Cheat code de UT2004
Un article de Vev.
Gay Star - membres - charte - bistro (forum) - matches - liGay - histoire - gay langage - photos - vidéos - FTP - IRC - liens - smiley
![]() | ![]() | | ![]() | | | | ![]() | ||
Cl@ | Enola | Fafal | GuiGui | Jù!i0 | Itchy | Kaero | Vev | ST@N |
mon UT2004.ini et mon UT2004.ini
Sommaire |
modif & alias
amplifier les bruits
dans ut2004.ini, jouer sur ce parametre
[ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem] ... AmbientVolume=0.500000 Rolloff=0.050000
shield & shieldjump
Aliases[40]=(Command="GetWeapon XWeapons.ShieldGun|Button bAltFire|OnRelease SwitchToLastWeapon",Alias="Shield") Aliases[41]=(Command="GetWeapon XWeapons.ShieldGun|Button bFire|OnRelease SwitchToLastWeapon|OnRelease Jump",Alias="ShieldJump")
demorec rapide
Aliases[35]=(Command="demorec | stat fps | set input F4 enddemo",Alias="begindemo") Aliases[36]=(Command="stopdemo | stat fps | set input F4 begindemo",Alias="enddemo")
--GaY[Vev]StaR 27 janvier 2007 à 11:59 (CET)
console command
Unreal Tournament 2004 Cheat code
- Bonus characters
Note: This procedure involves editing game files; create a backup copy of them before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "xplayersl1.upl" and "xplayersl2.upl" files in the "system" folder in the game directory. These are all of the characters that are available in the game. Find any character that has a Menu= section that is not Menu="" and change it to Menu="" or Menu="SP" (if you wanted to be able to play as them in single player). For example, Xan's Character reads Menu="XAN". If you changed this to Menu="SP" or Menu="" he will be unlocked. The three characters that are locked are Malcolm, ClanLord, and Xan.
- Speed power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, quickly tap forward (W) four times for a speed power-up.
- Self-heal power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, quickly tap back (S) four times to get a self-heal power-up.
- Invisibility power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, quickly tap left strafe (D) two times then right strafe (A) two times to get invisibility.
- Berserk power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, quickly tap forward (W) two times and back (S) two times.
- Pint sized adrenaline combo
When the extra combo mutator is turned on, quickly tap Left Strafe four times.
- Camouflage adrenaline combo
When the extra combo mutator is turned on, quickly tap Right Strafe four times.
- Hidden message
In the "Display Settings" menu, activate all of the checkboxes and set the detail settings to the highest possible value. Then, set your resolution to at least 1152x864. You will hear the announcer say "Holy shit".
- Particle effect demonstration level
Use the "open particleexamples.ut2" code to play a level that demonstrates the game's particle effects.
- Summon commands
When using any of the "summon" codes, the object will appear on you. If you do not have the "Invincibility" code enabled, you will be killed instantly.
- Cheat Codes
While playing the game in botmatch, press [Tab] to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
- Invincibility god
- All weapons loaded
- All weapons and maximum ammo loaded
- All weapons and no ammo allweapons
- Full ammunition allammo
- Flight mode fly
- Disable flight mode walk
- Third person view behindview 1
- First person view behindview 0
- Walk through walls ghost
- Add indicated number of bots addbots [number]
- Statistics for Audio stat audio
- Change field of view fov [1-360]
- Change player name setname [new name]
- Set screen resolution and color depth;
- for example 1280x1024x32 setres [horiz]x[vert]x[depth]
- Change teams switchteam
- Display stats stat all
- Hide stats stat none
- Display game stats stat game
- Display network stats stat net
- Display framerate stat fps
- Stop time for bots playersonly
- Kill bots killbots
- Toggle full screen and window mode togglefullscreen
- Teleport to Crosshairs teleport
- Change map open [map name]
- Change gravity setgravity [number]
- Change jump height setjumpz [number]
- Change speed setspeed [number]
- Set slow-motion slowmo [number]
- Commit suicide suicide
- Exit game quit or exit
- Spawn Redeemer summon xweapons.redeemerpickup
- Spawn Assault Rifle summon xweapons.assaultriflepickup
- Spawn Avril summon onslaught.onsavrilpickup
- Spawn Bio Rifle summon xweapons.bioriflepickup
- Spawn Flak Cannon summon xweapons.flakcannonpickup
- Spawn Grenade Launcher summon onslaught.onsgrenadepickup
- Spawn Ion Painter summon xweapons.painterpickup
- Spawn Lightning Gun summon xweapons.sniperriflepickup
- Spawn Link Gun summon xweapons.linkgunpickup
- Spawn Mine Layer summon onslaught.onsminelayerpickup
- Spawn Minigun summon xweapons.minigunpickup
- Spawn Rocket Launcher summon xweapons.rocketlauncherpickup
- Spawn Shield Gun summon xweapons.shieldgunpickup
- Spawn Shock Rifle summon xweapons.shockriflepickup
- Spawn Sniper Rifle summon utclassic.classicsniperriflepickup
- Spawn Goliath summon Onslaught.ONSHoverTank
- Spawn Hellbender summon Onslaught.ONSPRV
- Spawn Instant Kill Shock Rifle summon xweapons.supershockriflepickup
- Spawn Manta summon Onslaught.ONSHoverBike
- Spawn Raptro summon Onslaught.ONSAttackCraft
- Spawn Scorpion summon Onslaught.ONSRV
- Secret voice commands
Speak the following commands into your microphone:
Result Command Bot dies [bot name] suicide Bot dances [bot name] dance Bot jumps [bot name] jump Bot taunts opponents [bot name] taunt Bot gets out of vehicle in Onslaught mode [bot name] get out
This is the best list of console commands and command line options, most of which are valid for the current version of the UT2004. Here we have the full list of Unreal Tournament 2004 (UT2004) Console and command lines /commands.
