Kingdom Hearts II - Vev

Kingdom Hearts II

Un article de Vev.

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Modèle:Infobox VG</ref>//| publisher = GameFAQs| title = Kingdom Hearts II Info| accessmonthday = June 14| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> |series = Kingdom Hearts |engine = |released = Modèle:Vgrelease
Modèle:Vgrelease<ref name="GameFAQsInfo"/>
Modèle:Vgrelease |genre = Action role-playing game |modes = Single player |ratings = CERO: A (All Ages)
ESRB: Everyone 10+
PEGI: 12+
OFLC: PG |platforms = PlayStation 2 |media = 1 DVD-ROM |input = DualShock 2 |picture format = 480i (SDTV) }}| publisher = Dengekionline| accessmonthday = December 29| accessyear = 2006}}</ref>//| publisher = Dengekionline| accessmonthday = December 29| accessyear = 2006}}</ref>| publisher = GamePro| date = 2004-05-12| title = Feature: Kingdom Hearts II (E3 2004)| accessdate = 2007-07-31}}</ref> Sora, the protagonist of the first two games, returns to search for his lost friends.<ref name="KH2gameinformer"> Andrew Reiner

.    Kingdom Hearts 2 
. GameInformer 

. Retrieved on December 15, 2006. </ref> Like the previous installments, this game features a large cast of characters from Disney films and Final Fantasy games. Organization XIII, a group introduced in Chain of Memories, also reappears to impede Sora's progress.//| publisher = GamePro| date = 2004-05-12| title = Feature: Kingdom Hearts II (E3 2004)| accessdate = 2007-07-31}}</ref> Sora, the protagonist of the first two games, returns to search for his lost friends.<ref name="KH2gameinformer"> Andrew Reiner

.    Kingdom Hearts 2 
. GameInformer 

. Retrieved on December 15, 2006. </ref> Like the previous installments, this game features a large cast of characters from Disney films and Final Fantasy games. Organization XIII, a group introduced in Chain of Memories, also reappears to impede Sora's progress.| date = 2005-12-27| publisher = IGN| accessmonthday = June 14| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> One month after its North American release, it had sold over one million copies and was the second best-selling game of 2006.<ref> News - IGN Best of 06

. IGN  


. Retrieved on December 15, 2006. </ref> As of December 2006, Kingdom Hearts II had shipped more than 3.5 million copies worldwide.<ref name="10mil"> SquareSoft

.    Kingdom Hearts Series Ships over 10 Million Worldwide 
. GameSpot 

. Retrieved on 2007-05-13. </ref><ref name="KHII-GameWatch"> スクウェア・エニックス、イベントなど追加「Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+」「キングダム ハーツ」 シリーズ累計出荷本数1,000万本達成

. Game Watch  


. Retrieved on March 11, 2007. </ref>//| date = 2005-12-27| publisher = IGN| accessmonthday = June 14| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> One month after its North American release, it had sold over one million copies and was the second best-selling game of 2006.<ref> News - IGN Best of 06

. IGN  


. Retrieved on December 15, 2006. </ref> As of December 2006, Kingdom Hearts II had shipped more than 3.5 million copies worldwide.<ref name="10mil"> SquareSoft

.    Kingdom Hearts Series Ships over 10 Million Worldwide 
. GameSpot 

. Retrieved on 2007-05-13. </ref><ref name="KHII-GameWatch"> スクウェア・エニックス、イベントなど追加「Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+」「キングダム ハーツ」 シリーズ累計出荷本数1,000万本達成

. Game Watch  


. Retrieved on March 11, 2007. </ref>



Modèle:See also

Sora in Valor Form, one of the Drive Forms introduced in Kingdom Hearts II| title = Kingdom Hearts II Review| author = Rob Fahey| date = 2006-10-10| publisher = Eurogamer| accessdate = 2007-07-31}}</ref> though developers made an effort to address complaints with the previous game.<ref name="KH-NI-1UP2005"> 1UP - E3 2005 Interview

. Kingdom Hearts Ultimania  


. Retrieved on June 15, 2007. </ref> The player directly controls Sora from a third person camera angle,<ref name="KHII-MobyGames"> Kingdom Hearts II for PlayStation 2

. MobyGames  


. Retrieved on June 18, 2007. </ref> though first person perspective is available. Most gameplay occurs on interconnected field maps where battles take place. The game is driven by a linear progression from one story event to the next, usually told in the form of a cut scene, though there are numerous side quests available that provide bonuses to the characters.//| title = Kingdom Hearts II Review| author = Rob Fahey| date = 2006-10-10| publisher = Eurogamer| accessdate = 2007-07-31}}</ref> though developers made an effort to address complaints with the previous game.<ref name="KH-NI-1UP2005"> 1UP - E3 2005 Interview

. Kingdom Hearts Ultimania  


. Retrieved on June 15, 2007. </ref> The player directly controls Sora from a third person camera angle,<ref name="KHII-MobyGames"> Kingdom Hearts II for PlayStation 2

. MobyGames  


. Retrieved on June 18, 2007. </ref> though first person perspective is available. Most gameplay occurs on interconnected field maps where battles take place. The game is driven by a linear progression from one story event to the next, usually told in the form of a cut scene, though there are numerous side quests available that provide bonuses to the characters.

Like many traditional role-playing games, Kingdom Hearts II features an experience point system which determines character development.<ref name="KHII-StrategyGuide">Modèle:Cite book</ref> As enemies are defeated, the player gains experience which culminates in a "level up," where the player characters grows stronger and gains access to new abilities.<ref name="Instructions">Modèle:Cite book</ref> As in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II allows a certain degree of character customization through a short tutorial found at the beginning of the game.| title = Kingdom Hearts II| publisher = G4TV| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref> Reaction Commands can be used to defeat regular enemies or avoid damage and are sometimes necessary to complete a boss battle.<ref name="KHII-StrategyGuide"/> In addition to the main character, two party members are usually present who also participate in combat.<ref name="EuroGamerReview1"/> Though these characters are computer-controlled, the player is allowed to customize their behavior to a certain extent through the menu screen.//| title = Kingdom Hearts II| publisher = G4TV| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref> Reaction Commands can be used to defeat regular enemies or avoid damage and are sometimes necessary to complete a boss battle.<ref name="KHII-StrategyGuide"/> In addition to the main character, two party members are usually present who also participate in combat.<ref name="EuroGamerReview1"/> Though these characters are computer-controlled, the player is allowed to customize their behavior to a certain extent through the menu screen.

