Akatsuki (Naruto)
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Modèle:Animanga-in-universe Modèle:Primarysources
From left to right: Zetsu, Deidara, Kakuzu, Tobi, Hidan, Konan, Itachi, Pain, Kisame
Modèle:Nihongo is a fictional organization of criminal ninja in the anime and manga series Naruto created by Masashi Kishimoto. All of the members are criminals as they have betrayed their village of origin and banded together for the ultimate purpose of world domination. Akatsuki is initially introduced midway into the first part of the series, though does not begin acting as a major antagonist until the start of the second part.
Sommaire |
Akatsuki, at any given point in time, is composed of no more than ten primary members. There is no known criterion required for joining the organization, though all known members have severed all ties with the village they grew up in and are S-class criminals, the most wanted and dangerous individuals in the series.<ref name="Origins">Naruto manga chapter 143, page 5</ref>
One member, Sasori, is known to have undertaken a challenging task around the time of his joining the organization: During the course of the battle in which he eventually meets his demise, he comments that "[he] hadn't had this much difficulty since joining Akatsuki". Deidara's, however, was forcibly recruited by other Akatsuki members as a result of his effective work as a terrorist.<ref name="Terror"/>
Members of Akatsuki work in teams of two. Teams are built to complement each other's abilities and talents to create a formidable duo. For example, Kakuzu uses Hidan's immortality to his advantage by using large-scale attacks on those Hidan has pinned down; being immortal, Hidan survives what is normally fatal to his opponent. Zetsu is an exception to this, as he operates by himself at all times. Members whose partners have died also operate by themselves until a replacement can be found. At the very least, members maintain a functioning working relationship with their partner, with some form of loyalty to one another being present in most cases. In other instances a member will only work with their teammate so long as it furthers Akatsuki's goals, with all other matters being a source of dispute between the two. In general, Akatsuki members are unconcerned with the fate of their other comrades, their only point of interest concerning someone's death being who was strong enough to kill them.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 353, page 11</ref>
Akatsuki is a widespread organization, with its members constantly traveling between countries and its agents operating out of various villages throughout the world. These agents work for specific members for varying purposes; Sasori has a number of agents under a form of mind control that he uses as spies,<ref>Naruto manga chapter 289, page 13</ref> while Kakuzu has a group of people that take care of his finances.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 355, page 11</ref> Because the various members are often so far apart, making a meeting in person impractical, they can communicate through a form of telepathy. If there is a need for the group to have more of an interaction with each other, members can use a form of astral projection to meet at one of Akatsuki's many secret lairs. When their entire group meets like this at the end of the first part of the series, one member notes that it had been seven years since they had all been together in such a fashion.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 238, page 17</ref> Their meetings are much more frequent in the second part of the series due to their increased activity.
Akatsuki members dress in similar clothing: a long, dark cloak bearing red clouds and a red interior with a chin-high collar. All members also wear nail polish of varying colors on their fingernails and toenails. When starting a mission they wear large conical straw hats with small spike-like bells hanging from them to block their faces, but the hats are discarded once they have been discovered. In addition to this more standard wardrobe, members continue to wear forehead protectors from their former home villages, but scratch a line across their village's symbol. This is done to indicate that their ties to the village have been severed and they no longer give allegiance to their former homes. Not all members have their headband visible, and Hidan's headband does not correspond to any known village.
Each Akatsuki member wears a single, unique ring, and no two members wear a ring on the same finger. In total, there are ten rings, and each seems to have some special significance; Tobi believes that he can become a member after finding Sasori's ring,<ref name="Pin">Naruto manga chapter 280, page 19</ref> and although Zetsu claims it's not as easy as that, Tobi does indeed become a member. Deidara reinforces the significance of the rings when, after losing both his arms, he expresses more concern for finding the ring than finding the arm itself.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 280, page 16</ref> Likewise, when Orochimaru leaves the organization he takes his ring with him, and in the ten years since then<ref>Naruto manga chapter 353, page 14</ref> he has yet to be replaced. Each ring bears a unique symbol, the first kanji of its name.
