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North America

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North America

Area Modèle:Km2 to sq mi
Population 514,600,000
Countries 23
Dependencies 14
Languages English, Spanish, French, and many others
Time Zones UTC -3:00 (Nuuk, Greenland) to UTC -10:00 (Hawaii)
Areas America: metropolitan areas], World Gazetteer. Accessed on line December 19, 2007.</ref>// America: metropolitan areas], World Gazetteer. Accessed on line December 19, 2007.</ref>|title = United Nations Statistics Division- Standard Country and Area Codes Classifications (M49)|publisher = United Nations Statistics Division}}</ref> in the Earth's northern hemisphere and (chiefly) western hemisphere. It is bordered on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by the North Atlantic Ocean, on the southeast by the Caribbean Sea, and on the south and west by the North Pacific Ocean; South America lies to the southeast. It covers an area of about 24,490,000 square kilometers (9,450,000 sq mi), about 4.8 percent of the planet's surface or about 16.4% of its land area. As of October 2006, its population was estimated at over 514,600,000. It is the third-largest continent in area, following Asia and Africa, and is fourth in population after Asia, Africa, and Europe. North America and South America are collectively known as the Americas.//|title = United Nations Statistics Division- Standard Country and Area Codes Classifications (M49)|publisher = United Nations Statistics Division}}</ref> in the Earth's northern hemisphere and (chiefly) western hemisphere. It is bordered on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by the North Atlantic Ocean, on the southeast by the Caribbean Sea, and on the south and west by the North Pacific Ocean; South America lies to the southeast. It covers an area of about 24,490,000 square kilometers (9,450,000 sq mi), about 4.8 percent of the planet's surface or about 16.4% of its land area. As of October 2006, its population was estimated at over 514,600,000. It is the third-largest continent in area, following Asia and Africa, and is fourth in population after Asia, Africa, and Europe. North America and South America are collectively known as the Americas.




North and South America are popularly accepted as having been named after Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci by the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller. Vespucci was the first European to suggest that the Americas were not the East Indies, but a different landmass previously undiscovered by Europeans. Vespucci was the first to discover South America and the Amerique mountains of Central America, which connected his discoveries to those of Christopher Columbus. The etymology is further complicated by the need of cartographers to come up with a name that paralleled the feminine names of the other continents (e.g. Europa, Asia, Africa etc.). The convention is to use the surname for naming discoveries except in the case of royalty[citation needed] and so a derivation from "Amerigo Vespucci" may be problematic. The Naming of America: Fragments We've Shored Against Ourselves]. By Jonathan Cohen</ref>// The Naming of America: Fragments We've Shored Against Ourselves]. By Jonathan Cohen</ref>


Scientists have several theories as to the origins of the early human population of North America. The indigenous peoples of North America themselves have many creation stories, by which they assert that they have been present on the land since its creation.

Before contact with Europeans, the natives of North America were divided into many different polities, from small bands of a few families to large empires. They lived in several "culture areas", which roughly correspond to geographic and biological zones and give a good indication of the main lifeway or occupation of the people who lived there (e.g. the Bison hunters of the Great Plains, or the farmers of Mesoamerica). Native groups can also be classified by their language family (e.g. Athapascan or Uto-Aztecan). It is important to note that peoples with similar languages did not always share the same material culture, nor were they always allies.

Scientists believe that the Inuit people of the high Arctic came to North America much later than other native groups, as evidenced by the disappearance of Dorset culture artifacts from the archaeological record, and their replacement by the Thule people.

Image:PlaceDArmes by Msteckiw.jpg
Place d'Armes in Montreal, historic heart of French Canada.
During the thousands of years of native inhabitation on the continent, cultures changed and shifted. Archaeologists often name different cultural groups they discover after the site where they are first found. One of the oldest cultures yet found is the Clovis culture of modern New Mexico. A more recent example is the group of related cultures called the Mound builders (e.g. the Fort Walton Culture), found in the Mississippi river valley. They flourished from 3000 BC to the 1500s AD.

The more southern cultural groups of North America were responsible for the domestication of many common crops now used around the world, such as tomatoes and squash. Perhaps most importantly they domesticated one of the world's major staples, maize (corn).

As a result of the development of agriculture in the south, many important cultural advances were made there. For example, the Maya civilization developed a writing system, built huge pyramids, had a complex calendar, and developed the concept of zero 500 years before anyone in the Old World. The Mayan culture was still present when the Spanish arrived in Central America, but political dominance in the area had shifted to the Aztec Empire further north.