In response to criticism, the "Gummi Ship" feature of the first game was re-imagined to be "more enjoyable".<ref name="KH-NI-1UP2005"/> Although retaining its basic purpose of travel, the previous system was completely redone to resemble a combination of rail shooter and "Disney theme park ride".<ref name="KH-NI-1UP2005"/> In the world map, the player must now control the Gummi Ship from a top-down view and fly to the world the player wishes to enter. Worlds are no longer open from the beginning—the player must unlock the routes to them by entering a new level, controlling the ship from a third-person point of view, and battling enemy ships.<ref name="Instructions"/> After the route is unlocked, travel to the world is unimpeded, unless it is blocked through a plot event.

Drive Gauge| publisher = IGN| date = 2006-02-08| accessmonthday = June 14| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> some Forms also allow the use of two Keyblades. While in a Drive Form, Sora's combat statistics are heightened, though one Form reduces certain statistics. Drive Forms also give Sora new abilities that can be used outside of battle. At first, his Drive Forms only combine power with one party member; as he gains new ones, he can bond with both party members. When allies are used in a Drive Form, they are temporarily removed from battle for its duration.//| publisher = IGN| date = 2006-02-08| accessmonthday = June 14| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> some Forms also allow the use of two Keyblades. While in a Drive Form, Sora's combat statistics are heightened, though one Form reduces certain statistics. Drive Forms also give Sora new abilities that can be used outside of battle. At first, his Drive Forms only combine power with one party member; as he gains new ones, he can bond with both party members. When allies are used in a Drive Form, they are temporarily removed from battle for its duration.

Like the first game, Sora can summon a Disney character to aid him in battle.<ref name="KH2x-play"/> A summoned character will replace the two computer-controlled characters and fight alongside Sora for as long as the Drive Gauge allows. Also, instead of being limited to only one action, summoned characters now have a menu of their own and are capable of performing solo actions or cooperative actions with Sora. The summon ability and each Drive Form are leveled up separately and by different criteria. Obtaining higher levels allows for extended use and in the case of Drive Forms, access to new abilities.<ref name="KHII-StrategyGuide"/>



Modèle:See | publisher=Dengeki | accessdate=2007-08-02}}</ref><ref name="KH-NI-PSE"> Europe - E3 Interview

. Kingdom Hearts Ultimania  


. Retrieved on June 15, 2007. </ref> As in the first game, each world varies in appearance and setting, depending on the Disney film on which it is based. The graphics of the world and characters are meant to resemble the artwork style of the environments and characters from their respective Disney films. Each world is disconnected from the others and exists separately; with few exceptions, players travel from one world to another via a Gummi ship.// | publisher=Dengeki | accessdate=2007-08-02}}</ref><ref name="KH-NI-PSE"> Europe - E3 Interview

. Kingdom Hearts Ultimania  


. Retrieved on June 15, 2007. </ref> As in the first game, each world varies in appearance and setting, depending on the Disney film on which it is based. The graphics of the world and characters are meant to resemble the artwork style of the environments and characters from their respective Disney films. Each world is disconnected from the others and exists separately; with few exceptions, players travel from one world to another via a Gummi ship.

Some of the worlds featured in the previous games reappear, but with new and expanded areas. There are also new worlds that are introduced and include the Land of Dragons, a fictionalized account of ancient China from the film Mulan; Beast's Castle, a 1800s-style castle based on French architecture from Beauty and the Beast; Timeless River, a past version of Disney Castle that features Steamboat Willie-style animation; Port Royal, from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Pride Land, a great savanna from The Lion King; and Space Paranoids, a digital world within Hollow Bastion's computer network based on Tron. Twilight Town, an original world first seen in Chain of Memories, has a greater role as the introductory world. The World That Never Was is a new world that serves as the headquarters of Organization XIII.<ref name="KHII-StrategyGuide"/>



Leon and Cloud in Hollow Bastion

The three main characters in the game are Sora, a fifteen year old boy who was chosen as master of the Keyblade, a mystical key-shaped weapon with the power to combat darkness; Donald, the court magician of Disney Castle; and Goofy, the captain of the Disney Castle guard.<ref name="KHII-StrategyGuide"/> Both Donald and Goofy were ordered to find and stay with the "key",<ref name="MickeyNote">King Mickey's Note: Donald, Sorry to rush off without sayin’ goodbye, but there’s big trouble brewin’. Not sure why, but the stars have been blinkin’ out, one by one. And that means disaster can’t be far behind. I hate to leave you all but I’ve gotta go check into it. There’s someone with a “key”—the key to our survival. So I need you and Goofy to find him, and stick with him. Got it? We need that key or we’re doomed! So go to Traverse Town and find Leon. He’ll point you in the right direction. P.S. Would ya apologize to Minnie for me? Thanks, pal. Modèle:Cite video game</ref> which was revealed to be the Keyblade. They befriended Sora during their journey in Kingdom Hearts and they draw strength from this friendship. Other original characters include Riku and Kairi, Sora's friends from his home world, Destiny Islands; Roxas, a mysterious boy who can wield the Keyblade; and DiZ, a man in red robes with a vendetta against Organization XIII.| publisher = RPGamer| title = Nomura Divulges Kingdom Hearts II Details| accessmonthday = May 29| accessyear = 2007| date = 2005-11-27}}</ref> This led to Vivi of Final Fantasy IX and Setzer of Final Fantasy VI appearing in Twilight Town.//| publisher = RPGamer| title = Nomura Divulges Kingdom Hearts II Details| accessmonthday = May 29| accessyear = 2007| date = 2005-11-27}}</ref> This led to Vivi of Final Fantasy IX and Setzer of Final Fantasy VI appearing in Twilight Town.