The various rings are:<ref>Hiden: Tō no Sho Character Official Data Book, pages 180-181</ref>
- Right thumb: 零 rei, "zero"; worn by Pain.
- Right index finger: 青龍 Seiryū, the Azure Dragon; worn by Deidara.
- Right middle finger: 白虎 Byakko, the White Tiger; worn by Konan.
- Right ring finger: 朱雀 Suzaku, the Vermilion Bird; worn by Itachi Uchiha.
- Right little finger: 玄武 Genbu, the Black Tortoise; worn by Zetsu.
- Left little finger: 空陳 Kūchin, the Void; formerly worn by Orochimaru.
- Left ring finger: 南斗 Nanju, Sagittarius (lit. Southern Star); worn by Kisame Hoshigaki.
- Left middle finger: 北斗 Hokuto, the Big Dipper (lit. Northern Star); worn by Kakuzu.
- Left index finger: 三台 santai, "three levels"; worn by Hidan.
- Left thumb: 玉女 gyokunyo, the Virgin; currently worn by Tobi, formerly worn by Sasori.
Akatsuki initially operate in the shadows, carrying out assassinations and espionage that draw little attention.<ref name="Origins"/> Some members use their time with Akatsuki to further their own goals; Kakuzu, for example, joined because it makes it easier for him to collect bounties. Soon after the start of the series, however, Akatsuki becomes increasingly more active as its members start to carry out the tasks needed to achieve their ultimate goal: domination over the Naruto world. The leader, Pain, has created a three-step process to work their way towards this goal. First, they plan to obtain a large amount of money to support their organization. Second, they plan to set up a mercenary group loyal only to Akatsuki. To build their reputation, they plan to accept any mission below the usual cost and operate off of the excess funds earned in the first part of their plan. Because there haven't been any wars in some time, the established shinobi villages can't afford to charge such low prices, leading the smaller countries to hire Akatsuki over the more expensive shinobi villages. By using the tailed beasts, Akatsuki can start wars and then immediately quell them, solidifying their reputation and convincing every country to depend on them. Without any business, the other shinobi villages would collapse due to a lack of funds. Finally, after Akatsuki is the only major shinobi force in existence, they could easily conquer the other countries.<ref name="Goal">Naruto manga chapter 329</ref> Despite the severity of this plan, members do not automatically learn of it upon joining; Hidan did not find out about it until asking.
The tailed beasts, nine gigantic demons of immense power, are the focus of much of Akatsuki's effort and screen time within the series. Each Akatsuki member is assigned to capture alive one of the nine beasts or, in most cases, the person that beast has been sealed into.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 264, page 6</ref> Akatsuki has so far obtained seven of the nine: the One-Tailed Shukaku, the Two-Tailed Demon Cat, the three-tailed beast, the four-tailed beast, and three others.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 354, page 11</ref>
Once one of the demons has been captured it is taken to the nearest Akatsuki lair where the remaining members then assemble through astral projection. Pain summons a giant statue of a humanoid monster while the beast or its host is placed before it. The members then take their place on the finger of the statue that corresponds to their respective ring, and the group prepares to seal the beast into the statue. For the sealing, nine dragon-like effigies pour from the statue's mouth to surround the captured host, forcefully remove the tailed beast from them, and seal it into the statue. In the case of an unsealed tailed beast, the same thing happens to the beast itself. The sealing process takes three days to complete.<ref name="Days">Naruto manga chapter 255, page 3</ref> Kisame Hoshigaki notes that the demons must be sealed in a specific order, as he states that sealing the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox before the other eight beasts would destroy the statue.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 353, page 5</ref> Tobi, the character shown giving Pain orders, hints that the tailed beasts have a purpose beyond global conquest, implying that acquiring all nine would allow his Sharingan to return to full power.<ref name="Sharingan">Naruto manga chapter 364, page 18</ref> Pain, however, has different plans on using the tailed beasts, wishing to use them to create a weapon of mass destruction that will force the world to learn the pointlessness of fighting and try to achieve a sense of world peace.
