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Modèle:Sprotect2 Modèle:Otheruses1 Modèle:Redirect Modèle:Infobox Paranormalcreatures Sasquatch and Native Americans</ref>. Bigfoot is sometimes described as a large, hairy bipedal hominoid, and many believe that this animal, or its close relatives, may be found around the world under different regional names, such as the Yeti of Tibet and Nepal, the Yeren of mainland China, and the Yowie of Australia.// Sasquatch and Native Americans</ref>. Bigfoot is sometimes described as a large, hairy bipedal hominoid, and many believe that this animal, or its close relatives, may be found around the world under different regional names, such as the Yeti of Tibet and Nepal, the Yeren of mainland China, and the Yowie of Australia.

Bigfoot is one of the more famous examples of cryptozoology, a subject that the scientific community classifies as pseudoscience because of unreliable eyewitness accounts, lack of scientific and physical evidence, and over-reliance on confirmation rather than refutation. Scientific experts on the matter consider the Bigfoot legend to be a combination of folklore and hoaxes. Despite that status, Bigfoot is nevertheless a popular symbol, including as "Quatchi," one of the mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, and to name both a provincial park and the annual Sasquatch Daze event in Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia.



According to most accounts, Bigfoot is a powerfully built bipedal apelike creature between 7 and 10 feet (2.10 and 3 meters) tall, and covered in dark brown or dark reddish hair. The head seems to sit directly on the shoulders, with no apparent neck. Alleged witnesses have described large eyes, a pronounced brow ridge, and a large, low-set forehead; the top of the head has been described as rounded and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male gorilla.

Proposed creatures

Various types of creature have been described by proponents to explain the sightings. These descriptions have received little support from the scientific community.


Grover Krantz argued that a relict population of Gigantopithecus blacki would best explain Bigfoot reports. Based on his fossil analysis of its jaws, he championed a view that Gigantopithecus was bipedal.

Geoffrey Bourne writes that Gigantopithecus was a plausible candidate for Bigfoot since most Gigantopithecus fossils were found in China, whose extreme eastern Siberian forests are similar to those of north-western North America. Many well-known animals have migrated across the Bering Strait, so it was not unreasonable to assume that Gigantopithecus might have as well. "So perhaps," Bourne writes, "Gigantopithecus is the Bigfoot of the American continent and perhaps he is also the Yeti of the Himalayas" (Bourne, 296).

The Gigantopithecus hypothesis is generally considered highly speculative. Given the mainstream view that Gigantopithecus was quadrupedal, it would seem unlikely to be an ancestor to the biped Bigfoot is said to be. Moreover, it has been argued that G. blacki's enormous mass would have made it difficult for it to adopt a bipedal gait.<ref>The method of locomotion for Gigantopithecus is not entirely certain, as no pelvis or leg bone has ever been found; the only remains of Gigantopithecus being discovered is the teeth and mandible. A minority opinion, championed by Grover Krantz, holds that the mandible shape and structure suggests bipedal locomotion. The only fossil evidence of Gigantopithecus — the mandible and teeth— are U-shaped, like the bipedal humans, rather than V-shaped, like the great apes. A complete fossil specimen, with the pelvis and leg bones, would be necessary to conclusively resolve the debate one way or the other, but are absent to date.</ref> An analysis of the Patterson-Gimlin film shows that frames 369, 370, 371, and 372 all show a slender lower mandible, that does not match the massive lower mandible of Gigantopithecus blacki, which, assuming that the Patterson-Gimlin film is legitimate, would eliminate G. blacki as a candidate for Bigfoot. (Bigfoot Coop Newsletter, March 1997, also the documentary Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science).

"That Gigantopithicus is in fact extinct has been questioned by those who believe it survives as the Yeti of the Himalayas and the Sasquatch of the north-west American coast. But the evidence for these creatures is not convincing." (Campbell p.100)

Other extinct apes

A species of Paranthropus, such as Paranthropus robustus, with its crested skull and bipedal gait, was suggested by Napier and anthropologist Gordon Strasenburg as a possible candidate for Bigfoot's identity.

Some Bigfoot reports suggest Homo erectus to be the creature, but H. erectus skeletons have never been found on the North American peninsula.

