Non-penetrative sex - Vev

Non-penetrative sex

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Non-penetrative sex (also known as outercourse) is sexual activity without vaginal, anal, and possibly oral penetration, as opposed to intercourse. The terms mutual masturbation and frottage are also used, but with slightly different emphases. NPS and outercourse are rather new terms, which is why such practices are sometimes still called "intercourse".

No bodily fluids are intended to be exchanged, and outercourse is therefore often considered a practice of safer sex as well as of birth control (see below for exceptions). Outercourse in preparation for intercourse can form part of foreplay.


Types of outercourse

Mammary intercourse, a form of non-penetrative sex.
Frot, a form of non-penetrative gay sex
  • Axillary intercourse, where a man rubs his penis in another person's armpit, also known as bagpiping.
  • Erotic massage, rubbing all over, with or without oil. Can be especially intense in combination with deep breathing.
  • Fingering, stimulating vagina or anus with the hand
  • Frot, penile-penile rubbing between two males
  • Handjob, stimulating genitals with the hand
  • Foot job, stimulating male genitals with the feet
  • Intercrural sex, also known as Interfemoral intercourse, where a man places his penis between the partner's thighs
  • Mammary intercourse, when a man rubs his penis between a woman's breasts
  • Nipple Sucking, oral stimulation of the male or female nipples.
  • Oral sex, using the mouth on another's genitals, though some definitions exclude oral sex as a form of outercourse due to disease risk <ref name="dictionary">{{

cite news |title=Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary }}</ref>

  • Sumata, type of stimulation of male genitals popular in Japanese brothels.
  • Tribadism, vulval-vulval rubbing between two females, also known as "scissoring"
  • Virtual sex, mutual masturbation at a distance with the aid of technology

A number of BDSM activities do not involve penetration. However they are not generally considered under the same heading, possibly because they involve their own special risks or possibly because they are not substitutes for "having sex".


With oral sex, there is a higher risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV) than with other forms of outercourse, but studies have shown, so far, that there is less chance of getting these diseases through oral sex than with intercourse<ref name=oral>{{ cite news |title= U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:- Table showing reduced risk from oral, as compared to vaginal or anal sex, accessed 04/05/07 }}</ref>. One can reduce the risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases this way by using barrier methods. The risk of pregnancy with oral sex is only through contact between sperm-bearing fluids such as semen or Cowper's fluid and female sex organs, though the sex organs aren't usually in close contact with oral sex.

Interfemoral intercourse and genital rubbing, although notionally forms of outercourse, can carry a risk of pregnancy through transfer of the sperm-bearing fluids to the sex organs, and that any of the activities above can pose a risk of sexually transmitted diseases if any body fluids are deposited on wounds or mucous membranes such as those of the sex organs or anal membranes.

Support by medical establishment

Dr. Joycelyn Elders, President Bill Clinton's surgeon general, tried to popularize outercourse as a means of sexual play for teens that would offer a safer alternative than sexual intercourse involving penile-vaginal or penile-anal penetration<ref name=oral/>; however, her recommendation was opposed by the religious right. Eventually, Elders resigned.

Mutual masturbation

Mutual masturbation is a sexual act where two or more people stimulate themselves or one another sexually, usually with the hands.

This may be done in situations where the participants do not feel physically able (or that it is socially appropriate)or people are not ready to have full sexual intercourse, but still wish to have a mutual sexual act. It is also done as part of the full repertoire of sexual intercourse, where it may be used as an interlude, a form of foreplay or simply as an alternative activity to penetration. In some people, it is the primary sexual activity of choice above all others because it enables the individuals to see face to face and leaves the hands free to caress, as seen in frottage (see below). Mutual masturbation can be practiced by people of all sexual orientations. If used as an alternative to penile-vaginal penetration, the aim may be to preserve virginity or to prevent pregnancy. Some people may choose it as it achieves sexual satisfaction without actual sex, possibly seeing it as an alternative to casual sex.