Current members
Itachi Uchiha
- Age: 17<ref>Hiden: Rin no Sho Character Official Data Book, page 37</ref>-18<ref>Hiden: Tō no Sho Character Official Data Book, page 37</ref> in Part I, 20 in Part II
- Ring: 朱 ("scarlet", "bloody", "crimson")
- Ring position: Right ring finger
- Partner: Kisame Hoshigaki
- Seiyu: Hideo Ishikawa
- Voice actor: Skip Stellrecht (Episodes 29-30), Crispin Freeman (Episodes 80+)
Modèle:Nihongo is a missing-nin from Konohagakure and is partnered with Kisame Hoshigaki. During his time in Konoha, Itachi's prodigious talents and rapid development into a skilled ninja earned great attention from his family, the Uchiha clan.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 220, pages 15-17</ref> His skills were such that his family focused all of its attention on him, ignoring Itachi's younger brother, Sasuke Uchiha, in the process. Over time Itachi began to distance himself from the village and his family, eventually becoming a prime suspect in the death of his best friend, Shisui Uchiha. Before the death could be properly investigated, Itachi killed all the members of the Uchiha clan in a single night so that he could "test [his] ability".<ref>Naruto manga chapter 224, page 16</ref> Itachi decided to spare Sasuke, however, stating that he was not worth killing; instead, prior to leaving, Itachi told Sasuke to live hating him and to grow strong enough to avenge the clan. At some point in time Itachi joined Akatsuki. While it stands to reason that he joined after massacring the Uchiha clan, the timeline that has been given throughout the series coupled with his age suggests that he joined the organization prior to killing his clan.
Despite his status as a wanted criminal and murderer, Itachi does not display any open enjoyment of violence or combat. Itachi instead prefers to avoid battle or, if that is not possible, end it as quickly as possible while exerting as little effort as he can.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 141, page 5-6</ref> When he does fight Itachi remains stationary, attacking only in defense and to otherwise avoid damage. He also studies an opponent's movements with his Sharingan eyes, using them to properly assess an opponent's actions and respond accordingly. His Sharingan is further enhanced when he activates his Mangekyo Sharingan, the strongest ability a member of the Uchiha clan can gain, which he acquired after he killed Shisui Uchiha.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 225, page 3</ref> With it, Itachi is able to utilize attacks such as Modèle:Nihongo, a genjutsu that can torture an opponent for what seems like days in a matter of moments. Although these abilities are capable of defeating even the strongest opponents, it has been suggested that he is losing his eyesight as a result of repeated use.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 257, pages 8-9</ref> Itachi is also very adept with standard genjutsu, and can trap others within an illusion by merely pointing or looking at them,<ref>Naruto manga chapter 366, page 4</ref> as well as turning their own genjutsu against them. He is also noted to be extremely fast with his techniques and movements, extending to his hand signs and weaponry as well.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 142, page 9</ref>
Kisame Hoshigaki
- Age: 29 in Part I<ref>Hiden: Tō no Sho Character Official Data Book, page 150</ref>, 31 in Part II
- Ring: 南 ("south")
- Ring position: Left ring finger
- Partner: Itachi Uchiha
- Seiyu: Tomoyuki Dan
- Voice actor: Kirk Thornton
Modèle:Nihongo is a missing-nin from Kirigakure and is partnered with Itachi Uchiha. He gets along considerably better with Itachi than most Akatsuki members do with their own partners, immediately doing as Itachi asks of him and always looking out for Itachi's well-being. His former country, the Land of Water, now seeks him out for plotting to overthrow its government and being involved in numerous assassinations.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 141, page 4</ref> When he was still loyal to Kirigakure, he was one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, a group of ninja that wield particularly large weapons in battle.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 142, page 4</ref> Kisame's weapon is called Samehada (鮫肌, "shark skin"), a scale-covered sword that shaves off skin instead of cutting and is capable of absorbing untold amounts of chakra. Samehada only allows Kisame to wield it; if anyone else tries to pick it up, spikes protrude from its handle and it returns to Kisame's side.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 257, page 17</ref> Like other characters who have trained to be one of the Seven Swordsmen, Kisame enjoys mutilating his opponents, as seen when he suggests cutting off Naruto Uzumaki's legs to make him easier to carry. <ref>Naruto manga chapter 145, page 18</ref>
