Urban Terror - Vev

Urban Terror

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Clans français en activité

   * Best 0f Free
   * Boulets Ultra Graves
   * Crazy or Natural
   * Duff
   * Fédération Anarchiste
   * Forgottens
   * Frag Unlimited
   * French Angels of Destruction
   * French Force Team
   * kIll
   * Kingdom of Stars
   * LeGenD
   * Mais Qu'est Ce Donc
   * NuX
   * Section Finger
   * Snipers Gaulois
   * still dangerous
   * Team of Tueurs
   * The Happyness Syndrom
   * Ubu-Team
   * Urban Nannies
   * Veni Vidi Vici
   * [aG-rum] Team




Qu'est-ce que Urban Terror ?

Urban Terror a démarré en tant que modification complète de Quake III Arena basée sur le réalisme. Actuellement, Urban Terror se joue en utilisant le moteur ioquake3 modifié, libre et utilisable seul, qui ne requiert plus Quake III Arena, même si le jeu reste parallèlement un add-on pour Quake III Arena d'Id Software.

Combien coûte Urban Terror ?

Urban Terror est totalement gratuit. C'est une condition du CLUF lorsqu'on développe un mod qui n'est pas distribué à des fins commerciales. Celà signifie que l'équipe qui a crée Urban Terror (Frozen Sand) l'a fait bénévolement. Si vous avez payé Urban Terror alors quelqu'un de peu scrupuleux vous a arnaqué. Vous devriez en référer immédiatement à Id Software ou Frozen Sand.

Qui est FrozenSand, LLC ?

FrozenSand,LLC est le nom commercial de l'équipe de développement qui a créé Urban Terror. Le seul projet en cours de FrozenSand est Urban Terror, mais il est probable que nous ayons d'autres projets dans le futur. Visitez le site www.frozensand.com pour de plus amples informations à propos de l'équipe de développement.

Ai-je besoin de Quake III Arena pour jouer ?

Non. Grâce au projet ioQuake3, dont l'objectif est de créer une version libre de Quake III afin d'aider les gens à créer leurs jeux et projets gratuitement, UrbanTerror ne requiert pas Quake III Arena pour être joué.

Qu'est-ce que ioUrbanTerror ?

ioUrbanTerror est le moteur libre et "autosuffisant" (stand-alone) de ioquake3 modifié pour exécuter Urban Terror. Ce n'est pas un produit de FrozenSand et n'est pas un élément de Urban Terror. ioUrbanTerror peut être utilisé à la place de Quake 3 Arena pour exécuter Urban Terror 4.x dessus.

Quelle configuration est nécessaire pour jouer ?

Cela dépend des caractéristiques de votre sytème. Nous avons l'habitude de dire : si vous pouvez jouer à Quake III Arena alors vous devriez être capable de jouer à Urban Terror. Puisque Quake III Arena est maintenant un vieux jeu, la plupart des machines récentes devrait être capable de faire fonctionner Urban Terror. Si vous avez un doute, téléchargez le jeu et testez-le. FrozenSand recommande les caractéristiques suivantes comme minima :

   * CPU: Pentium 4 1.2GHz ou plus.
   * RAM: 256MBs (512MBs hautement recommandés).
   * VID: NVidia ou carte ATI avec 128MB RAM (256MB ou plus recommandés).
   * HDD: 50GB.

Où puis-je trouver des informations complémentaires ?

Le site officiel pour Urban Terror se trouve sur www.urbanterror.net et celui de FrozenSand,LLC sur www.frozensand.com. Les deux sites vous donneront les informations les plus récentes concernant le développement d'Urban Terror. Nous vous recommandons également de visiter les forums officiels d'Urban Terror qui sont une mine d'or pour dénicher des conseils et du soutient de la communauté. La communauté d'Urban Terror a également d'excellents sites d'information et de support. Vous trouverez ci dessous une petite liste de sites que vous pouvez visiter à cet usage :

Où puis-je télécharger Urban Terror ?

Visitez la section DOWNLOADS du site web ou les forums et vous verrez une liste de mirroirs qui vous fourniront les fichiers nécessaires pour jouer à Urban Terror.


Je veux jouer maintenant !

Nous savons que lire le mode d'emploi afin de pouvoir jouer n'est pas votre priorité. Pour démarrer tout de suite, téléchargez le jeu, et lancez l'installateur. Il n'y a pas de différence entre la version .exe et la version .zip compactée.

Installation et paramétrage

Après avoir lancer Urban Terror, indiquez votre alias / pseudo avec lequel vous allez jouer puis cliquez sur "CONTINUE". Dans le menu principal, cliquez sur "PLAY ONLINE", ce qui aura pour effet de lancer le navigateur de serveurs. Cliquez sur "GET NEW LIST" pour récupérer une mise à jour des serveurs, et sélectionnez le serveur sur lequel vous souhaitez jouer.

Toutes vos touches sont réglées sur la configuration par défaut. Pour les modifier, vous devrez vous référer à la liste des commandes et des touches par défaut ou utiliser l'interface du jeu.


Quelle version dois-je télécharger ?

Vous aurez besoin de télécharger le fichier UrbanTerror_41_FULL.exe que vous utilisiez Quake 3 Urban Terror ou ioUrbanTerror. Il vous faudra choisir entre les deux versions si vous ne souhaitez pas effectuer deux installations. Il ne reste plus que quelques versions de Quake 3 Urban Terror et la plupart ne sont utilisées que pour les matchs de compétitions qui continuent à fonctionner sous Q3 Urt. A l'inverse, il y a un très grand nombre de joueurs et de serveurs qui utilisent ioUrbanTerror. Nous vous recommandons donc d'installer ioUrbanTerror et plus tard Quake 3 Urban Terror si le besoin s'en fait sentir.

Installer ioUrbanTerror

Une fois que vous aurez téléchargé le fichier UrbanTerror_41_FULL.exe, double cliquez dessus pour lancer le processus d'installation. Cliquez sur "NEXT" (suivant) et lisez le contrat de licence, si vous l'acceptez sélectionnez l'option "I accept the agreement" et cliquez sur "NEXT". L'écran suivant vous donnera des informations importantes concernant le jeu, nous vous recommandons de les lire avant de cliquer sur "NEXT". Vous arriverez alors à l'écran "Select Destination Location" où vous devez sélectionner un répertoire pour l'installation d'Urban Terror. Une fois que c'est fait, cliquez sur "NEXT". Ici vous devrez choisir dans quel dossier du menu démarrer vous souhaitez installer les raccourcis du programme. Cliquez sur "NEXT", choisissez les options qui vous conviennent dans l'écran suivant et cliquez encore sur "NEXT" pour lancer l'installation avec les paramètres que vous avez définis.

Vous devriez alors être en mesure de lancer Urban Terror à l'aide des raccourcis de votre menu démarrer et/ou sur votre bureau si vous l'avez spécifié durant la procédure d'installation. Une fois Urban Terror démarré vous serez amenés à indiquer le pseudonyme (nickname) sous lequel vous souhaitez jouer. Nous vous recommandons fortement de cliquer sur le bouton "tutorial" (tutoriel) ensuite. Cela lancera alors une courte vidéo qui vous enseignera rapidement les bases d'UrbanTerror. Enfin, dans le menu, nous vous recommandons de prendre quelques minutes pour configurer votre jeu.

Pour terminer, vous devriez configurer un nombre minimal de touches afin de jouer à Urban Terror. Cliquez sur "SETUP" (paramétrage), puis sur "CONTROLS" (commandes) et associez votre sélection de touches aux commandes du jeu telles que zoom, "next weapon" (arme suivante) et "previous weapon" (arme précédente), "reload" (recharger), "bandage" (soigner), "use/open door" (utiliser/ouvrir portes). Ceci vous permettra d'être prêt sans avoir à chercher parmi toutes vos touches. Vous pourrez associer les autres touches dans le jeu lorsque vous en aurez besoin.

Pour plus d'information sur les contrôles, nous vous recommandons de lire la section Commandes. Cette section entre plus en détail dans l'utilisation de chaque commande, avec les commandes radio, les associations de chaînes de variables et les scripts afin de vous rendre les choses plus simples dans le jeu. Nous vous invitons également à lire le reste du manuel pour plus d'informations sur les différentes possibilités de personnalisation offertes dans le jeu.

Installer Quake 3 Urban Terror

Vérifier sa version de Quake III Arena.

Lorsque vous achetez Quake III Arena dans un magasin et que vous l'installez, la version sera certainement la 1.11. Pour connaître votre numéro de version, lancez Quake III Arena et, lorsque le menu principal s'affiche, appuyez sur la touche ² pour afficher la console. Vous y trouverez le numéro de version en bas à droite. Afin de jouer à UrbanTerror vous devez avoir la version 1.32 de id Software. Celle version est disponible sur QuakeUnity (Thanks Roger !).

Installer Quake III Urban Terror

Si vous souhaitez jouer à Urban Terror avec Quake 3, installez le jeu dans votre dossier Quake 3 Arena (par exemple, avec une installation par défaut de Quake 3 Arena, choisissez le dossier c:\program files\quake III arena et non pas c:\program files\quake III Arena\UrbanTerror).

Pour lancer Quake 3 Urban Terror vous aurez besoin de créer un raccourci Urban Terror. Pour cela, faites un clic droit sur le fichier quake3.exe et sélectionnez "créer un raccourci". Faites un clic droit sur le raccourci que vous venez de créer et allez dans les propriétés. Sur cet écran, ajoutez +set fs_game q3ut4 à la fin de la ligne Cible [exemple : "c:\program files\quake III arena\quake3.exe" +set fs_game q3ut4]. Ceci fait, cliquez sur "Appliquer".

L'exemple précédent concerne un installation par défaut d'Urban Terror et de Quake 3 Arena; votre installation pourrait ne pas être dans le même dossier que celui cité en exemple. Ce raccourci vous permettra de charger directement Urban Terror sans avoir à démarrer Quake 3.

Installer/Mettre à jour Punkbuster

Messages d'erreur de version

Il peut y avoir des messages d'erreur de compatibilité si vous exécutez une version différente de celle du serveur auquel vous tentez de vous connecter :

  • 'PROTOCOL 45' [Serveur utilisant la 1.17]
  • 'PROTOCOL 48' [Serveur utilisant la 1.27]
  • 'PROTOCOL 66' [Serveur utilisant la 1.29 ou la 1.30]
  • 'PROTOCOL 67' [Serveur utilisant la 1.31]
  • 'PROTOCOL 68' [Serveur utilisant la 1.32]

Puis-je installer les deux versions en même temps ?

Oui cela est possible. Afin de pouvoir le faire et de réduire l'espace nécessaire requis nous vous conseillons d'installer votre jeu en suivant la procédure détaillée dans la rubrique Installer Quake III Urban Terror. Ceci fait, vous aurez à la fois le raccourci Quake III Urban Terror et l'exécutable ioUrbanTerror dans le même répertoire et serez capable de lancer ioUrt ou Q3Urt en les utilisant.


Affecter les touches

Urban Terror définit des touches par défaut lorsque vous installez le jeu. Ces touches peuvent être modifiées depuis l'interface utilisateur en cliquant sur "SETUP" puis "CONTROLS" ou en modifiant votre fichier de configuration .cfg. Si vous êtes déjà dans le jeu et souhaitez changer les contrôles, appuyez simplement sur la touche ECHAP et cliquez sur l'option "CONTROLS" qui apparaît.

Une autre méthode, pour les joueurs expérimentés, consiste à faire apparaître la console de Quake III (en général avec la touche ²) et d'y saisir la commande. Par exemple, tapez /bind x ut_radio 1 1 (avec un espace entre les deux 1, x étant la touche choisie).

Liste des commandes et touches par défaut

Action : vision Touche par défaut Définition Commande
Look Up PGDN Regarder en haut +lookup
Look Down DEL Regarder en bas +lookdown
Mouse Look \ Permettre de regarder à 360° avec la souris +mlook
Center View END Centrer la vue centerview
Zoom Weapon In Souris 2 Zoomer (si l'arme à un zoom de 1 ou 3 niveaux) ut_zoomin
Zoom Weapon Out n/a Dézoomer (si l'arme à un zoom de 1 ou 3 niveaux) ut_zoomout
Zoom Reset X Annuler le zoom ut_zoomreset
Free Look ON Réglage qui active/désactive la possiblité de regarder à 360 degrés avec la souris cl_freelook (0/1)

Action : déplacements Touche par défaut Définition Commande
Always Run ON Réglage qui force le joueur à courir au lieu de marcher cl_run (0/1)
Run/Walk SHIFT Basculer entre marcher et courir +speed
Walk Forward W Avancer +forward
Backpedal S Reculer +back
Strafe Left A Se déplacer latéralement sur la gauche +left
Strafe Right D Se déplacer latéralement sur la droite +right
Up/Jump SPACE Sauter +moveup
Down/Crouch SHIFT S'accroupir +movedown
Turn Left (optionnel) LEFTARROW Tourne le joueur vers la gauche +left
Turn Right (optionnel) RIGHTARROW Tourne le joueur vers la droite +right
Sidestep/Turn ALT Tourne le joueur sur le côté +strafe
Sprint M Sprint (plus rapide que courir) +button8
Sprint (alternate) n/a Autre méthode pour sprinter (fonctionne uniquement si vos commandes de strafe droite et gauche sont affectées à une seule touche) Pressez les touches strafe droite et gauche pendant que vous appuyez sur avancer

Action : armes Touche par défaut Définition Commande
Attack Souris 1 Tirer +attack
Reload n/a Recharger l'arme en main +button5
Weapon Mode n/a Changer le mode de tir +button3
Previous Weapon MWHEELDOWN Passer à l'arme précédente weapprev
Next Weapon MWHEELUP Passer à l'arme suivante weapnext
Drop Weapon n/a Jeter par terre l'arme en main ut_weapdrop

Action : divers Touche par défaut Définition Commande
Show Scores TAB Afficher le tableau des scores +scores
Bandage Q Arrêter ses hémorragies ou soigner les coéquipiers +button6
(def)use / Open Door CTRL Utiliser les objets du jeu : ouvrir les portes, désamorcer (en mode bomb) ... +button7
Team Select Menu n/a Ouvrir l'interface de sélection d'équipe ui_selectteam
Gear Select Menu n/a Ouvre l'interface de sélection d'arme/équipement ui_selectgear
Next Item ] Sélectionner l'objet suivant de votre inventaire ut_itemnext
Previous Item [ Sélectionner l'objet précédent de votre inventaire ut_itemprev
Drop Item = Jeter l'objet sélectionné ut_itemdrop
Use Item P Activer l'objet sélectionné (le laser ou les lunettes infra-rouge par exemple) ut_itemuse
Sensitivity n/a Augmenter ou diminuer la sensibilité de la souris (va de 1 à 30) sensitivity
Invert Mouse Y Axis Désactivé par défaut Inverser l'axe vertical de la souris : le haut devient le bas et le bas devient le haut ui_mousepitch (0/1)
Smooth Mouse Désactivé par défaut Adoucir les mouvements de la souris en faisant une moyenne des entrées souris sur une distance m_filter(0/1)

Action : communication Touche par défaut Définition Commande
Chat T Parler avec tous les joueurs présents sur le serveur messagemode
Team Chat Y Parler uniquement avec les joueurs de votre équipe messagemode2
Target Chat n/a Parler uniquement avec le joueur que vous visez messagemode3
Radio Menu U Ouvrir l'interface qui permet d'envoyer un message radio ut_radio

Variables côté client (CVARs)

Urban Terror intègre également de nouvelles variables côté client, connues sous l'appellation de CVARs. Ce sont des variables dont les utilisateurs peuvent modifier les réglages par défaut. Les CVARs listées dans notre manuel sont celles qui sont spécifiques à Urban Terror ou en lien direct.

les CVARs peuvent être modifiées, mais elles n'affectent que ce qui se passe sur VOTRE ordinateur - vous ne pouvez pas modifier ce que les autres joueurs voient ou entendent en changeant les CVARs. Pour changer une CVARs, ouvrez la console [appuyez sur la touche (²)], effacez le "²" puis tapez un slash (/) suivi du nom de la CVAR puis d'un espace et de la valeur que vous souhaitez lui affecter. Par exemple : /cg_fov 90. Cette commande va établir la valeur de la CVAR cg_fov (angle de vision) à 90. Vous pouvez saisir le nom de la CVAR sans indiquer de valeur pour afficher le réglage actuel de la CVAR concernée.

