Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, released on July 16, 2005, is the sixth of seven novels in J. K. Rowling's popular Harry Potter series. Set during Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts, the novel explores Lord Voldemort's past, and Harry's preparations for the final battle amidst emerging romantic relationships and the emotional confusions and conflict resolutions characteristic of mid-adolescence.
The book sold nine million copies in the first 24 hours after its release, a record at the time which was eventually broken by its successor, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows<ref name="sales">http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6912529.stm</ref>.
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Before school starts
As Voldemort and his Death Eaters openly wreak havoc throughout Britain, Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge has been forced to resign following public outcry over his mishandling the situation. Rufus Scrimgeour succeeds him. At his home in Spinner's End, Severus Snape is sworn to an Unbreakable Vow by Draco Malfoy's mother Narcissa. Although her sister, Bellatrix Lestrange, distrusts Snape, he agrees to protect Draco during his task assigned by the Dark Lord and complete the mission should he fail.
During the summer, Albus Dumbledore enlists Harry Potter's unwitting help to persuade retired professor Horace Slughorn to return to his old Hogwarts post. Harry then spends the remaining holiday at The Burrow with the Weasleys and Hermione. To his family's dismay, Bill Weasley has become engaged to Fleur Delacour, the Beauxbatons champion in the Triwizard Tournament, while Harry realises he is developing romantic feelings for Ginny. Harry, Ron, and Hermione receive their O.W.L. results. To become Aurors, Harry and Ron must take N.E.W.T.-level Potions as a prerequisite, but their grades in the subject are too low for Snape's advanced class, thus ending their career ambitions. While in Diagon Alley, Harry, Ron and Hermione spot Draco Malfoy and follow him. At Borgin & Burkes, a dark magic shop in Knockturn Alley, Malfoy threatens Mr Borgin about repairing one item and keeping another safe. Suspecting Draco may be a Death Eater, Harry resolves to keep a close watch on him.
At Hogwarts
As school begins, Snape is unexpectedly announced as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor while Slughorn replaces him as the Potions teacher. Slughorn only requires a minimum "E" grade (Exceeds Expectations) at O.W.L. to take his N.E.W.T.-level Potion classes, making Harry and Ron eligible for the class. Slughorn lends them old Potions textbooks until they buy their own. Harry's copy is marked as the property of, "The Half-Blood Prince". The talented former owner's notes help Harry excel in the class. As a reward, Slughorn gives him a small vial of Felix Felicis, a good luck potion.
Death Eater attacks continue throughout the year and may be linked to events at Hogwarts. On the first Hogsmeade visit, Katie Bell, a Gryffindor student, is seriously injured while carrying a cursed necklace, apparently while under the Imperius Curse. In another incident, Ron accidentally drinks poisoned mead intended for Dumbledore— only Harry's quick action saves him. Hermione is so distraught over this that she and Ron, who were feuding mostly over Ron dating Lavender Brown and her relationship with Viktor Krum, reconcile; Ron soon breaks up with Lavender. Meanwhile, Harry realises his true feelings for Ginny, although she is now dating Dean Thomas.
Dumbledore privately tutors Harry using his Pensieve to view collected memories about Voldemort's past. Dumbledore speculates that Voldemort splintered his soul into six fragments called Horcruxes to attain immortality, while leaving a seventh piece in his body. Two Horcruxes have been destroyed (Tom Riddle's diary by HarryModèle:HP2 and Marvolo Gaunt's ring by Dumbledore).
When Harry finds Malfoy sobbing in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, they hurl curses at each other. Harry casts one of the Prince's spells, causing huge gashes across Malfoy's body. Snape arrives and saves Malfoy. He confiscates Harry's Potions book, but Harry has given him Ron's copy. Harry receives detention, causing him to miss the Quidditch finals. Gryffindor wins the Cup, and during the victory celebration, Harry's suppressed feelings for Ginny are revealed when he spontaneously kisses her; Ginny has just broken up with Dean Thomas, and she and Harry begin dating.
Harry reports Malfoy's suspicious behaviour to a seemingly unconcerned Dumbledore, although Dumbledore asks Snape to investigate. Soon after, Harry learns from Professor Trelawney that it was Snape who passed a prophecy to Voldemort that ultimately led to James and Lily Potter's deaths. Enraged, Harry confronts Dumbledore, but he reaffirms Snape's loyalty. Dumbledore, meanwhile, has located another Horcrux and asks Harry to accompany him in retrieving it. Distrusting Malfoy and Snape, Harry asks Ron, Hermione, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom and Ginny to patrol the halls while he and Dumbledore are gone and gives them the remaining Felix Felicis potion for luck. Harry and Dumbledore disapparate to a secret cave. They retrieve the Horcrux (Salazar Slytherin's locket), but drinking a potion that covered the locket inside a basin has poisoned Dumbledore.