Kisame has a distinctive shark-like appearance, complete with pale blue skin, small white eyes, gill-like facial structures, and sharp triangular teeth. Even his name, Kisame (鬼鮫), means "demon shark". His shark-like qualities carry over to the type of techniques he uses in battle, as he often shapes bodies of water into the forms of sharks that proceed to attack opponents.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 141, page 16</ref><ref>Naruto manga chapter 258, page 10</ref> If there is no water source where he happens to be fighting, Kisame can use Modèle:Nihongo to create a lake's worth of water to be used for attacks.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 256, page 3</ref> Kisame is also noted to have a particularly large reserve of chakra; even when he fights at 30% power in one instance his chakra supply is compared to that of a Nine-Tailed Demon Fox-enhanced Naruto Uzumaki.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 256, page 2</ref>
- Ring: 白 ("white")
- Ring position: Right middle finger
- Partner: Pain
Modèle:Nihongo is the only female ninja in Akatsuki. She is also the only member to call her partner and the Akatsuki leader, Pain, by his name. When she was younger, Konan, Nagato, and Yahiko were left orphaned by one of Amegakure's many wars, forcing them to fend for themselves. The three eventually encountered Jiraiya, who looked after them and taught them basic ninjutsu. Jiraiya had believed Konan to have died with Nagato and Yahiko some time later.
Konan has a natural talent for origami, as seen with the paper flower she keeps in her hair. This talent extends to her type of jutsu, as she can divide her body into countless numbers of paper sheets. These sheets can be controlled individually and formed into various shapes for a number of purposes, such as butterflies for scouting or generic weapons for attack. Konan can even form wings that mirror her title as "God's Angel" amongst the villagers of Amegakure, as she often carries out Pain's will.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 372, page 2</ref> Her abilities are constrained while wet, as paper clings to itself and loses its stiffness.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 372, pages 6-7</ref>
- Ring: 零 ("nothing", "zero")
- Ring position: Right thumb
- Partner: Konan
Modèle:Nihongo is the leader of Akatsuki. He exists as six different bodies which share the same mind. The only common physical characteristic amongst them is their orange hair color, a number of piercings that differ between bodies, and the Modèle:Nihongo. The Rinnegan, first possessed by the founder of the ninja world and characterized by a number of concentric circles around the pupil, gives the wielder access to all six types of elemental chakra.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 375, page 11</ref> It also allows the six Pains to share visual information seamlessly, giving him the ability to coordinate offense and defense of all six as if they were a single entity. Each of the six entities that are Pain were ninja that Jiraiya encountered as he wandered the world. The first body that is seen (third from the right) is that of Yahiko, and is able to control rain and can detect the movements and chakra levels of people traveling within it.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 368, page 12</ref> The body with a large ponytail (pictured on the far left) can summon a wide array of creatures as well as the other five Pains. The fat body (far right) is able to absorb ninjutsu as a form of defense.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 378, page 14</ref> The bald body (third from the left) has displayed the ability to fire his left arm like a missile.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 383, page 3</ref>