There was also a little known genus, called Meganthropus, which reputedly grew to enormous proportions. Again, there have been no remains of this creature anywhere near North America, and none younger than a million years old.


Bigfoot is one of the more famous creatures in cryptozoology. Cryptozoologist John Willison Green has postulated that Bigfoot is a worldwide phenomenon (Green 1978:16).

Indian Native tribes in the Northwest note the appearance of large creatures they call Sasquatch. Such creatures were said to exist on Vancouver Island and near Harrison Lake. |format= |doi= |accessdate= |quote = }}</ref> Reports the pro-Bigfoot authors claim are similar appear in the mainstream press dating back at least to the 1860s. The phenomenon attained widespread notoriety in 1958 when enormous footprints were reported in Humboldt County, California by roadworkers; the tracks pictured in the media inspired the familiar name "Bigfoot".// |format= |doi= |accessdate= |quote = }}</ref> Reports the pro-Bigfoot authors claim are similar appear in the mainstream press dating back at least to the 1860s. The phenomenon attained widespread notoriety in 1958 when enormous footprints were reported in Humboldt County, California by roadworkers; the tracks pictured in the media inspired the familiar name "Bigfoot".

Mainstream scientists generally dismiss the phenomena due to a lack of representative specimens. They attribute the numerous sightings to folklore, mythology, hoaxes, and the misidentification of common animals. |format= |doi= |accessdate= |quote = }}</ref>// |format= |doi= |accessdate= |quote = }}</ref>


Mainstream scientists and academics overwhelmingly "discount the existence of Bigfoot because the evidence supporting belief in the survival of a prehistoric, bipedal, apelike creature of such dimensions is scant".<ref name="skepdic">Skepdic.</ref> In addition to the lack of evidence, they cite the fact that while Bigfoot is alleged to live in regions unusual for a large, nonhuman primate, i.e., temperate latitudes in the northern hemisphere, all other recognized nonhuman apes are found in the tropics, Africa, continental Asia or nearby islands. The great apes have never been found in the fossil record in the Americas, and no Bigfoot bones or bodies have been found. On the other side, there are scientist who argue against the fact that we haven't recovered any fossils from Bigfoot. Scientist Grover Krantz raises the question: “If bears are real, than why haven't we found any of their bones in the forest?” (Daegling, 2004) In twenty years of Krantz professional career, he hasn’t once come across any dead bears in the forest. His reasoning is that since we’ve never seen a dead bear in the forest than it makes sense that we’ve never seen any dead Bigfoots in the forest. Wildlife biologist Dr. John Bindernagel discounts Krantz reasoning. Bindernagel has already found two bear skulls in his career. He believes that in more than 80 years of searching for Bigfoot, we should have at least found one, whether it means dead or alive.

Many scientists do not give the subject of Bigfoot's existence serious attention, given the history of dubious claims and outright hoaxes. Napier wrote that the mainstream scientific community's indifference stems primarily from "insufficient evidence ... it is hardly surprising that scientists prefer to investigate the probable rather than beat their heads against the wall of the faintly possible" (Napier, 15). Anthropologist David Daegling echoed this idea, citing a "remarkably limited amount of Sasquatch data that are amenable to scientific scrutiny." (Daegling, 2004) He advises that mainstream skeptics take a proactive position "to offer an alternative explanation. We have to explain why we see Bigfoot when there is no such animal" (ibid 20). Indeed, many scientists insist that the breeding population of such an animal would be so large that it would account for many more purported sightings than currently occur, making the existence of such an animal an almost certain impossibility.]//]

One of the first ever recorded Bigfoot track sightings was in 1811 by the explorer, David Thompson. His story was skeptical to many anthropologists for a couple of reasons. Thompson was apprehensive about following the tracks to verify it was in fact Bigfoot. He also observed that the creature had claws and only four toes. Thompson didn’t indicate whether or not the creature was bipedal or quadrepedal which is one of the most important observations he could have made. Anthropologist, John Napier, believed it was likely a spoor of a large grizzly bear instead of Bigfoot (Loxton, 2004).


