1907 - Vev


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Modèle:Year nav Modèle:C20YearInTopicX Year 1907 (MCMVII) was a common year starting on Tuesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar (or a common year starting on Monday of the 13-day-slower Julian calendar). Modèle:C20YearTOC

Events of 1907

January - February

February - The French warship Jean Bart sinks off the coast of Morocco.

March - April

  • March
    • Steamship Congo sunk at mouth of Ems river by German steamship Nerissa; 7 lives lost.
    • The French warship Jena is blown up at Toulon; 120 lives lost.
    • 1907 Romanian Peasants' Revolt.
  • March 5 - The new Duma is opened in St. Petersburg, Russia and 40,000 demonstrators have to be dispersed by Russian troops.
  • March 15 - 16 - First parliamentary elections in Finland, the first elections in the world with woman candidates as well as the first elections in Europe where universal suffrage is applied.
  • March 18 - First and only train robbery in Sweden (as of 2004)
  • March 22 - The first cabs with taxi meters begins operating in London.

May - June

July - August

September - October

November - December




Modèle:Year in other calendars








January - June

July - December

Nobel prizes

See also


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External links

Table of contents


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