The first possessor of the Rinnegan that Jiraiya met was Nagato (長門) who, like Yahiko and Konan, was left orphaned by one of Amegakure's many wars. Once meeting the three, Jiraiya looked after them and taught them basic jutsu before leaving to continue his exploration of the world. Sometime after this, Nagato began to believe that his childhood sufferings had enlightened him, and started to view himself as a god destined to teach the world the meaninglessness of fighting.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 374, pages 11-13</ref> It is unknown what happened after this, but the Pain entity soon appeared in Amegakure and began a civil war with the government of the time. Pain subsequently ended the war by singlehandedly killing the village's leader, Hanzo. To make sure there were no sympathizers of Hanzo remaining in the village, Pain killed all of Hanzo's family, friends, and affiliates, elevating himself to god-like status amongst the townspeople in the process.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 369, page 13</ref> Pain now uses the village as his base of operations for Akatsuki, where he is partnered with Konan. Although he directs the actions of the other members and maintains authority over them, Pain takes orders from Tobi.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 363, page 17</ref>
- Ring: 玉 ("jewel", "ball"; "jade"; also the king in shogi)
- Ring position: Left thumb
- Partner: Formerly Deidara
- Seiyu: Wataru Takagi
Modèle:Nihongo is a former subordinate of Zetsu. After Sasori's death, Tobi takes his ring, position, and partner (Deidara) in Akatsuki, thereby becoming a full member. Tobi's personality is at odds with the standard amongst Akatsuki members; while most are dedicated and serious, Tobi is more carefree and goofy. These personality traits tend to irritate Deidara, who often attacks Tobi in a comical fashion whenever Tobi unintentionally annoys him.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 318, page 6</ref> Kisame Hoshigaki, on the other hand, appreciates Tobi's ability to brighten up their "gloomy organization".<ref>Naruto manga chapter 363, page 8</ref>
After Deidara's suicidal final attack against Sasuke, which Zetsu speculates might have also killed his partner,<ref>Naruto manga chapter 363, page 5</ref> Tobi is shown to be alive and giving orders to Pain, until then the ostensible leader of Akatsuki. During their conversation, he refers to himself as Madara Uchiha.<ref name="Sharingan"/> As Madara, Tobi's personality and speech become completely different, with much less formal diction and a more typically 'villainous' arrogance. It seems, however, that he still has some vested interest in maintaining the illusion of himself as the carefree Tobi, as he reverts to this personality upon encountering a group of Konoha ninja.
Tobi's actual appearance remains a complete mystery, except for a wild shock of black hair. He wears an odd mask that covers his entire face save for his right eye, which like other Uchiha has a Sharingan. He also has several bolts or pins present on the arms of his uniform, now obscured by his Akatsuki cloak. Furthermore, Tobi does not wear a visible headband, though Madara Uchiha is known to originate from Konohagakure. His fighting style is equally shrouded in mystery, as his only notable trait is the ability to let attacks pass through him and to withstand normally fatal blows. <ref>Naruto manga chapter 380, page 15</ref>
- Ring: 亥 ("boar")
- Ring position: Right little finger
- Partner: None
- Seiyu: Nobuo Tobita
Modèle:Nihongo functions as a spy for Akatsuki, a role made easier by his ability to merge with anything and instantly travel to a new location.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 255, page 10</ref> He has been shown able to move his body and take part in the tailed beast sealing ritual simultaneously which, in addition to being unique to him, allows him to act as a lookout while the sealing takes place.<ref name="Days"/> Because of the role he plays, Zetsu is the only member of Akatsuki to act without a partner on a regular basis. Despite this, Zetsu serves as a sort of superior to other members, as they often report directly to him instead of the actual leader, Pain.
Zetsu's head appears to be enveloped in a large venus flytrap, which can also envelop the rest of his body. To further enhance his venus flytrap characteristics, Zetsu is cannibalistic, and as such he is sent to devour the bodies Akatsuki does not want found.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 261, pages 10-11</ref> This, in addition to his other roles, gives him the function as Akatsuki's hunter-nin, something that is further exercised when he is sent to retrieve the rings of dead Akatsuki members.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 280, page 17</ref> The right side of Zetsu's body and face is black in color while his left side is white. To go with this, Zetsu seems to have a split personality, as the black half of his face speaks only in Katakana while the white side uses Kanji and Kana. The two halves also seem to converse with each other, and occasionally differ in opinion.
