List of Bleach hollows
Un article de Vev.
This is a list of characters in the anime and manga series Bleach who are either hollows or arrancar. Hollows and arrancar serve as the primary villains for most of the series.
Sommaire |
The hollows are the primary antagonists at the start of the series, whom Ichigo must regularly dispatch. Those hollows listed here are those given names, either in the series or accompanying databooks.
Acidwire is the snake-like hollow form of Orihime Inoue's brother, Sora. He regains his reason and personality after having his mask partially shattered in combat and purifies himself with Ichigo's zanpakutō. He has a humanoid upper body with snake-like lower body. He gets his name from his ability to spit acid.
Shrieker is a bat/frog type hollow. Shrieker can fly and control little creatures he describes as his "artillery." The creatures can shoot leeches out of their heads that attach to anything they hit. By vibrating his tuning fork-shaped tongue, Shrieker can make the leeches explode. Shrieker attacks Yasutora Sado after he obtains a cockatiel possessed by the spirit of a dead child. The boy's mother was killed by Shrieker when the latter was a living serial killer, and he used the boy to attract and devour shinigami who came to put the boy's soul to rest. He is sent to Hell instead of Soul Society for committing serial murder as a human, as a zanpakutō can only wash away the sins a soul commits as a hollow.
Metastacia is an experimental hollow used by Sōsuke Aizen years before the start of the series. He had the ability to destroy a zanpakutō once every night by having shinigami grab his tentacles. He could also possess any shinigami, taking over their body and eating them from the inside-out to re-create his original form. Unlike human possession, this process was irreversible.
Metastacia took over the body of Miyako and used her to kill her fellow squad members before eating her. When Kaien Shiba battled Metastacia, he too was possessed and Rukia Kuchiki was forced to kill him to destroy the hollow. However, Metastacia was designed to return to Hueco Mundo after being killed, so he could be analyzed. Still merged with Kaien at the time, this led to the two becoming one being upon returning. Sometime after, the merged creature was eaten by Aaroniero Arruruerie, giving him not only Metastacia's abilities, but Kaien's as well.
Metastacia's name most likely originates from the Greek word metastasis, meaning 'a change of state', which also refers to the spread of cancer throughout the body.
Bawabawa is a giant, eel-like hollow whose mask consists of a simple plate on his head with a pair of horns. He acts as both a pet and transportation for Pesche, Dondochakka, and Nel Tu. Bawabawa tends to throw fits for not being included in the group's super sentai-styled introduction sequences.
Initially, Pesche and Dondo say that Bawabawa can't survive without sand, thus explaining why Bawabawa doesn't follow the group into Las Noches. During a battle with Szayel Aporro Granz, however, Dondo reveals the ability to spit Bawabawa from his mouth. Pesche explains that Bawabawa is actually one of many spiritual combat insects that dwell within Dondo.<ref name="Bawabawa">Bleach manga; chapter 256, page 17.</ref>
Pesche is a fairly harmless, humanoid hollow whose mask resembles an insectoid head with a large pair of mandibles. He wears an eyepatch and a loincloth. His hollow hole is slightly lower than normal, positioned near his stomach instead of his chest. He and Dondo were once Nel Tu's Fracción, but had their masks forcibly removed by Nnoitra and were left for dead with Nel. After realizing that their master had reverted to a defenseless child, he and Dondo pledged to protect Nel by never telling her about her former life. He spent the following time traveling around Hueco Mundo with them. He accidentally accompanies Uryū into Las Noches, having mistaken him for Ichigo. This initially upsets Pesche as he believes Uryū to be the weakest member of the group due to his appearance, while thinking that Chad is the strongest.
Pesche possesses an ability he calls Modèle:Nihongo,<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 256, page 17.</ref> in which he sprays his saliva at an object, severely reducing its friction. Though seemingly useless, he is able to render Cirucci's weapon ineffective by coating it in his liquid, and it can be used similarly to make opponents lose their footing or grip on things. The liquid is limited in supply, contrary to its name. Pesche states that he named it as such because "Finite Slick" didn't sound nearly as cool. He can also perform a synchronized cero attack with Dondo. In addition to his powers, he carries an energy sword he calls Modèle:Nihongo which he compares to one of Uryū's Seele Schneiders, humorously drawing it from his loincloth using its vaguely phallic hilt.
Dondo is a large, spotted humanoid hollow with a tiki mask and compound eyes. He appears to speak with a yakuza-style accent and is fairly tame in comparison to other hollows. Despite his menacing appearance, he is prone to tear-filled outbursts at the slightest provocation, usually when he's worried about something. Dondo once served Nel when she was an Espada, but had his mask torn off by Nnoitra and was left for dead along with Pesche and Nel. After realizing that Nel had reverted to a defenseless child, he and Pesche pledged to protect Nel by never telling her about her former life. After that event, he travels Hueco Mundo with Pesche and Nel Tu, and their pet, Bawabawa. Like Pesche, he attempts to chase after Nel and Ichigo in Las Noches, but ends up finding Renji instead, who he frequently irritates with his clumsiness and emotional outbursts.
As described by Pesche, Dondo possesses numerous insect spirits within his stomach. One of these is the worm hollow Bawabawa. He can spit these spirits out at will as allies in combat.<ref name="Bawabawa"/> In addition, he carries a spiked mace-like weapon inside his stomach. He can also perform a synchronized cero attack with Pesche, called cero sincrético.