Upon the arrival of the Europeans in the "New World", native peoples found their culture changed drastically. As such, their affiliation with political and cultural groups changed as well, several linguistic groups went extinct, and others changed quite quickly. The names and cultures that Europeans recorded for the natives were not necessarily the same as the ones they had used a few generations before, or the ones in use today.

Geography and extent

Modèle:See Clickable map]]]// Clickable map]]] The Olympic symbols.] International Olympic Committee. 2002. Lausanne: Olympic Museum and Studies Centre. The five rings of the Olympic flag represent the five inhabited, participating continents (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania).</ref><ref name=Oceano>Océano Uno, Diccionario Enciclopédico y Atlas Mundial, "Continente", page 392, 1730. ISBN 84-494-0188-7</ref><ref name=cincocontinentes>Los Cinco Continentes (The Five Continents), Planeta-De Agostini Editions, 1997. ISBN 84-395-6054-0</ref> and North America a subcontinent).<ref>Encarta, "Norteamérica".</ref> North America's only land connection is to South America at the Colombia-Panama border according to most authorities, or at the Panama Canal by some and even at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico by a few who separate Central America (or Middle America if the Caribbean is included) which rests mostly on the Caribbean Plate. Before the Central American isthmus was raised, the region had been underwater. The islands of the West Indies delineate a submerged former land bridge, which had connected North America and South America via Florida and Venezuela.// The Olympic symbols.] International Olympic Committee. 2002. Lausanne: Olympic Museum and Studies Centre. The five rings of the Olympic flag represent the five inhabited, participating continents (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania).</ref><ref name=Oceano>Océano Uno, Diccionario Enciclopédico y Atlas Mundial, "Continente", page 392, 1730. ISBN 84-494-0188-7</ref><ref name=cincocontinentes>Los Cinco Continentes (The Five Continents), Planeta-De Agostini Editions, 1997. ISBN 84-395-6054-0</ref> and North America a subcontinent).<ref>Encarta, "Norteamérica".</ref> North America's only land connection is to South America at the Colombia-Panama border according to most authorities, or at the Panama Canal by some and even at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico by a few who separate Central America (or Middle America if the Caribbean is included) which rests mostly on the Caribbean Plate. Before the Central American isthmus was raised, the region had been underwater. The islands of the West Indies delineate a submerged former land bridge, which had connected North America and South America via Florida and Venezuela.

The continental coastline is long and irregular. The Gulf of Mexico is the largest body of water indenting the continent, followed by Hudson Bay. Others include the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Gulf of California.

There are numerous islands off the continent’s coasts: principally, the Arctic Archipelago, the Greater and Lesser Antilles, the Alexander Archipelago, and the Aleutian Islands. Greenland, a Danish self-governing island and the world's largest, is on the same tectonic plate (the North American Plate) and is part of North America geographically. Bermuda is not part of the Americas, but is an oceanic island which was formed on the fissure of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge over 100 million years ago. The nearest landmass to it is Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, and it is often thought of as part of North America, especially given its historical, political and cultural ties to Virginia and other parts of the continent.

Physical geography

The vast majority of North America is on the North American Plate. Parts of California and western Mexico form the partial edge of the Pacific Plate, with the two plates meeting along the San Andreas fault. The southern-most portion of the continent and much of the West Indies lie on the Caribbean Plate, while the Juan de Fuca and Cocos Plates border the North American Plate on its western frontier.

The continent can be divided into four great regions (each of which contains many sub-regions): the Great Plains stretching from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian Arctic; the geologically young, mountainous west, including the Rocky Mountains, the Great Basin, California and Alaska; the raised but relatively flat plateau of the Canadian Shield in the northeast; and the varied eastern region, which includes the Appalachian Mountains, the coastal plain along the Atlantic seaboard, and the Florida peninsula. Mexico, with its long plateaus and cordilleras, falls largely in the western region, although the eastern coastal plain does extend south along the Gulf.