Former members
- Ring: 青 ("blue", "green")
- Ring position: Right index finger
- Partner: Formerly Tobi, Sasori before that
- Seiyu: Katsuhiko Kawamoto
Modèle:Nihongo is a missing-nin from Iwagakure. Before joining Akatsuki, Deidara acted as a terrorist bomber for hire, where his work attracted the attention of Pain.<ref name="Terror">Naruto manga chapter 359, page 6</ref> Pain sent other Akatsuki members to recruit Deidara, though he refused.<ref name="Terror"/> After being defeated by Itachi Uchiha, however, Deidara was forced to join the organization. Deidara maintained a deep loathing for Itachi from that point further and became determined to defeat him, even training one of his eyes to overcome Itachi's signature ability: genjutsu.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 360, page 17</ref> Deidara was partnered with Sasori upon joining the organization, whose artistic ability and insight Deidara admired.<ref name="Master">Naruto manga chapter 264, page 7</ref> After Sasori's death Deidara is paired with Tobi whom he treats as a disciple. Despite Tobi's habit of accidentally angering Deidara, Deidara takes great care to keep Tobi out of harm's way and even dedicates his final moments to apologizing to him.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 361, page 15</ref><ref>Naruto manga chapter 362, page 13</ref>
In battle, Deidara uses special mouths in the palm of each hand to create Modèle:Nihongo, chakra-infused clay that explodes on command. He commonly uses the command Modèle:Nihongo to trigger it.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 317, page 3</ref> The blast strength of his creations is determined by how much chakra he adds to them.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 357, page 10</ref> His clay can take on any size or form, ranging from microscopic in size to copies of himself as tall as a skyscraper. Deidara refers to his creations as art, believing the most beautiful thing about them to be their detonation.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 359, pages 7-8</ref> His admiration for his art is such that he believes it can't be defeated, leading to overconfidence in battle. Depending on the complexity or potency of one of his works, Deidara applies it a designation from anywhere between "C1" to "C4", the former being the most basic and the latter being his strongest and most complex attack. For his final act, Deidara also has a mouth on his chest that, once provided with clay, turns him into a living bomb that destroys everything in a 10 kilometer radius.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 362, pages 10-13</ref> Deidara uses this as a last resort during his battle with Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi's younger brother, in an effort to prove his art is supreme, though Sasuke is able to survive by hiding in Manda body.
- Ring: 三 ("three")
- Ring position: Left index finger
- Partner: Formerly Kakuzu
Modèle:Nihongo is the foul-mouthed partner of Kakuzu and is the second newest member of Akatsuki at the time of his expulsion.<ref name="Goal"/> Hidan belongs to the Jashin ("evil god") religion, a religion that worships a deity of the same name and where anything less than utter destruction is considered a sin.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 314, page 7</ref> Before battles start, Hidan prays to Jashin and asks for nothing short of a kill or, when he is not allowed to kill his opponents, for forgiveness.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 313, page 2</ref> After battles, should he have time, Hidan performs a thirty-minute ritual in accordance with his religion that culminates by stabbing himself in the chest and lying upon the ground.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 313, page 15-16</ref> In addition to his religion Hidan has been gifted with immortality, and as such he is able to survive fatal injuries, such as decapitation. Despite this, Hidan needs to be connected to his body in order to control it. Kakuzu assists him in these instances by reattaching his limbs, allowing the wounds to heal with time. Hidan's inability to die is also used to Kakuzu's advantage, as he can attack Hidan all he wants without worrying about finding a new partner afterwards. Although the two dislike working together, this advantage makes them the ideal team.