Top row: Nnoitra, (unnamed), Grimmjow, Aaroniero, Halibel.
Bottom row: Yammy, Stark, Ulquiorra, Szayel, Zommari.
The Espada consists of ten members, though several former members are also listed. The members are listed here in order of rank where known, and in order of introduction for those whose rank has not yet been revealed. Only one of the Espada, an older, grumpy-looking man with a crown-like mask on his forehead, has yet to be named. However, he holds one of the top three ranks, along with Stark and Halibel.
Stark is a male arrancar who appears to be very lazy, reminiscent of Shunsui Kyōraku. At the beginning of the meeting in which the Espada are all shown, he is heard complaining of having just woken up prior. He is also seen asleep while all the other Espada were being informed that one of them had been killed, and doesn't seem overly concerned by the news. His shoulder-length hair is dark and parted down the middle. He also has a goatee. The remains of his hollow mask consist of a bottom jaw that is positioned like a necklace. His hollow hole is on his sternum, right below the tip of his mask.
Currently the only female Espada, Halibel does not seem to talk much. She has dark skin, green eyes, spiky blonde hair, and wears an oddly-cut variation of the arrancar jacket that has long sleeves and bares most of her midriff as well as a good portion of her breasts. In the anime, the lower part of her jacket is slightly extended to cover the latter. She also carries her zanpakutō on her back; the sword itself is notably broad compared to others and has a western-style guard. The remnants of her hollow mask are partially covered by her collar, but it is clear that she at least has pieces of mask on both sides of her cheeks as well as thinner fragments that frame her eyes. She witnesses the battle between Grimmjow and Ichigo along with three female arrancar subordinates, telling them that it is only natural to fear an Espada in full released form. She also comments that the battle between the two is similar to a fierce battle between two Espada, and she wonders why Ichigo is so powerful for a human.
- Modèle:Nihongo — Modèle:Anime voices - Former 3rd Espada
Neliel Tu Oderschvank, otherwise known as Modèle:Nihongo, is a good-natured, child-like arrancar when first introduced. The remains of her hollow mask make up a cartoonish skull on the top of her head. Nel's appearance is in stark contrast to her vocabulary, which contains a number of bizarre phrases and words one wouldn't expect such a small child to know, such as referring to herself as a masochist. Ichigo assumes her hollow companions are responsible for this. Nel and her companions also represent oddities among hollows. Though most hollows are evil, Nel actually fears shinigami, assuming they are in fact the evil ones. In spite of this, she develops an attachment to Ichigo and follows him into Las Noches.
Nel's true form is that of a fully-grown woman with longer hair but otherwise similar features. Her skull mask changes slightly, its features appearing less cartoonish with a pair of curved horns. A large "3" tattooed on her back indicates that she was previously the 3rd Espada.<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 291</ref> She was expelled from Las Noches by Nnoitra Jiruga after a sneak attack by him and Szayel Aporro Granz caused her to revert to her child-form and gave her amnesia. Because of her amnesia, she is initially doubtful when Nnoitra identifies her as a former Espada, but when he begins harming Ichigo, Nel's concern causes her to spontaneously transform into her previous form. Although having grown up physically, she still seems to have her child-like affection over Ichigo, as she suddenly hugs after attacking Nnoitra without realizing that Ichigo was losing consciousness. She reverts back to her child form, with no apparent memory of what had just occurred, before she can defeat Nnoitra and is left at his mercy.
Nel's initial ability is the power to swallow enemy attacks and fire them back with powerful force, indicated by the eyes on her skull mask glowing.<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 252</ref> Her vomit (which she believes to be saliva) also acts as a powerful healing agent. In her adult form, Nel's speed and strength are greatly increased, and her attack absorption ability is much easier for her to use. According to Nnoitra, Nel's trademark is to absorb an incoming cero by swallowing it, and fire one of her own while returning it, thus creating a "Cero Doble" (with doble meaning double in Spanish).<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 292, page 7.</ref>
Nel's zanpakutō, which manifests when she transforms, is named Modèle:Nihongo with a green sheath and hilt shaped like two crescent moons back-to-back. Its release command is Modèle:Nihongo.<ref>Bleach manga, chapter 295 page 16</ref> Her released form is that of a ibex-like centaur with longer curved horns, a thick tail, and armor over her shoulders and hands. Her sword transforms into a double-ended lance, giving her the appearance of a medieval knight or jouster. One of her attacks is called Lanzador Verde (Spanish for "green thrower" or "green spearman"), in which she throws her lance directly at her opponent. The lance moves at high speed and rotates extremely fast, drilling through anything it hits.