CVARs spécifiques à UrbanTerror

CVAR Valeur par défaut Définition
cg_autoradio 0 Active ou désactive le message "Fire in the hole". Si le réglage est "1" le message sera entendu.
cg_autorecordmatch 1 Active l'enregistrement automatique d'une démo au démarrage d'un match.
cg_autoscreenshot 1 Permet de prendre une capture d'écran des scores sur les serveurs publics et en mode match. Si la valeur est "2" les captures d'écran ne se feront qu'en mode match.
cg_chatHeight 4 Nombre de lignes de discussion qui s'affichent. Une valeur plus importante vous permettra de suivre des conversations plus longues mais rognera un peu plus votre affichage. Une valeur plus faible rend la lecture des discussions intenses plus difficile. La plupart des joueurs font apparaître la console dans le dernier cas.
cg_chatTime 4000 Durée d'affichage à l'écran d'un message de discussion. En millisecondes.
cg_crosshairfriendRGB 1 0 0 1 Détermine la couleur de votre viseur lorsqu'il est placé sur un coéquipier.
cg_crosshairnamessize 0.3 Détermine la taille du nom du joueur ciblé.
cg_crosshairnamestype 3 Plage de valeurs : 0-3. Bascule entre les différents type d'affichage des noms.
cg_drawHands 1 Permet de faire apparaître les mains. Pour la valeur 1 vous verrez des mains tenir l'arme en vue à la première personne (vision normale). Pour une valeur de 0, les mains n'apparaissent plus, ce qui peut permettre une légère amélioration des performances du système.
cg_drawteamoverlayscores 1 Plage de valeur 0-3. 0 : pas d'affichage des équipes. 1 : les deux équipes sont affichées. 2 : affiche la liste de vos coéquipiers et le nombre d'ennemis en vie. 3 : affiche votre statut et le nombre de joueurs encore en vie dans votre équipe et dans l'équipe adverse.
cg_drawteamscores 1 Permet d'activer l'affichage du score pour l'option précédente.
cg_gunsize 1 Permet de réduire la taille de l'arme en vue à la première personne.
cg_hitsound 0 Permet d'entendre un son (plink) dés que vous touchez un ennmi.
cg_hudweaponinfo 2 Plage de valeurs : 0-2. Configure l'affichage des informations de vos armes : nom, nombre de chargeurs, de balles, mode de tir.
cg_mapalpha 0.6 Permet de modifer la transparence de la mini-map.
cg_maparrowscale 1.0 Permet de modifer la taille des flèches sur la mini-map.
cg_mappos 0 Plage de valeurs : 0-9. A la valeur 0, la mini-map n'apparaît plus à l'écran. La mini-map peut être déplacée en suivant le sens contraire des aiguilles d'une montre à l'écran en utilisant les valeurs 1 à 9 pour les différentes positions.
cg_mapsize 128 Permet de modifer la taille de la mini-map à l'écran.
cg_maptoggle 1 Permet d'afficher ou non la mini-map.
cg_marktotaltime 5000 Durée en milliseconde qu'un impact va rester sur une surface avant de disparaître. Plus ce nombre est élevé plus le jeu est ralenti. Régler cette valeur à un niveau élevé n'a donc d'intérêt que si vous avez une machine puissante. Il est recommandé de ne pas dépasser 10 000.
cg_maxFragments 32 Permet de déterminer le nombre maximal de fragments d'un objet brisable. La valeur maximale est définir par la map. Ainsi, si vous le réglez à 32 et que la valeur fixée par la map est de 16, vous n'en verrez que 16.
cg_msgHeight 4 Permet de définir le nombre de lignes ou de chaînes de texte qui s'affichent à l'écran.
cg_msgTime 4000 Durée d'affichage des messages de vos coéquipiers en millisecondes.
cg_nvg 0 Plage de valeurs : 0-8. Permet de choisir la couleur de vision des lunettes infrarouges (NVGs).
cg_optimize 1 Permet d'activer le code d'optimisation du client qui augmente le nombre de FPS (Frame per second / Images par seconde) sur les machines peu performantes.
cg_physics 1 Permet d'activer des effets physiques indépendants de la fréquence d'affichage ce qui a pour effet de vous faire sauter la même distance quelques soient vos fps (images/seconde).
cg_rgb 255 0 0 Permet de déterminer la couleur de vos brassards, sur la minimap ou le tableau de score si le serveur le permet.
cg_scopefriendrgb 0 0 0 0.8 Détermine la couleur du viseur de votre zoom lorsqu'il est placé sur un coéquipier.
cg_scopeg36 0 Plage de valeurs : 0-3. Permet de choisir le type de lunette de visée pour le G36.
cg_scopePSG 0 Plage de valeurs : 0-3. Permet de choisir le type de lunette de visée pour le PSG.
cg_scopeRGB 0.9 0 0 0.65 Permet de définir la couleur du viseur d'une lunette de visée (noir par défaut sur noir).
cg_scopering 2 Permet d'afficher un cercle signalant l'intensité de la pénalité de mouvement.
cg_scopesr8 0 Plage de valeurs : 0-3. Permet de choisir le type de lunette de visée pour le SR8.
cg_sfxbrasstime 5000 Durée en millisecondes durant laquelle les douilles éjectées restent au sol. Une nombre élevé peu entraîner une diminution des performances du système. Si votre machine est puissante vous pouvez augmenter cette valeur afin que les douilles restent plus longtemps visibles.
cg_sfxBreathing 1 Permet d'entendre un bruit de respiration lorsqu'un joueur est épuisé. Mettez la valeur à 0 si ce bruit vous dérange. Notez que les autres joueurs continueront tout de même à entendre votre de respiration si vous le désactivez.
cg_sfxParticles 1 Permet d'activer les effets de particule à l'exception des effets d'impact. Mettez la valeur à 0 pour réduire l'incidence des effets de particules sur la fréquence des images. En effet, elle est loin d'être négligeable s'il y a beaucoup d'action dans le jeu.
cg_sfxShowDamage 1 Pour toute autre valeur que 0, des dommages seront apparents lorsqu'un joueur est touché. Un réglage à 0 permet de gagner un peu de mémoire. Les dommages sont activés par défaut.
cg_sfxSurfaceImpacts 1 Permet d'activer les effets d'impact des balles qui touchent les surfaces. Il peut y avoir un léger gain de performance si l'on désactive la variable mais cela deviendra plus difficle de savoir où les balles sont tirées.
cg_sfxTeamBands 1 Permet d'activer l'affichage des brassards aux bras et jambes des joueurs pour les parties en équipe. Notez que ceci n'affecte que ce que vous voyez. Les autres joueurs continueront à vous voir avec vos brassards. Ce réglage est destiné aux joueurs qui ne souhaitent pas voir l'affichage des brassards.
cg_sfxVisibleItems 1 Permet de rendre visible les objets et les armes sur les joueurs. Un réglage à 0 augmentera les FPS mais supprimera l'affichage des objets tels que les kevlars ou les armes aux mains des joueurs.
cg_showbullethits 2 Permet d'afficher en haut de l'écran des messages indiquant où vous avez été touché et où vous touchez vos adversaires. Certaines personnes trouvent ces messages perturbants et préfèrent les désactiver en mettant la valeur à 0. Une valeur à 2 permet de connaître en plus l'intensité des dommages.
cg_SpectatorShoutcaster 1 En mode spectateur, permet d'afficher le nom, l'arme et la santé avec la couleur de l'équipe au dessus de l'avatar du joueur.
cg_speedo 0 Permet d'indiquer votre vitesse (XY et XYZ) lorsque votre personnage se déplace.
cg_standardChat 0 Urban Terror sépare les discussions des autres types de messages dans l'affichage principal. Si vous ne souhaitez pas qu'ils soient séparés (telle la méthode standard de Quake3) alors réglez la valeur à 1.

Couleurs du viseur

En utilisant les CVARs cg_crosshairRGB (couleur de votre viseur)et cg_crosshairFriendRGB (couleur de votre viseur lorsqu'il est placé sur un coéquipier), vous pouvez modifier plus précisemment la couleur de votre viseur qu'en passant par le menu. Cependant nous vous recommandons de n'utiliser cette technique que si vous êtes habitués à l'utilisation des CVARs.

Table des couleurs de viseur
1 .5 .5 1 1 1 .5 1 .5 1 .5 1 0 1 .5 1 .5 1 1 1 0 .5 1 1 1 .5 .75 1 1 .5 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 .5 1 0 1 0 1 .25 1 0 1 1 1 0 .5 .75 1 .5 .5 .75 1 1 0 1 1
.5 .25 .25 1 1 .5 .25 1 0 1 0 1 0 .5 .5 1 0 .25 .5 1 .5 .5 1 1 .5 0 .25 1 1 0 .5 1
.5 0 0 1 1 .5 0 1 0 .5 0 1 0 .5 .25 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 .63 1 .5 0 .5 1 .5 0 1 1
.25 0 0 1 .5 .25 0 1 0 .25 0 1 0 .25 .25 1 0 0 .5 1 0 0 .25 1 .25 0 .25 1 .25 0 .5 1
0 0 0 1 .5 .5 0 1 .5 .5 .25 1 0 1 .5 1 .5 .5 .5 1 .25 .5 .5 1 .75 .75 .75 1 .25 0 .25 1
Changer la couleur du viseur

Voici quelques exemples de ce qui l'est possible de faire. L'ordre des valeurs est : Rouge Vert Bleu Alpha

Rouge - Intensité du rouge (Va de 0 à 1)
Vert - Intensité du vert (Va de 0 à 1)
Bleu - Intensité du bleu (Va de 0 à 1)
Alpha - Intensité de l'alpha (Va de 0 (transparent)à 1 (opaque))

Exemples : Si vous saisissez cg_crosshairRGB “1 0 0 1” (rouge 1, vert 0, bleu 0, alpha 1) dans la console changera la couleur du viseur en rouge (ne pas oublier les guillemets avant et après les valeurs).

Si vous saisissez cg_crosshairFriendRGB “0 1 0 1” (rouge 0, vert 1, bleu 0, alpha 1) dans la console changera la couleur du viseur quand il est placé sur un coéquipier en vert (ne pas oublier les guillemets avant et après les valeurs). Vous ne pouvez pas régler la couleur pour identifier les ennemis, seulement les coéquipiers.

Pour trouver la couleur de viseur qui vous convient, utilisez n'importe quelle application qui utilise une palette standard RGBA et trouvez une couleur qui vous plaît. Cela devrait vous afficher une liste brute de valeurs comme celle-ci :

Rouge : 34
Vert : 128
Bleu : 243

Ensuite, divisez ces valeurs par 255.

34 / 255 = 0.13+
128 / 255 = 0.5+
243 / 255 = 0.95+

Puisque l'ordre des valeurs des CVARs gérant les couleurs du viseur est rouge vert bleu alpha, cela nous donne alors pour les valeurs précedentes :

/cg_crosshairRGB "0.13,0.5,0.95,1"

Ou si vous souhaitez avoir un effet légérement transparent :

/cg_crosshairRGB "0.13,0.5,0.95,0.6"

CVARs verrouillées / limitées

Au cours des années, certaines variables de Quake III ont été restreintes ou bloquées empêchant par la même les utilisateurs de les modifier selon leurs désirs. Beaucoup le souhaiterait afin de pouvoir augmenter leurs FPS mais il faut savoir que la plupart de ces variables ont été bridées afin de se prémunir contre le piratage et la tricherie. Quelques unes des CVARs qui ont été modifiées :

  • cg_bobup: vérouillée.
  • cg_fov: limitée entre 90 et 110.
  • cg_pitchup: vérouillée.
  • cg_sfxMuzzleFlash: vérouillée.
  • Snaps: vérouillée.
  • cl_maxpackets: limitée entre 20 et 42.
  • r_fastsky: vérouillée.
  • r_lightmap: vérouillée.
  • r_MapOverBrightBits: vérouillée.
  • r_Overbrightbits: vérouillée.
  • r_picmip: limitée entre 0 et 2.

Fichiers de configuration

Que sont les fichiers de configuration (.cfg) ?

Configuration or config files are text files with the file extension of ".cfg" rather than the standard ".txt". These are used to store binds, cvar values, and cvar stings (scripts) that allow you to move about and interact with the game world that is Urban Terror.

Most experienced gamers will create their own personal configuration files, with or without scripts included so the game is tweaked in order to be able to improve their game experience. Many things can be done with configuration files, from tweaking network settings so that the connection to the server is always smooth as silk to pull a few more FPS out of their system, or just to have all the keys where they want them.

There are two important config files. The q3config.cfg is the only config file everyone has in its Urban Terror folder. The q3config.cfg files contain all the settings and variables for UrbanTerror. Any changes you make in SETUP -> CONTROLS will be reflected in this file for example. It is not recommended to edit this file manually, but you can safely look at it using a text file viewer which supports Unicode Text Files (i.e WordPad) and it should not be write protected.

The autoexec.cfg is where all customization should be done. This overwrites all values and binds set by the prior config file, and allows for the execution of many more sub config files should the need arise, this can also be used to store scripts. If you need to customize your configuration, we recommend you edit this file.

