2016 - Vev


Un article de Vev.

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Modèle:Year nav Modèle:C21YearInTopic Modèle:Year in other calendars 2016 (MMXVI) will be a leap year starting on Friday of the Gregorian calendar.


Predicted events

Unknown dates

2016 in fiction

Computer and video games


Television series

Modèle:Start box

Modèle:Succession box

Modèle:End boxam:2016 እ.ኤ.አ. ar:2016 bh:२०१६ bs:2016 ca:2016 cs:2016 cy:2016 da:2016 de:2016 el:2016 es:2016 eo:2016 fr:2016 ko:2016년 hr:2016. io:2016 id:2016 ia:2016 it:2016 la:2016 hu:2016 mi:2016 ms:2016 nah:2016 nl:2016 new:२०१६ ja:2016年 nn:2016 pi:२०१६ pl:2016 pt:2016 ro:2016 ru:2016 год se:2016 sk:2016 sr:2016 fi:2016 sv:2016 tl:2016 tt:2016 th:พ.ศ. 2559 tr:2016 zh-yue:2016年 bat-smg:2016 zh:2016年