The various worlds that Sora explores often have an optional party character from the fiction on which the world is based. Such party members include Fa Mulan, the woman who passes as a man in order to take her ailing father's place in the army; Jack Sparrow, a pirate who seeks to reclaim his ship, the Black Pearl; Simba, the self-exiled lion who is the rightful king of the Pride Land; and Tron, a security program in Hollow Bastion's computer network who seeks to end the dictatorship of the Master Control Program.<ref name="KHII-StrategyGuide"/>

Unlike Kingdom Hearts where Xehanort's Heartless was revealed in the final stages of the game to be the true antagonist, Organization XIII, a group of beings without hearts, was established as the main threat early on. Organization XIII controls both the Heartless, corrupted hearts that have become monsters, and Nobodies, the bodies left over when Heartless are created. Villains unique to the worlds are still prevalent and are often presented as challenges that Sora must overcome.


Kingdom Hearts II begins one year after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Sora, Donald and Goofy have been asleep for the past year to regain their lost memories. Meanwhile, Roxas is trapped in a virtual simulation of Twilight Town created by DiZ so that Roxas, the Nobody of Sora,<ref>Riku: Because, Sora. Roxas is your Nobody. Modèle:Cite video game</ref> may merge with his original self to restore Sora's power.<ref>Riku: Will it work? / DiZ: If we can maintain the simulated town until Naminé finishes chaining together Sora's memories. / Riku: What will happen to Roxas? / DiZ: He holds half of Sora's power within him. In the end, he'll have to give it back. Until then, he'll need another personality to throw off his pursuers. Modèle:Cite video game</ref> This is done as part of DiZ's revenge on Organization XIII.<ref>DiZ: What I need is someone who can move about the realm of light and destroy Organization XIII. Modèle:Cite video game</ref><ref>Ansem the Wise: I won't deny there was more. I was...obsessed with thoughts of revenge. My apprentices stole everything precious to me---my research, and my pride. Modèle:Cite video game</ref> DiZ's plans are threatened when Organization XIII's Nobodies infiltrate the virtual town, but Roxas finally merges with Sora. Sora, Donald and Goofy wake up in the real Twilight Town and King Mickey Mouse and Yen Sid send them on another journey. Their goal is to find Riku and stop the plans of Organization XIII, who control the Nobodies—the body and soul left over when a heart is turned into a Heartless. Sora also receives a new set of clothes that allow him to fuse with party members to gain special abilities, known as Drive Form. Afterwards, Maleficent is resurrected and joins with Pete to continue her quest for power.

Sora travels to many Disney-themed worlds, both old and new, and resolves the troubles caused by Organization XIII, the Heartless, Maleficent and Pete, and local villains. Meanwhile, Kairi is kidnapped by Organization XIII. During a visit to Hollow Bastion, they again meet King Mickey, who reveals the true nature of Ansem, the antagonist of Kingdom Hearts. The Ansem who Sora defeated was actually the Heartless of Xehanort, a student of Ansem the Wise. Xemnas, the leader of Organization XIII, reveals himself to be the Nobody of Xehanort.<ref name=fakeansem>Mickey: But, what you actually fought was his Heartless. Ya see, he wasn't really Ansem. He just went around telling everybody that he was. Modèle:Cite video game</ref><ref name=xehanort>Mickey: Now I remember! Xehanort! Ansem's apprentice! The leader of Organization XIII is Xehanort's Nobody! Modèle:Cite video game</ref> Organization XIII's plan is revealed: they seek the power of Kingdom Hearts, which is the sum of all the hearts that Sora released by destroying the Heartless with his Keyblade.<ref>Saïx: Pitiful Heartless, mindlessly collecting hearts. And yet they know not the true power of what they hold. The rage of the Keyblade releases those hearts. They gather in darkness, masterless and free...until they weave together to make Kingdom Hearts. And when that time comes, we can truly, finally exist. Modèle:Cite video game</ref> Sora then revisits the worlds to solve lingering problems and new complications, while seeking a path to Organization XIII's base of operations.

Through a passageway in the virtual Twilight Town, Sora, Donald, and Goofy arrive at the World That Never Was, the headquarters of Organization XIII, with Kingdom Hearts looming overhead. There, Sora finds Kairi and Riku, who reveals the nature of Sora's and Roxas' relationship. Mickey meets DiZ, who reveals himself to be Ansem the Wise.<ref>DiZ: It's been too long, my friend. / Mickey: Ansem the Wise. Why didn't you come to me before things got so bad? Modèle:Cite video game</ref> Ansem the Wise uses a device that dissipates some of Kingdom Hearts' power, but a system overload causes the machine to explode and kill Ansem.<ref>Ansem the Wise: It's a device to reclaim Kingdom Hearts and encode it as data. / Mickey: Not sure I get it. / Ansem the Wise: I do not claim to know the outcome of this venture, either. After all...Hearts are unpredictable. Modèle:Cite video game</ref> At the top of Organization XIII's castle, Sora and his friends battle Xemnas, who uses the remnants of Kingdom Hearts to power his multiple forms.<ref>Xemnas: Hear me, Kingdom Hearts! It seems we must begin anew. Ah, but know this: I will give to you as many hearts as it takes. Mark my words! You can no more be complete without me than I without you. Heed me, Kingdom Hearts! Lend me your power, so that we may be complete! The power to erase the fools that hinder us. Modèle:Cite video game</ref> After Xemnas' death, Sora and Riku are reunited with their friends at Destiny Islands, their home.<ref>Sora: W-We're back. / Kairi: You're home. Modèle:Cite video game</ref> The game concludes as Sora, Kairi and Riku read a mysterious letter stamped with King Mickey's seal.


Kingdom Hearts II incorporated Sony's "S-FORCE" ATRAC3 decoding middleware. The game is capable of monaural, stereo, and Dolby Pro Logic II audio profiles which allow it use either one, two, four, or five channel sound.<ref name="Instructions"/> Like the first installment, the game features music by Yoko Shimomura and Utada Hikaru, and an all-star voice cast.

Cover of the Kingdom Hearts II soundtrack.