The western mountains are split in the middle, into the main range of the Rockies and the coast ranges in California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia with the Great Basin—a lower area containing smaller ranges and low-lying deserts—in between. The highest peak is Denali in Alaska. United States Geographical Survey] states that the geographic center of North America is "6 miles west of Balta, Pierce County, North Dakota" at approximately Modèle:Coord, approximately 15 miles (25 km) from Rugby, North Dakota. The USGS further states that “No marked or monumented point has been established by any government agency as the geographic center of either the 50 States, the conterminous United States, or the North American continent.” Nonetheless, there is a 15 foot (4.5 m) field stone obelisk in Rugby claiming to mark the center.// United States Geographical Survey] states that the geographic center of North America is "6 miles west of Balta, Pierce County, North Dakota" at approximately Modèle:Coord, approximately 15 miles (25 km) from Rugby, North Dakota. The USGS further states that “No marked or monumented point has been established by any government agency as the geographic center of either the 50 States, the conterminous United States, or the North American continent.” Nonetheless, there is a 15 foot (4.5 m) field stone obelisk in Rugby claiming to mark the center.

Human geography

Image:Santa fe1mxc.jpg
Mexico City is the most populous city in the Americas and the second most populous in the world.
Image:DownTown Toronto1.jpg
Toronto is the most populous city in Canada -- fifth in North America -- and is one of the world's most ethnically diverse cities.

The prevalent languages in North America are English, Spanish, and French. The term Anglo-America is used to refer to the anglophone countries of the Americas: namely the United States and Canada (where English and French are co-official), but also sometimes Belize and parts of the Caribbean. Latin America refers to the other areas of the Americas (generally south of the U.S.) where Romance languages derived from Latin predominate: the other republics of Central America, Mexico, much of the Caribbean, and most of South America.

The French language has historically played a significant role in North America and remains a distinctive presence in some regions. Canada is officially bilingual; French is the official language of the Canadian province of Quebec and is co-official with English in the province of New Brunswick. Other French-speaking locales include the French West Indies and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, as well as the U.S. state of Louisiana, where French is also an official language. Haiti is included with this group based on past historical association but Haitians speak Creole and French. Although the former language is derived from French, it is not French.

Socially and culturally, North America presents a well-defined entity. Canada and the United States have a similar culture and similar traditions as a result of both countries being former British colonies. A common cultural and economic market has developed between the two nations because of the strong economic and historical ties. Spanish-speaking North America shares a common past as former Spanish colonies. In Mexico and the Central American countries where civilizations like the Maya developed, indigenous people preserve traditions across modern boundaries. Central American and Spanish-speaking Caribbean nations have historically had more in common due to geographical proximity and the fact that, after winning independence from Spain, Mexico never took part in an effort to build a Central American Union.

Economically, Canada and the United States are the wealthiest and most developed nations in the continent, followed by Mexico, a newly industrialized country; the countries of Central America and the Caribbean are much less developed. The most important trade blocs are the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the recently signed Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)—the last of these being an example of the economic integration sought by the nations of this subregion as a way to improve their financial status.

Demographically, North America is a racially and ethnically diverse continent. Its three main ethnic groups are Whites, Mestizos and Blacks (chiefly African-Americans and Afro-Caribbeans).[citation needed] There is a significant minority of Amerindians and Asians among other less numerous groups.

Countries and territories

Image:North america.svg
Political highlights of North America Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Central America"]</ref>). The United Nations geoscheme includes Mexico in Central America; conversely, the European Union excludes both Mexico and Belize from the area. Geopolitically, Mexico is frequently not reckoned in Central America.<ref>The American Heritage Dictionary, "Central America"</ref>// Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Central America"]</ref>). The United Nations geoscheme includes Mexico in Central America; conversely, the European Union excludes both Mexico and Belize from the area. Geopolitically, Mexico is frequently not reckoned in Central America.<ref>The American Heritage Dictionary, "Central America"</ref>

Northern America is used to refer to the northern countries and territories of North America: Canada, the United States, Greenland, Bermuda, and St. Pierre and Miquelon. They are often considered distinct from the southern portion of the Americas, which largely comprise Latin America. The term Middle America is sometimes used to collectively refer to Mexico, the nations of Central America, and the Caribbean.