During battle Hidan makes every attempt to acquire an opponent's blood where, upon consuming it, he draws a symbol on the ground that "links" him with his opponent. Once this link is created Hidan takes on a grim reaper-like appearance and becomes what is essentially a voodoo doll for his opponent; any damage that is done to Hidan is also done to them. Hidan first uses this ability to give himself nonfatal injuries that bring him pleasure due to the pain it causes to him and the opponent. Once he is done toying with opponents in this way he stabs himself in the heart, killing them. Links can be broken prematurely if Hidan is removed from the safety of his symbol, though it can easily be reestablished by simply reentering its borders. After Hidan uses this ability to kill Asuma Sarutobi, Shikamaru Nara faces him in an attempt to gain revenge. Hidan is unable to form a link with Shikamaru and eventually falls into one of Shikamaru's traps. With Hidan captured, Shikamaru blows him up and buries the still-speaking remains under a pile of rubble. While his actual status is currently unknown, Akatsuki no longer considers him a member.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 353, page 9</ref>
- Ring: 北 ("north")
- Ring position: Left middle finger
- Partner: Formerly Hidan
Modèle:Nihongo is a missing-nin from Takigakure and Hidan's partner. He is a greedy individual, prioritizing things in terms of how much they are worth and finding money to be the only thing that he can depend on.<ref name="Money"/> Kakuzu's favorite source of income is collecting bounties, and he has even memorized the worth and information on some of the more dangerous targets. Due to this view of money, Kakuzu refers to himself as the "Treasurer of Akatsuki",<ref name="Money">Naruto manga chapter 314, page 3</ref> though it is unknown if this is an actual position. Despite finding Akatsuki to be a good source of income, Kakuzu greatly dislikes the fact that he needs a teammate, due in part to his habit of killing anyone near him (partners included) when enraged.<ref name="Rage">Naruto manga chapter 322, page 5</ref> Having killed all of his previous partners as a result of this, Kakuzu was partnered with Hidan. Although neither enjoys being paired together, Hidan's immortality makes him the ideal teammate for Kakuzu.
Kakuzu's body is composed of a great deal of thick black threads that he can use to detach his limbs for long-range assaults. The threads themselves are also capable of piercing flesh, which Kakuzu uses to remove the still-beating hearts from his enemies. By integrating these younger, healthier hearts into his body (being able to have a maximum of four spares at any given time), Kakuzu can theoretically extend his life indefinitely.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 336, page 4</ref> He keeps these spare hearts stored within animal masks sewn to his back, and each of the masks can separate from his body and attack independently. Once removed from his body, the masks can shoot powerful elemental blasts at opponents. If the heart in Kakuzu's body is destroyed, one of the masks can remerge with him so that he can take use of its heart, causing the mask to crumble away.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 337, page 11</ref> Kakuzu also has an earth-based defensive technique that makes him virtually immune to physical attacks. Kakuzu's masks are slowly destroyed at the hands of a group of Konohagakure ninja; Naruto Uzumaki is able to destroy two of his hearts simultaneously and bring a third to the brink of failure. Although Kakuzu survives Naruto's attack, he is left unable to move, allowing him to easily be finished off by Kakashi Hatake.
- Ring: 空 ("sky")
- Ring position: Left little finger
- Partner: Formerly Sasori
Orochimaru is a missing-nin from Konohagakure. After he defects from Konoha he joins Akatsuki and is paired with Sasori.<ref name="OroSas"/> Once Itachi Uchiha does the same, Orochimaru attempts to use one of his abilities to forcefully take control of Itachi's body.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 345, page 8</ref> Itachi repels his effort and severs his hand as punishment, forcing Orochimaru to flee the organization in defeat. Upon leaving he takes his severed hand and the ring he wore on it with him. Because of this, as well as the fact that he had intimate knowledge of Akatsuki's secrets and plans, the members of Akatsuki began making every effort possible to find and eliminate him.
- Ring: 玉 ("jewel", "ball", also the king in shogi)
- Ring position: Left thumb
- Partner: Formerly Deidara, Orochimaru before that
- Seiyu: Takahiro Sakurai, Yutaka Aoyama (Hiruko), Akiko Yajima (as a child)
Modèle:Nihongo is a missing-nin from Sunagakure. After the death of his parents, Sasori was left in the care of his grandmother, Chiyo, who taught him all she knew about using puppets in battle.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 266, page 5</ref> With his newfound knowledge he created puppets in his parents' likeness so that he could feel their love. Since they were only emotionless puppets, his attempt failed, and he left them behind upon leaving the village. Once joining Akatsuki he was paired with Orochimaru,<ref name="OroSas">Naruto manga chapter 267, page 4</ref> and after Orochimaru's betrayal Sasori took it upon himself to track his movements and plot his destruction. Sasori would come to form a better working relationship with Deidara, as seen by Deidara's admiration of Sasori's abilities.<ref name="Master"/> Although the two have differing views of art (Deidara preferring works that depart quickly and Sasori favoring long-lasting pieces),<ref>Naruto manga chapter 267, page 18</ref> Deidara considers Sasori to be his master until the very end, even though Sasori never appreciated his ideals.