Musical score

Modèle:See| author = Hirohiko Niizumi| publisher = GameSpot| date = 2005-07-29| title = Kingdom Hearts vocalist returns for sequel| accessmonthday = June 15| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> According to Nomura, the vocal theme ties in even more closely with the game's story than "Hikari" ("Simple And Clean") did with Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.<ref name="finalmix">Modèle:Cite book</ref> The CD single for "Passion" was released on December 14 2005<ref> Hikaru Utada/Passion (CD+DVD)

. CD Japan  


. Retrieved on June 18, 2007. </ref> and Sanctuary was first previewed on early in 2006.<ref> Bryan Vore

.    Square Enix Reveals KH2 Main Theme In English, Plus Interview With Haley Joel 
. Game Informer 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref>//| author = Hirohiko Niizumi| publisher = GameSpot| date = 2005-07-29| title = Kingdom Hearts vocalist returns for sequel| accessmonthday = June 15| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> According to Nomura, the vocal theme ties in even more closely with the game's story than "Hikari" ("Simple And Clean") did with Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.<ref name="finalmix">Modèle:Cite book</ref> The CD single for "Passion" was released on December 14 2005<ref> Hikaru Utada/Passion (CD+DVD)

. CD Japan  


. Retrieved on June 18, 2007. </ref> and Sanctuary was first previewed on early in 2006.<ref> Bryan Vore

.    Square Enix Reveals KH2 Main Theme In English, Plus Interview With Haley Joel 
. Game Informer 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref>

Voice cast

Modèle:See also| title = Full cast and crew for Kingdom Hearts II (2005)(VG)| publisher = IMDB| accessmonthday = June 14| accessyear = 2007}}</ref><ref name="IGN-KHII-VoiceCast"/> A special effort was made to preserve the original voice actors from the Disney movies used in Kingdom Hearts II. Many actors reprised their animated Disney roles for the game, including American actors, Ming-Na, James Woods, and Zach Braff,<ref name="IGN-KHII-VoiceCast"/> and Japanese actors, Takashi Aoyagi, Kōichi Yamadera, Yū Shimaka, and Hiroshi Fujioka. Some voice actors from the related television series or direct-to-video sequels were chosen over original voice actors, where applicable (e.g. Robert Costanzo as Philoctetes rather than Danny DeVito). Some characters were given new voice actors in the English version; Aerith, Leon, and Hercules, who were originally voiced by Mandy Moore, David Boreanaz, and Sean Astin in the first game,<ref> Full cast and crew for Kingdom Hearts (2002)(VG)

. IMDB  


. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref> are now voiced by Mena Suvari, Doug Erholtz, and Tate Donovan (Hercules' original voice actor).<ref name="KHII-IMDB"/>//| title = Full cast and crew for Kingdom Hearts II (2005)(VG)| publisher = IMDB| accessmonthday = June 14| accessyear = 2007}}</ref><ref name="IGN-KHII-VoiceCast"/> A special effort was made to preserve the original voice actors from the Disney movies used in Kingdom Hearts II. Many actors reprised their animated Disney roles for the game, including American actors, Ming-Na, James Woods, and Zach Braff,<ref name="IGN-KHII-VoiceCast"/> and Japanese actors, Takashi Aoyagi, Kōichi Yamadera, Yū Shimaka, and Hiroshi Fujioka. Some voice actors from the related television series or direct-to-video sequels were chosen over original voice actors, where applicable (e.g. Robert Costanzo as Philoctetes rather than Danny DeVito). Some characters were given new voice actors in the English version; Aerith, Leon, and Hercules, who were originally voiced by Mandy Moore, David Boreanaz, and Sean Astin in the first game,<ref> Full cast and crew for Kingdom Hearts (2002)(VG)

. IMDB  


. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref> are now voiced by Mena Suvari, Doug Erholtz, and Tate Donovan (Hercules' original voice actor).<ref name="KHII-IMDB"/>


The Gummi Ship was redesigned for Kingdom Hearts II.| author = GameSpot staff| publisher = GameSpot| date = 2003-10-10| title = Kingdom Hearts II's Tetsuya Nomura Q & A| accessmonthday = June 15| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> Nomura has stated that there were several obstacles to clear before development could begin on a sequel. One such obstacle was the development team's desire to showcase Mickey Mouse more, which required Disney's approval.<ref name="KH-NI-KHIIU"> Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania - Tetsuya Nomura Interview

. Kingdom Hearts Ultimania  


. Retrieved on 2007-08-10. </ref> The development team consisted of most of the original staff from the first game.<ref name="NI-Famitsu1"> 1st Famitsu Nomura Interview

. Kingdom Hearts Ultimania  


. Retrieved on 2007-09-20. </ref> To explain the loss of all the abilities from the first Kingdom Hearts at the beginning of this game, Tetsuya Nomura had Sora's memories scrambled in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.<ref name="KHCoM-NI1"> KH: CoM Ultimania - The Nomura Interview

. Kingdom Hearts Ultimania  


. Retrieved on June 7, 2007. </ref>//| author = GameSpot staff| publisher = GameSpot| date = 2003-10-10| title = Kingdom Hearts II's Tetsuya Nomura Q & A| accessmonthday = June 15| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> Nomura has stated that there were several obstacles to clear before development could begin on a sequel. One such obstacle was the development team's desire to showcase Mickey Mouse more, which required Disney's approval.<ref name="KH-NI-KHIIU"> Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania - Tetsuya Nomura Interview

. Kingdom Hearts Ultimania  


. Retrieved on 2007-08-10. </ref> The development team consisted of most of the original staff from the first game.<ref name="NI-Famitsu1"> 1st Famitsu Nomura Interview

. Kingdom Hearts Ultimania  


. Retrieved on 2007-09-20. </ref> To explain the loss of all the abilities from the first Kingdom Hearts at the beginning of this game, Tetsuya Nomura had Sora's memories scrambled in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.<ref name="KHCoM-NI1"> KH: CoM Ultimania - The Nomura Interview

. Kingdom Hearts Ultimania  


. Retrieved on June 7, 2007. </ref>| publisher = Kingdom Hearts Ultimania| title = Dengeki - Kingdom Hearts 2 Progress Report| accessmonthday = June 15| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> The variations in combat styles associated with each Drive Form and the addition of the Reaction Command were added to give players more choices in battles.<ref name="KH-NI-1UP2005"/> The inclusion of worlds based on live-action Disney films was aided by technology that generated the character models from live-action pictures.<ref name="KH-NI-Dengeki2"/>//| publisher = Kingdom Hearts Ultimania| title = Dengeki - Kingdom Hearts 2 Progress Report| accessmonthday = June 15| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> The variations in combat styles associated with each Drive Form and the addition of the Reaction Command were added to give players more choices in battles.<ref name="KH-NI-1UP2005"/> The inclusion of worlds based on live-action Disney films was aided by technology that generated the character models from live-action pictures.<ref name="KH-NI-Dengeki2"/>

Content editing

Image:Xigbar gun comparison.jpg
Xigbar's telescopic sight view and his weapons have been altered from the Japanese version (top) to the English version (bottom).