The techniques of mutual masturbation resemble those of simple masturbation, with the exception another person is involved. The range of participation can be as simple as two people masturbating in the same room at the same time without touching one another to a group of people all stimulating one another. In the case of two people, one may stimulate their partner, each partner may stimulate the other, or one may stimulate both themselves and their partner.

Mutual masturbation may or may not result in one or more of the partners achieving orgasm. If no bodily fluids are exchanged (as is common), mutual masturbation is a form of safer sex, and greatly reduces the risk of transmission of sexual diseases. As such it was encouraged among gay men by some safer sex organisations in the wake of the AIDS outbreak of the 1980s, as an alternative to anal or oral sex.


The terms "mutual masturbation" and "circle jerk" are sometimes used as vulgar metaphors. They can refer to a situation, often in the workplace, politics or academia, where people are stroking each other's ego without producing anything of value.


Two lovers by the Persian artist Reza Abbasi, 1630

Frottage, more commonly known as dry humping, is the act of achieving sexual pleasure with a partner or partners, whether naked or clothed, without penetration. This can include using almost every part of the body, including the buttocks, the breasts, abdomen, thighs, feet, hands, legs, and sexual organs. Frottage can include mutual genital rubbing, sometimes called genito-genital or GG rubbing and most of the other forms of non-penetrative sex.

There are many reasons a couple may choose frottage. The most common reasons are as a form of foreplay before intercourse or as a method to achieve sexual gratification without the more sexually explicit (and in some circumstances, forbidden) oral or vaginal sexual intercourse. Often young people will use frottage as an earlier stage of sexual intimacy before more explicit contact is desired, or as a substitute to intercourse to maintain a higher degree of chastity. Also, frottage can be done without getting undressed, and perhaps this is preferable. Panties, bras, pantyhose, socks, or stockings can aid in sexual arousal and stimulation.

Lap dances often involve clothed frottage. A modern dancing style which involves partners rubbing their clothed bodies on one another is called "grinding," "freaking," or "Sandwich dancing" and in Caribbean cultures where it is more accepted, it is referred to as "wining" or "flexing", known in the Spanish speaking territories as "perrear" ("dogging"). Much of West Indian music (esp. Jamaican Dancehall and Trinidad and Tobago's Soca, pronounced SOH-cah) makes frequent references to this style of dance.


The term frottage derives from the French verb frotter, "to rub."

Important distinctions in terminology

Three distinct terms derive from the French verb frotter, "to rub," that are not to be confused:

  • frottage: The sexual act, involving rubbing, described in this section
  • frotteurism: a paraphilia involving obsession with frottage or performing frottage nonconsensually (e.g., pressing one's genitals against a stranger on a crowded subway). This behavior was once called "frottage" but that use is no longer accepted.
  • frot: Refers exclusively to male-male genital rubbing without penetration. Confusingly, "frottage" is sometimes shortened to "frot" in informal use.

Part of the reason for the confusion is that normal, consensual frottage may have once been considered a perversion and lumped in with non-consensual frotteurism. This view is no longer widely held. The 1995 book Eccentric and Bizarre Behaviors by Louis R. Franzini and John M. Grossberg declares frottage, in the appropriate context, to be a perfectly normal sexual behavior for anyone "male or female, homosexual or heterosexual."


See also



External links "Great sex without intercourse", NVSH] (contains graphics of sexual acts)// "Great sex without intercourse", NVSH] (contains graphics of sexual acts) "Great sex without intercourse", NVSH] (contains graphics of sexual acts)// Mutual Masturbation] - A biographical collection of personal data for a psychological and sociological study of mutual masturbating as it relates to the habits for both men and women. "Great sex without intercourse", NVSH] (contains graphics of sexual acts)// Mutual Masturbation Tips] - Tips on how to perform mutual masturbation "Great sex without intercourse", NVSH] (contains graphics of sexual acts)// Mutual Masturbation = Twice The Fun!] - Find out why and how in this article/site.

Modèle:Sexfr:Axilisme ko:비삽입성교 it:Frottage pl:Stosunek bez penetracji pt:Sexo não-penetrativo zh:非插入式性行為