Celebrity sex tape
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A celebrity sex tape is a home video of sex acts, as performed by a celebrity and his or her partner, which finds Internet and/or bootleg distribution and made available to an audience for which it was not supposedly intended.
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Famous celebrity sex tapes
All of the following mentions are of tape(s) that have either been released or confirmed to exist. www.radarmagazine.com/fresh-intelligence/2005/11/03/index.php#report_003910|title=Carolyn Murphy's Triple X-mas|publisher=Radar|date=November 3, 2005|accessdate=2007-01-01}}</ref> In January 2006 Schroeder was arrested and charged with extortion for trying to sell the tape.<ref> Carolyn Murphy's Triple X-mas
. Radar (November 3, 2005)
. Retrieved on 2007-01-01. </ref> In January 2006 Schroeder was arrested and charged with extortion for trying to sell the tape.<ref> Hart, Josh
(April 19, 2006) . Supermodel Sex Tape: Carolyn Murphy Video Now Online . National Ledger
. Retrieved on 2007-01-01. </ref>//www.nationalledger.com/artman/publish/article_27265118.shtml|title=Supermodel Sex Tape: Carolyn Murphy Video Now Online|publisher=National Ledger|author=Hart, Josh|date=April 19, 2006|accessdate=2007-01-01}}</ref>
www.villagevoice.com/news/0349,halter,49159,1.html "Secrets and Thighs: A history of celebrity sex tapes, real and fake, from Joan Crawford to Paris Hilton"]. The Village Voice. Retrieved December 1, 2006.</ref>//www.villagevoice.com/news/0349,halter,49159,1.html "Secrets and Thighs: A history of celebrity sex tapes, real and fake, from Joan Crawford to Paris Hilton"]. The Village Voice. Retrieved December 1, 2006.</ref>
www.nytimes.com/2006/03/19/fashion/sundaystyles/19tapes.html?ex=1300424400&en=fa8b001c1b104856&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss "Sex, Lawsuits and Celebrities Caught on Tape"] The New York Times. Retrieved January 1, 2007.</ref> This footage, along with additional full-color footage, was released commercially under the title 1 Night in Paris.<ref name="villagevoice"/>//www.nytimes.com/2006/03/19/fashion/sundaystyles/19tapes.html?ex=1300424400&en=fa8b001c1b104856&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss "Sex, Lawsuits and Celebrities Caught on Tape"] The New York Times. Retrieved January 1, 2007.</ref> This footage, along with additional full-color footage, was released commercially under the title 1 Night in Paris.<ref name="villagevoice"/>
- A sex tape of figure skater Tonya Harding and her husband Jeff Gillooly was leaked to the internet and subsequently became so widely available that the couple decided to legitimately release it on their own. It is commercially sold as the "Wedding Night" tape, although the wedding gown was actually a Halloween costume.<ref name="villagevoice"/>
- Actor Rob Lowe almost destroyed his own career when, in the 1980s, he taped himself having sex with two young girls, one of whom turned out to be underage.<ref name="nytogun1"/>
www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1002034314|title=Kid Rock, Stapp Sex Tape To Hit Stores? |accessmonthday=February 16 |accessyear=2006}}</ref> RLD planned to release the tape in 2006, but one of the women involved filed to block it.<ref> Smoking Gun page on Miami-Dade Jane Doe lawsuit
. Retrieved on March 4, 2006.
</ref> Rock also filed an injunction, called Stapp an "idiot" and blamed him for the tape's leak.<ref> More Sex Tape Red Tape for Stapp
. Retrieved on March 4, 2006.
</ref>//www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1002034314|title=Kid Rock, Stapp Sex Tape To Hit Stores? |accessmonthday=February 16 |accessyear=2006}}</ref> RLD planned to release the tape in 2006, but one of the women involved filed to block it.<ref> Smoking Gun page on Miami-Dade Jane Doe lawsuit
. Retrieved on March 4, 2006.
</ref> Rock also filed an injunction, called Stapp an "idiot" and blamed him for the tape's leak.<ref> More Sex Tape Red Tape for Stapp
. Retrieved on March 4, 2006.