Comment modifier son autoexec.cfg ?

To modify your autoexec.cfg file, open the .cfg file with Wordpad or any other text editor and modify as necessary. Once you have finished save the file to your q3ut4 folder. We recommend using QBind, an advanced script editor for Quake Engine games that allows scripts to be edited in a familiar and intuitive manner or one of the other scripting/config programs listed below.

Comment lancer un fichier .cfg  ?

To execute a config file, simply bring down the console using the the tilde key [~]. Once the console appeared, type a slash (/) followed by exec and then the name of the .cfg file you wish to execute. Example: /exec myconfig.cfg.

Pourquoi ma config ne fonctionne t'elle pas ?

Normally the autoexec.cfg will execute without a hitch, but there are times when it can fail. Normally this is because of heavy fragmentation of the hard drive, so first try defragging your drive.

If the autoexec.cfg file still doesn't work, right click on io UrbanTerror shortcut and select "Properties" from the menu. Select the "Shortcut" tab. In the "Target:" field the command line should contain:

"C:\Program Files\UrbanTerror\ioUrbanTerror.exe"

Now add the following to that line:

+exec autoexec.cfg

Your command line should now read:

"C:\Program Files\UrbanTerror\ioUrbanTerror.exe" +exec autoexec.cfg

Should it still not execute correctly, launch the game and bring down the console by pressing the tilde [~] key. Once the console appeared enter the following command:

/bind X "exec autoexec.cfg"

Where "X" is a key of your choice. We also recommend you place the same command in your autoexec.cfg. Whenever you launch the game, you will then have to press X in order to execute your autoexec file.

You can also enter the following into the console should the bind not work:

/exec autoexec.cfg

However both of the above methods will require you to either press the X key or type the command every time you launch the game.

Générateurs de fichiers config

If editing and updating your own configs feels like a daunting task and you are not sure of CVARs and how they should be set, you might try using a config generator.

Two such generators are listed below:


Qu'est qu'un script?

A script is a group of commands that allow you to achieve a task. Scripts can be used for:

  1. Improve control flexibility (e.g., multiple weapon binds)
  2. Execute multiple functions with one keystroke (e.g., demo recording)
  3. Facilitate config customization for multiple mods (e.g., Urban Terror)

After reading through this basic explanation of script writing you should be comfortable with writing your own basic scripts. Visit The Bind:Arena to see some examples of some really cool scripts and Commander Keen's Quake 3 Arena Console Page for all the different console commands and variables you might need while writing your scripts and Upset Chaps Quake3 & Team Arena Guide for additional information.

Organiser ses scripts

Scripts have to be saved in a separate .cfg file from your q3config.cfg. The reason is that Quake III overwrites the q3config file every time you start a game or change settings and therefore will delete your scripts and comments.

I put all of my scripts into an autoexec.cfg. If you don't know how to put one together, visit the Tweaking Your Controls:Making an Autoexec section for a quick lesson. (ADD THIS LINK & SECTION)

As you write scripts, use //comments to help annotate what your script does. It will help better organize scripts in your configuration and if you want to give your scripts to other people, it makes it pretty clear what it does. Quake III will not execute anything that follows a pair of double-backslashes (//).

Example of (//) double-backslahses:

//Function Keys
bind F1 "ui_selectteam" //Displays Team Select Interface
bind F2 "ui_selectgear" //Displays Weapon & Gear Interface
bind F3 "ui_radio" //Displays radio menu
bind F3 "toggle cg_drawFPS" //Displays Frames per Second
bind F4 "toggle cg_drawTimer" //Displays timer
bind F5 "toggle cg_thirdperson" //Shows model in third person view
bind F6 "toggle cg_drawhands" //Shows hands & weapon
bind F11 "screenshot" //Takes screenshot

You can also use the Echo command (more on this later) to give yourself in-game messages when a script has been activated. We'll discuss this later, but you can go to some of the examples section and look at the zoom toggle and the demo recording script to see what in-game messages I give myself when the script is activated.

Les affectations simples (binds)

Binding a key to perform a single action is the easiest place to start. We'll start by binding the 'X' key to select the SPAS12 (weapon 4). The syntax is:

bind [key] "[command]"

Since we want to bind 'X' to the SPAS12, we will substitute 'X' for [key] and 'weapon 7' for [command]. This will give us:

bind x "weapon 7" //Select SPAS12

That was simple enough, let's move on.

Les affectations multiples (binds multiples)

We can also bind a key to execute multiple commands. Remember that Quake III executes commands in the order you've specified so we have to be careful. For example, we are going to bind a key to select the best choice between the SPAS12 (weapon 4) and the G36 (weapon 9). The syntax is:

bind [key] "[command 1]; [command 2]" //Comments go here

You have to separate the commands with a semicolon (;) so that Quake recognizes where each command starts and stops. We're going to use the 'X' key again for [key], weapon 4 for [command 1], and weapon 9 for [command 2]. This should give us:

bind X "weapon 4; weapon 9" //Select best weapon Spas12 and G36

When you hit 'X', the bind selects the first weapon (e.g., weapon 4) then immediately selects the second weapon (e.g., weapon 9). In effect, if you have both weapons in your inventory, it selects the last one in the sequence.

If you only have one of the weapons, it will only find and therefore activate that weapon. This is why we want to make sure we write weapon 4 first since given the choice between the two, we always want to end up with the G36.

You can string a whole bunch of commands together to be executed all at once. This bind for example, will take a remove all the clutter from your screen (e.g., icons, guns, etc), take a screenshot, and then return your HUD to the way it was. bind F11 "cg_draw2d 0;cg_drawhands 0; wait; wait; wait; screenshot; toggle cg_draw2d; toggle cg_drawhands" (TRY THIS BIND SEE IF IT WORKS)

Les scripts récursifs

Instead of only selecting the best weapon, what if we want to toggle back and forth between two weapons like the UMP45 and the GM4 or make it possible to zoom to 3x or 6x magnification? This requires a script, which we will call the recursive script. By recursive, it means that you can cycle through the script an infinite number of times. The intent is to execute one string of commands when you hit the bound key, then re-bind the key to execute new string of commands the next time you use the key. The process is:

Name your script and add a short description of what it does: Add your name and description after a comment (// - double-backslash) so that Quake III doesn't try to recognize it as a command. Assigning a good descriptive name will help you find your script later, and if you decide to share it with others, helps them understand what they're getting (e.g. // 3x - 6x zoom toggle).

Write commands for each 'step' in the script:

set [scriptline(n)] "[command]; set [nextscriptline] vstr [scriptline(n+1)]; echo [comment]" 

The 'set' command tells Quake that you are defining a line of commands that will be grouped and executed under the name [scriptline].

  • [scriptline(n)] - is the name of one iteration or step in your script. If you have a large number of steps, start numbering with 1. If you have 4 steps, then the highest number should be 4. For scripts with a small number of steps, you can use simple names, just make sure that you don't use the same name twice.
  • [command] - is the command or set of commands you want to execute with the script. Multiple commands should be separated by a semicolon (;) like we learned in the Multiple Binds section.
  • set [nextscriptline] - this tells the script to assign [nextscriptline] to execute the string of commands defined in [scriptline(n+1)].
  • vstr [scriptline(n+1)] - is the name of the next alias in the sequence to be activated. Look at the weapon scripts. In the first iteration, I want to choose the G36 over the SPAS12, but in the second, I want to reverse the sequence. In your last iteration, make n=1 to start all over from the beginning.This will let your key cycle through all of the combinations you've written, then start all over from the beginning. You don't have to use a numerical sequence, but it might make it easier to keep track of. In any case, pick whatever you're comfortable with.
  • echo [comment] - Any text that follows the echo command will be shown to you as an in-game message. I find this useful for reminding me what my script just did.

Here's an example for a 3x - 6x zoom toggle:

set zoomtoggle1 "cg_zoomfov 15; sensitivity 25; set nextzoomtoggle vstr zoomtoggle2; echo 6x magnification"
set zoomtoggle2 "cg_zoomfov 30; sensitivity 17; set nextzoomtoggle vstr zoomtoggle1; echo 3x magnification"

Assign dynamic variable to first 'step' in sequence: After you have finished writing the basic set of commands, use set [nextscriptline] vstr [scriptline(n+1)]

This tells the computer that [nextscriptline] should start by executing [scriptline(n+1)]. Notice however, that every time you execute your script, the value attached to [nextscriptline] changes. Here's an example for a 3x - 6x zoom toggle: set nextzoomtoggle "vstr zoomtoggle1"

Bind key to execute dynamic variable: The last step is to bind a key to execute your new script. We learned the syntax in the first step, Simple Binds. The final line in the zoom toggle looks like: Here's an example for a 3x - 6x zoom toggle:

bind b "vstr nextzoomtoggle"

All this does is bind the key to execute the string of commands associated with [nextscriptline]. Here's what it looks like when it's all put together:


Try this out and play around a little. You'll be writing your own scripts in no time.

Les bascules

Any command that can be set to either "on" or "off", can be set up on a toggle. For example, you can set Always Run to either on (1) or off (0), therefore I can create a toggle that lets me switch between always on or always off. This has a couple of advantages:

  1. In the case of the +speed (run) command, I don't have to hold down my SHIFT key to run or walk. If I want to sneak up on someone, I can hit the toggle to walk, and then hit it again when I want to resume running.
  2. This set up conserves keys. Instead of one button set to enable always run and another to disable it, I can consolidate everything to one key.

The syntax is:

bind [key] "toggle [command]"

Here are a couple of examples:

bind SHIFT "toggle cl_run"
bind F3 "toggle cg_drawFPS" //Displays Frames per Second
bind F4 "toggle cg_drawTimer" //Displays timer
bind F5 "toggle cg_thirdperson" //Shows model in third person view
bind F6 "toggle cg_drawhands" //Shows hands & weapon

Look through your configuration for variables that take either a 0 or 1 value. Those are the commands that can be set up on a toggle.

Les éxécutables

This command can be used to clean up the autoexec.cfg. Basically, this is a file containing each script. For example my favorite servers, one with communications binds and scripts, and a third for demo recording/handling binds.

Having them in a separate file lets me share them with teammates, team comm binds for example, or pass along my favorite servers without having to send the entire autoexec.

The other reason for this is config organization. If your configuration to too large, Quake III will have problems executing the whole thing. Seperate configs set up as executables enable you to reduce the overall size of your primary autoexec. The syntax is:

exec [filename.cfg]

Here are a couple of examples that could be used in an autoexec.cfg :

exec comm.cfg
exec serverlist.cfg
exec demo.cfg 

Here are just a few example of scripts that can be used in your in your config.

// Toggle Sprint, Run, Walk Bind
set mz_00 "set mz_f vstr mz_01; -button8; +speed; ut_echo SPEED: WALKING"
set mz_01 "set mz_f vstr mz_02; -button8; -speed; ut_echo SPEED: RUNNING"
set mz_02 "set mz_f vstr mz_00; +button8; -speed; ut_echo SPEED: SPRINTING"
set mz_f "vstr mz_01" //sets run as default
bind SHIFT "vstr mz_f" //bind for changing speed

// Toggle Crouch Bind
set sit "+movedown; set crouch vstr stand"
set stand "-movedown; set crouch vstr sit"
set crouch "vstr stand" //set default
bind c "vstr crouch"

Pourquoi mon script ne fonctionne t'il pas ?

There are two possible errors. One of them happens when your script is too big. All scripts should stay under 16KB in size, to solve this problem break the script or scripts into smaller files which you can then execute by adding the following lines to your autoexec.cfg (where FileName is the name of your files):

exec FileName_1.cfg
exec FileName_2.cfg

If you have a lot of such sub scripts we advise you create a folder in which to store them, to keep your game directory fairly tidy. This can be done by creating a new folder with the name of your choice (we will name it "cfg" in our exemple) in your q3ut4 folder. Now place all your sub scripts into this folder, the autoexec.cfg should NOT be placed in this folder. Now add the following lines to your autoexec.cfg:

exec cfg\FileName_1.cfg (where cfg is your folder and FileName is the name of your sub-script)
exec cfg\FileName_2.cfg 

Another possible error is triggered when you have too many cvar strings active (i.e too many scripts) this error is usually accompanied by an error message similar to "[insert text] overflow" the only way to solve this issue is to start hacking away at what you really don't need in your scripts. There are some ways around this with some creative scripting but that is beyond the scope of this manual.

Où puis-je trouver plus d'informations sur les scripts ?

If you would like to learn more about modifying your config file, we recommend:

Most of these sites are no longer updated, but the information contained within can still be applied to Urban Terror. We are still on the look out for Zex Suik, curator of UT Scripts. If we can find him and retreive his files we will include those on the web site in the future.



L'interface utilisateur a été entièrement revue et complètement réencodée. En utilisant les technologies de la dernière version de Quake 3 Team Arena d'ID Software, nous avons pu créer de superbes effets et ajouter plus de menus que ne comportait Team Arena. L'interface utilisateur est scindée en deux parties, le menu d'accueil et le menu en jeu. Les deux peuvent être utilisées pour changer les commandes, les paramètres systèmes, les paramètres joueurs et autres variables. Vous trouverez dans les sous-chapitres suivants des images montrant à quoi ressemble ces deux parties et quelles sont l'utilité de chaques boutons.

L'interface d'accueil

Ci-dessous, une image de l'interface d'accueil, apparaissant ainsi à chaque fois qu'Urban Terror est chargé.

Image:Ui mainmenu.jpg

  1. Pour vous connecter à une partie en ligne, cliquez sur "Play Online".
  2. Le menu "Setup" vous permettra de modifier la configuration de votre personnage et du clavier, ainsi que de changer les valeurs des paramètres vidéos et audios.
  3. Pour lancer et configurer un serveur grâce à l'interface utilisateur.
  4. "Other Mods" vous montrera tous les mods du jeu Quake III installés sur votre ordinateur. Urban Terror apparaitra dans ce menu.
  5. Pour voir les démos qui ont été préalablement sauvegardées.
  6. Pour quitter le mod et Quake III.

L'interface du jeu

Ci-dessous, une image de l'interface en jeu. Vous pouvez atteindre ce menu en pressant la touche Echap en jeu.

Image:Ui ingamemenuoptions.jpg

Voici les menus que vous pouvez atteindre dans l'interface utilisateur:

  1. About: Vous donne des informations sur le serveur sur lequel vous êtes.
  2. Player: Rejoindre une équipe, sélectionner vos armes et équipements préférés ou changer l'apparence de votre personnage.
  3. Add Bot: Vous permet de jouer avec des bots lors de parties ou vous êtes seul.
  4. Controls: Modifier vos binds et contrôles.
  6. System: Les paramètres vidéos peuvent être modifiés dans ce menu.
  7. Vote: Utilisé pour lancer un vote, changer le type de jeu, modifier les paramètres du serveur ou pour changer de map.
  8. Rcon: Permet aux administrateurs et aux joueurs possédant le mot de passe rcon de prendre le contrôle du serveur.
  9. Exit: Vous permet de quitter le mod.