- Ulquiorra Cifer - 4th Espada
- Nnoitra Jiruga - 5th Espada
- Grimmjow Jeagerjaques - 6th Espada
- Modèle:Nihongo<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 233, page 4.</ref> – Modèle:Anime voices - Former 6th Espada
Luppi temporarily replaces Grimmjow Jeagerjaques as the 6th Espada when Grimmjow is demoted by the loss of his arm. Luppi is a youthful Espada with short black hair and a rather feminine face. The remains of his hollow mask (a top row of teeth) rests on the left side of his head, looking like a hair comb or barette. Luppi's attire consists of long sleeves that fall past his hands, hiding them. The location of his hollow hole is hidden from view, but his Espada tattoo is prominently displayed on his right hip. Luppi tends to be rather arrogant, insulting Grimmjow for his lowered rank and boasting constantly when in battle. He tends to say "Sorry!" in a mocking tone after insulting somebody. After Grimmjow's arm is restored, he kills Luppi to regain his Espada rank. Luppi and Gin Ichimaru seem to have been on good terms, as Gin comments about being lonely after Luppi's death, citing the fact that the two often talked.<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 264, page 02.</ref>
Luppi's zanpakutō is Modèle:Nihongo a short blade resembling a kodachi or tantō that he wears close to the armpit. Trepadora is released with the command Modèle:Nihongo.<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 232, page 7.</ref> When Trepadora is released, eight tendrils sprout from a carapace mounted on Luppi's back. Luppi's mask also changes, growing into a makeshift helmet. Luppi can freely and independently control these tentacles to attack his opponents, making him skilled at group combat. The tentacles can also grow spikes to cause additional damage. The carapace can also rotate, allowing Luppi to spin the tentacles like helicopter blades.<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 233, page 11.</ref>
- Modèle:Nihongo Modèle:Anime voices - 7th Espada
Zommari Leroux is a tall, heavily featured, dark-skinned arrancar who displays a calm, contemplative personality and rarely spoke until his confrontation with Byakuya. His chin is marked by several triangular tattoos. The remnants of his hollow mask consist of a small row of bony spikes extending along the crest of his head, skull-shaped earrings, and a bony necklace. Zommari's first major appearance is shortly after Aaroniero Arruruerie's death. As he is about to finish off Aaroniero's killer, Rukia Kuchiki, he is interrupted by Byakuya Kuchiki. The two do battle and, after releasing his zanpakutō, Zommari takes control of Rukia's body to use as his puppet against Byakuya. Byakuya counters this attempt and attacks Zommari with his bankai. Zommari barely survives, realizing that he has lost. He begs for his life before he angrily dismisses shinigami as arrogant for believing they have a right to hunt and judge hollows simply because they consider them evil. Byakuya counters by stating he was fighting simply because Zommari "pointed [his] sword at [his] pride" (referring to Rukia), then coldly kills the Espada with a single strike. Zommari dies shouting his praise for Aizen.
Zommari's sonído is the self-proclaimed fastest among the Espada, to the point that he can leave up to five afterimages of himself behind when he moves, which earned it the name Modèle:Nihongo. His zanpakutō is called Modèle:Nihongo and resembles a regular katana except for the guard, which appears as a thick disk with spikes around the rim. It is released by the command Modèle:Nihongo. When released, Brujería covers his entire body with fifty open eyes and his legs are replaced by a pumpkin-like structure surrounded by cycloptic faces. Using the eyes on his body, Zommari can take control of one object per eye. He refers to the effect as amor (Spanish for "love"). This is signified by a sun-shaped mark on the affected area. Although he can take control of an opponent's limbs individually, he can also take control of their entire body by targeting their head. The release can also be used as a defensive resource, as its lower half can become a full sphere that covers his upper body. This sphere was strong enough to barely withstand the attack of Byakuya Kuchiki's bankai, at the cost of depriving him the use of a substantial amount of eyes.
- Szayel Aporro Granz - 8th Espada
- Modèle:Nihongo<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 267, page 2.</ref> - Modèle:Anime voices - 9th Espada
Aaroniero Arruruerie was a gillian, the weakest class of menos, before becoming an arrancar,<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 267, page 7.</ref> and the last of the first-generation Espada.<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 297, page 11.</ref> He usually covers his face with a white mask covered in holes while in the light. In place of a normal head, he has a large, glass capsule filled with red liquid and two floating heads. The two heads tend to talk in tandem when revealed, giving the effect of two people speaking at once. In the anime, one head speaks with a deep voice while the other speaks in a high-pitched, child-like voice.
While all hollows can cannibalize each other to gain power, Aaroniero has the ability to completely absorb other hollows, merging not only their extra power with his own but also gaining their individual abilities.<ref name="Hollow Eater">Bleach manga; chapter 267, page 9.</ref> Once a hollow is absorbed in this fashion, Aaroniero can manifest any aspect of them at will, including their physical form.<ref name="Hollow Eater"/> It is for this reason that Aaroniero, despite his gillian status, was able to become an Espada (though its unknown if this same process inhibited his evolution into an Aduchas). Through an unusual series of events, he also absorbs the shinigami abilities of Kaien Shiba by eating Metastacia. The weakness of this power is sunlight, which nullifies it on contact and reveals Aaroniero's true form.<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 267, page 18.</ref> Aaroniero also has the ability to broadcast information of whatever he is currently seeing or experiencing to other arrancar,<ref>Bleach manga, chapter 270, page 8.</ref> which he does prior to his death at the hands of Rukia Kuchiki.
