Unreal Tournament - Vev

Unreal Tournament

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Unreal Tournament, UT, (sometimes referred to as UT99, UT Classic, UT1, or UT:GOTY to differentiate from Unreal Tournament 2003, Unreal Tournament 2004, and Unreal Tournament 3) is a popular first-person shooter video game. It is Epic Games's 1999 follow-up title to Unreal and focuses mainly on multiplayer action. It was launched in direct competition to id Software's Quake III Arena which was released 10 days later. Although Quake III Arena was considered to have better graphics, streamlined gameplay and a widely adopted engine, UT had superior bot AI, "alternate fire" for weapons which introduced a further element of strategy, and a larger variety of multiplayer capabilities.

As with the original Unreal, the ease with which players can create and release mods to the core game is a key factor contributing to UT's longevity. UT improved upon the mod-friendly nature of its predecessor with support for mutators such as Sniper Arena, Instagib, BunnyTracks, MonsterHunt, Jailbreak and more. Further, UT "Clan", or gaming teams, and a score of UT dedicated clan and fan community sites continue to sustain Unreal Tournament's popularity years after its initial release.


Bot AI

UT is known and widely praised for its A.I.. The player can choose a skill level (anywhere from "Novice" to "Godlike") for the bots to use in both single player and multiplayer games. In the multiplayer portion, bots can be further customized by changing names, appearance, accuracy, weapon preferences, awareness, and so forth. Furthermore, UT also implements an "auto-adjust skill" option that, when toggled, automatically adjusts the bot's A.I. skill level to the player's current performance. Although the bots in UT have very strong A.I., playing bots alone is usually not adequate enough experience to do well against other people online.

UT programmer Steve Polge had earlier risen to fame by designing the Reaper Bot for the original Quake, the first computer-controlled deathmatch opponent of any kind.

Game Types

Although many mods have been released as game types for Unreal Tournament such as Monster Hunt, Frag Ball, UT Soccer and more, these are the original multiplayer game types released with the game.


A classic every-man-for-himself player vs. player combat. The objective is to finish the map with the most kills or frags. In order to win a player must not only understand basic evasive tactics such as dodging (double-tapping the directional keys in order to quickly jump out of the way) but also have great accuracy, good knowledge of how to use a variety of weapons and map control (controlling certain points of the map which give the player an advantage over others, particularly powerups such as shield belts, armor and health kegs.

Team Deathmatch

Teams competing together to out-frag the opponent team.

Capture The Flag

Classic Capture the Flag. Players compete to capture the other team's flag and return it to their base. Competitive teams must use a great deal of teamplay. Teams must both defend the base from incoming attackers and get into the other team's base, take their flag and return to base unharmed. This requires that the team protect their flag carrier very well from enemies in order to complete their objective.


Teams compete to control various control points to earn points and win the map. Altought this mode has a great potential and has many cool maps it was never succesfull in online gaming. It is an under-appreciated game type, which is almost dead as of January 2007, but combines a good deal of DeathMatch skill and map control. Standard maps contain three control points. Control of these points can be accomplished either through occupation (physically occupying the space) or from a distance. Both the Biosludge Rifle and Impact Hammer are weapons of choice for those that desire to own the control point through occupation while the Rocket Launcher and Shock Rifle are long-range weapons that are excellent for controlling from a distance.

Last Man Standing

Similar to deathmatch, only the objective is to remain alive longer than your opponents, putting an emphasis on number of deaths rather than kills. Players have a set number of lives and once they run out of lives they lose and have to wait as spectators till match end.


Assault is also considered an under-appreciated game type in Unreal Tournament. It is also the most complex and requires the most teamplay, causing many people not to take the time to learn it although many players claim they enjoy the offline play. This game type is still extremely popular within dedicated circles and it is VERY hard to find space to play on any populated servers. This game type is played with two opposing teams, one assaulting a "base" and the other defending it. The map is set up with a number of objectives which the attacking team must complete (usually in sequence) such as destroying something, entering an area, triggering a button, et cetera. The team who first attacks then defends, and attempts to defend for the entire time they attacked. if they can accomplish this, they win the map. If the team defending first assaults the base faster than the other team, they win the map. If both teams defend for the maximum amount of time the map is a tie. The Assault map Overlord, a recreation of the D-Day invasion of Normandy during World War II is credited as having brought many players to Assault, as well as the Unreal Tournament game itself. Assault maps are different than other maps because they allow for hammer jumping, launching other teammates with rocket launchers or impact hammers, and they have much different means of map control. In a DeathMatch map one wants to control the powerups such as shield belt, body armor and health keg. In Assault, although these are very important as well, players try to control the objectives.