- An early internet celebrity sex video, the honeymoon of Pamela Anderson and then-husband Tommy Lee, was placed online by Internet Entertainment Group in 1998.<ref name="nytogun1"/>
- The sexual exploits of Pamela Anderson and Bret Michaels (singer of the band Poison) were released as a DVD on September 7 2005. However, the footage had been circulating on the internet for many years.<ref name="villagevoice"/>
- In 2004, professional wrestlers Joanie Laurer (better known as Chyna) and Sean Waltman (aka X-Pac) which is being sold under the title 1 Night in China. Unusually, the tape was not accidentally leaked, but was actually solicited to pornographic film distributors by the duo, possibly in an attempt at a career boost.<ref name="nytogun1"/>
- Actor Colin Farrell admitted that a 13-minute sex tape he made with ex-girlfriend and Playboy Playmate Nicole Narain exists. He was successful in obtaining a court order to block its distribution, but in January 2006 copies appeared on the internet.<ref name="nytogun1"/>
- Actor Bob Crane of Hogan's Heroes fame made numerous home sex tapes in the 1970s with early VCR technology. His exploits were immortalized in the movie Auto Focus.<ref name="villagevoice"/>
www.time.com/time/asia/magazine/2000/1225/korea_video.html "Sex, Lies and the Internet"]. TIMEasia.com. Retrieved January 6, 2006.</ref>//www.time.com/time/asia/magazine/2000/1225/korea_video.html "Sex, Lies and the Internet"]. TIMEasia.com. Retrieved January 6, 2006.</ref>
usmagazine.com/kim_kardashian_sues_2 "Kim Kardashian to Sue Over Sex Tape Release"]US Weekly. Retrieved 2-8-07.</ref>//usmagazine.com/kim_kardashian_sues_2 "Kim Kardashian to Sue Over Sex Tape Release"]US Weekly. Retrieved 2-8-07.</ref>
- A tape of Croatian pop star Severina Vučković having sex with a married man was released on the internet in 2004. She claimed the video was stolen and sued.<ref>Hard-porn video of Croatia's pop icon shown at court. Agence France Presse-English, 13 December 2004</ref> The case was later dismissed.
www.vtv.vn/VN/TrangChu/TinTuc/NhipCauVTV/2007/10/16/133154/</ref> <ref>
usmagazine.com/kim_kardashian_sues_2 "Kim Kardashian to Sue Over Sex Tape Release"]US Weekly. Retrieved 2-8-07.</ref>//usmagazine.com/kim_kardashian_sues_2 "Kim Kardashian to Sue Over Sex Tape Release"]US Weekly. Retrieved 2-8-07.</ref>
- A tape of Croatian pop star Severina Vučković having sex with a married man was released on the internet in 2004. She claimed the video was stolen and sued.<ref>Hard-porn video of Croatia's pop icon shown at court. Agence France Presse-English, 13 December 2004</ref> The case was later dismissed.
www.vtv.vn/VN/TrangChu/TinTuc/NhipCauVTV/2007/10/16/133154/</ref> <ref>http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/breakingnews/breakingnews/view_article.php?article_id=94605</ref>//www.vtv.vn/VN/TrangChu/TinTuc/NhipCauVTV/2007/10/16/133154/</ref> <ref>http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/breakingnews/breakingnews/view_article.php?article_id=94605</ref>
Rumored, disputed and fraudulent sex tapes
www.villagevoice.com/news/0349,halter,49159,1.html "Secrets and Thighs: A history of celebrity sex tapes, real and fake, from Joan Crawford to Paris Hilton"]</ref>//www.villagevoice.com/news/0349,halter,49159,1.html "Secrets and Thighs: A history of celebrity sex tapes, real and fake, from Joan Crawford to Paris Hilton"]</ref>
wm03.allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll?p=avg&sql=1:338912</ref> In an 1977 interview with Playboy, Streisand stated that the woman in the film is not her and she had actually viewed a copy of the film out of curiosity.<ref> Grobel, Lawrence
(October 1977) . Playboy Interview: Barbara Streisand . Playboy
. Retrieved on 2007-08-26. </ref>//wm03.allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll?p=avg&sql=1:338912</ref> In an 1977 interview with Playboy, Streisand stated that the woman in the film is not her and she had actually viewed a copy of the film out of curiosity.<ref> Grobel, Lawrence
(October 1977) . Playboy Interview: Barbara Streisand . Playboy
. Retrieved on 2007-08-26. </ref>
www.nydailynews.com/news/story/423473p-357386c.html|title=O.J. sex tape|author=Rush, George|publisher=New York Daily News|date=June 3, 2006|accessdate=2007-01-01}}</ref>//www.nydailynews.com/news/story/423473p-357386c.html|title=O.J. sex tape|author=Rush, George|publisher=New York Daily News|date=June 3, 2006|accessdate=2007-01-01}}</ref>
www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,451449,00.html "Iranian Soap Star Swept up in Video Scandal"]. Der Spiegel. Retrieved December 26, 2006.</ref> See also Iranian sex tape scandal.//www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,451449,00.html "Iranian Soap Star Swept up in Video Scandal"]. Der Spiegel. Retrieved December 26, 2006.</ref> See also Iranian sex tape scandal.