Aaroniero's zanpakutō is Modèle:Nihongo.<ref name="Sword Release">Bleach manga; chapter 267, page 11.</ref> It is activated by the command Modèle:Nihongo.<ref name="Sword Release" /> When sealed, Aaroniero can manifest any power he has absorbed through his zanpakutō, morphing it into a perfect approximation of the one he absorbed, as he does with Kaien's Nejibana.<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 265, page 20.</ref> His absorption ability also allows him to perfectly mimic the accompanying battle styles of those powers. When released, it turns Aaroniero's lower body into a huge, blob-like mass resembling an incredibly bloated cartoonish octopus, with dozens of stubby tentacles and mouth like mask pieces, giving him access to the full range of his absorbed abilities. He can still manifest the powers of those he has absorbed in this form, but has no limit to the total number.<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 267, page 14.</ref>
- Modèle:Nihongo<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 231, page 2.</ref> — Modèle:Anime voices - 10th Espada
Yammy is a giant, dark-skinned arrancar with a distinct ridged cranium and a black pony-tail. What remains of his hollow mask is the jawbone, which rests on his chin. A tattoo of the number ten, signifying Yammy's rank and level of power amongst the Espada, is on his left shoulder. Not the most intelligent individual, Yammy relies on his brute strength in battle, taking little interest in using his sword until he is overpowered. In addition to his strength, he makes use of cero and bala blasts, like many other high-class hollows and arrancar. He relies on his superior, Ulquiorra Cifer, to explain things and give him orders while in battle. Aside from his fighting abilities, Yammy can suck the souls from living humans en masse using gonzui. It affects a wide area, but any individual with even slight spiritual power are able to resist it.
Privaron Espada
The Privaron Espada were once Espada, though after Aizen acquired the Orb of Distortion they were demoted in favor of his own artificially-created arrancar.
- Modèle:Nihongo — Modèle:Anime voices - 103rd arrancar
Dordonii resembles a stereotypical portrayal of the Devil. His hair is done into a pair of "horns" and he has a van-dyke beard and mustache. The remains of his hollow mask consist of a small plate with horns mirroring those in his hair. In comparison with the other arrancar, he has a more goofy personality, similar to Don Kanonji's. He is much more serious in battle, however. During his battle with Ichigo Kurosaki, Dordonii refers to Ichigo as "niño" (Spanish for "boy") and tries to goad him into using his hollow mask, hoping to earn his former position back by defeating Ichigo at full power. He is defeated once Ichigo complies, and thanks Ichigo for the favor by fighting against the Exequias to buy Ichigo time to escape. He is implied to have been killed by the Exequias.
Dordonii's zanpakutō is named Modèle:Nihongo and is released with the phrase Modèle:Nihongo. When Giralda is released, Dordonii grows large horns on his shoulders and armor that starts at his feet, wraps around his calves, and juts out at his waist with two more spikes. His mask also extends, framing his face. While released, two enormous cyclones come from the armor in his legs which keeps him hovering in the air, as well as adding extra force to his kicks. In addition, two bird-like extensions jut out from these cyclones, which are used to execute long-range strikes, though Dordonii is also capable of manifesting many more if the need arises. Dordonii is able to release his zanpakutō without unsheathing it.
- Modèle:Nihongo - Modèle:Anime voices - 105th arrancar
Cirucci's appearance is akin to the gothic lolita style of Japanese fashion. Her outfit consists of a frilly dress, large poofy sleeves that cut off at her shoulder, short purple-colored hair, teardrop markings on each cheek, and knee-high boots. Cirucci has wings on her back, but it is unclear if they are part of her outfit or something else. The remains of her hollow mask are positioned in her hair right above the left side of her forehead and resemble a spiked hairpin. Despite her rather odd appearance, she has no qualms about pointing out when others have similar habits, as she does to Uryū Ishida. She also gets quite bothered if an enemy attacks her while she is talking. Once Uryū defeats her, she is implied to have been killed by the Exequias.
Cirucci's zanpakutō is named Modèle:Nihongo and is released with the phrase Modèle:Nihongo. In its unreleased state, it takes the form of a whip with a chakram looped into it that is capable of deflecting incoming projectiles in addition to its function as a standard whip. When she releases it, Cirucci sprouts large wings with ten moon-shaped blades in place of feathers. In addition to their normal offensive and defensive properties, Cirucci can remove these blades and fire them through the air or summon them back at her own will. Her wings and feathers vibrate at high speeds that increase her attack and defense capabilities. Her arms also become long and she gains sharp claws on each hand. Armor that resembles the spinning disk of her zanpakutō appears on each of her shoulders. Her mask grows into 'feathers' flowing from her forehead, down her back, and then coming out from each side at her waist. Cirucci's release consumes her spiritual powers rapidly, but she can get around that problem by ripping off her wings and long claws, instead using the tip of her elongated mask to collect spiritual energy and use it to fight (this change is permanent though).
- Modèle:Nihongo - 107th arrancar
Gantenbainne has an afro-style haircut with thick sideburns and a goatee. His outfit has been modified to match his particular style, including large frills on his collar and thighs. The remains of his hollow mask are a sunglasses-shaped plate on his forehead with four teeth coming out above each eye. There is a star in the center of the mask fragment, which allows Gantenbainne to see when he pulls the plate down over his eyes. During his battle with Yasutora Sado, he inadvertently helps Chad unlock his true potential, since Chad's powers are similar to those of hollows. Gantenbainne is defeated by Chad, who spares him in thanks for fighting with all of his strength and helping him grasp his full power. After being defeated, he warns Chad of an incoming Nnoitra who easily dispatches him with one hit. After Chad's defeat, both he and Chad are found lying unconscious on the ground by the Exequias. Captain Unohana intervenes before they can be killed.
Gantenbainne's zanpakutō is called Modèle:Nihongo. In its sealed state, it exists as a pair of two-pronged punching daggers attached to Gantenbainne's wrists by hinges. When Dragra is released, Gantenbainne's arms grow longer and become covered in dome-shaped, armor plates, and the punching daggers come to resemble dragon heads. Similar plates also extend down his back and form a tail, giving him an appearance similar to an armadillo. He pulls his mask fragment over his eyes in combat. When attacking, his tail emits energy that he gathers in his hands and shoots forward in one powerful blast, destroying everything in its path. Before doing so, Gantenbainne says to himself, "Dios, ruego nos perdone." in Spanish meaning, "May God please forgive us."