Sasori specializes in creating puppets out of the dead bodies of humans, which is done by removing its entrails and preserving it to prevent decomposition.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 264, page 18-19</ref> Sasori is commonly seen with Hiruko (ヒルコ), a puppet he wears like a suit so often that many characters can only recognize him while he is wearing it.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 290, page 13</ref> For battle purposes he favors the puppet of the Third Kazekage, the leader of Sunagakure whom he killed prior to his defection.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 267, page 2</ref> Because the Third was once a living person, the Third's unique abilities remain intact and Sasori can utilize them at his leisure. His most versatile human puppet, however, is himself, as he has long since converted his body into one. In addition to giving him an unnaturally young appearance, Sasori's puppet body allows him to control hundreds of puppets at once. Since he needs part of his original body to control puppets Sasori has preserved his heart in a cylinder-shaped device that he wears upon his chest. Sasori is able to survive any kind of attack so long as his heart remains undamaged, and he can even use it to switch to new bodies by simply placing the cylinder onto a new puppet. Every weapon that his puppets wield is also laced with a poison of Sasori's own design; the poison instantly numbs the body and kills the target after three days.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 270, page 12</ref> Despite his large arsenal of weapons, Sasori is defeated after a prolonged battle with his grandmother and Sakura Haruno.
Former agents
Kabuto Yakushi
Kabuto Yakushi is a former spy for Sasori, forced into the position through a form of mind control.<ref name="Spy">Naruto manga chapter 289, page 12</ref> Kabuto was sent to gain Orochimaru's confidence and relay information back to Sasori, though Orochimaru was able to remove Sasori's mind control soon after they met.<ref name="Service">Naruto manga chapter 290, page 14</ref> Kabuto is left with the option to swear allegiance to whomever he likes, and Kabuto picks Orochimaru over Akatsuki. Despite this, Kabuto continues to pretend to be Sasori's spy so as to gain information on Orochimaru's behalf.
- Rank: Jonin<ref name="Rank">Naruto manga chapter 260, page 15</ref>
- Seiyu: Hideo Watanabe
Modèle:Nihongo is a spy for Sasori who acts as a sleeper agent within Sunagakure. Before his assignment Yura's memories of being an Akatsuki member were wiped to prevent him revealing himself by accident. He is able to work his way into the Kazekage's advisory council, where he serves as a trusted member for four years.<ref name="Rank"/> Once Sasori finds need of him his role as a subordinate of Akatsuki returns to him;<ref>Naruto manga chapter 247, pages 11-12</ref> he kills the Sunagakure ninja guarding the village's borders so that Sasori's partner, Deidara, can have safe passage into the village.<ref>Naruto manga chapter 247, page 16</ref> He is later used as a sacrifice by Pain, the Akatsuki's leader, and becomes a copy of Itachi Uchiha,<ref name="Rank"/> which is ultimately killed by Naruto Uzumaki.
Modèle:Naruto charactersca:Akatsuki el:Akatsuki es:Organización Akatsuki fr:Akatsuki (Naruto) id:Akatsuki (Naruto) it:Organizzazione Alba hu:Akacuki (Naruto) ms:Akatsuki (Naruto) nl:Akatsuki ja:暁 (NARUTO) no:Akatsuki pl:Akatsuki pt:Akatsuki ru:Акацуки sv:Akatsuki vi:Akatsuki (Naruto) tr:Akatsuki (Naruto) zh:晓 (火影忍者)