Choisir son équipe et des armes

Lorsque vous rejoignez une partie, une interface comprenant une série d'îcones apparait, vous permettant de faire votre choix d'équipe et d'armes/équipements. L'interface sera de nouveau joignable en jeu, afin de changer d'armes ou d'équipe, mais apparait de manière systématique lorsque vous rejoignez un serveur. Vous pouvez navigué dans ces menus en appuyant sur la touche chiffre correspondant au chiffre affiché dans le bouton que vous souhaitez choisir. Pour rejoindre ces menus, vous pouvez également définir un bind sur une touche pour lancer le menu choix d'équipe et le menu choix des armes, ou encore appuyer sur la touche ECHAP pour ouvrir l'interface en jeu, puis appuyer sur PLAYER et finalement choisir TEAM SELECT ou WEAPON / GEAR SELECT. Ci-dessous deux images vous montrant à quoi ressemblent ces menus. (Notez-bien : Votre capacité de transport d'armes/équipements est limité, si un bouton affiche un cercle barré et la mention "not available", vous avez atteint votre capacité maximale de transport d'armes/equipements. Pour transporter d'avantage , vous devez abandonner vos grenades, équipements secondaires ou les deux.

Image:Ui menusetupweapons.jpg

Choisir son équipe

Choisissez TEAM SETUP dans le but de changer de statut de joueur. Trois options vous sont proposées, listées ci-dessous.

  1. Selection d'équipe, vous pouvez choisir vous-mêmes l'équipe rouge ou bleu.
  2. Autojoin vous assignera automatiquement une équipe, selon le nombre de joueurs déjà présent et le score. Il est recommandé de choisir cette option lorsque vous rejoignez un serveur.
  3. Si vous ne souhaitez rejoindre aucune des deux équipes et regarder la partie. Cette sélection vous fera quand même occupé un slot sur le serveur.

Choisir ses armes

Choisissez le sous-menu WEAPONS/ITEMS dans le but d'équiper votre joueur d' armes et équipements. Vous avez deux slots armes, l'arme principale (1) et la secondaire (2). Cliquez sur l'une d'entre elles pour effectuer votre choix d'armes. Toutes les armes ne sont pas autorisées en arme principale. Vous devez porter une arme d'appoint et choisir parmis deux pistolets.

Selon votre équipement, vous pouvez choisir entre des grenades explosives ou à fumées (4). Vous pouvez de plus transporter jusqu'à trois équipements (5, 6, 7) selon votre choix d'armes et grenades.

Choisir son modèle de personnage

Vous pouvez choisir l'apparance de votre joueur en jeu et dans le menu d'accueil. Pour choisir l'apparance de votre joueur de puis l'interface utilisateur, appuyez sur la touche ECHAP, puis sur cliquez sur le bouton PLAYER. A partir de ce menu, vous pouvez choisir l'apparance de votre joueur et sa couleur selon votre équipe.

Image:Ui menusetupplayer.jpg

Pour modifier votre votre l'apparance de votre joueur en jeu, appuyez sur ECHAP pour ouvrir l'interface en jeu, puis appuyez sur PLAYER et finalement sur PLAYER SETUP. Ces deux méthodes vous font visualiser l'apparance de votre joueur en jeu. Pour changer d'apparance, faites défiler les îcones et cliquez pour confirmer votre choix. Votre apparance changera conformément à votre choix.

L'affichage des informations sur l'écran ou HUD contient des informations courantes telles que vos munitions, votre barre d'endurance, la détection des impacts et d'autres informations utiles en jeu. Apprendre comment le HUD fonctionne est vital pour jouer correctement à Urban Terror. Ci-dessous une image décrivant l'utilité des composants du HUB.

Image:Ui hud.jpg

Le HUD est configurable, vous pouvez fermer ou déplacer ses composants.

  1. Minimap: affiche la position de vos coéquipiers, des soigneurs, des drapeaux capturés et des appels à l'aide. Plus d'informations sur la mini-carte sont fournies à la section 4.4.11.
  2. Détection des impacts et barre d'endurance: vous fournies des informations sur la localisation de l'impact lorsque vous êtes touchés par une balle, ainsi que l'état actuel et vos possibilitées d'endurance. Cette barre vire au rouge lorsque vous n'êtes pas soigné.
  3. Vue d'ensemble des équipes (team overlay): vous fournit le ratio frags/morts de chaque coéquipiers ainsi que le nombre d'ennemies encore en vie. Vous pouvez fermer ce CVAR avec cg_teamoverlay(0/1).
  4. Indications sur l'arme utilisée : vous montre votre arme actuellement utilisé, le nombre de munitions et de chargeurs restant.
  5. Mini tableau de score : vous donne le score et des informations sur votre taux de FPS et votre ping.
  6. Décompte de la durée des "wave respawn": vous indique le temps restant avant que les joueurs de chaque équipe ne "respawn". (Utilisé en CTF)
  7. Visée : vous montre le nom et l'état de santé des joueurs lorsque votre visée passe sur eux. La barre verte représent l'état de santé, lorsqu'il y a blessure, la barre vire au rouge vous montrant qu'un joueur a été blessé.

Notez-bien : Certains joueurs apprécient de pouvoir visualiser l'état de leur connection, ils font apparaitre le CVAR cg_lagometer 1 afin de voir l'état du serveur et de leur connection.

Mini Map

La minimap est une vue aérienne affiché sur le HUD du niveau (map) actuellement joué. Cela vous donnera un apercu du niveau joué, des passages, de la position des coéquipiers et des drapeaux (en CTF). Elle est parfaitement configurable : 5 CVARs vous permettant de controler l'aspect et la position de la minimap en jeu.

Image:Hud minimap.jpg

La minicarte est déplacé sur l'écran selon un sens anti-horaire, selon l'endroit ou vous souhaitez la placée. De même, vous pouvez changer la transparence et la taille de la minimap ou encore, la fermer.

Détection des impacts et barre d'endurance

Image:Hud staminabar.jpg

This is located in the lower left corner of the HUD and will provides you a visual representation of your player and full stamina bar. When you are shot, the hit detection model will flash on the corrosponding body part and your stamina bar will start to flash red.

Once you start to bleed your overall health will start to be depleted. Your remaining health, or stamina will be based on how quickly you are able to heal your wounds. The longer you go without healing the more health you loose. Another gamer can heal you back up to 40%, while a medic will be able to heal you back up to 80%. It plays to know your medics and use them.

Your stamina bar will regenerate health are varying rates depending on your movement. If you are sprinting, strafe jumping or jumping in general will burn stamina. Any other movement will regenerate your health. The rate at which your stamina returns depends on your movement. Standing or crouching will regenerate health the quicker than running.

Vue d'ensemble des équipes (team overlay)

The team overlay allows you to view information relating to each team. This overlay is configurable in order to limit the amount of information that can be displayed. There are four options available, including turning off the team overlay completely.

If the team overlay CVAR is set to "1" you will see a list of players, back lit by their team color and the number of kill:deaths. This will also display who is still alive. If this is set to "2" you will see only your team's information and the number of remaining enemy. If it is set to "3" you will only see the number of alive teammates and the number of alive enemy.

Indications sur l'arme utilisée

Située dans le coin en bas à droite de l'écran, cette zone permet d'avoir accès aux informations relatives à l'armement. En un coup d'oeil, vous pouvez voir votre arme sélectionnée et les nombres de munitions et chargeurs restants.

Si vous n'utilisez pas toutes vos munitions avant de recharger, bien évidemment vous perdrez toutes celles restantes dans le chargeur. A n'importe quel moment, vous pouvez récupérer des chargeurs par terre, le nombre indiqué évoluera alors en conséquence.

Mini tableau de score

Le mini tableau de score est situé en haut à droite de l'écran. Il indique le score de chaque équipe et peut être activé / désactivé.

Décompte de la durée des "wave respawn"

This option allows you to see the time remaining until the next respawn. This is mainly used for CTF. In order for the wave respawn timer to work, it must be enabled on the server. Instead of dying and having to sit out for an amount of time, the wave respawn timer is set by the server admin and gamers on each side respawn ogether, in a wave as opposed to individually.


While the main purpose of the crosshair allows you to aim your weapon at the enemy, it can also be used to acertain information from your teammates. When you place your crosshair over a teammate you can identify the individual and see their current health status.

When a player has been shot and injured, the green bar will be replaced with a red bar, showing their remaining health. This is a useful tool for medics and player alike. In a glance you can see who is injured and potentially heal them.

Les interfaces visibles du matériel et des armes

Urban Terror features a unique system of icons that are displayed when switching weapons or items listed in your inventory. Opaque boxes are displayed in the lower, center of your HUD that presents easily identifiable items, along with the ability to see what you are currently carrying at a glance. The current weapon/gear you are using will be back lit white. Below is an example image of how this looks in game.

Image:Hud gearweaponinterface.jpg

The two primary features in the above image shows a player's current inventory. You can see the boxes of icons (1) that represent each piece of gear or a weapon in the player's inventory. The player above has the HK G36 selected and is scrolling through their inventory. (2) is the icon that appears when you select the bomb from your inventory (available only in Bomb mode). Once the bomb is selected, you cannot carry a weapon, it must be shouldered, in order to arm and plant the bomb.

L'interface radio

In Urban Terror, radio communication accommodates both advanced and new users with ease. Depending on your personal preference you can either use the in game radio interface or you can bind specific radio commands to keys like other actions. Most users will bind the most commonly used radio commands to keys, while using the radio interface for less commonly used keys. Below are two images, with information below that on how the system works.

Image:Ui radiointerface.jpg

The first menu appears when you press the key bound to open the radio menu (ut_radio). You have a choice of radio menus: Responses, Orders, Statements Condition, Queries, Enemy Activity, Directional, Capture the Flag, Bomb and Miscellaneous. Press a number key, or click the section you want with your mouse.


The second screen opens after you press a number key or make a selection. Here is where the actual radio commands are located. This menu operates identical to the first menu where both number key or mouse click play the radio command.

Liste des commandes radio
Menu 1 Responses
ut_radio 1 1 Affirmative.
ut_radio 1 2 Negative.
ut_radio 1 3 I'm on it!
ut_radio 1 4 Area secured.
ut_radio 1 5 Base is secure.
ut_radio 1 6 Medic on the way, hang in there.
ut_radio 1 7 I've got your back.
ut_radio 1 8 Enemy terminated.

Menu 2 Orders
ut_radio 2 1 Move in.
ut_radio 2 2 Fall back and regroup!
ut_radio 2 3 Hold your position.
ut_radio 2 4 Stick with me.
ut_radio 2 5 Cover me.
ut_radio 2 6 Requesting backup.
ut_radio 2 7 Go for the objective.
ut_radio 2 8 Flank them!
ut_radio 2 9 Double time, let's move!

Menu 3 Conditions
ut_radio 3 1 I'm moving in.
ut_radio 3 2 Awaiting orders.
ut_radio 3 3 I need a medic!
ut_radio 3 4 Objective in sight.
ut_radio 3 5 Objective is clear.
ut_radio 3 6 I'm attacking.
ut_radio 3 7 I'm defending.
ut_radio 3 8 I'm flanking.
ut_radio 3 9 Holding here.

Menu 4 Queries
ut_radio 4 1 Status?
ut_radio 4 2 Objective status?
ut_radio 4 3 Base status?
ut_radio 4 4 Where's the enemy?
ut_radio 4 5 Where are the medics?
ut_radio 4 6 Anyone need support?
ut_radio 4 7 Anyone need a medic?
ut_radio 4 8 Who's ya daddy?
ut_radio 4 9 How the hell are ya?

Menu 5 Enemy Activity
ut_radio 5 1 Enemy spotted.
ut_radio 5 2 Enemy heard.
ut_radio 5 3 Enemy is flanking!
ut_radio 5 4 Enemy headed your way!
ut_radio 5 5 Incoming!
ut_radio 5 9 Objective in danger!

Menu 6 Directional
ut_radio 6 1 North.
ut_radio 6 2 South.
ut_radio 6 3 East.
ut_radio 6 4 West.
ut_radio 6 5 base.
ut_radio 6 6 High.
ut_radio 6 7 Low.
ut_radio 6 8 Water.
ut_radio 6 9 Here.

Menu 7 Capture the Flag
ut_radio 7 1 I've got the flag.
ut_radio 7 2 I'm going for the flag.
ut_radio 7 3 They have our flag.
ut_radio 7 4 Base is being overrun!
ut_radio 7 5 Recover the flag!
ut_radio 7 6 Flag exiting left.
ut_radio 7 7 Flag exiting right.
ut_radio 7 8 Flag exiting front.
ut_radio 7 9 Flag exiting back.

Menu 8 Bomb
ut_radio 8 1 Heading to Bombsite A.
ut_radio 8 2 Heading to Bombsite B.
ut_radio 8 3 Enemy at Bombsite A.
ut_radio 8 4 Enemy at Bombsite B.
ut_radio 8 5 I have the bomb.
ut_radio 8 6 The bomb is loose!

Menu 9 Miscellaneous
ut_radio 9 1 Good job team.
ut_radio 9 2 Nice one.
ut_radio 9 3 Check your fire!
ut_radio 9 4 Sorry about that.
ut_radio 9 5 Whatever.
ut_radio 9 6 No problem.
ut_radio 9 7 Oh, you idiot!
ut_radio 9 8 What the f*ck, over?
ut_radio 9 9 Thanks.
Affecter une touche aux commandes radio

Radio messages can be played through the user interface by having a key bound to ut_radio. or played through key bindings in .cfg files. To bind a key to play a specific message, use this example:

/bind x ut_radio y z

In the above example 'x' equals the key you press to play the sound, 'y' equals the menu number of the radio command and 'z' equals the sound file within that menu. The menus and radio commands are numbered 1 to 9.

The first menu in Radio Command Chart is 'Menu 1' or "Responses", so the number for a radio command within responses would '1' . This also means that inside the "Responses" menu the same rules apply. The first sound is "Affirmative", so that sound is designated 1.

So if we wanted to bind a key to play the sound "Enemy spotted", found in Menu 5 - Enemy Activity, we would type the following in the console:

/bind x ut_radio 5 1

Remember, 'x' still equals the key you want bound and that you need a space between ut_radio and the first number - along with a second space between the first and second numbers.

While radio calls can be effective, combining a radio call with text and a string variable is possible.

/bind x ut_radio 3 3 I need a medic! [$health]

This bind, while a bit more advanced takes a radio call, displays the words "I need a medic" and also displays the remaining percentage of health (string variable) of the gamer. This is just one example of how you can combine the different pieces in order to create unique radio calls.