- Modèle:Nihongo — Modèle:Anime voices - 11th arrancar
Shawlong Qufang has a long face and black hair, which is braided and usually hanging over his shoulder. What remains of his mask is on the top of his head, but a portion drops down covering part of his face. Shawlong is an intellectual, or at least an analyst, able to confidently state the nature of his opponent's powers. He is killed by Tōshirō Hitsugaya.
Shawlong was a member, and possibly the leader, of a group formed by himself, Edrad Leones, Yylfordt Granz, Di Roy, and Nakeem. They wanted to become vasto lordes by eating other hollows and thereby decided to join forces with the adjuchas-class menos, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, whom Shawlong proposed be their "king". However, upon learning that they could evolve no further, Shawlong asked him to devour the five of them, though evidently he did not do so and treated him and his other followers as Fracción.
Shawlong's zanpakutō is named Modèle:Nihongo. It is released with the phrase Modèle:Nihongo. When released, Shawlong grows armor covering his arms and upper chest with his hands transforming into long claws, his mask extends down to cover the left side of his face and his queue becomes a tail with claws.
- Modèle:Nihongo — Modèle:Anime voices - 13th arrancar
Edrad Leones appears to be a very large man, with long red hair; however, half of his hair is shaved and black. The remains of his hollow mask are merely the eye holes, which rest on his nose, and it essentially looks as if he wears unusual glasses. He is killed by Ikkaku Madarame.
Edrad's zanpakutō is named Modèle:Nihongo and is released by the phrase Modèle:Nihongo. When Volcanica is released, his mask disappears and his arms are covered in what looks like volcanic rock, becoming much longer and wider in the process. An exhaust spout is located on each shoulder. He is able to shoot fire from his fists in this form.
- Modèle:Nihongo — Modèle:Anime voices - 15th arrancar
Yylfordt is a sarcastic, effeminate arrancar with long blond hair. What remains of his hollow mask is on the top of his head, and looks like a broken helmet. He commonly refers to other characters as "brother" when speaking. He was the older brother of Szayel Aporro Granz, the 8th Espada. Yylfordt is fairly powerful for his rank, able to fight off Renji Abarai's bankai (at 20% power) without releasing his zanpakutō. In contrast, however, he is little match for the surprisingly strong Ururu Tsumugiya in his normal state, but easily dispatches her once he releases his zanpakutō. He is eventually killed by Renji, who notes that if Yylfordt hadn't been distracted, he might not have been able to defeat him.
Yylfordt's zanpakutō is named Modèle:Nihongo and is released by the phrase Modèle:Nihongo. When Del Toro is released, Yylfordt's upper body enlarges and is covered in bull-like armor, while his mask seems to completely regenerate, giving him horns. In this form, he walks on four legs and uses his horns to skewer opponents.
- Modèle:Nihongo — Modèle:Anime voices - 16th arrancar
Di Roy's hollow mask remains are bulky and similar in shape to a hammerhead shark. The right-hand side of his mask is wrapped in bandages, which obscures his right eye — the bandages are meant to hide an injury given to him by Grimmjow when he was still a menos. When the bandages are unwrapped, there is a gash on the top of his mask. Identical to a hollow's eye, his right eye is a white circle surrounded by black shadows. He has square, shark-like teeth. He seems to love killing as seen from his disappointment in not being able to kill Yasutora Sado. He is noted for carrying his zanpakutō in his hands for much of his screentime.
Di Roy is killed by Rukia Kuchiki when she unveils her zanpakutō's shikai during the second attack on Karakura Town. During the battle, he claims that his "true battlefield is in the sky," suggesting that he fights better in the air; however, most arrancar seem to prefer this method of fighting. Di Roy is substantially weaker than his brethren, to the point that Yylfordt scornfully refers to him as an "arrancar in name only."
Nakeem is a fat, silent arrancar, his only significant speech being an answer to a question shortly before his death. The remains of his hollow mask cover the entire right side of his face. Nakeem is killed by Rangiku Matsumoto. The name and exact abilities of Nakeem's zanpakutō are unknown, but in the later stages of his battle with Rangiku, he appears to have grown to an enormous size, large enough to crush her under his foot. Curiously, his physical appearance, height aside, did not change at all. Before becoming an arrancar, Nakeem had not yet evolved beyond the form of a gillian-class menos: aside from his unique mask, his appearance was no different from a standard gillian.
Demōra is a large, frog-like arrancar with short dreadlocks and abnormally long arms. His hollow mask covers the top half of his face, the left half of which is shattered by Chad during their battle. Demōra's low intelligence is the cause of his inhuman appearance (arrancar appear more human by virtue of their intelligence); nonetheless, he is still furious when labeled as such by Iceringer. Demōra's lanky body and distinctive mask design are possibly meant to resemble stilt-walkers and festive masks.
Demōra's usual method of attack involves gathering spiritual energy from his surroundings (similar to the Quincy), concentrating it in his palm, and releasing it as he strikes his opponent. His special attack is to use his long, whip-like tongue to attack opponents. While his method of fighting works well against projectile users, thanks to his long arms (his power also disrupts Uryū's attempts to form his bow), his strength is lacking, and as such he is easily defeated by Chad.