[[Image:Bigfoot-at-socrates-sculpture-park.png|thumb|Bigfoot sculpture at the Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, Queens, New York City. Transcript of Dr Jane Goodall's comments on NPR regarding Sasquatch].</ref> Several other prominent scientists have also expressed at least a guarded interest in Sasquatch reports, including George Schaller, Russell Mittermeier, Daris Swindler and Esteban Sarmiento.<ref>Stein, Theo, (2003-01-05), 'Bigfoot Believers,' The Denver Post.</ref>// Transcript of Dr Jane Goodall's comments on NPR regarding Sasquatch].</ref> Several other prominent scientists have also expressed at least a guarded interest in Sasquatch reports, including George Schaller, Russell Mittermeier, Daris Swindler and Esteban Sarmiento.<ref>Stein, Theo, (2003-01-05), 'Bigfoot Believers,' The Denver Post.</ref>

Prominent anthropologist Carleton S. Coon's posthumously published essay Why the Sasquatch Must Exist states, "Even before I read John Green's book Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us, first published in 1978, I accepted Sasquatch's existence" (Markotic and Krantz, 46). Coon examines the question from several angles, stating that he is confident only in ruling out a relict Neanderthal population as a viable candidate for Sasquatch reports.

As previously noted, Napier generally argued against Bigfoot's existence, but added that some "soft evidence" (i.e., eyewitness accounts, footprints, hair and droppings) is compelling enough that he advises against "dismissing its reality out of hand" (Napier, 197).

Krantz and others have argued that a double standard is applied to Sasquatch studies by many academics: whenever there is a claim or evidence of Sasquatch's existence, enormous scrutiny is applied, as well as it should be. Yet when individuals claim to have hoaxed Bigfoot evidence, the claims are frequently accepted without corroborative evidence. Flores, God and Cryptozoology] (available only with subscription).</ref>// Flores, God and Cryptozoology] (available only with subscription).</ref>


Bigfoot sightings or footprints are often demonstratively hoaxes. Author Jerome Clark argues that the "Jacko" affair, involving an 1884 newspaper report of an apelike creature captured in British Columbia (details below), was a hoax. Citing research by John Green, who found that several contemporary British Columbia newspapers regarded the alleged capture as very dubious, Clark notes that the New Westminster, British Columbia Mainland Guardian wrote, "Absurdity is written on the face of it" (Clark, 195).

In 1958 bulldozer operator Jerry Crew took to a newspaper office a cast of one of the enormous footprints he and other workers had been seeing at an isolated work site in Bluff Creek, California. The story and photo garnered international attention through being picked up by the Associated Press (Krantz, 5). Crew was overseen by Wilbur L. Wallace, brother of Raymond L. Wallace. Years after the track casts were made, Ray Wallace got involved in Bigfoot "research" and made various outlandish claims. He was poorly regarded by many who took the subject seriously. Napier wrote, "I do not feel impressed with Mr Wallace's story" regarding having over 15,000 feet of film showing Bigfoot (Napier, 89).

Shortly after Wallace's death, his children called him the "father of Bigfoot". They claimed Ray faked the tracks seen by Jerry Crew in 1958. There were some wooden track makers among Ray's inherited belongings which the family said were used to make the 1958 tracks. At the height of the publicity, the Wallace family sold the story rights to a Hollywood filmmaker. The film, set to star actor Judge Reinhold, was never produced.

Canadian newspaperman John Green argues that Ray never claimed to have made the Bluff Creek tracks and was not present in the Bluff Creek area when the Crew cast was obtained. Wallace had road-building contracts in various parts of the north-west and was usually not around in Bluff Creek.[citation needed] Years after the fact, Wallace attempted to capitalize on the interest in various ways. He tried to sell various items from a roadside shop, including Bigfoot footprint replicas, which he made behind his shop using a pair of wooden track stompers.[citation needed]