There are different radio messages for males and females. The meaning behind the messages is the same for both male and female, but the female voice will often say different things. A full listing of the radio commands for are found in the Radio Command Chart.

Le tableau des scores

The Urban Terror scoreboard is not readable at a glance, but provides important information such as status, player name, kills, deaths, ping and time. You can access the scoreboard by binding a key to "+scores" without the quotes. The default key to show scores is TAB. Below is an image of the scoreboard.

Image:Ui scoreboard.jpg

There are two components to the Urban Terror scoreboard. The team header (1) shows which team (red or blue) the players are on, along with total players on that team, the team name (currently showing Blue Team) and the team score. (2) Underneath the team header are the individual players who make up that particular team. Details include status, player name, kills, deaths, time and ping.

La mini map


The minimap can be used in both, team and free for all games. If used in a team play mode, like CTF or TS, then you will be able to see all your teammates who are alive. In CTF, you will also see the current positions of the maps. In free for all games, all the player triangles are represented in yellow.

Image:Hud minimap1.jpgImage:Hud minimap2.jpgImage:Hud minimap3.jpg

In the first pane, you are on the blue team, as you can see your blue teammates, on the map ut_docks, with the red flag near the water. Pane two, shows a blue gamer who has grabbed the red flag and is making their way back to the blue flag. Finally, in pane three, we see a free for all game, as only a single, yellow triangle is represented.

Comment utiliser cg_maptoggle ?

You can use this command in a script form or a straight bind. To bind it in a single command line drop into the console and type:

\bind [key] "toggle cg_mapToggle"

If you want to use it in a script and get a bit fancy you can cut and paste this into your config file:

set mt_01 "set map_t vstr mt_02; set cg_mapToggle 1; ut_echo Mini-Map On"
set mt_02 "set map_t vstr mt_01; set cg_mapToggle 0; ut_echo Mini-Map Off"
vstr mt_01 // Default
bind x "vstr map_t" // Toggle Mini-Map

In this script, you can replace the 'x' key with whatever key you want to bind it to. Also note that you cannot bind any of the cg_map commands in the setup menu, they must be configured manually in your config.

Commandes spécifiques et caractéristiques propre au jeu

Arrêter un saignement

When you get shot you start to bleed. The location in which you were hit and the number of times you were hit determines the amount of health you lose each second. To stop yourself from bleeding you need to bandage your wounds. You can bandage wounds in two ways: bandage yourself with the bandage command [most people will bind a key to bandage using the CONTROLS-> SPECIAL menu]. The second way to bandage your wounds is to have a teammate heal you.

Soigner les coéquipiers

In order to promote teamwork it is possible to act as a medic and heal your teammate when their health drops to near fatal levels. To heal a teammate, walk up to your injured teammate, press the your bandage key and the player will rejuvenate health. Without the aide of a medkit players can heal back to 40% health and 80% with the medkit.

S'accrocher aux rebords

Ledge grabbing adds a vertical component to first person gaming. This feature allows a player to run, jump, and grab the ledge of any structure [for example, a building ledge or crate] within an Urban Terror level.

To perform the ledge grabbing maneuver run towards a structure and jump for the ledge. If you reach the edge of the structure, keep the jump key depressed and you will pull yourself up. The only limitation is, you must be able to reach the ledge, if not you will fall, injuring yourself or worse yet, kill yourself.

Wall Jumping

Wall jumping adds another dimension to Urban Terror by applying physics allowing extra movement. As you run or sprint towards a wall, you can jump into the wall and rebound off the wall, allowing for more stylized movement. This features opens up a whole new range of combat and movement skills. You cannot wall jump off short ledges or other gamers

Power Sliding

To execute a power slide, you must increase your speed by sprinting or strafe jumping and while airborne, prior to hitting the ground press your crouch key. This will result in your player model landing on the ground in a crouch and sliding across the surface.

The 'XY' and 'XYZ' in the corner of the HUD reflect the speed of your player in the game when your player is moving. The higher your numbers, the better the powerslide. The minimum speed, is about 300, but the higher the number, the more effective powerslide you will get. This display will be controlled by the cg_speedo CVAR .You can view a video of powersliding, here.

Goomba Stomp

This is a feature that requires some good timing and skill in order to jump down, land on an opponent and "stomp" them to death. Be careful, as you can g00mba stomp a teammate. This is also a feature that does not happen often during game play. You can view a demo of the "g00mba stomp" here.

Activer / désactiver un objet

It's difficult to ambush the enemy if your laser sight is shining on a wall and giving away your position. You can toggle the laser sight, silencer and tactical goggles in Urban Terror by pressing the use item [ut_itemuse] key.

This key is bound in the SETUP -> CONTROLS -> MISCELLANEOUS menu, and can also be set in the console [press tilde [~] to get into the console] by typing:

/bind [key] "ut_useitem"

You must have the item you want to toggle on/off in the FIRST SLOT of your gear inventory. If it is in the second or third position, then you will have to cycle through your gear to get to it, then activate it.

Ouvrir les portes

You can control the direction the doors open in Urban Terror. Hold down the walk forward or backpedal key when you press the 'ut_opendoor key'. It takes some coordination and practice to master, but will stop players from camping in front of doors and holding them closed.

Modes de tir

Many of the Urban Terror weapons come with different firing modes, such as semi-automatic, full-automatic and burst mode. There are times when it will work to your advantage to use each different mode. Remember to bind it in the menu. For weapon specific information see Section 7.2.

Les variables de la commande say

Gamers are able to give more information to their teammates by using the string variables. There are nine variables that can be included in any "say" statement. This information will be transmitted if you have it bound. The string variables include:

Variable Description
$crosshair shows current location under crosshair
$location shows current location on a level
$health shows your current status
$weapon shows the current weapon you are carry
$clips shows number of clips remaining
$bullets shows number of bullets in your current clip
$gameitem used to represent the word flag in CTF
$leader will tell you who is currently the leader

An example of using the string variables could be:

\bind 2 say "I have the $gameitem!!" 

The result on screen would look like, "I have the flag!!" The examples are endless, be creative, you can also combine them with radio calls to create your own unique commands. So you could combine $location, $health and $gameitem to let your teammates know where you are, your current health and that you have the flag.

Liste des commandes du jeu Breakout

What's the best way to kill time while waiting to respawn? To play Breakout, what else?

Liste des commandes du jeu Snake

What's the next best way to kill time while waiting to respawn? To play Snake, what else?


If you get bored with these games, you can always go in search of the space monsters.



Depending on how you load your character, you will be able to use a single or multiple items on our weapons. The "Attachments" are what you can use with the specific weapon: LS - Laser Sight and S - Silencer. Not all weapons can use these specialty items. For example, the sniper rifles cannot use the laser sight because of their ability to zoom. The Desert Eagle and the SR-8 are not able to use the silencer. Make sure you know which items will work with the weapons you choose.

You can choose up to three items, depending on how many weapons you have chosen to equip yourself with, and whether or not you have grenades.

The combinations of weapons, items and grenades are:

  • 2 weapons, a sidearm, grenades and 1 item
  • 2 weapons, a sidearm, 2 items
  • 1 weapon, a sidearm, 3 items
  • 1 weapon, a sidearm, grenades, 2 items

Note: you must carry a sidearm and knives.

Some items can be turned on and off. You can bind any key to turn items on and off in the controls (Miscellaneous) menu (Press escape, click controls, click the misc button, click on "use item" and then press the key you want to bind). You can also drop your gear and weapons, by binding the corresponding key by selecting and dropping the item. See the Controls & User Interface sections.

Caractéristiques des armes

Arme Caractéristiques
Image:Weap knife sm.jpg
Couteau KaBar Next Generation
  • CALIBRE: 6 1/4" blade
  • MAGASIN: 5 couteau
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: corps à coprs, lancé
Image:Weap beretta sm.jpg
Beretta 92FS
  • CALIBRE: 9 X 19mm
  • MAGASIN: 15 balles
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: semi-automatique
  • EQUIPEMENT POSSIBLE: visée laser, silencieux
Image:Weap deagle sm.jpg
IMI .50 AE Desert Eagle
  • CALIBRE: .50 AE
  • MAGASIN: 7 balles
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: semi-automatique
  • EQUIPEMENT POSSIBLE: visée laser
Image:Weap spas sm.jpg
Fusil à pompe Franchi SPAS12
  • CALIBRE: 12/70 Round
  • MAGASIN: 8 cartouches
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: semi-automatique
Image:Weap mp5 sm.jpg
Heckler & Koch MP5K
  • CALIBRE: .45 ACP
  • MAGASIN: 25 balles
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: coup-par-coup, automatique
  • EQUIPEMENT POSSIBLE: visée laser, silencieux
Image:Weap ump sm.jpg
Heckler & Koch UMP45
  • CALIBRE: 9 x 19mm
  • MAGASIN: 30 balles
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: coup-par-coup, automatique
  • EQUIPEMENT POSSIBLE: visée laser, silencieux
Image:Weap hk69 sm.jpg
Heckler & Koch HK69
  • CALIBRE: 40mm
  • MAGASIN: 4 Grenades
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: tir court, tir long
Image:Weap m4 sm.jpg
Colt M4 Carbine
  • CALIBRE: 5.56 x 45 NATO
  • MAGASIN: 30 balles
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: semi-automatique, coup-par-coup, automatique
  • EQUIPEMENT POSSIBLE: visée laser, silencieux
Image:Weap lr300 sm.jpg
ZM Weapons LR300ML
  • CALIBRE: 5.56 x 45 NATO
  • MAGASIN: 30 balles
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: semi-automatique, coup-par-coup, automatique
  • EQUIPEMENT POSSIBLE: visée laser, silencieux
Image:Weap ak103 sm.jpg
Kalashnikov AK-103
  • CALIBRE: 7.62 x 29
  • MAGASIN: 30 balles
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: semi-automatique, coup-par-coup, automatique
  • EQUIPEMENT POSSIBLE: Laser Sight, silencieux
Image:Weap g36 sm.jpg
Heckler & Koch G36
  • CALIBRE: 5.56 x 45 NATO
  • MAGASIN: 30 balles
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: semi-automatique, coup-par-coup, automatique
Image:Weap negev sm.jpg
  • CALIBRE: 5.56
  • MAGASIN: 150 balles
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: automatique
Image:Weap psg sm.jpg
Heckler & Koch PSG-1
  • CALIBRE: 7.62 x 51 NATO
  • MAGASIN: 8 balles
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: semi-automatique
Image:Weap sr8 sm.jpg
Remington SR-8
  • CALIBRE: .338 Lapua Magnum Round
  • MAGASIN: 5 balles
  • OPTIONS DE TIR: coup-par-coup

Définir les combinaisons d'armes

Each weapon is assigned an identification number. Based on this number you could bind each weapon to a corresponding key. These weapon id numbers are more important when working with scripts. Here is a chart that will help clarify:

Weapon ID# Weap_mode 0 Weap_mode 1 Weap_mode 2
Ka-Bar Knife 1 Slash -- --
Beretta 92FS 2 -- -- --
.50 Desert Eagle 3 -- -- --
SPAS 12 4 -- -- --
MP5K 5 Burst Mode Full Auto --
UMP45 6 Burst Mode Full Auto --
HK69 7 Short Range Long Range --
LR300ML 8 Burst Mode Semi Auto Full Auto
G36 9 Burst Mode Semi Auto Full Auto
PSG-1 10 -- -- --
HE Grenade 11 -- -- --
Smoke Grenade 12 -- -- --
SR8 13 -- -- --
AK-103 14 Burst Mode Semi Auto Full Auto
Negev LMG 15 -- -- --
Colt M4 16 Burst Mode Semi Auto Full Auto

Since gamers had issues in the past with their weapon modes, here is a simple fix to make sure they stay on the settings you designate.

  1. Make sure q3config.cfg isn't write protected.
  2. Remove the weapmode_save line completely out of the config.
  3. Jump back into the game play setup your weapons, save the config, quit the game.
  4. Load the game up again then you'll find from there onwards the modes will be saved, even after being changed.

Once that cvar is set you can manually modify the settings based on the chart above. An example of the cvar in your config will look like this:

seta weapmodes_save "01000111220000202"

There are 16 individual digits, either a 0, 1 or 2 that correspond to the weapon mode. In the example above, the first digit is a '0', that is the boover boots, do not change it. The second digit, a '1' is the knife, it will default to throw mode when you start, if you change it to a '0' in your config, then you will start with the knife in slash mode. The cvar above has the HK69 set to long range, the knife set to throw and all the weapons set to full automatic fire.

Binds & Scripts

There are a few different ways in which to approach weapon binds. For starters there is the standard Quake III Arena command "weapon" this command followed by the desired weapons ID# as listed in Section 7.3. For example lets say we want to select the SPAS 12, to do this we would use the below line:

bind [KEY] "weapon 4" // Selects SPAS 12

Now this can be taken a step further by creating a string of weapon commands. How this works is the game reads through the string. it will quickly select one weapon after another until it comes to the last valid command. This means that if you had both the SPAS 12 & the G36 and your string looked like:

bind [key] "weapon 4; weapon 9"

The G36 would be the final outcome, but if your script looked like this:

bind [key] "weapon 9; weapon 4"

You would end up with the SPAS 12, now what if all you got is the G36, no SPAS 12 at all...simple you would switch to the G36 since its the only one valid.

Okay now the better method that can be used in Urban Terror the command, "ut_weaptoggle" this can handle up to two arguments, which allow you to toggle between two different weapons, plus each argument covers a nice range of weapons. All this makes the "ut_weaptoggle" command much more flexible than the "weapon" command discussed prior.

Format examples:

bind x "ut_weaptoggle [argument]"
bind x "ut_weaptoggle [argument] [argument]"

Argument examples:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Sidearm
  • Grenade
  • Bomb
  • Knife

Weapons accessible with "ut_weaptoggle primary"

  • SPAS12 (if placed in the primary slot)
  • MP5K (if placed in the primary slot)
  • UMP45 (if placed in the primary slot)
  • HK69
  • LR300ML
  • M4
  • AK-103
  • G36
  • PSG-1
  • SR8

Weapons accessible with "ut_weaptoggle secondary"

  • SPAS12
  • MP5K
  • UMP45

Weapons accessible with "ut_weaptoggle grenade"

  • High Explosive
  • Smoke

Weapons accessible with "ut_weaptoggle sidearm"

  • Beretta
  • Desert Eagle

Now these can be used to switch between groups, example below:

bind [key] "ut_weaptoggle primary secondary"

Now it is worth noting that when you press the button you will first select the primary class weapon, and on the second press the secondary class weapon. Now, should you already have the primary class weapon selected (like when you spawn) it will then switch to the secondary class upon the key being pressed.