Iceringer is one of the few arrancar individually shown before the introduction of the species, appearing as a shadowy figure when Grand Fisher is first sent to the human world. He has a very bulky mask which resembles a bird's head, the only open part being the upper-left half of his face. To go with the mask, he has spikes running down the length of his back, as well as thin, skeletal wings and fingers. He doesn't appear to have any feet, instead floating a few feet off of the ground with one cone-like appendage instead of legs. Unlike Demōra, Iceringer doesn't take offense at being called inhuman, stating that he and Demōra deserted their human forms to gain greater power.
Iceringer is a long-range fighter, using his wings and fingers to fire projectiles while using his speed to keep away from his enemies and dodge attacks. His special attack is called Modèle:Nihongo which rapidly fires projectiles to a limit of 108 simultaneous shots. Despite his large firing rate, he is easily overpowered and defeated by Uryū Ishida, whose firing limit is roughly twelve times that of Iceringer. He dies when the room collapses after his and Demōra's defeat, but not before telling Uryū that Aizen fears nothing, and that is the reason the arrancar follow Aizen's path.
Loly is a teenage, female arrancar who, along with Menoly, was ordered to bring Orihime to Aizen when he wanted to show her the Orb of Distortion. She seems infatuated with Aizen, as shown by her anger at Aizen's interest in Orihime. The remnants of her mask cover the upper-left side of her head and face, including her eye, and has teeth still connected to it. Loly's uniform fits her name, including a schoolgirl-themed skirt and what look to be black boots that reach her thighs, along with black hair in pigtails. Due to her name, and the fact that her mask is identical to Menoly's, it's possible that the two arrancar are sisters. After Grimmjow catches her and Menoly torturing Orihime, he snaps the former's leg off with his foot and steps on her again to silence her. Orihime restores her afterwards, causing Loly to look upon her as a monster.
Menoly is a teenage, female arrancar who, along with Loly, was ordered to bring Orihime to Aizen when he wanted to show her the Orb of Distortion. Menoly doesn't seem as interested in Aizen as Loly is, though she is reluctant to leave Aizen alone with Orihime. Menoly's mask is exactly like that of Loly, except to the opposite side. Menoly closely resembles a female Grimmjow in her hairstyle. Due to her name, and the fact that her mask is identical to Loly's, it's possible that the two arrancar are sisters. After Grimmjow catches her and Loly torturing Orihime, he kills Menoly by incinerating her upper-body with a cero. Orihime resurrects her afterwards.
Tesla is a slim, male arrancar with blond hair. He has an odd blue marking on his right cheek and wears an eyepatch over his right eye. Tesla also wears a different style jacket from most arrancar in that it resembles a lab coat. The remains of his hollow mask appear to be a thin upper jaw which forms a circlet around his forehead. He appears to be Nnoitra's Fracción, assisting him wherever he goes. Tesla seems to idolize Nnoitra to a degree, his eyepatch (though not identical) echoing that of his master. This is also shown when he stands by his act of shielding Nnoitra against Chad's last assault, despite criticism from Nnoitra himself. Nnoitra first instructs Tesla to restrain Orihime while the Espada fights Ichigo, and later to finish off Ichigo. He mercilessly beats the weakened Ichigo in his released state until he is stopped and killed by Kenpachi Zaraki.
Tesla's zanpakutō is Modèle:Nihongo. He releases it with the phrase Modèle:Nihongo When sealed, it takes the form of a rapier with a chakram embedded in the blade just above the hilt. Tesla can make the ring solid if he wishes, as seen when he blocks an attack from Chad using the solid ring then converts it back to a hollow one after Chad has fallen. The guard seems to be made of a kind of scaled ribbing. When released, Tesla becomes a large, warthog-like creature. His mask grows to cover his entire face, and also produces a pair of tusks. His hair also grows into a mane. In his released form, Tesla's mask has a large scar covering his right eye, where he has an eyepatch on his unreleased form. In his released form, Tesla uses brute force to defeat his opponents.
Stark's Fracción, or attendant, Lilinette is a young, female arrancar with a "mask helmet" much like that of Ulquiorra Cifer's. Her helmet differs in that it is a complete helmet, not merely half of one. A sort of eyepiece also extends over her left eye, decorated with a flame-like pattern. Her outfit is quite revealing, consisting of little more than a pair of briefs and a vest strapped over her torso, with her hollow hole positioned prominently in the center of the outfit. She seems quite mischievous in that she enjoys waking Stark up in unusual ways: first by shoving her fist in his throat, then by squeezing his testicles. Despite her initially childish behavior, she does seem to show some concern for the ominous occurrences in Hueco Mundo.
- Szayel Aporro Granz's Fracción
Szayel Aporro Granz's Octava Fracción are a group of hollows that were personally modified by Szayel before being turned into arrancar by Aizen. Most of them are incomplete arrancar; they neither carry zanpakutō nor do they appear entirely human. Only three are named, the two main ones being Modèle:Nihongo and Modèle:Nihongo, two very short and obese arrancar who first notify Szayel Aporro of Aaroniero's death. The others also identify a very tall one killed by Ishida as Modèle:Nihongo. Aside from their use as subordinates, Szayel has designed them to have alternate, though unconventional, uses. For example, he devoured Lumina to heal himself. These Fracción can apparently be cloned or recreated in some manner, as Szayel notes that he can do just that with Lumina when he has time.