Battle of the Astronomy Tower
Returning to Hogsmeade, Harry and Dumbledore see Lord Voldemort's Dark Mark hovering over Hogwarts. They fly to the Astronomy Tower on borrowed broomsticks and are ambushed by Draco Malfoy. Dumbledore paralyses Harry, who is under his Invisibility Cloak, just before Draco disarms Dumbledore. Draco admits he was behind the school attacks and has helped Death Eaters secretly enter Hogwarts, although Dumbledore discerns that Voldemort has coerced the obviously frightened boy.
As Order of the Phoenix members, faculty, and students battle Voldemort's followers in the castle below, Death Eaters appear in the tower and urge Draco to fulfil his mission—killing Dumbledore—but Draco hesitates. Snape arrives and a weakened Dumbledore entreats him with an ambiguous plea; Snape casts Avada Kedavra that kills Dumbledore and hurls his body over the tower wall. Upon Dumbledore's death, Harry is released from the paralysing spell. Harry pursues Snape, who identifies himself as the Half-Blood Prince in a short-lived duel where, incredibly, he instructs Harry on how to fight correctly. Snape escapes with Malfoy. Harry recovers the locket from Dumbledore's body, only to discover it is a fake. Inside is a note from someone with the initials "R.A.B." who has stolen the real Horcrux.
The school year ends abruptly with Dumbledore's funeral. Professor McGonagall is appointed Hogwarts' interim headmistress and Professor Slughorn replaces Snape as the head of Slytherin House, although Hogwarts may not reopen. Harry decides to leave school to search for the remaining Horcruxes. Ron and Hermione vow to accompany him, while Harry ends his relationship with Ginny to protect her from Voldemort. The book concludes as Harry looks forward to Bill and Fleur's wedding and being comforted that "...there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with Ron and Hermione."
Pre-release history
The record-breaking publication of Half-Blood Prince was accompanied by controversy. In May 2005 bookmakers in the UK suspended bets on which main character would die in the book amid fears of insider knowledge. A number of high value bets were made on the death of Albus Dumbledore, many coming from the town of Bungay where, it was believed, the books were being printed at the time. Betting was later reopened.<ref>"Bets reopen on Dumbledore death" from the BBC</ref> Other controversies included the "right to read" Potter books inadvertently sold before the release date, environmental concerns over the source of the paper used in the printing of millions of books, and fan reactions to the plot developments and revelations of the novel.
Right to read controversy
In early July 2005, a Real Canadian Superstore in Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada, accidentally sold fourteen copies of The Half-Blood Prince before the authorised release date. The Canadian publisher, Raincoast Books, obtained an injunction from the Supreme Court of British Columbia prohibiting the purchasers from reading the books before the official release date or from discussing the contents. Purchasers were offered a Harry Potter T-shirt and an autographed copy of the book if they returned their copies before July 16.
On July 15, less than twelve hours before the book went on sale in the Eastern time zone, Raincoast warned The Globe and Mail newspaper that publishing a review from a Canada-based writer at midnight, as the paper had promised, would be seen as a violation of the trade secret injunction. The injunction sparked a number of news articles alleging that the injunction had restricted fundamental rights. Canadian law professor Michael Geist posted commentary on his blog;<ref>"The Harry Potter Injunction" by Michael Geist</ref> Richard Stallman called for a boycott, requesting that the publisher issue an apology.<ref>"Don't Buy Harry Potter Books" by Richard Stallman</ref> The Globe and Mail published a review from two UK-based writers in its July 16 edition and posted the Canadian writer's review on its website at 9 a.m. that morning.<ref>"Much Ado As Harry Potter Hits the Shelves" by The Globe and Mail</ref> Commentary was also provided on the Raincoast website.<ref>http://www.raincoast.com/harrypotter/injunction-commentary.html Raincoast.com Retrieved on 04-24-07 </ref>
In the same week, a Chicago Walgreens mistakenly sold a copy of the book. When the purchaser read about the Canadian incident on the Internet she said she would not return the book, but that she would not read the novel until the U.S. release date.[citation needed]
Environmental concerns
Before and after the release of the book, the environmental organizations Greenpeace and the National Wildlife Federation urged consumers in the United States who planned to buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to do so from the book's Canadian publisher, Raincoast Books,<ref>"Greenpeace to U.S. Potter fans: Buy Canadian" from the CBC</ref> <ref> http://www.raincoast.com/harrypotter/faq.html#about "Facts and Figures About the Harry Potter Series" </ref> which published on 100% recycled, chlorine-free, ancient forest–free paper. The U.S. edition of the book, published by Scholastic Press, was printed with a percentage of recycled paper that Scholastic declined to make public. The Scholastic Hardcover edition of the book claims, on the last page, to be free of fibres from ancient forests.