Also note that ut_weaptoggle grenade will cycle through all the available grenades in your inventory.



You can choose up to three items, depending on how many weapons you have chosen to equip yourself with, and whether or not you have grenades.

The combinations of weapons, items and grenades are:

  • 2 weapons, a sidearm, grenades and 1 item
  • 2 weapons, a sidearm, 2 items
  • 1 weapon, a sidearm, 3 items
  • 1 weapon, a sidearm, grenades, 2 items

Note: you must carry a sidearm and knives.

Some items can be turned on and off. You can bind any key to turn items on and off in the controls (Miscellaneous) menu (Press escape, click controls, click the misc button, click on "use item" and then press the key you want to bind). You can also drop your gear and weapons, by binding the corresponding key by selecting and dropping the item. See the Key/Command Chart section for more information.

If you have more than one item, you can select the item using next item and previous item keys, which are also bound in the misc menu. If you want to get rid of an item, you can drop it by pressing the drop item key. The drop item key, like all the other item keys, can be bound in the miscellaneous controls menu.

There are two kinds of grenades you can use in Urban Terror: smoke and high explosive grenades. All types of grenades can be thrown. To throw a grenade, select grenades as your current weapon and press the fire button (which can be configured through the in-game menus)..

In Urban Terror, the grenades are thrown using an 'instant arm' system. Instant arm primes the grenade as soon as you pull the pin on the grenade to throw, so you can hold onto it a bit longer, but you will have less time to get away. By default you have 2.5 seconds to get rid of a high explosive grenade before they explode. Smoke grenades will start to smoke when tossed.

The purpose of each individual piece of gear is described below:

Caractéristiques des matériels

Gear Specifics
Image:Gear helmet vest sm.jpg
Casque en kevlar

The helmet protects your head, and can be the difference between instant death and a severe wound, allowing you to seek medical aid where normally you'd be toast. It will not protect your face, or your neck region, and will not protect you against high-energy projectiles, but it provides excellent general protection against small arms and machine gun fire.

Gilet en kevlar

Kevlar is a special kind of strong fabric that is designed to stop bullets. Vests have steel plates called "trauma plates" sewn into them in sensitive locations so that the most delicate areas (the heart region, for example) have extra protection. While Kevlar will not protect you from enemy fire completely, you are far better off wearing it than not. High energy projectiles such as sniper rounds may still penetrate Kevlar. The Kevlar vest works automatically and you do not have to activate it.

Image:Gear grenades sm.jpg
Grenade hautement explosive (HE)

HE grenades set off a large explosion which kills people within a close radius, and severely damages those just outside the radius. These are particularly effective when used against a group of attackers, as a single grenade can kill a number of opponents.

Smoke Grenade

Smoke grenades do no damage to gamers. These can be thrown 30 meters by the average soldier. The grenade emits a dense cloud of red, blue or grey smoke for approximately 20 seconds. They can be used to provide cover in tactical situations, to cover ground movement or impair enemy lines of sight.

Image:Gear laser silencer sm.jpg
Visée laser

The laser sight paints a small dot on targets even at extreme ranges to help you determine where your shots will fall. Because the laser sight is of less benefit to players with a high latency (high ping), the laser also makes your groups much tighter (in other words, it makes your shots more accurate). The laser sight can be turned off and on by selecting the laser sight item and pressing the use key. Your enemies will be able to see the red laser dot, so you might want to turn it off when trying to be stealthy.


Silencers work by channeling the gases from a fired bullet though a series of baffles to reduce the noise of the explosion. This results in very quiet operation of the weapon, which is vitally important if your goal is to stay hidden from the enemy. In Urban Terror, the silencer also acts as a flash suppressor so if you are in a dark area, your position will not be revealed. The silencer can be removed and attached to your weapon by selecting the item and pressing the use key. However, if you choose this item in your load out, you do not have to activate it by default.

Image:Gear goggles sm.jpg
Lunettes infrarouge

Tactical Goggles makes it easier to see other players, especially in dark areas. They also allow you to see through smoke and will show enemies and friendly players. Once equipped you can turn them on and off by selecting the Tactical Googles item using your next item or previous item keys, and pressing your use item key. While this may sound like the ultimate tool, the main drawback of tactical goggles is that it limits the width of your vision slightly, highlight both enemies and players and show everyone with the same color. Be wary of team kills.

Image:Gear medkit sm.jpg
Trousse de secours (medkit)

The medkit can be used to increase you ability to heal damaged players. Using the medkit, you can heal players back to 80 percent of their full health, compared to only 40 percent if you don't have the medkit. If you have the medkit item, it will be used automatically when you are attempting to heal other players.

Image:Gear ammo sm.jpg
Munitions supplémentaires

Extra ammo will double the number of clips you start off the round with. So, normally the Beretta gives you 3 clips (one loaded plus two extra). With the extra ammo item you would get five clips (one loaded plus four extras). Extra ammo does not affect the number of knives you start with, or the number of grenades.

Image:Gear bomb sm.jpg

This is the most important item in Bomb-mode. If your team has it, you will need to reach one of the strategic points highlighted on the minimap and plant it. If your team doesn't have it, you better stop the opposing team from planting it! Filled to the brim with high-explosives and user activated detonation trigger... when this baby goes off... you better be some where else!

Définir les combinaisons d'armes et de matériel

Each weapon and piece of gear is designated with a letter in your configuration file. There are also seven different slots you can fill when you load out your player. You can configure your gear/weapon, so when you start Urban Terror, you will always begin with the same weapons and gear. Here is a chart to help you set up your player: Here is a chart that will help clarify:

Weapon [1] Sidearm [2] Primary [3] Secondary [4] Grenades [5] 1st Item [6] 2nd Item [7] 3rd Item
Beretta 92FS F -- -- -- -- -- --
.50 Desert Eagle G -- -- -- -- -- --
SPAS 12 -- H H -- -- -- --
MP5K -- I I -- -- -- --
UMP45 -- J J -- -- -- --
HK69 -- K -- -- -- -- --
LR300ML -- L -- -- -- -- --
G36 -- M -- -- -- -- --
PSG-1 -- N -- -- -- -- --
SR8 -- Z -- -- -- -- --
AK-103 -- a -- -- -- -- --
Negev LMG -- c -- -- -- -- --
Colt M4 -- e -- -- -- -- --
HE Grenade -- -- -- O -- -- --
Smoke Grenade -- -- -- Q -- -- --
Kevlar Vest -- -- -- -- R R R
Goggles -- -- -- -- S S S
Medkit -- -- -- -- T T T
Silencer -- -- -- -- U U U
Laser Sight -- -- -- -- V V V
Kevlar Helmet -- -- -- -- W W W
Extra Ammo -- -- -- -- X X X

Affecter un ensemble de matériels à une touche

If you look in your config file, you will see a CVAR that looks like this, seta gear "GMIORAA". This is the gear setting, and you can use the letters in the chart above to lock in what gear you want to use. In the example above, the load out would be as follows:

  • [1]Sidearm: Desert Eagle
  • [2]Primary: G36
  • [3]Secondary: MP5K
  • [4]Grenades: HE Grenades
  • [5]1st Item: Kevlar Vest
  • [6]2nd Item: Unused
  • [7]3rd Item: Unused

There are limitations to the load out. As you can see in our example, seta gear "GMIORAA", the last two letters are 'AA'. The 'A' in the chart below signifies that slot cannot be used due to restrictions. *Note: If you select the Negev, you will NOT be able to carry a secondary weapon.

  • Primary, Secondary, Grenades, 1x Item: ? ? ? ? ? A A
  • Primary, Secondary, 2x Item: ? ? ? A ? ? A
  • Primary, Grenades, 2x Item: ? ? A ? ? ? A
  • Primary, 3x Item: ? ? A A ? ? ?

By following the chart and limitations above, you can mix and match weapons, gear and grenades as your starting load out. Here are some examples of sample load outs.

  • FLICRAA = Beretta LR300 MP5K HE Vest
  • FLIAVRA = Beretta LR300 MP5K Laser Vest
  • FLACVRA = Beretta LR300 HE Laser Vest
  • FLAAVRT = Beretta LR300 Laser Vest Med-Kit

You can also set up a script (thanks NoLogic of UTScripts) that will allow you to rotate through different weapon/gear loadouts. Just modify the gear setting in the script for the loadouts you want to include.

set lo_01 "set load vstr lo_02; gear FLICRAA; ut_echo LR300/MP5K/HE"
set lo_02 "set load vstr lo_03; gear FLIAVRA; ut_echo LR300/MP5K/Laser"
set lo_03 "set load vstr lo_04; gear FLACVRA; ut_echo LR300/HE/Laser"
set lo_04 "set load vstr lo_01; gear FLAAVRT; ut_echo LR300/Laser/Med-Kit"
set load "vstr lo_01" // Default
bind x "vstr load" // Select Gear


Urban Terror comes complete with 26 levels created by the development team and submitted by the community. Not all levels support or include all game modes. This section will give you a quick overview on the levels included in the current version of Urban Terror, the level designer's name, the type of supported game modes and a brief description of the level.

Les différents niveaux (maps)

Map Caractéristiques
Image:Map abbey sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_abbey
  • AUTEUR(S): Tub
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/Religious
Image:Map algiers sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_algiers
  • AUTEUR(S): Tub
  • DESCRIPTION: City/Urban
Image:Map ambush sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_ambush
  • AUTEUR(S): MasHeeN
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/City
Image:Map austria sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_austria
  • AUTEUR(S): tub
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/European Village
Image:Map casa sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_casa
  • AUTEUR(S): SweetnutZ
  • DESCRIPTION: City/Spanish
Image:Map crossing sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_crossing
  • AUTEUR(S): MasHeeN
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/Indudstrial
Image:Map eagle sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_eagle
  • AUTEUR(S): MasHeeN
Image:Map elgin sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_elgin
  • AUTEUR(S): Riche
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/City
Image:Map harbortown sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_harbortown
  • AUTEUR(S): SquadLeader
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/Seaside
Image:Map kingdom sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_kingdom
  • AUTEUR(S): runy
Image:Map mandolin sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_mandolin
  • AUTEUR(S): $NulL
  • DESCRIPTION: Terrain/Desert City
Image:Map maya sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_maya
  • DESCRIPTION: Terrain/Ancient Ruins
Image:Map oildepot sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_oildepot
  • AUTEUR(S): codey
  • DESCRIPTION: Industrial
Image:Map prague sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_prague
  • AUTEUR(S): RabidCow
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/City
Image:Map ramelle sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_ramelle
  • AUTEUR(S): Bar-B-Q
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/Bombed City
Image:Map riyadh sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_riyadh
  • AUTEUR(S): dotEXE
  • DESCRIPTION: Desert/Terrain
Image:Map sanctuary sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_sanc
  • AUTEUR(S): Bar-B-Q
Image:Map suburbs sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_suburbs
  • AUTEUR(S): Shminky
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/City
Image:Map subway sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_subway
  • AUTEUR(S): Laerth
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/Transportation
Image:Map swim sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_swim
  • AUTEUR(S): NRGizeR
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/Indoor
Image:Map thingley sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_thingley
  • AUTEUR(S): Riche & Bladekiller
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/English City
Image:Map tombs sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_tombs
  • AUTEUR(S): BladeKiller
  • DESCRIPTION: Terrain/Egyptian Ruins
Image:Map toxic sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_toxic
  • AUTEUR(S): Duf Kni3n
  • DESCRIPTION: Industrial/Factory
Image:Map tunis sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_tunis
  • AUTEUR(S): MasHeeN
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/Compound
Image:Map turnpike sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_turnpike
  • AUTEUR(S): Wu
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/City
Image:Map uptown sm.jpg


  • NOM BSP: ut4_uptown
  • AUTEUR(S): BattleCow
  • DESCRIPTION: Urban/City


Où trouver les niveaux supplémentaires issus de la communauté ?

Une liste mise à jour et complète de sites de téléchargement de niveaux est disponible sur le forum Urban Terror France.

Ajouter des niveaux supplémentaires

Each available level for download is designated with the extension, .pk3, .zip or possibly .pk3.zip, please note the file extension when you download new levels.

Files with .pk3 extensions can be downloaded and placed in your quake3/q3ut4/ directory. If the file has a .zip extension open the file using a program like Winzip. When opened, if you see many files within this .zip, close Winzip and rename the extension to .pk3. If you open the file using Winzip and see a .pk3 file, extract the contents to your quake3/q3ut4.

Remember all map .pk3s will be placed in the /quake3/q3ut4 directory. DO NOT create a separate level sub-directory or DO NOT extract files from a .pk3, this will only cause a problem and the levels will not load correctly.

Télécharger automatiquement sur ioUrbanTerror (autodownload)

Auto-downloads only work on ioUrbanTerror clients of at least version 1.35urt (check your console to see the version), that have auto-download enabled (cl_autodownload 1). It works on any server.

This is how it works: The server sets a URL of the location of the maps, using: sets sv_dlURL "mysite.com" (try to keep the URL as short as possible). When a client doesn't have a map that's being played, it will try to download it from that URL. For example, the map that is being played is ut4_example.bsp, the sv_dlURL is mysite.com and the client doesn't have the map. It will then try to download it from: http://mysite.com/q3ut4/ut4_example.pk3. So when your sv_dlURL is mysite.com, make sure the actual pk3's are in http://mysite.com/q3ut4/.

Level Designers should make sure they never release two versions of a map with the same name. If you have a beta, call it ut4_mapname_beta1, ut4_mapname_beta2 etc. The .bsp always has to be the same name as the .pk3. Don't put multiple .bsp's in one .pk3 and don't use a small pk3 to fix a single texture of a previous pk3.

In 4.1, the default sv_dlURL is "urbanterror.net". There's a script running on urbanterror.net that will spread the downloads over multiple mirrors. Your client will need to be at least of version 1.35urt (supports redirects) and send a correct referrer (ioQ3://x.x.x.x) for the script to accept the request. Some security software blocks the referrer and you will get a 403 error. Turn off that 'security'.

Les différents types de jeu

Urban Terror comes complete with seven game modes. The game modes are as follows: Free For All (FFA), Team Deathmatch (TDM), Team Survivor (TS), Follow The Leader (FTL), Capture & Hold (C&H), Capture The Flag (CTF) and Bomb & Defuse (Bomb).

Bomb & Defuse (BOMB)

The Red Team is the offensive team, who attempts to plant the bomb in one of two strategic locations denoted by the pulsating icon. The Blue Team defends the plant locations, either trying to kill the entire team or to defuse the bomb once it has been planted.

The offensive team has the full round time limit to plant the bomb. Once the bomb has been planted, the round time will stop, which results the bomb timer starting its countdown to detonation, either exploding or be defused by the defending team.