Besides typical English translation and localization, the English version of Kingdom Hearts II differs from the original Japanese version in the content of gameplay and several scenes. The Hydra boss in Olympus Coliseum had its green blood from the original Japanese version (which was taken from the film) changed into black and purple smoke in the English version. An earlier cut scene retains the green blood.

Xigbar's telescopic sight was changed from view with a crosshair and black shading around the sides to three glowing circles.<ref name="KHII-MobyGames"/> An attack animation was also altered; in the Japanese version, Xigbar combined his two hand-held guns to create a sniper rifle, which was used to shoot the player's party during the telescoping sight sequence. In the English version, Xigbar does not combine his guns, but twirls them around and shoots at Sora with a single gun. The death of Organization XIII member Axel was slightly edited; in the original, he caught on fire during his suicide attack.| title = Nomura Discusses Kingdom Hearts and Future Titles| publisher = IGN| accessmonthday = March 11| accessyear = 2007}}</ref>//| title = Nomura Discusses Kingdom Hearts and Future Titles| publisher = IGN| accessmonthday = March 11| accessyear = 2007}}</ref>

Marketing| title = Kingdom Hearts 2 on PS2?| publisher = IGN| author = IGN staff| date = 2003-03-07| accessmonthday = June 14| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> It was not until Kingdom Hearts II was announced, along with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, at the Tokyo Game Show in September 2003<ref name="KH-Sequels-GS"> Justin Calvert

.    TGS 2003: Kingdom Hearts sequels announced 
. GameSpot 

. Retrieved on June 8, 2007. </ref> that rumors were confirmed. Initial details were that it would take place some time after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, which takes place directly after the first game. Other details included the return of Sora, Donald, and Goofy, as well as new costumes. Information about Mickey Mouse's involvement was kept to a minimum.<ref name="GS-NI-Dengeki"/><ref> IGN staff

.    TGS 2003: Kingdom Hearts II Details 
. IGN 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref> Aside from the game trailer and various screen shots, information regarding the game was kept secret for an extended period of time.//| title = Kingdom Hearts 2 on PS2?| publisher = IGN| author = IGN staff| date = 2003-03-07| accessmonthday = June 14| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> It was not until Kingdom Hearts II was announced, along with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, at the Tokyo Game Show in September 2003<ref name="KH-Sequels-GS"> Justin Calvert

.    TGS 2003: Kingdom Hearts sequels announced 
. GameSpot 

. Retrieved on June 8, 2007. </ref> that rumors were confirmed. Initial details were that it would take place some time after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, which takes place directly after the first game. Other details included the return of Sora, Donald, and Goofy, as well as new costumes. Information about Mickey Mouse's involvement was kept to a minimum.<ref name="GS-NI-Dengeki"/><ref> IGN staff

.    TGS 2003: Kingdom Hearts II Details 
. IGN 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref> Aside from the game trailer and various screen shots, information regarding the game was kept secret for an extended period of time.| title = Square Enix E3 Press Conference and "Dear Friends" Concert| publisher = Gaming Age| date = 2004-05-12| author = Benson, Mike| accessdate = 2007-09-25}}</ref> Square Enix launched the official Japanese website in May 2005,<ref> Anoop Gantayat

.    Kingdom Hearts II Website 
. IGN 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref> followed by the English website in December 2005.<ref> Bryan Vore

.    Kingdom Hearts II Official U.S. Website Launched 
. Game Informer 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref> The websites featured videos and information regarding characters and worlds. Commercials were aired in Japan which highlighted the numerous Disney characters in the game.<ref> Vore, Bryan

.    New Kingdom Hearts 2 Japanese TV Ad 
. Game Informer 

. Retrieved on 2007-12-12. </ref> Though the game was announced in September 2003, a release date for the game was not set until September 2005.<ref> Anoop Gantayat

.    Kingdom Hearts II Dated in Japan 
. IGN 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref> Nomura stated the game was announced too early and that information regarding the game was not released until a debut period was in sight.<ref name="IGN-TNonEverything"> Anoop Gantayat

.    Tetsuya Nomura on Everything 
. IGN 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref>//| title = Square Enix E3 Press Conference and "Dear Friends" Concert| publisher = Gaming Age| date = 2004-05-12| author = Benson, Mike| accessdate = 2007-09-25}}</ref> Square Enix launched the official Japanese website in May 2005,<ref> Anoop Gantayat

.    Kingdom Hearts II Website 
. IGN 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref> followed by the English website in December 2005.<ref> Bryan Vore

.    Kingdom Hearts II Official U.S. Website Launched 
. Game Informer 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref> The websites featured videos and information regarding characters and worlds. Commercials were aired in Japan which highlighted the numerous Disney characters in the game.<ref> Vore, Bryan

.    New Kingdom Hearts 2 Japanese TV Ad 
. Game Informer 

. Retrieved on 2007-12-12. </ref> Though the game was announced in September 2003, a release date for the game was not set until September 2005.<ref> Anoop Gantayat

.    Kingdom Hearts II Dated in Japan 
. IGN 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref> Nomura stated the game was announced too early and that information regarding the game was not released until a debut period was in sight.<ref name="IGN-TNonEverything"> Anoop Gantayat