Country or
territory with flag
(1 July 2005 est.)
Population density
(per km²)
Modèle:Country data Anguilla Anguilla (UK) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 129.9 The Valley
Modèle:Country data Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 155.1 St. John's
Modèle:Country data Aruba Aruba (Netherlands)<ref name="two">Depending on definitions, Aruba, Netherlands Antilles, Panama, and Trinidad and Tobago have territory in one or both of North and South America.
Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 370.8 Oranjestad
Modèle:Country data Bahamas Bahamas Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 21.6 Nassau
Modèle:Country data Barbados Barbados Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 647.9 Bridgetown
Modèle:Country data Belize Belize Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 12.2 Belmopan
Modèle:Country data Bermuda Bermuda (UK) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 1233.3 Hamilton
Modèle:Country data British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands (UK) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 148.0 Road Town
Image:Flag of Canada.svg Canada Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 3.3 Ottawa
Modèle:Country data Cayman Islands Cayman Islands (UK) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 169.0 George Town
Image:Flag of Costa Rica.svg Costa Rica Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 78.6 San José
Modèle:Country data Cuba Cuba Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 102.4 Havana
Modèle:Country data Dominica Dominica Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 91.6 Roseau
Modèle:Country data Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 183.7 Santo Domingo
Modèle:Country data El Salvador El Salvador Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 318.7 San Salvador
Modèle:Country data Greenland Greenland (Denmark) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 0.026 Nuuk
Modèle:Country data Grenada Grenada Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 260.2 St. George's
Modèle:Country data Guadeloupe Guadeloupe (France) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 252.1 Basse-Terre
Modèle:Country data Guatemala Guatemala Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 134.6 Guatemala City
Modèle:Country data Haiti Haiti Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 292.7 Port-au-Prince
Modèle:Country data Honduras Honduras Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 62.2 Tegucigalpa
Image:Flag of Jamaica.svg Jamaica Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 248.6 Kingston
Modèle:Country data Martinique Martinique (France) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 393.5 Fort-de-France
Modèle:Country data Mexico Mexico Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 53.8 Mexico City
Modèle:Country data Montserrat Montserrat (UK) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 91.6 Plymouth; Brades<ref>Due to ongoing activity of the Soufriere Hills volcano beginning 1995, much of Plymouth, Montserrat's de jure capital, was destroyed and government offices relocated to Brades.</small></ref>
Image:Flag of the United States.svg Navassa Island (USA) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 0
Modèle:Country data Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Antilles (Netherlands)<ref name="two" /> Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 229.1 Willemstad
Modèle:Country data Nicaragua Nicaragua Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 42.2 Managua
Image:Flag of Panama.svg Panama<ref>Panama is generally considered a North American country, though some authorities divide it at the Panama Canal; population and area figures are for the portion west of the Panama Canal.</small>
Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 47.3 Panama City
Image:Flag of Puerto Rico.svg Puerto Rico (USA) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 430.2 San Juan
Modèle:Country data Saint Barthélemy Saint Barthélemy (France) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 326 Gustavia
Modèle:Country data Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 149.3 Basseterre
Modèle:Country data Saint Lucia Saint Lucia Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 270.0 Castries
Modèle:Country data Saint Martin Saint Martin (France) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 622 Marigot
Modèle:Country data Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 29.0 Saint-Pierre
Modèle:Country data Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 302.1 Kingstown
Modèle:Country data Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago<ref name="two" /> Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 212.3 Port of Spain
Modèle:Country data Turks and Caicos Islands Turks and Caicos Islands (UK) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 47.8 Cockburn Town
Image:Flag of the United States.svg United States of America<ref>Includes the US state of Hawaii, which is distant from the North American landmass in the Pacific Ocean and is, thus, commonly included with the other territories of Oceania.</small></ref> Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 30.7 Washington, D.C.
Modèle:Country data U.S. Virgin Islands U.S. Virgin Islands (USA) Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 308.8 Charlotte Amalie
Total Modèle:Nts Modèle:Nts 21.0


The term North America may mean different things to different people in the world according to the context. Usage other than that of the entire continent includes:]</ref> Alternatively, usage may include Mexico<ref>the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: refers to "Three nations, on the same continent"</ref> (as with North American Free Trade Agreement) and other entities.<ref>Countries of North America: includes Bermuda, Canada, Mexico, St. Pierre and Miquelon, and the United States</ref>//]</ref> Alternatively, usage may include Mexico<ref>the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: refers to "Three nations, on the same continent"</ref> (as with North American Free Trade Agreement) and other entities.<ref>Countries of North America: includes Bermuda, Canada, Mexico, St. Pierre and Miquelon, and the United States</ref> Norteamérica (Mexican version)]"/(Spaniard version). Encarta Online Encyclopedia.</ref>// Norteamérica (Mexican version)]"/(Spaniard version). Encarta Online Encyclopedia.</ref>

Historical toponymy

North America, in whole or in part, has been historically referred to by other names:

See also


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Wikimedia Commons propose des documents multimédia libres sur North America.

