity, and decided to take Sandra because she saw her as a fellow wife and mother. She also disliked Jon's lifestyle. He became the seventh and final member of the jury (1-0).
  • Lillian - Lill was roasted at the final tribal council for hypocrisy, hiding behind her Scout image, and being an Outcast. Lill won only Tijuana's vote.
  • Sandra - Even though some people thought that she rode coattails, she convinced the jury that she eliminated people with votes out of the game simply to stay alive. Perhaps because of her "tell-it-like-it-is" responses to the jury's questions - a stark contrast to Lill's defensive responses - and because she was the only person of the final two to last the entire 39 days, Sandra won the votes of Jon, Ryan O., Rupert, Christa, Darrah and Burton, becoming the first Latino ever to win the game.

Survivor records and firsts

  • This was the first series ever to have the castaways start the game with the clothes on their back and not bring anything else, except for another pair of shoes. Unfortunately for the Morgan tribe, Rupert took the shoes from their tribe to barter with.
  • The Drake tribe won the first six challenges in a row, which set the record for most consecutive Tribal Challenges won. The Moto tribe of Fiji later topped this feat by winning the first nine challenges in a row.
  • This was the first time contestants were given a second chance to play the game and the only time to date they were given this chance inside a single season. Other players would return in Survivor: All-Stars, Survivor: Guatemala and Survivor: Micronesia.
  • This was the first season to feature more than two tribes in a challenge.
  • Because Osten's departure from the show was regarded as less than honorable, his final words were not broadcast during the end credits or put on the show's website as they would have had he actually been voted out. Instead, the end credits segment simply showed footage of his tribemates leaving the Tribal Council area and ended with a shot of his extinguished torch lying in the dirt. He was also not honoured during the Final 3 ritual on Day 39.
  • Survivor: Pearl Islands is the only season to feature returning contestants on two other seasons (All Stars and Micronesia). Rupert Boneham competed on All-Stars and finished 4th overall, but was awarded $1 million from "America's Tribal Council". Jon "Jonny Fairplay" Dalton participated in Micronesia but asked his tribe of returning Favorites to vote him out because he was having crazy dreams and worried about his pregnant girlfriend. They obliged and he became the 1st person out of the game.

External links

Borneo (2000) · Australia (2001) · Africa (2001) · Marquesas (2002) · Thailand (2002)
Amazon (2003) · Pearl Islands (2003) · All-Stars (2004) · Vanuatu (2004) · Palau (2005)
Guatemala (2005) · Panama (2006) · Cook Islands (2006) · Fiji (2007) · China (2007)
Micronesia (2008) · 17 (2008) · 18 (2009)
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