.    Tetsuya Nomura on Everything 
. IGN 

. Retrieved on June 14, 2007. </ref>


{{VG Reviews| title = Kingdom Hearts 2| publisher =| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref>//| title = Kingdom Hearts 2| publisher =| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref>| title = Kingdom Hearts II| accessmonthday = June 13| accessyear = 2007}}</ref>//| title = Kingdom Hearts II| accessmonthday = June 13| accessyear = 2007}}</ref>| title = News - Latest Famitsu review scores - Kingdom Hearts II, Mario & Luigi 2, & more| publisher =| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref>//| title = News - Latest Famitsu review scores - Kingdom Hearts II, Mario & Luigi 2, & more| publisher =| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref> |GI = 9 out of 10<ref name="KH2gameinformer"/>| title = Kingdom Hearts 2| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref>//| title = Kingdom Hearts 2| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref>| publisher = GameSpy| author = Gerald Villoria| date = 2006-03-28| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref>//| publisher = GameSpy| author = Gerald Villoria| date = 2006-03-28| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref>| publisher = IGN| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref>//| publisher = IGN| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref> |XPlay = 4 out of 5<ref name="KH2x-play"/> | |compilation = yes || accessmonthday = June 13| accessyear = 2007}}</ref>//| accessmonthday = June 13| accessyear = 2007}}</ref>| publisher = Game Rankings| title = Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)| accessmonthday = January 7| accessyear = 2006}}</ref>//| publisher = Game Rankings| title = Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)| accessmonthday = January 7| accessyear = 2006}}</ref> | }}| title = News - Japan: weekly software sales from 12/19 - 12/25| author = Richard Brownell| date = 2005-12-28| publisher =| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref> By the end of March 2006, the NPD Group reported that Kingdom Hearts II was the highest-selling console game in North America, with 614,000 copies.<ref> Tor Thorsen

.    ChartSpot: March 2006 
. GameSpot 

. Retrieved on May 15, 2007. </ref> In the month after its release in North America, Kingdom Hearts II sold an estimated 1 million copies.<ref name="KH2sales"> TGS06: Kingdom Hearts II Achieves Million-Unit Sales Mark in North America in Four Weeks

. Square Enix  


. Retrieved on December 15, 2006. </ref> GameStop listed the game as their best-selling title for the first quarter of 2006.<ref> Jason Dobson

.    Industry News: GameStop's Q1 Results Up On Xbox 360, KH2 
. Gamasutra 

. Retrieved on 2007-07-05. </ref> The game was also in IGN's "Top 10 Sellers in 2006".<ref name="KH2sales2"> IGN: PS2 2006 Year in Review

. IGN  


. Retrieved on December 20, 2006. </ref> As of December 2006, Kingdom Hearts II had shipped over 3.5 million worldwide with .7 million in PAL regions, 1.1 million in Japan, and 1.7 million in North America.<ref name="10mil"/><ref name="KHII-GameWatch"/>//| title = News - Japan: weekly software sales from 12/19 - 12/25| author = Richard Brownell| date = 2005-12-28| publisher =| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref> By the end of March 2006, the NPD Group reported that Kingdom Hearts II was the highest-selling console game in North America, with 614,000 copies.<ref> Tor Thorsen

.    ChartSpot: March 2006 
. GameSpot 

. Retrieved on May 15, 2007. </ref> In the month after its release in North America, Kingdom Hearts II sold an estimated 1 million copies.<ref name="KH2sales"> TGS06: Kingdom Hearts II Achieves Million-Unit Sales Mark in North America in Four Weeks

. Square Enix  


. Retrieved on December 15, 2006. </ref> GameStop listed the game as their best-selling title for the first quarter of 2006.<ref> Jason Dobson

.    Industry News: GameStop's Q1 Results Up On Xbox 360, KH2 
. Gamasutra 

. Retrieved on 2007-07-05. </ref> The game was also in IGN's "Top 10 Sellers in 2006".<ref name="KH2sales2"> IGN: PS2 2006 Year in Review

. IGN  


. Retrieved on December 20, 2006. </ref> As of December 2006, Kingdom Hearts II had shipped over 3.5 million worldwide with .7 million in PAL regions, 1.1 million in Japan, and 1.7 million in North America.<ref name="10mil"/><ref name="KHII-GameWatch"/>

Critical response,1145605197,52094,0,0.html| publisher = Famitsu| title = Famitsu Awards 2005"大賞は『キングダム ハーツII』と『バイオハザード4』!!| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref> Famitsu's readers ranked the game 29th on Famitsu's All Time Top 100,<ref name="KH2japtop100"> Japan Votes on All Time Top 100

. Next Generation  


. Retrieved on December 15, 2006. </ref> ten places below the first game of the series. It was ranked number one for IGN's Reader's Choice for PS2 games.<ref name="KH2sales2"/> Eurogamer ranked it 34th on their "Top 50 Games of 2006".<ref> Eurogamer Staff

.    Eurogamer's Top 50 Games of 2006 
. Eurogamer 

. Retrieved on 2007-08-07. </ref> Electronic Gaming Monthly awarded it "Best Sequel" of 2006.<ref>Electronic Gaming Monthly, Issue 213, March 2007. Page 81.</ref> Game Informer listed it among the "Top 50 games of 2006".<ref name="GI#165">«  »</ref> Kingdom Hearts II also received a near-perfect score, 39/40, from the Japanese game magazine Famitsu, known for its extremely harsh grading.<ref name="KH2famitsugrade"/>//,1145605197,52094,0,0.html| publisher = Famitsu| title = Famitsu Awards 2005"大賞は『キングダム ハーツII』と『バイオハザード4』!!| accessmonthday = December 15| accessyear = 2006}}</ref> Famitsu's readers ranked the game 29th on Famitsu's All Time Top 100,<ref name="KH2japtop100"> Japan Votes on All Time Top 100

. Next Generation  


. Retrieved on December 15, 2006. </ref> ten places below the first game of the series. It was ranked number one for IGN's Reader's Choice for PS2 games.<ref name="KH2sales2"/> Eurogamer ranked it 34th on their "Top 50 Games of 2006".<ref> Eurogamer Staff