The plot detail "Snape kills Dumbledore," along with a list of chapter titles, were leaked on the Usenet group alt.fan.harrypotter as early as July 14, 2005 — two days before the official release date. Weeks earlier, betting patterns on the website "Blue Square" recorded an unusual surge in bets originating in a town where the book was being printed (as pointed out in the Guardian newspaper May 24 2005).<ref>http://books.guardian.co.uk/harrypotter/story/0,10761,1491128,00.html Books.guardian.co.uk Retrieved on 04-24-07 </ref>
Rowling became pregnant with her third child during the writing of this book, and often joked about them racing each other into the world. For this reason, the book has this dedication:
- To Mackenzie,
- my beautiful daughter,
- I dedicate
- her ink and paper twin
Movie release date
Box Office Mojo reports that the movie based on the sixth book is scheduled to be released on November 18, 2008. Steve Kloves is expected to write the screenplay, and David Yates is set to direct.<ref name="release-date-hbp-film"> Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (IMdB)
Text changes
As with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the United States version of the novel has slightly changed text from the British version. One particular section has been remarked upon, where the alteration makes the nature of Dumbledore's offer to Draco Malfoy before Snape kills Dumbledore in the Half-Blood Prince explicit. The reason for the editing of the following text has not been explained on the author's webpage, but the British edition is more ambiguous. The text can be found in chapter 27, "The Lightning-Struck Tower". The U.S. text was changed to match the UK version with the publication of the paperback edition.<ref> Differences between US and UK editions
. HP=Lexicon
. Retrieved on 2007-05-08. </ref> The parts added in the United States version have been highlighted in bold, below:
"[…] He told me to do it or he'll kill me. I've got no choice." "He cannot kill you if you are already dead. Come over to the right side Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine. What is more, I can send members of the Order to your mother tonight to hide her likewise. Nobody would be surprised that you had died in your attempt to kill me — forgive me, but Lord Voldemort probably expects it. Nor would the Death Eaters be surprised that we had captured and killed your mother — it is what they would do themselves, after all. Your father is safe at the moment in Azkaban […]"
(U.S. Edition p. 591)(CND Edition p. 552) Modèle:HP6
- Bloomsbury (United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, etc.)
- ISBN 0-7475-8108-8 Hardcover
- ISBN 0-7475-8468-0 Paperback
- ISBN 0-7475-8110-X Hardcover (adult edition)
- ISBN 0-7475-8466-4 Paperback (adult edition)
- Scholastic (United States, etc.)
- ISBN 0-439-78454-9 Hardcover
- ISBN 0-439-78596-0 Paperback
- ISBN 0-439-79132-4 Deluxe Edition
- Raincoast (Canada, etc.)
- ISBN 1-55192-756-X Hardcover
- ISBN 1-55192-760-8 Hardcover (adult edition) (Different cover and binding, same text)
- ISBN 0-7475-8152-5 Hardcover (large print edition)
External links
Modèle:Wikibooks Modèle:Hpw Modèle:Harrypotterar:هاري بوتر والأمير خليط الدم bs:Harry Potter i Princ miješane krvi bg:Хари Потър и Нечистокръвния принц ca:Harry Potter i el misteri del príncep cs:Harry Potter a princ dvojí krve da:Harry Potter og Halvblodsprinsen de:Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz et:Harry Potter ja segavereline prints el:Ο Χάρι Πότερ και ο Ημίαιμος Πρίγκηψ es:Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe eu:Harry Potter eta Odol Nahasiko Printzea fa:هری پاتر و شاهزاده دورگه fr:Harry Potter et le prince de sang-mêlé gl:Harry Potter e o misterio do príncipe ko:해리 포터와 혼혈 왕자 hi:हैरी पॉटर एंड द हाफ़-ब्लड प्रिंस hr:Harry Potter i Princ miješane krvi io:Harry Potter e la mi-sango princo id:Harry Potter dan Pangeran Berdarah-Campuran ia:Harry Potter e le Prince Mesticio it:Harry Potter e il principe mezzosangue he:הארי פוטר והנסיך חצוי-הדם lv:Harijs Poters un Jauktasiņu Princis lt:Haris Poteris ir Netikras Princas hu:Harry Potter és a Félvér Herceg ms:Harry Potter dengan Putera Berdarah Kacukan nl:Harry Potter en de Halfbloed Prins (boek) ja:ハリー・ポッターと謎のプリンス no:Harry Potter og Halvblodsprinsen nn:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince pl:Harry Potter i Książę Półkrwi pt:Harry Potter e o Enigma do Príncipe ro:Harry Potter şi prinţul semipur ru:Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка simple:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince sk:Harry Potter a polovičný princ (kniha) sl:Harry Potter in Polkrvni princ sr:Хари Потер и полукрвни принц fi:Harry Potter ja puoliverinen prinssi sv:Harry Potter och Halvblodsprinsen th:แฮร์รี่ พอตเตอร์กับเจ้าชายเลือดผสม vi:Harry Potter và hoàng tử lai tr:Harry Potter ve Melez Prens (kitap) zh:哈利·波特与混血王子