A tomboy-ish arrancar among Halibel's Fracción, Apache appears to be closest to Halibel as she's been seen with her earlier when Aaroniero was killed. Apache has a mask fragment on the top of her head with a horn in the middle much like that of a unicorn. She has dark rings around her eyes and her hair is fashioned similar to a bob cut or pageboy. Apache has not been shown to carry a zanpakutō as of yet and the position of her hollow hole is still unknown. She was most recently seen observing Grimmjow and Ichigo's battle with Halibel and the rest of her Fracción.
Another of Halibel's Fracción, Mira Rose is a beautiful female arrancar. She has long, wavy hair and a very revealing outfit. Her outfit, and most notably her skirt, is reminiscent to an ancient Greek warrior's wardrobe, similar to what Xena wears. She has a mask fragment similar to a crown that goes back in three sections around her head and her hollow hole is positioned midway between her navel and breasts. She has been shown to be holding some kind of wrapped stick, but it is unclear if it is her zanpakutō as it has not been entirely shown.
Sun-Sun is Halibel's third known Fracción. She has long, flowing hair and three dots below her right eye. Her mask remnants create three hair clip-like extensions on the right side of her hair. Her hollow hole isn't visible. Her outfit is a standard arrancar outfit with extremely long sleeves. She also has two belts criss-crossing each other on her waist. She is probably the most mature of Halibel's Fracción, pleading for Apache and Mira Rose to stop arguing, as it makes them look weak.
Wonderweiss Margera is an arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen's army. Though not an Espada, Soul Society ranks his spiritual power in the same class as them.<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 231, pages 1, 3.</ref> Wonderweiss is small, thin, and somewhat child-like. What is left of his hollow mask remains on top of his head, and resembles a tiara or small crown. Wonderweiss's personality is also child-like. When sent on a mission to kill, he instead plays around with a dragonfly. He shows a bit of hostility, firing a retaliatory bala blast at one point, but quickly reverts back to his regular state after doing so. He isn't able to speak clearly, only saying a few syllables at a time like a child would. Kaname Tōsen says that Wonderweiss, like himself, is a pure being (though he makes a point of wondering whether he is pure good or evil), which often tend to stick together, causing Wonderweiss to follow him everywhere when possible.<ref>Bleach manga; chapter 250, page 15.</ref>
Wonderweiss's zanpakutō is a large purple sword strapped to his back, about as tall as he is. The hilt resembles a western claymore rather than the more common katana, although the familiar hilt weaving is present. The name and released state of his zanpakutō have not been revealed.
Patros is an anime-only arrancar with slicked back blue hair, a thin moustache, and notably sunken eyes. His mask covers the left half of his upper face, and his hollow hole is in his stomach. His outfit is similar to Ulquiorra Cifer's, but with a high cut in the jacket that bares his hollow hole. Patros is a capable combatant, being able to match against Renji Abarai.
Dissatisfied with working under a shinigami, Patros steals the Orb of Distortion to mount a coup. He is charismatic enough to have garnered two supporters, who are killed in short order, and shows great pride in his ability, flaunting his powerful sword draws and generally treating opponents as trash. He is killed by Renji with the assistance of Ririn, Kuroud, and Noba. His plot, meanwhile, is revealed to be nothing more than manipulation on Aizen's part. Aizen used this opportunity to eliminate dissension amongst the arrancar ranks and amuse himself in the process. More importantly, however, the distraction of three hostile arrancar allowed Ulquiorra to investigate traces of Orihime's power in preparation for the next stage of Aizen's plans.
Patros' zanpakutō is Modèle:Nihongo. It takes the form of a normal katana with a diamond-shaped guard when sealed. The sheath and grip are yellow. Patros' zanpakutō is not used like a normal sword in combat; instead of attacking with it, Patros can fire energy blasts from long range by quickly drawing and resheathing the sword, in a style reminiscent of iaidō. The attack has twenty different levels to it, each stronger than the last. The weakness of the technique is how it's performed: in order to build up the energy, Patros must sheath the sword. If prevented from doing so, the technique is rendered useless. Jerifalte's released form, activated by the command Modèle:Nihongo, covers Patros' upper body in armor and grows his mask over all but the upper-right side of his head. It also transforms his right arm into a hinge-like copy of his sealed zanpakutō. His left arm, while appearing the same, opens at the middle to generate energy blasts.
Menis is an effeminate red-haired anime-only arrancar. His remains of his hollow mask are the entire jaw, which rests on the upper-left side of his head. He wears a variant of the standard arrancar jacket that exposes his midriff and arms; his sash is also slightly tilted. He is killed by Tōshirō Hitsugaya.
His zanpakutō is named Modèle:Nihongo. When sealed, it appears as a normal katana. Its release command is Modèle:Nihongo. When released, his entire upper body is covered in bony armor. The mask on the side of his head moves to his face, completely covering it, and his hair grows into a shaggy mane. His arms become segmented, tail-like appendages with sharp ends that can be extended to great lengths to stab opponents; he also grows a tail that can be used in a similar fashion.
Aldegor is an anime-only arrancar and is taller and bulkier than his companion, with black hair. The remains of his mask cover the upper left quarter of his face. He wears a standard arrancar uniform. He dies of wounds apparently inflicted during his battle with Ikkaku Madarame after expressing regret at having followed Patros.