Notes and references

<references /> North America]"/"Central America". The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. 2001-6. New York: Columbia University Press.// North America]"/"Central America". The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. 2001-6. New York: Columbia University Press. North America]"/"Central America". The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. 2001-6. New York: Columbia University Press.// North America]"/"Central America". Encyclopædia Britannica. 2006. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. UN Statistics Division: Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings]// UN Statistics Division: Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings] UN Statistics Division: Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings]// GeoHive: The population of continents, regions and countries] North America]"/"Central America". The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. 2001-6. New York: Columbia University Press.// North America]"/ "Central America". MSN Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2006. UN Statistics Division: Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings]// American Heritage Dictionaries, North America] and Central America UN Statistics Division: Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings]// Houghton Mifflin Company, "North America"] UN Statistics Division: Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings]// WordNet Princeton University: Central America] UN Statistics Division: Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings]// Crystal Reference Encyclopedia, "North America"] UN Statistics Division: Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings]// Internet World Map ] Study showing the geographic distribution of the Internet across North America. </div>

Modèle:Countries of North America Modèle:Continents of the world Modèle:Regions of the worldaf:Noord-Amerika ang:Norþ America ar:أمريكا الشمالية an:America d'o Norte arc:ܐܡܪܝܩܐ ܓܪܒܝܐ frp:Amèrica du Nord ast:Norteamérica az:Şimali Amerika bn:উত্তর আমেরিকা zh-min-nan:Pak Bí-chiu be:Паўночная Амерыка be-x-old:Паўночная Амерыка bcl:Amerika Norte bs:Sjeverna Amerika br:Norzhamerika bg:Северна Америка ca:Amèrica del Nord cv:Çурçĕр Америка ceb:Amihanang Amerika cs:Severní Amerika cy:Gogledd America da:Nordamerika pdc:Natt Amerikaa de:Nordamerika et:Põhja-Ameerika manner el:Βόρεια Αμερική es:América del Norte eo:Nordameriko eu:Ipar Amerika fa:آمریکای شمالی fo:Norðuramerika fr:Amérique du Nord fy:Noard-Amearika ga:Meiriceá Thuaidh gl:América do Norte gu:ઉત્તર અમેરિકા hak:Pet-mî-chû ko:북아메리카 haw:‘Amelika ‘Ākau hi:उत्तरी अमरीका hsb:Sewjerna Amerika hr:Sjeverna Amerika ig:North America id:Amerika Utara ia:America del Nord is:Norður-Ameríka it:America settentrionale he:אמריקה הצפונית jv:Amérika Lèr ka:ჩრდილოეთი ამერიკა csb:Nordowô Amerika kk:Солтүстік Америка sw:Amerika ya Kaskazini ht:Amerik dinò ku:Emerîkaya Bakur lad:Amerika del Norte la:America Septentrionalis lv:Ziemeļamerika lb:Nord- a Mëttelamerika lij:America do Nòrd lt:Šiaurės Amerika li:Noord-Amerika jbo:bemtu'a lmo:America del Nòort hu:Észak-Amerika mk:Северна Америка ml:വടക്കേ അമേരിക്ക mr:उत्तर अमेरिका nl:Noord-Amerika ja:北アメリカ no:Nord-Amerika nn:Nord-Amerika nrm:Améthique du Nord nov:Nord Amerika oc:America del Nòrd om:North America nds:Noordamerika pl:Ameryka Północna pt:América do Norte ksh:Nochd Ammärrika ro:America de Nord qu:Chinchay Awya Yala ru:Северная Америка se:Davvi-Amerihkká sco:North Americae sq:Amerika Veriore scn:Amèrica dû Nord simple:North America sk:Severná Amerika sl:Severna Amerika cu:Сѣверьна Амерїка so:Ameerikada waqooyi sr:Северна Америка sh:Severna Amerika fi:Pohjois-Amerikka sv:Nordamerika tl:Hilagang Amerika ta:வட அமெரிக்கா th:ทวีปอเมริกาเหนือ vi:Bắc Mỹ tg:Америкаи Шимолӣ tr:Kuzey Amerika uk:Північна Америка vec:Merica de sora wo:Bëj-gànnaaru Aamerig zh-yue:北美洲 bat-smg:Šiaurės Amerėka zh:北美洲