.    Eurogamer's Top 50 Games of 2006 
. Eurogamer 

. Retrieved on 2007-08-07. </ref> Electronic Gaming Monthly awarded it "Best Sequel" of 2006.<ref>Electronic Gaming Monthly, Issue 213, March 2007. Page 81.</ref> Game Informer listed it among the "Top 50 games of 2006".<ref name="GI#165">«  »</ref> Kingdom Hearts II also received a near-perfect score, 39/40, from the Japanese game magazine Famitsu, known for its extremely harsh grading.<ref name="KH2famitsugrade"/>| title = Review:大好きなディズニーキャラと、いつも一緒にいられる喜び。『KHII』レビュー| publisher =| date = 2006-01-24| language = Japanese| accessdate = 2007-07-16}}</ref> G4TV awarded Kingdom Hearts II "Best Voice Over" and "Best Soundtrack" in their 2006 G-phoria Awards.<ref> Tor Thorsen

.    G4 announces G-phoria winners, books Jack Thompson 
. GameSpot 

. Retrieved on June 15, 2007. </ref>//| title = Review:大好きなディズニーキャラと、いつも一緒にいられる喜び。『KHII』レビュー| publisher =| date = 2006-01-24| language = Japanese| accessdate = 2007-07-16}}</ref> G4TV awarded Kingdom Hearts II "Best Voice Over" and "Best Soundtrack" in their 2006 G-phoria Awards.<ref> Tor Thorsen

.    G4 announces G-phoria winners, books Jack Thompson 
. GameSpot 

. Retrieved on June 15, 2007. </ref>| publisher = GamePro| title = Review: Kingdom Hearts II| accessmonthday = June 13| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> GameSpot agreed that the fixed camera system and new gameplay dynamics improved the experience, but stated that the game was far too easy and that there was too much button mashing.<ref name="KH2gamespot"/> IGN also commented on the button mashing aspect of the gameplay and criticized the party member AI, citing it as "absolutely terrible", but praised the story, presentation, and new battle features.<ref name="KH2ign"/> had positive comments about the ease of combo attacks and complimented on the steady pacing of the story and gameplay.<ref name="GPara"/>//| publisher = GamePro| title = Review: Kingdom Hearts II| accessmonthday = June 13| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> GameSpot agreed that the fixed camera system and new gameplay dynamics improved the experience, but stated that the game was far too easy and that there was too much button mashing.<ref name="KH2gamespot"/> IGN also commented on the button mashing aspect of the gameplay and criticized the party member AI, citing it as "absolutely terrible", but praised the story, presentation, and new battle features.<ref name="KH2ign"/> had positive comments about the ease of combo attacks and complimented on the steady pacing of the story and gameplay.<ref name="GPara"/>

Versions and merchandise

Modèle:See| title = Kingdom Hearts 2 borderless| accessmonthday = June 14| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> The fourth version has additional content and was released under the title Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. Like the previous titles, both Square and Disney released numerous types of merchandise before and after the release of the game. Merchandise ranged from toys and figurines to clothing items and books. The game has also been adapted into both manga and novel series. Prior to the release of the game, an Ultimania book titled Kingdom Hearts Series Ultimania α ~Introduction of Kingdom Hearts II~ was released that provides extended information on the first two Kingdom Hearts games, as well as information on the unreleased Kingdom Hearts II.<ref name="KHS-UltimaniaAlpha>Modèle:Cite book</ref> After the release of the game, Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania was released and focuses on the game itself. Another book, titled Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ Ultimania, was released after the Final Mix version was released. Released along with Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts -Another Report- was a hardback book which includes game information, visuals by Shiro Amano, and a director interview.<ref name="Famitsu-AnotherReport"> ビジュアルブック『キングダム ハーツ -Another Report-』が予約特典!

. Famitsu 

. Retrieved on 2007-07-06. </ref> In North America, Brady Games released two strategy guides—one was a standard guide and the other was a limited edition version. The limited edition was available in four different covers and included a copy of Jiminy's Journal along with 400 stickers.<ref> The Key to Unlimited Adventures Lies Within Bradygames' Latest Collectible Kingdom Hearts II Strategy Guide Products

. Brady Games 

. Retrieved on 2007-07-06. </ref>//| title = Kingdom Hearts 2 borderless| accessmonthday = June 14| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> The fourth version has additional content and was released under the title Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. Like the previous titles, both Square and Disney released numerous types of merchandise before and after the release of the game. Merchandise ranged from toys and figurines to clothing items and books. The game has also been adapted into both manga and novel series. Prior to the release of the game, an Ultimania book titled Kingdom Hearts Series Ultimania α ~Introduction of Kingdom Hearts II~ was released that provides extended information on the first two Kingdom Hearts games, as well as information on the unreleased Kingdom Hearts II.<ref name="KHS-UltimaniaAlpha>Modèle:Cite book</ref> After the release of the game, Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania was released and focuses on the game itself. Another book, titled Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ Ultimania, was released after the Final Mix version was released. Released along with Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts -Another Report- was a hardback book which includes game information, visuals by Shiro Amano, and a director interview.<ref name="Famitsu-AnotherReport"> ビジュアルブック『キングダム ハーツ -Another Report-』が予約特典!

. Famitsu 

. Retrieved on 2007-07-06. </ref> In North America, Brady Games released two strategy guides—one was a standard guide and the other was a limited edition version. The limited edition was available in four different covers and included a copy of Jiminy's Journal along with 400 stickers.<ref> The Key to Unlimited Adventures Lies Within Bradygames' Latest Collectible Kingdom Hearts II Strategy Guide Products

. Brady Games 

. Retrieved on 2007-07-06. </ref>

[[Image:KH2 Final Mix+ Cover.jpg|thumb|right|Cover of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+.]]