Notable Alleged Bigfoot sightings |title=THE DIARY OF ELKANAH WALKER |accessdate=2007-08-01 |last=Walker |first= Elkanah }}</ref>// |title=THE DIARY OF ELKANAH WALKER |accessdate=2007-08-01 |last=Walker |first= Elkanah }}</ref> |title=Report # 14338 (Class A) |accessdate=2007-08-01 }}</ref> The incident reportedly occurred a year before, in the mountains near Grayson, CA.Modèle:Dubious // |title=Report # 14338 (Class A) |accessdate=2007-08-01 }}</ref> The incident reportedly occurred a year before, in the mountains near Grayson, CA.Modèle:Dubious</ref>Modèle:Dubious (Note: Roosevelt's testimony is the only evidence this encounter ever occurred).//</ref>Modèle:Dubious (Note: Roosevelt's testimony is the only evidence this encounter ever occurred).</ref>Modèle:Dubious //</ref>Modèle:Dubious |title=I Fought The Apemen of Mt. St. Helens |accessdate=2007-08-01 |last=Beck |first=R. A. |coauthors=Fred Beck |work=Sasquatch Classics }}</ref><ref> Bigfoot/Sasquatch FAQ

. Retrieved on 2007-08-01. </ref><ref> Beck , Ronald A.


. Retrieved on 2007-08-01. </ref>// |title=I Fought The Apemen of Mt. St. Helens |accessdate=2007-08-01 |last=Beck |first=R. A. |coauthors=Fred Beck |work=Sasquatch Classics }}</ref><ref> Bigfoot/Sasquatch FAQ

. Retrieved on 2007-08-01. </ref><ref> Beck , Ronald A.


. Retrieved on 2007-08-01. </ref></ref>//</ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>//</ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref></ref>//</ref></ref>//</ref>

  • 1967: On October 20 1967, Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin captured a purported sasquatch on film in Bluff Creek, California in what would come to be known as the Patterson-Gimlin film.</ref>//</ref></ref>//</ref></ref>//</ref></ref><ref></ref>//</ref></ref>//</ref>

  • 1967: On October 20 1967, Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin captured a purported sasquatch on film in Bluff Creek, California in what would come to be known as the Patterson-Gimlin film.</ref>//</ref></ref>//</ref></ref>//</ref></ref><ref></ref>//</ref><ref></ref> here].</ref> A spokesperson for the Pennsylania Game Commission challenged the Bigfoot explanation, saying that it looked like "a bear with a severe case of mange."<ref name = "ap_bigfoot"> here].</ref> A spokesperson for the Pennsylania Game Commission challenged the Bigfoot explanation, saying that it looked like "a bear with a severe case of mange."<ref name = "ap_bigfoot"></ref> The sighting happened near the town of Ridgway, Pennsylvania in the Allegheny National Forest, which is about 115 miles north of Pittsburgh.<ref></ref><ref name = "ap_bigfoot"/>// here].</ref> A spokesperson for the Pennsylania Game Commission challenged the Bigfoot explanation, saying that it looked like "a bear with a severe case of mange."<ref name = "ap_bigfoot"></ref> The sighting happened near the town of Ridgway, Pennsylvania in the Allegheny National Forest, which is about 115 miles north of Pittsburgh.<ref></ref><ref name = "ap_bigfoot"/>

See also

Similar alleged creatures

Similar beings in folklore

Footnotes for an explanation of how to generate footnotes using the <ref(erences/)> tags-->// for an explanation of how to generate footnotes using the <ref(erences/)> tags-->