His zanpakutō is called Modèle:Nihongo. Its sealed appearance is that of a regular katana with blocky, roughly hourglass-shaped guard. When released with the command Modèle:Nihongo, it forms a bulky armor over his torso with several hinged appendages attached to the back; these appendages can be folded in to block attacks. His mask on his face disappears and he grows a new jawbone mask similar to Yammy. He can also fold them around himself to encase himself in a spherical shell that he then uses to ram opponents.
- Unnamed Exequias leader — Modèle:Anime voices
Though unnamed, the Exequias' leader is responsible for dealing with rebels and intruders in Las Noches. Unlike most arrancar, his face is hidden. He appears to be of a higher rank than the other Exequias, as his skull is bull-shaped, unlike the human-shaped skulls of his companions. He carries a zanpakutō, but its name and released state have not been revealed. He seems to know Dordonii. He and his subordinates clean up after each battle, collecting data before killing any survivors: they kill Dordonii and Cirucci Thunderwitch off screen for failing to win against their opponents, and prepared to do the same with Chad and Gantenbainne before being approached by shinigami Retsu Unohana and Isane Kotetsu. Surprised by the arrival of a captain level shinigami, he and the rest of the Exequias withdraw in order to avoid conflict.
Grand Fisher is a hollow that had evaded the shinigami for over 50 years and is responsible for the death of Ichigo's mother, Masaki Kurosaki. In the anime, he prefers to eat women, which is why he killed Ichigo's mother; in the manga, he prefers to eat children, and Ichigo's mother merely got in the way. In hollow form, he resembles a giant hamster with bird-like hands and feet and a tentacle-like limb that hangs from his forehead, similar to the esca (lure) of an angler fish. The lure is vaguely human-sized and can be transformed to resemble anyone Grand Fisher wishes, usually taking the appearance of one of his previous victims. It can act independently of Grand Fisher, and as long as either the lure or Grand Fisher himself survives, he cannot be purified.
As a hollow, Grand Fisher's preferred method of fighting shinigami involves using his angler to keep opponents at bay, rather than attract them as it would normally be used. By transforming the angler into a decoy copy of someone close to his enemy, he can keep them from attacking, since they will be unwilling to harm the decoy. He can also grow his hair and fingers into spikes to stab enemies, or use them to restrain an opponent. Outside combat, his angler is used like its namesake, allowing him to distinguish those with high spiritual power from common humans and devour them.
After his defeat by Ichigo, Grand Fisher is turned into an imperfect arrancar by Iceringer and used by Aizen as an experimental subject. In arrancar form, he resembles a larger, more humanoid version of his old self with a tattooed face poking out from between his jawbones. He carries a large zanpakutō on his back, which is almost as tall as a two-story building. By unsheathing it, he transforms into a huge, monstrous creature with bull-like horns, and his zanpakutō becomes the size of a scyscraper. He returns to the human world to kill Ichigo, but instead is killed by Ichigo's father, Isshin Kurosaki.
- Unnamed cloning arrancar
Unique to the anime, this unnamed, armadillo-like arrancar is created naturally after he devours an unusually powerful girl as a hollow. In addition to giving him a new form, the girl gives him the power to create copies of his hollow form to do his bidding, collecting souls remotely and transferring the power back to himself. The clones can disguise themselves as the souls they've devoured, allowing them to mask their spiritual power. The arrancar controls the copies through an ocarina-based musical tune, played by the girl when she was alive, which also has the unique ability to force pluses to walk themselves into the jaws of his clones. Finally, the arrancar himself can hide within a small pocket dimension to mask his spiritual power while maintaining the clones, making it nearly impossible to kill him.
The arrancar's zanpakutō is named Modèle:Nihongo, and is activated by the command Modèle:Nihongo. After releasing his zanpakutō, his form changes drastically; his arms and hands turn to large club-like extensions, each with several spikes. A large, snake-like entity also forms above him, which can attack remotely.
- Modèle:Nihongo – Modèle:Anime voices<ref name="IGN Arturo">IGN article on Wii Bleach, September 15 2006</ref>
Arturo Plateado (lit. Silver Arthur in Spanish) is an arrancar designed by Sega, in conjunction with Tite Kubo, specifically for Bleach: Shattered Blade. Arturo has long turquoise hair, deathly pale skin, and the remains of his hollow mask on his right cheek, his appearance almost mimicking Grimmjow's. It appears to be the jaw, but is extended around the back of his head. His hollow hole is located at the center of his chest. <ref name="IGN Arturo"/>
Arturo's zanpakutō is called Modèle:Nihongo but its release command is unknown. He has two different sets of energy wings: the first, which constantly are on his back throughout gameplay, are two green wings which look similar to the single wing Uryū Ishida grew when he entered the Quincy Final Form. The second set, which appear during his ultimate attack mode, are made of multi-colored flame.
Arturo is a self-made arrancar so old that he is only recognized by Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryūsai and Yoruichi Shihouin via her family's scrolls. Two thousand years prior to current Bleach canon, he stormed Soul Society and was sealed beneath the Sōkyoku. When the Sōkyoku was destroyed during Ichigo's rescue of Rukia at the end of the Soul Society arc, the seal on Arturo was broken and he was freed once again. In the game, he decides to impersonate various figures from captains to zanpakutō spirits to trick others into regaining the pieces of the destroyed Sōkyoku in order to absorb them into his body and become more powerful. Depending on the game's outcome, he is either purified and defeated or obtains the Sōkyoku and carries on to decimate Soul Society.