Final Mix+| title = Nomura Interview Famitsu 2| accessmonthday = June 19| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> In a Weekly Shonen Jump interview with Nomura, he expressed interest in a possible international version of Kingdom Hearts II, although there were no definite plans. He said that should a "Final Mix" version arise, he had a "trump card" in mind, with such features as the Mushroom Heartless found in the first Kingdom Hearts.<ref name="finalmix"/> In September 2006, Square Enix announced they would develop Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, featuring new scenes and gameplay elements.//| title = Nomura Interview Famitsu 2| accessmonthday = June 19| accessyear = 2007}}</ref> In a Weekly Shonen Jump interview with Nomura, he expressed interest in a possible international version of Kingdom Hearts II, although there were no definite plans. He said that should a "Final Mix" version arise, he had a "trump card" in mind, with such features as the Mushroom Heartless found in the first Kingdom Hearts.<ref name="finalmix"/> In September 2006, Square Enix announced they would develop Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, featuring new scenes and gameplay elements.,1174620771,68873,0,0.html| publisher = Famitsu| date = 2007-03-24| accessdate = 2007-07-06}}</ref> The second disc contains Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, a 3D PS2 version remake of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories with extra scenes and voice acting. The battle system maintains the card gameplay, with the addition of Reaction Commands from Kingdom Hearts II.<ref name="KH2diskset"> TGS06: Dissecting The Square Enix Trailer

. Game Informer  


. Retrieved on December 29, 2006. </ref> The two games also serves as a canonical update to the series. The book, Kingdom Hearts -Another Report-, was included along with the game for those who reserved a copy.<ref name="Famitsu-AnotherReport"/> Based on figures, Final Mix+ was the number one PlayStation 2 game in sales during the week of its release in Japan.<ref> David Jenkins

.    Industry News: Puzzle Quest, C&C 3 Jump High In Amazon Charts 
. Gamasutra 

. Retrieved on July 6, 2007. </ref>//,1174620771,68873,0,0.html| publisher = Famitsu| date = 2007-03-24| accessdate = 2007-07-06}}</ref> The second disc contains Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, a 3D PS2 version remake of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories with extra scenes and voice acting. The battle system maintains the card gameplay, with the addition of Reaction Commands from Kingdom Hearts II.<ref name="KH2diskset"> TGS06: Dissecting The Square Enix Trailer

. Game Informer  


. Retrieved on December 29, 2006. </ref> The two games also serves as a canonical update to the series. The book, Kingdom Hearts -Another Report-, was included along with the game for those who reserved a copy.<ref name="Famitsu-AnotherReport"/> Based on figures, Final Mix+ was the number one PlayStation 2 game in sales during the week of its release in Japan.<ref> David Jenkins

.    Industry News: Puzzle Quest, C&C 3 Jump High In Amazon Charts 
. Gamasutra 

. Retrieved on July 6, 2007. </ref>

Literary adaptations

Image:KHII cover.jpg
Cover of the first volume of the Kingdom Hearts II manga| publisher =| language = Japanese| title = キングダムハーツ2 1 (1) (コミック)| accessdate = 2007-06-11}}</ref> Tokyopop licensed the manga and released volume one in North America on July 3, 2007.<ref name="KH2-1-Manga"> Kingdom Hearts II Volume 1 (Kingdom Hearts (Graphic Novels)) (Paperback)



. Retrieved on 2007-07-29. </ref> The game has also been novelized by Tomoco Kanemaki and illustrated by Shiro Amano. The first volume, titled "Roxas - Seven Days", was released on April 22, 2006<ref> Game Novels キングダム ハーツII Vol.1 Roxas-Sevendays (単行本)



. Retrieved on 2007-06-18. </ref> and covers Roxas' story to when Sora wakes up and leaves Twilight Town. The novel depicts extra scenes that were added in the Final Mix version, such as interaction between Organization XIII members and between Axel, Naminé and Riku. The second book, "The Destruction of Hollow Bastion," was released on July 16, 2006.<ref> Game Novels キングダム ハーツII Vol.2 The Destruction of Hollow Bastion (新書)



. Retrieved on 2007-06-18. </ref> The third book, "Tears of Nobody," revolving around Roxas' past, was released on September 29, 2006,<ref> Game Novels キングダム ハーツII Vol.3 Tears of Nobody (新書)



. Retrieved on 2007-06-18. </ref> and the fourth, "Anthem-Meet Again/Axel Last Stand," came out in February 2007.<ref> Game Novels キングダム ハーツII Vol.4 Anthem-Meet Again/Axel Last Stand (単行本)



. Retrieved on 2007-06-18. </ref>//| publisher =| language = Japanese| title = キングダムハーツ2 1 (1) (コミック)| accessdate = 2007-06-11}}</ref> Tokyopop licensed the manga and released volume one in North America on July 3, 2007.<ref name="KH2-1-Manga"> Kingdom Hearts II Volume 1 (Kingdom Hearts (Graphic Novels)) (Paperback)



. Retrieved on 2007-07-29. </ref> The game has also been novelized by Tomoco Kanemaki and illustrated by Shiro Amano. The first volume, titled "Roxas - Seven Days", was released on April 22, 2006<ref> Game Novels キングダム ハーツII Vol.1 Roxas-Sevendays (単行本)



. Retrieved on 2007-06-18. </ref> and covers Roxas' story to when Sora wakes up and leaves Twilight Town. The novel depicts extra scenes that were added in the Final Mix version, such as interaction between Organization XIII members and between Axel, Naminé and Riku. The second book, "The Destruction of Hollow Bastion," was released on July 16, 2006.<ref> Game Novels キングダム ハーツII Vol.2 The Destruction of Hollow Bastion (新書)



. Retrieved on 2007-06-18. </ref> The third book, "Tears of Nobody," revolving around Roxas' past, was released on September 29, 2006,<ref> Game Novels キングダム ハーツII Vol.3 Tears of Nobody (新書)



. Retrieved on 2007-06-18. </ref> and the fourth, "Anthem-Meet Again/Axel Last Stand," came out in February 2007.<ref> Game Novels キングダム ハーツII Vol.4 Anthem-Meet Again/Axel Last Stand (単行本)



. Retrieved on 2007-06-18. </ref>


<references />

External links

Modèle:Wikiquote Official Japanese site]// Official Japanese site] Official Japanese site]// Official North American site] Official Japanese site]// Official European site] Official Japanese site]// Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ Japanese Site] Official Japanese site]// Article on Kingdom Hearts II's educational benefits]

Modèle:Kingdom Hearts series

Modèle:Featured articleda:Kingdoms Hearts 2 el:Kingdom Hearts 2 es:Kingdom Hearts II fr:Kingdom Hearts II id:Kingdom Hearts II it:Kingdom Hearts II nl:Kingdom Hearts II ja:キングダムハーツII no:Kingdom Hearts II pt:Kingdom Hearts II simple:Kingdom Hearts II fi:Kingdom Hearts II sv:Kingdom Hearts II zh-yue:王國之心 II zh:王國之心 II