<references />



  • Bayanov, Dmitri, America's Bigfoot: Fact, Not Fiction, Crypto-Logos, 1997, ISBN 5-900229-22-X
  • Modèle:Cite book
  • Bourne, Geoffrey H. and Maury Cohen, The Gentle Giants: The Gorilla Story, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1975, ISBN 0-399-11528-5
  • Bryant, Vaughn M. and Burleigh Trevor-Deutch, "Analysis of Feces and Hair Suspected to be of Sasquatch Origin" (in Halpin and Ames)
  • Byrne, Peter, The Search for Bigfoot: Monster, Man or Myth, Acropolis Books, 1975, ISBN 0-87491-159-1
  • Campbell, Bernard G., Humankind Emerging, Little, Brown and Company, 1979, Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 78-78234
  • Clark, Jerome, Unexplained! 347 Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences and Puzzling Physical Phenomena, Visible Ink, 1993, ISBN 0-8103-9436-7
  • Coleman, Loren and Jerome Clark, Cryptozoology A to Z, Fireside Books, 1999, ISBN 0-684-85602-6
  • Coleman, Loren and Patrick Huyghe, The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide, Avon Books, 1999, ISBN 0-380-80263-5
  • Coon, Carelton, "Why Sasquatch Must Exist" (in Markotic and Krantz)
  • Daegling, David J, Bigfoot Exposed: An Anthropologist Examines America's Enduring Legend, Altamira Press, 2004, ISBN 0-7591-0539-1
  • Green, John Willison, Sasquatch - The Apes Among Us, Hancock House Publishing, 1978, ISBN 0-88839-123-4
  • Guttilla, Peter, The Bigfoot Files, Timeless Voyager Press, 2003, ISBN 1-892264-15-3
  • Halpin, Marjorie and Michael Ames, editors, Manlike Monsters on Trial: Early Records and Modern Evidence, University of British Columbia Press, 1980, ISBN 0-7748-0119-0
  • Hunter, Don and Rene Dahinden, Sasquach/Bigfoot: The Search for North America's Incredible Creature, Firefly Books, 1993, ISBN 1-895565-28-6
  • Krantz, Grover S., Big Footprints: A Scientific Inquiry into the Reality of Sasquatch, Johnson Books, 1992, ISBN 1-55566-099-1
  • Long, Greg, The making of Bigfoot: the inside story, Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2004 ISBN 1-59102-139-1 (Long was able to track down a man who claimed he wore the monkey suit for Roger Patterson's film)

  • Markotic, Vladimir and Grover Krantz, editors, The Sasquatch and Other Unknown Primates, Western Publishers, 1984, ISBN 0-919119-10-7
  • Mozino, Jose Mariano, Noticas de Nutka: An Account of Nootka Sound, Iris Higbe Wilson, editor and traslator, University of Washington Press, 1970, ISBN 0-295-95061-7
  • Napier, John Russell Bigfoot: The Sasquatch and Yeti in Myth and Reality, 1973, E.P. Dutton, ISBN 0-525-06658-6
  • Powell, Thom, The Locals, Hancock House, 2003, ISBN 0-88839-552-3
  • Pyle, Robert Michael, Where Bigfoot Walks, Houghton Mifflin, 1995, ISBN 0-395-44114-5
  • Sanderson, Ivan T., "First Photos of 'Bigfoot', California's Legendary 'Abominable Snowman'", Argosy, February 1968, pg 23-31, 127,128, ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN: a legend come to life.
  • Sjögren, Bengt.Farliga djur och djur som inte finns, Prisma, 1962
  • Shakley, Myra, Wildman: Yeti, Sasquatch and the Neanderthal Enigma, Thames and Hudson, 1973
  • Sprague, Roderick, "Carved Stone Heads of the Columbia and Sasquatch" (in Halpin and Ames)
  • Sprague, Roderick and Grover Krantz, editors, A Scientist Looks at the Sasquatch II, University Press of Idaho, 1978, ISBN 0-89301-061-8 Modèle:Sourcesend

External links

Bigfoot supporters Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR)]// Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR)] Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR)]// Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization] Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR)]// Willow Creek - China Flat Museum] - includes an entire building dedicated to Bigfoot, including footprint casts, maps, photos, and other documents Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR)]//] - website of Bigfoot researcher Loren Coleman Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR)]//] - A UK-based Bigfoot site Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR)]//] - a site by Erik Beckjord, a controversial Bigfoot enthusiast in favor of a paranormal explanation

Skeptical views Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR)]// Article by Benjamin Radford, in Skeptical Inquirer, March/April 2002] Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR)]// Article by Kal K. Korff and Michaela Kocis, in Skeptical Inquirer, July 2004] Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR)]// Bigfoot] - from the Skeptic's Dictionary Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR)]// Skeptic World - Bigfoot]de:Bigfoot es:Pie Grande eo:Saskvaĉo fa:پاگنده fr:Sasquatch hr:Bigfoot it:Bigfoot he:ביגפוט hu:Nagylábú nl:Bigfoot ja:ビッグフット no:Bigfoot pt:Pé-grande simple:Bigfoot sr:Бигфут fi:Isojalka sv:Bigfoot th:บิ๊กฟุต