Points are awarded to both teams for their actions during a round. Scoring is as follows:

  • 2 points for the Red Team on a successful plant.
  • 2 points for the Blue Team for stopping a planting by killing the Red Team.
  • 1 point for the Red Team for killing the Blue Team, but not planting.
  • 1 point for the Blue Team for defusing the bomb.
  • 0 points for a draw.
Capture & Hold (C&H)

Numerous flags or "capture" points are positioned around the level. When you occupy those points the flag changes to your team's color (red or blue). Every minute your team scores a point for each flag of your team's color. Your goal is to "hold" as many flags a possible at each scoring interval. If you get killed, you can respawn after a brief delay.

Capture the Flag (CTF)

Each team has a home base which holds a flag. The team's goal is to get the flag from the enemy base and bring it back to their base. You must prevent the enemy from doing the same. If you are killed you must wait to respawn back into the game. Points are awarded as follows:

  • 15 points for a flag capture (individual) *Bonus*
  • 10 points for a Team capture (team) *Bonus*
  • 2 points for defending your flag
  • 1 point for returning the flag
  • 1 point for killing enemy flag carrier
  • 1 point for providing the flag carrier protection *Bonus*
  • 1 point for preventing a capture
Free for All (FFA)

It is each gamer for themselves, in this fast paced game mode. After a preset number of minutes or frag count the round will end and the winner is the person with the greatest number of kills. If you are killed you will respawn at a random location on the map after a short delay.

Follow the Leader (FTL)

At the beginning of each round the server selects one person on your team as the "Leader." The leader is designated by a red or blue helmet. A flag also spawns with your team. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. Points are awarded as follows:

  • 5 points if your leader touches the enemy flag.
  • 3 points if you kill the other team and your leader still alive.
  • 1 point if you kill the other team, but your leader is dead.

Only the leader can get points from touching the enemy flag. The round ends when a leader on either team touches an enemy flag, or either team is killed. If you are killed you cannot respawn until the end of a round.

Team Deathmatch (TDM)

Your goal is to accrue kills for your team. After a preset number of minutes or total frags the round will end and the winning team is the one with the greatest number of kills. If you are killed you will respawn at a random map location after a short delay.

Team Survivor (TS)

Your goal is to annihilate the opposing team. The round ends when all the members of one team are killed, the team left standing is awarded a point. If you are killed you cannot respawn until the next round. Depending on the server settings sudden death could apply.


La mise en place d'un serveur

Guide d'installation Linux

This part of the guide assumes the following. You have "SHELL" access to your dedicated Linux system. It also assumes that you have a basic knowledge of the Linux OS.

1. If you do NOT have access to the user root, please skip to Step 4.

2. Login as root and preform the following commands.

useradd urt

If your server does not create home directories correctly issue the following commands.

mkdir /home/urt
chown urt /home/urt
usermod -d /home/urt urt

3. Now switch your current user over to urt by using the command "su urt"

NOTICE: If you are using a different user than urt, please replace all references of the user urt for your own username.

4. Make sure you are in you home directory, if in doubt, use the command "cd ~"

5. wget <MIRROR URL>

e.g. "wget ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/games/urbanterror/UrbanTerror_41_FULL.zip"

Download the zip file NOT the .exe installer.'

Notice: you need the program wget for this, if you don't have it, please visit their website on how to install it.

6. Issue the command "unzip UrbanTerror_<version>_FULL.zip"

The archive will now decompress to the location /home/urt/UrbanTerror/

7. Issue the command "mv UrbanTerror/ urbanterror/" this cleans up case sensitive unix paths that will cause potential problems if you forget.

8. Issue the command "cd urbanterror/q3ut4/" to move into the q3ut4 directory.

9. Use your favorite linux file editor to edit the server.cfg file as explained in this manual.

10. Write a shell script to start your server.

Issue the command "cd ~/urbanterror/" to make sure you are in the root urbanterror directory. Using you text editor, make a file called start.sh, in the file you wish to have the following.

while true
/home/urt/urbanterror/ioUrTded.i386 +set fs_game q3ut4 +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27960 +set com_hunkmegs 128 +exec server.cfg
echo "server crashed on `date`" > last_crash.txt

This script will automatically restart your game server should it crash. Useful also because a /RCON quit command will reset you server the old fashioned way.

11. You can now start you server by issuing the command "sh start.sh"

12. If you wish to run this as a screen, which you probably do make sure you have the application screen (if not check their website for details on how to install it), issue the command

"screen -m -d -S UrT-Server sh start.sh"

This will then run the server in the screen, and you will not shutdown your server when you terminate your shell. You are finished, good job! Now go play.

Guide d'installation Windows

First of all you need to acquire the Urban Terror installer. You can download this form many mirrors listed on the main Urban Terror website. Once you have downloaded this file, install it as per the instructions along with the installer.

Once you have installed Urban Terror go to the Urban Terror directory. This is by default c:\Program Files\Urban Terror. You will then see a q3ut4 directory. Go into this folder and you should see a lot of files. One is called the server.cfg. Edit this file to the required settings (this is covered later in this manual).

To run your server go back to the Urban Terror directory where you saw the q3ut4 directory. You should see the file ioUrTded.exe, RIGHT click drag this to your desktop and create a shortcut.

Once you have your shortcut, right click on it and go to properties. Find the field called "target".

It should look like this

"C:\Program Files\UrbanTerror\ioUrTded.exe"

Change it to

"C:\Program Files\UrbanTerror\ioUrTded.exe" +seta net_port <port> +exec <configname>
"C:\Program Files\UrbanTerror\ioUrTded.exe" +seta net_port 27960 +exec server.cfg

Now you can click the shortcut and run the game!

Lancer un serveur avec ioUrbanTerror

Unzip the UrbanTerror installer. Edit the server.cfg and mapcycle.txt in the q3ut4 folder to your desired settings and start the server with the following arguments: +exec server.cfg. For servers running Windows, you use ioUrTded.exe for servers running Linux use ioUrTded.i386.

Lancer un serveur avec Quake III Arena (& Punkbuster)

Install Quake III and Point Release 1.32. This also installs PB. Update Punkbuster with PBSetup. Install and unzip Urban Terror so that you have the /baseq3 folder, the quake3-executable and q3ut4 folder together in the same folder. Edit the server.cfg and mapcycle.txt in q3ut4 to your desired settings and start the server with the following arguments: +set fs_game q3ut4 +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg. For servers running Windows use quake3.exe, on Linux servers us q3ded.


Les types de jeu

Bomb & Defuse (Bomb - gametype Image:Cool.gif The Red Team is the offensive team, who attempts to plant the bomb in one of two strategic locations denoted by the pulsating icon. The Blue Team defends the plant locations, either trying to kill the entire team or to defuse the bomb once it has been planted.

The offensive team has the full round time limit to plant the bomb. Once the bomb has been planted, the round time will stop, which results the bomb timer starting its countdown to detonation, either exploding or be defused by the defending team.

Capture & Hold (C&H - gametype 6) Numerous flags or "capture" points are positioned around the level. When you occupy those points the flag changes to your team's color (red or blue). Every minute your team scores a point for each flag of your team's color. Your goal is to "hold" as many flags a possible at each scoring interval. If you get killed, you can respawn after a brief delay.

Capture the Flag (CTF - gametype 7) Each team has a home base which holds a flag. The team's goal is to get the flag from the enemy base and bring it back to their base. You must prevent the enemy from doing the same. If you are killed you must wait to respawn back into the game.

Free for All (FFA - gametype 0,) It is each gamer for themselves, in this fast paced game mode. After a preset number of minutes or frag count the round will end and the winner is the person with the greatest number of kills. If you are killed you will respawn at a random location on the map after a short delay.

Follow the Leader (FTL - gametype 5) At the beginning of each round the server selects one person on your team as the "Leader." The leader is designated by a red or blue helmet. A flag also spawns with your team. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. Only the leader can get points from touching the enemy flag. The round ends when a leader on either team touches an enemy flag, or either team is killed. If you are killed you cannot respawn until the end of a round.

Team Deathmatch (TDM - gametype 3) Your goal is to accrue kills for your team. After a preset number of minutes or total frags the round will end and the winning team is the one with the greatest number of kills. If you are killed you will respawn at a random map location after a short delay.

Team Survivor (TS - gametype 4) Your goal is to annihilate the opposing team. The round ends when all the members of one team are killed, the team left standing is awarded a point. If you are killed you cannot respawn until the next round. Depending on the server settings sudden death could apply.

La rotation des niveaux

Map cycles in Urban Terror have been done to make configuring them easier. Instead of having strange commands in your server.cfg, Urban Terror loads maps and sets information from a simple text file.

By default, the map rotation file is called mapcycle.txt. This file must be placed in the q3ut4 folder of the server. You can change the name of the map cycle file by setting the g_mapcycle CVAR to the name of the alternate file. For example, to use a map rotation file called mymaps.txt, you'd go to the console and type:

/g_mapcycle " mymaps.txt"

The map rotation file is a basic text file (you can use MS Notepad, BBEdit, Word, etc to create it). In its most simple form, the file is just a list of maps, one map to a line. When the last map is finished, the first map in the file is loaded and the process repeats. So, for example, a mapcycle.txt that looks like this:


Would load up ricochet, then swim, then uptown, and then restart.

You can also use the map rotation file to set any server CVAR. The format for this is:

   [cvar] [value]
   [cvar] [value]

The [cvar] is the name of any Urban Terror server CVAR (eg: g_gametype) and the value is the value you want it set to. In the following example, the first example has been extended to set CVARs on ut_uptown:

   g_gametype 6
   g_friendlyfire 1
   g_maxteamkills 0
Paramétrage conseillé

Reserved for future use.

Calculateur de combos

This simple program will allow you to reverse calculate the figure needed when you want to restrict what weapons/gear (grenades) are used on a server. This server CVAR is g_gear and is set to zero, which is the default condition. Use the g_Gear Calculator now.

Calculateur des votes autorisés

The Allowvote Calculator works much like the g_Gear Calculator, in which it allows you to calculate the g_allowvote figure. By clicking on what can be voted on you will determine a unique figure that will be entered under the g_allowvote setting.

For example, if you wanted to let gamers vote on what map to play, cycle to the next map, kick a player and shuffle teams the figure would be '92' or set g_allowvote "92" in the server.cfg file. Use the Allowvote Calculator now.

Le téléchargement automatique

Auto-downloads only work on ioUrbanTerror clients of at least version 1.35urt (check your console to see the version), that have auto-download enabled (cl_autodownload 1). It works on any server.

The server sets a URL of the location of the maps using: sets sv_dlURL "mysite.com" (keep the URL as short as possible). When a client doesn't have a map that's being played, it will try to download it from that URL. For example, the map that is being played is ut4_example.bsp, the sv_dlURL is mysite.com and the client doesn't have the map. It will then try to download it from: http://mysite.com/q3ut4/ut4_example.pk3. So when your sv_dlURL is mysite.com, make sure the actual pk3's are in http://mysite.com/q3ut4/.

In 4.1, the default sv_dlURL is "urbanterror.net". There's a script running on urbanterror.net that will spread the downloads over multiple mirrors. Your client will need to be at least of version 1.35urt (supports redirects) and send a correct referrer (ioQ3://x.x.x.x) for the script to accept the request. Some security software blocks the referrer and you will get a 403 error. Turn off that 'security'.

Les CVARs côté serveur

Server CVARs can only be changed by people with access to a server. Generally, if you are playing in an online game your console commands will have no affect on the server settings. The only time you need to worry about server CVARs is if you are running a server. For a description of all the Quake III Arena CVARs see Command Keen's Quake 3 Console Page.

CVARs spécifiques à UrT

These are variables that are unique to Urban Terror. You can enable and disable them in the server.cfg file that came with Urban Terror.