Admin Commands
Adminlogin (password)
Logs admin onto server
Adminlogout (password)
Logs off admin
Admin switchlevel (mapname?game=gametype?mutator=mutator)
Changes server to specific map/game type/mutator
Admin set uweb.webserver bEnabled
True Enables remote admin web server (after level change)
Admin set uweb.webserver bEnabled
False Disables remote admin web server (after level change)
Admin (command)
Executes a command
Kick (playername)
Kicks player from server
Kickban (playername)
Kicks and Bans player from server - Typo fix by OFxLedzeplin
Mem stat
Show Windows memory usage
Stat all
Displays all stats
Stat audio
Shows audio stats
Stat fps
Shows average and current frames per second
Stat game
Displays game stats
Stat hardware
Shows hardware stats
Stat net
Displays net stats (ping etc)
Stat none
Removes stat displays
Stat render
Displays rendering stats
Player Commands / Bot Controls
Add bots (number)
Add X number of bots
Behindview 1
Switches to 3rd person view
Behindview 0
Switches to 1st person view
Disconnects from server
Reconnects to last server
Quits game
Closes UT2003
Eliminates bots
Switchlevel (mapname)
Changes to level named
Open (mapname)
Opens named map
Changes players team
Kills player
Teamsay (text)
Talk to team-mates only
Freezes bots
Say (text)
Message to all players
Setname (name)
Changes name
Misc. Commands
Demorec (demoname)
Records a demo (n/a until patch)
Demoplay (demoname)
Plays a demo (n/a until patch)
Stops playing a demo (n/a until patch)
Shows the HUD toggled on/off - added by Dudeguy
Brightness (number)
Increases/Decreases brightness based on number
Contrast (number)
Increases/Decreases contrast based on number - added by MacNiel
Gamma (number)
Changes gamma level to certain number - added by MacNiel
Cdtrack (number)
Plays named CD track number
Shows configuration information
Contrast (number)
Increases/Decreases contrast based on number
Debug crash
Test crash the game with an error
Debug eatmem
Tests memory allocation until filled
Debug GPF
Produces a general protection fault error
Debug recurse
Test crash via infinite recursion
Exec (filename)
Runs a file in the UT2003/system directory
Cleans all caches and relights
FOV (number)
Changes field of view to certain number
Clears memory cache contents
Displays maximum colour depth supported by hardware
Displays current colour depth
Displays current resolution
Displays current tick rate
Displays maximum tick rate
Musicorder (number)
Changes to certain track in the song (0=ambient 1=action 2=suspense)
Netspeed (number)
Set net speed (default=10000)
Obj classes
Displays a list of object classes
Obj garbage
Collects and purges objects not in use
Obj hash
Displays object hashing stats
Obj linkers
Displays list of active linkers
Pauses all sounds
Un pauses all sounds
Opens advanced settings (Disabled in Retail Game)
Copies report of current game to clipboard
Set (class variable value)
Sets specified class and variable with named value
Setsensitivity (number)
Sets mouse sensitivity to X
Setres (WidthxHeightxColordepth)
Sets screen resolution to specific width/height/colour depth
Slomo 1
Sets game speed to normal
Slomo 2
Sets game speed to double - Increase number to go faster
Slomo .5
Sets game speed to half - Decrease number to go slower
Displays the list of in use sockets
Changes full screen mode (in Windows hit ALT + ENTER as well)
Type (text)
Displays specified text in console
Cheat Codes
Toggle God Mode
Underwater Breathing
Fly Mode
Walk through walls
Return walking to normal
Turn invisibility on or off (true / false)
Teleport to where your crosshair is pointing
Full ammo on all possessed weapons
Give all weapons
Give all weapons and full ammo on them (combo of allammo and allweapons
Win the current match and advance on the ladder
Jump to a specific match on the ladder, where is a number. For example 43 for ladder 4, rung 3
Change the player size by factor # (i.e. 0.25 or 2.0)
Toggle locking the camera in its current position
D-link the camera rotation from the actor
Reset the camera to view the player (true to be quiet, false to have sound)
Cycle the camera through the viewable bots
View the actor current carrying the flag
Change the camera view to the given player
Change the camera view to the given actor
Change the camera view to the given class
Kill the actor the camera is currently viewing. Do NOT kill yourself! (Game will get stuck)
Possess a pawn of the given class
Summon the given object
Set the distance the camera has from its target
Change gravitational pull
Change Jump height
Multiply the Player water and ground speed with the given value
Output all dynamic actors to the log file
Pause the game for the given duration
Set red colour component of fog
Set green colour component of fog
Set blue colour component of fog
Set the duration a screen flash takes to fade away
Trigger the given event
Toggle logging for all scripted sequences
Kill all actor pawns except the player
Kill everything of the given class, i.e. KillAll Pawn
Kill all pawns of the given class
Toggle the level to a players only level
Toggle to view to the given actor
Write the string 'NOW!' to the game log
Test jumping, the parameter can be 'Transloc', 'Jump', 'Combo' or 'LowGrav'