- During her life there were persistent rumors that Joan Crawford acted in several pornographic films early in her career, including some with lesbian content. The films (if they ever existed) are supposed to have been all destroyed upon her entry into Hollywood as a legitimate actress.<ref name="villagevoice"/>
- In 1980, a Swedish photographer discovered a 16 mm hardcore sex short film from around 1948, purportedly featuring a young Marilyn Monroe. Despite the woman in the film bearing only a passing resemblance to Monroe, supporters of the theory that the woman in the film is indeed her point to FBI files in which Joe DiMaggio is reported to have offered twenty-five thousand dollars for a print of a "French-type" movie ostensibly featuring Monroe "in unnatural acts with an unknown male."<ref name="villagevoice"/>
www.time.com/time/columnist/printout/0,8816,1058996,00.html "That Old Feeling: Porn Again"] TimeMagazine.com. Retrieved January 1, 2007.</ref>//www.time.com/time/columnist/printout/0,8816,1058996,00.html "That Old Feeling: Porn Again"] TimeMagazine.com. Retrieved January 1, 2007.</ref>
- A man whose voice bears a strong resemblance to that of pioneering rock singer and guitarist Chuck Berry is heard on a urologically-themed tape commercially sold under the title "Chuck Berry's Home Movies". The tape largely consists of the man urinating on a woman in a bathtub while passing gas loudly, although the man's face cannot be seen.<ref name="villagevoice"/>
www.thelondonpaper.com/cs/Satellite/london/news/article/1157149109585?packedargs=suffix%3DArticleController "Meg White Sex Tape is a Fake"]. The London Paper. Retrieved October 3, 2007.</ref>//www.thelondonpaper.com/cs/Satellite/london/news/article/1157149109585?packedargs=suffix%3DArticleController "Meg White Sex Tape is a Fake"]. The London Paper. Retrieved October 3, 2007.</ref>
External Links
www.nydailynews.com/news/story/423473p-357386c.html|title=O.J. sex tape|author=Rush, George|publisher=New York Daily News|date=June 3, 2006|accessdate=2007-01-01}}</ref>//www.nydailynews.com/news/story/423473p-357386c.html|title=O.J. sex tape|author=Rush, George|publisher=New York Daily News|date=June 3, 2006|accessdate=2007-01-01}}</ref>
www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,451449,00.html "Iranian Soap Star Swept up in Video Scandal"]. Der Spiegel. Retrieved December 26, 2006.</ref> See also Iranian sex tape scandal.//www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,451449,00.html "Iranian Soap Star Swept up in Video Scandal"]. Der Spiegel. Retrieved December 26, 2006.</ref> See also Iranian sex tape scandal.
- During her life there were persistent rumors that Joan Crawford acted in several pornographic films early in her career, including some with lesbian content. The films (if they ever existed) are supposed to have been all destroyed upon her entry into Hollywood as a legitimate actress.<ref name="villagevoice"/>
- In 1980, a Swedish photographer discovered a 16 mm hardcore sex short film from around 1948, purportedly featuring a young Marilyn Monroe. Despite the woman in the film bearing only a passing resemblance to Monroe, supporters of the theory that the woman in the film is indeed her point to FBI files in which Joe DiMaggio is reported to have offered twenty-five thousand dollars for a print of a "French-type" movie ostensibly featuring Monroe "in unnatural acts with an unknown male."<ref name="villagevoice"/>
www.time.com/time/columnist/printout/0,8816,1058996,00.html "That Old Feeling: Porn Again"] TimeMagazine.com. Retrieved January 1, 2007.</ref>//www.time.com/time/columnist/printout/0,8816,1058996,00.html "That Old Feeling: Porn Again"] TimeMagazine.com. Retrieved January 1, 2007.</ref>
- A man whose voice bears a strong resemblance to that of pioneering rock singer and guitarist Chuck Berry is heard on a urologically-themed tape commercially sold under the title "Chuck Berry's Home Movies". The tape largely consists of the man urinating on a woman in a bathtub while passing gas loudly, although the man's face cannot be seen.<ref name="villagevoice"/>
www.thelondonpaper.com/cs/Satellite/london/news/article/1157149109585?packedargs=suffix%3DArticleController "Meg White Sex Tape is a Fake"]. The London Paper. Retrieved October 3, 2007.</ref>//www.thelondonpaper.com/cs/Satellite/london/news/article/1157149109585?packedargs=suffix%3DArticleController "Meg White Sex Tape is a Fake"]. The London Paper. Retrieved October 3, 2007.</ref>