Nom et description du serveur
  • set sv_hostname: Your server name here.
  • set g_motd: Your message of the day here, it is displayed while connecting.
  • set sv_joinmessage: Your join message here, it is displayed when the game is joined.
Paramétrage du jeu
  • set sv_maxclients "12": Max client slots available on the server, using more than 16 is not recommend. It can cause lag and most levels are not built for it. (Default 12)
  • set g_maxGameClients "0": Max clients that can actually join the game. Other clients will be forced to spectator. (Default 0=all)
  • set sv_privateClients "0": Number of private slots. This number will be reserved for players who enter the right private password.
  • set g_gametype "4": 0=FreeForAll, 3=TeamDeathMatch, 4=Team Survivor, 5=Follow the Leader, 6=Capture and Hold, 7=Capture The Flag, 8=Bombmode. (Default 4)
  • sets sv_dlURL "urbanterror.net": Sets the address for auto-downloading. Auto-download only works on ioUrbanTerror clients. The client will try to download <sv_dlURL>/q3ut4/mapname.pk3. So if your server is running ut4_coolmap and sv_dlURL is set to 'yoursite.com/maps', make sure the maps is hosted at http://www.yoursite.com/maps/q3ut4/ut4_coolmap.pk3. Leaving this set 'urbanterror.net' will make it use a map mirror with the most common maps on it. If you got your own hosting, please us that though, to save bandwidth.
Mots de passe
  • set rconpassword "": Password to control the server remotely using RCON.
  • set sv_privatePassword "": Password for private slots.
  • set g_password "": Password for the server. Nothing = public.
Limites et durées
  • set timelimit "20": Time in minutes before map is over, 0=never. (Default 20)
  • set fraglimit "10": Amount of points to be scored before map is over, 0=never. (Default 10)
  • set capturelimit "0": Amount of flagcaps before map is over, 0=never. (Default 0)
  • set g_warmup "15": Time in seconds before game starts when changed to a new map. This gives slower computers time to load before game starts. (Default 15)
Respawn (TDM, CAH, CTF)
  • set g_respawnDelay "8": Seconds before respawn, ignored when g_waverespawns is 1. (Default Image:Cool.gif
  • set g_forcerespawn "20": Seconds before respawn is forced, even when plater did not press fire. (Default 20)
  • set g_waverespawns "0": Use waverespawns, meaning everybody in a team respawns at the same time. (Default 0)
  • set g_bluewave "15": Seconds between blue wave respawns, ignored when g_waverespawns is 0. (Default 15)
  • set g_redwave "15": Seconds between red wave respawns, ignored when g_waverespawns is 0. (Default 15)
  • set g_respawnProtection "2": Amount of seconds a spawning players is protected from damage. (Default 2)
  • set g_deadchat "1": Determines if alive players can see dead players message. 0=living players can not see dead players chat 1=living players see only team-messages from dead teammembers 2=living players also see normal chats from dead players. (Default 1)
  • set g_antiwarp "1": Enable or disable antiwarp. This option smooths the movement of warping players (warping is caused by a poor connection, for instance downloading porn during playing). The warping player will experience stutters when this is enabled. (Default 1)
  • set g_antiwarptol "50": Tolerance of the antiwarp. Higher = more tolerant. (Default 50)
  • set g_gear "0": Bitmask that decides which votes are allowed and which not. Check http://www.urbanterror.net/gear_calc.html to find the correct number.
  • set g_allowvote "536871039": Bitmask that decides which votes are allowed and which not. Check http://www.urbanterror.net/allowvote_calc.html to find the correct number.
  • set g_failedvotetime "300": Time in seconds before someone can call another vote after another has failed. (Default 300)
  • set g_followstrict "1": 1=no haunting of enemies when dead. (Default 1)
  • set sv_floodprotect "1": 1=stops clients from spamming many chat lines. (Default 1)
Mode compétition (matchmode)
  • set g_matchmode "0": Matchmode is for matchplay. Features timeouts and ready-commands. (Default 0)
  • set g_timeouts "3": Amount of timeouts that a team can have per level. (Default 3)
  • set g_timeoutlength "240": Length of the timeout. (Default 240)
  • set g_pauselength "0": Length of a pause. This can only be done by RCON. 0=indefinitely (Default 0)
Paramétrage en relation avec les équipes
  • set g_friendlyFire "1": 0=no friendlyfire 1=friendlyfire on, kick after too many TK's 2=friendlyfire on, no kicks. (Default 1)
  • set g_maxteamkills "3": Amount of team kills before you get kicked when friendlyfire is 1. (Default 3)
  • set g_teamkillsforgettime "300": Amount of seconds before team kills are forgotten. (Default 300)
  • set g_teamautojoin "0": Force players to auto join on connect, instead of letting them spec until they join themselves. (Default 0)
  • set g_teamForceBalance "1": If on, you can't join a team when it has more players then the other. (Default 1)
  • 'set g_maintainTeam "1": When switching maps, players will stay in their team. (Default 1)
  • set g_teamnamered "": Name for the red team, nothing = Red Dragons.
  • set g_teamnameblue "": Name for the red team, nothing = SWAT.
  • set g_swaproles "0": When map is over, play it again with the teams swapped (recommended for bomb mode). After that, change map. 0=change map immediately when map is over, no swapping of teams. (Default 0)
Paramètres spécifiques à certains types de jeu
  • set g_maxrounds "0": Number of rounds before map is over, 0=never. (Default 0)
  • set g_RoundTime "3": Maximum minutes a round can take. (Default 3)
  • set g_survivorrule "0": 0=teams don't get a point when time is up before everyone is dead. 1=team with most players left gets point. (Default 0)
  • set g_suddendeath "1": When map is over and both teams have same amount of points, add another round. (Default 1)
  • set g_bombdefusetime "10": Number of seconds it takes to defuse bomb. (Default 10)
  • set g_bombexplodetime "40": Number of seconds before bomb detonates after planting. (Default 40)
Paramètres spécifiques au CTF
  • set g_flagreturntime "30": If a flag is dropped, return it after this amount of seconds. (Default 30)
  • set g_hotpotato "2": When both flags are taken, they will explode after this many minutes. (Default 2)
Paramètres avancés
  • set sv_strictauth "0": 1=check for valid CD key, this means ioUrbanTerror players will not be able to join. (Default 0)
  • set sv_pure "1"/; Don't let players load modified pk3-files. (Default 1)
  • set sv_maxRate "0": Maximum traffic per second the server will send per client. 25000 or 0 = max. (Default 0)
  • set sv_timeout "180": Time in seconds before player with a interrupted connection will be kicked. (Default 180)
  • set g_inactivity "0": Time in seconds before a non-moving player will be kicked. (Default 0)
Serveurs maîtres (masters)
  • set sv_master1 "": This one will be set automatically by the game-engine, so just leave it blank
  • set sv_master2 "master.urbanterror.net"
  • set sv_master3 "master2.urbanterror.net"
  • set sv_master4 "master.quake3arena.com"
  • set sv_master5 "": Future master server.
Autres paramètres
  • set g_armbands "1" //determines the behaviour of the armbandcolor (also shows on playerlist and minimap). 0=player's choice, set with cg_rgb 1=Based on teamcolor (red or blue) 2=assigned by server (random)
  • set sv_maxping "0": Max. ping a client may have when connecting to the server. (Default 0)
  • set sv_minping "0": Min. ping a client may have when connecting to the server. (Default 0)
  • set g_allowchat "2": 0=no chatting at all 1=teamchats only 2=all chats. (Default 2)
  • set g_log "games.log": Name of the logfile. Empty ("") means no log. Log will be in the q3ut4 folder in windows. Linux uses ~/.q3a/q3ut4. (Default games.log)
  • set g_logsync "1": Enables/disables direct writing to the log file instead of buffered. (Default 1)
  • set g_loghits "0": Log every single hit. Creates very big logs. (Default 0)
  • set g_logroll "0": Create new log every now and then, instead of always using the same one. (Default 0)
  • set logfile "0": Additional logging in separate qconsole.log file. 1=buffered, 2=synced. (Default 0)
  • set g_cahtime "60": Interval in seconds of awarding points for flags in Capture and Hold gamemode. (Default 60)
Ordre de rotation des niveaux
  • set g_mapcycle "mapcycle.txt": Name of mapcycle file, located in q3ut4 directory. (Default mapcycle.txt)
  • map ut4_casa: What map to start with. (Default ut4_casa)
Anti triche (anti cheat)
  • //pb_sv_enable: To enable PB (only works when using Quake III Arena, not ioUrbanTerror).
  • set sv_battleye "0": Keep this disabled, BattlEye is dead.


Contrôle à distance (RCON)

"RCON" is short for remote control; it allows you to make changes to the server and gives you access to administrative commands when you're connected to a remote server. To use the RCON, you first need to enter the password by typing:

/rconpassword [yourpassword]

After you have enter the RCON password you can access all the RCON capabilities, by typing:

/rcon [command]
Commandes RCON

These commands allow individuals to remotely administer a server. Their use is based on having the RCON password. These commands are to be used in the console.

Déconnecter un joueur (kick)

There are two ways to do this. The first is to kick them using their player name:

/rcon kick [playername]

The second is to use their user number on the server:

/rcon status (this is to get a list of players and their user numbers)
/rcon clientkick [usernumber] 
Relancer un serveur (restart)

While you can't actually restart the server, you can reload the server.cfg, which amounts to about the same thing.

/rcon exec server.cfg
Bannir une IP

The first thing that you have to do before banning anyone is to add this line to the server.cfg file:

set filterBan 1

Now you can add an IP to the ban list by typing at the console:

/rcon addIP [ip_address] (you can also use IP masks)

To remove an IP from the list:

/rcon removeIP [ip_address]

To list the IPs currently banned use the banlist.txt file.


Referees are a feature that has been added to help server admins manage their servers. The referee is like a less powerful version of RCON: you can set a password and give it out to trusted players. Unlike RCON, the referee has limited control over how they can affect the server. It gives them the ability to do things like mute annoying players, kick them and even ban them from the server for up to 3 hours. All referee commands start with the ref command. The basic referee command looks something like this:

ref {refcommand} [{parameters} ...]

Referee commands can only be used by a client who has logged on as a referee using the reflogin command with a valid password. If a password has not been set, or if the server has disabled the referee function, no one will be able to login as a referee.

Activer les arbitres

To enable a referee, a server admin first needs to set the referee password:

/g_refpass "password"

Then set whether the referee can ban people:

  • /g_refNoBan 0 (to give them ban power)
  • /g_refNoBan 1 (to stop them from banning players)

Finally enable referees:

/g_referee 1

Be very careful with allowing referees to ban players on your server, unless you can trust them to use the power responsibly. Otherwise, you might find angry players boycotting your server!

Se connecter en tant qu'arbitre

To login as a referee you need to ask the server administrator for the referee password. Once you have it, you can login by pulling down the Quake III console and typing:

/reflogin "password"

If you enter the password correctly and the server is set up to allow referees, then you will receive a message telling you that you have successfully logged in. Once logged in you can use all the referee commands. These commands and their effects are listed below.

Commandes à disposition des arbitres
Command Usage Description
Kick ref kick player [reason] Kicks a player from the server but does not ban them. You can enter either a player name or a client number (use the status command to see client numbers), so you can either do: /ref kick playername or /ref kick 5. You can also give an optional reason that the player was banned.
Mute ref mute player seconds Mutes a player for some number of seconds. Useful to shut up trolls. The player can be either a player name or a client number.
Forceteam blue|spectator|free Forces a player onto a team or into spectator mode. The player can be either a player name or a client number. Use "free" as the team name to ask the server to place them onto the team with the least players.
Ban ref ban player minutes Bans a player from the server. After using this on a player, the player cannot rejoin the server for a specified number of minutes. The player can be either a player name or a client number. Using this command, a referee can ban a player for up to 3 hours (180 minutes).
Resign ref resign Use this to make yourself a normal player again. You are also automatically stripped of your referee rights if you disconnect from the server.
Help ref help Prints out brief information about ref commands and what they do.

Bots pour serveurs

These are programs that run on a server in order to provide additional features not provided by Urban Terror. Bots can be used for administration, statistical parsing of game logs and to advertise your server(s). While this manual will not provide detailed information for downloading and installing these third party applications, you can find a list of them below:

Questions les plus fréquentes

Reserved for future use.


Log parser programs
Freely usable sv_dlurl 
Admin tool
Server Status Script 
MOTD randomnizer
Forum d'administraion des serveurs sur UrT.fr


  • What does it mean when ioUrbanTerror doesn't load and I get this error message, "GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem"?

It means you ave encounter a video issue, possibly trying to load Urban Terror in a resolution that is not supported. Go into your config file and change r_mode to "4". This will return the resolution to '800x600' when you restart the game.

  • If you get the error message of "invalid game folder" then you're trying to join a server that is a different version.

Make sure you are running the most current version of Quake III Arena (v1.32). If you aren't, then download the latest Point Release.

  • If you're having issues with your mouse, check to see what your /in_mouse setting is at. By default in_mouse is set to "-1", to change this via console, type:
/in_mouse (to see what the current value is)

then to change it:

/in_mouse "1" or "-1"

then for the setting to take effect:

  • Can you explain the difference between ut_timenudge and cl_timenudge?

They both do the same thing; modify timestamps on packets to make things appear they arrived later then they really did, except cl_timenudge affects your outgoing packets too. This can be exploited to make you appear to warp if you turn it on and off quickly. It can also be used to change how standard Q3 projectiles, like rockets behave, if you use negative values (it fast forwards them along their path a little bit...very silly idea).

The CVAR, ut_timenudge doesn't affect your outgoing commands (so no benefit to negative values), but the server is notified about your "buffer" so that anti-lag can be matched up to compensate for your world-view delay. So basically, cl_timenudge equals exploits and ut_timenudge equals no exploits.


Créer un raccourci de lancement

To create a shortcut for Urban Terror, right-click on your desktop and select 'New', then 'Shortcut'. A dialog box will appear asking for the location of the program we're creating a shortcut for. Browse to your Urban Terror or Quake 3 folder and select quake3.exe or ioUrbanTerror.exe. Press Next then enter in "Urban Terror 4.1" as the name, then press Finish. You should now have a shortcut on your desktop labeled "Urban Terror 4.1". If you used ioUrbanTerror.exe, that's it, you can now start Urban Terror.

If you used quake3.exe, it still has the Quake 3 icon, and if you run it, it only opens Quake 3. Right-click on the shortcut and select Properties. Click on the "Change Icon" button and browse to your Urban Terror folder and select the "q3ut.ico" file (Eg: C:\Quake 3 Arena\q3ut4\q3ut.ico). Hit OK. Next in the "Target" field we need to add some information to the existing line to tell quake3 to launch Urban Terror. After the last quote put in a space then type in "+set fs_game q3ut4" (without the quotes) so that for example it looks like: "C:\Quake 3 Arena\quake3.exe" +set fs_game q3ut4. Press the OK button and you now have a working Urban Terror 4.1 shortcut.


People with dual core cpu's might need to turn off affinity on 1 core (through the windows task manager or automated using this). Nvidia users may need to change a setting in the Nvidia control panel to disable threaded optimization and/or setting Multi-display/Mixed GPU acceleration to "Single display performance mode". Also, make sure you have the newest drivers from either Nvidia or ATI.

To get better fps on slow machines, try disabling anti aliasing and anisotropic filter in your video card control panel. Also in the Urban Terror system menu, try a lower resolution, and low texture quality. Turning on 'Compress textures' helped some people too.

Bots joueurs

They still work, after doing /bot_enable 1 and /addbot , but they are not supported! They might cause problems and crashes! More info here.

Enregistrement en format avi

First record a demo (default key = f12), then play the demo and use /video and /stopvideo to record an avi. You can use cl_aviframerate to set the framerate and cl_aviMotionJpeg to choose uncompressed or MPJEG Codec. It is recommended to use low resolutions when recording .avi's. Check out this thread as well.

All Seeing Eye

Using the All Seeing Eye (ASE) you can set options to use ioUrbanTerror.exe instead of quake3.exe if you want. You can use these filters to filter 4.1 servers. It goes in the filters.txt in your ASE directory.

You can also use Qtracker as it supports 4.1.


You can set funstuff with /funred and /funblue. The options are comma delineated and depend on team affiliation, race and wearing a helmet or not. They do not work in FFA.

Example: "/funred cigar, jason, viking"

These sites show most available options: here and here.

Sensibilité de la souris dans ioUrbanTerror

If your sensitivity feels 'accelerated' in ioUrbanTerror, check this post.

Autres problèmes de souris

If you're having issues with your mouse, check to see what your /in_mouse is at. in_mouse is set to -1 by default, to change this via console, type:

/in_mouse (to see what the current value is)

then to change it:

/in_mouse "1" or "-1"

then for the setting to take effect:


Also, if your mouse 4/5/6/7/8 buttons aren't working try binding them to keyboard stroke. Many mouse drivers let you do this (Logitech for example), otherwise there's other programs available that let you do this.

Les messages d'erreur

"Invalid gamefolder"

First check if you are on v4.1. In the right bottom on the main menu you can see if it says v4.0 or v4.1. If you are running v4.1 and still get this message, the server you are trying to connect to is running v4.0. Just try other servers until you find one that is v4.1.

"Client unknown to auth"

This happens when the server requires you to have a valid Q3A key. ioUrbanTerror cannot connect to the server and will give this error.

If you use Q3A and do have a valid key and get this error, delete all files called 'q3key' in your quake3-dir and subdirs. Start Quake III Arena, enter key, quit application. Restart.

"Interface X expected" (sur Quake III seulement)

Install Q3A Point Release 1.32

"Couldn't load xxxx.bsp"

Server is running a map that you don't have. Go get it on a map site. If using ioUrbanTerror, change /cl_autodownload 1 and reconnect. If the server set it up properly, you will be able to auto-download it.