Assault requires the most teamwork in Unreal Tournament. Players must have well-coordinated defense and offense and oftentimes teamplay outweighs mere killing power. Assault is the only game type where launching is heavily used, although it is used occasionally in Capture The Flag.


Unreal Tournament has a fairly large selection of weapons, and many more are seen in custom maps or inserted through custom mutators.

Each weapon is numbered, the numbers ranging from 0 to 9. Weapons can be selected by pressing the corresponding number on the keyboard (or by using the scroll on their mouse). If the player has multiple weapons with the same number they can press the selection key multiple times to switch between them. The player can also select the next or previous weapon in the inventory, a function normally bound to the mouse wheel.

  • Slot 1
  • Impact Hammer: Assuming no mutators are in use, the player always spawns with this melee weapon, which is essentially a large pneumatic piston. The primary fire button charges the piston for a stronger thrust, often resulting in a shower of gibs if it hits. Primary Fire can also be used to rocket jump, with appropriate self-inflicted damage resulting. The Secondary Fire button makes the piston fire once every second or so. It also has the potential of deflecting oncoming projectiles. The Impact Hammer makes a distinctive noise and is easier to hear approaching.
  • Chainsaw: A simple chainsaw. Primary fire holds the chainsaw out in front (like in Doom). Secondary fire swings the chainsaw, and if it connects, causes a headshot no matter where it hits. The chainsaw is not present in any of the standard maps but is available through the "chainsaw melee" (chainsaw replaces impact hammer in the starting weapon set) and "chainsaw arena" (chainsaws only) mutators. If the pickup is placed in a custom map then when it is picked up the player gets the message "It's been five years since I've seen one of these.", presumably a reference to the chainsaw in Doom.
  • Translocator: A personal teleporting device, see translocator section below.
  • Slot 2
  • Enforcer: A semi-automatic pistol . The enforcer is the default non-melee weapon; players always spawn with it, if no mutators are overriding. Primary fire fires the gun; for secondary fire, the character holds the gun "gangsta-style" (sideways), allowing for more rapid fire but decreasing accuracy. Picking up another enforcer (generally from an opponent's dead body) makes the player dual wield for greater firepower.
  • Slot 3
  • Bio-Rifle: A weapon that shoots green toxic goo; these gobs show a distinct ballistic arc and stick for a few moments to whatever surface they hit, before bursting and injuring anyone close by. Secondary fire allows the rifle to charge up to eight units of ammunition into one huge glob, whereas primary fire shoots only a single round. Though hard to use as a conventional weapon due to the behavior of its projectiles, it is useful as a defensive weapon, as the persistent globs can block paths.
  • Shock Rifle: One of Unreal Tournament's most distinctive weapons, the Shock Rifle, fires an instant hit laser beam with its primary fire. Secondary fire unleashes a plasma globe which has a larger size, but a finite speed. This globe can be shot with a primary fire blast to produce a powerful shockwave; this is called a "shock combo". Both globe and beam impart a lot of momentum when they hit, making this weapon ideal for blasting enemies off of ledges or into pits.
  • Enhanced shock rifle: The enhanced shock rifle is an instant hit, instant kill weapon with unlimited ammunition. It lacks the normal shock rifle's secondary fire, and has an orange rather than blue beam. It is not in any of the standard maps, but is available through the standard Instagib mutator.
  • Slot 5
  • Pulse Gun: Equipped with a small rotating barrel on the front, this weapon produces a stream of plasma bolts. Its secondary fire produces a short-ranged beam of energy, which lacks the range of the plasma bolts but causes continuous damage.
  • Slot 6
  • Ripper: The Ripper fires disc-shaped razor blades. These discs will bounce several times off of walls, floors, ceilings, etc., before breaking up, allowing the user to shoot them around corners. With proper aim, they can also be used to decapitate ("headshot") foes. The secondary fire produces exploding discs which do not bounce. It is possible for the razor blades to rebound back on the player, causing injury and occasionally self-decapitation.
  • Slot 7
  • Minigun: A classic machine gun, this weapon has a rotating barrel which allows it to fire bullets with incredible rapidity. The primary fire produces an accurate stream of bullets, about 6 to 8 per second. The secondary fire is more rapid (12 or 14 bullets per second) but has a serious reduction in accuracy. It fires the same kind of bullets as the Enforcer. It also adds tracer fire.
  • Slot 8
  • Flak Cannon: Similar to a shotgun, but far more powerful, the flak cannon is a squat, huge-bore weapon which fires a burst of glowing, molten metal shards. It causes tremendous damage at close range, but its effectiveness drops off rapidly with distance. These shards will bounce off of any surface, which can enable players to hit other players around corners. The shards cool after about a second, losing their lethality. However, stepping on cooled but still existent shards will slightly damage players. The alternate fire ejects the entire flak shell instead of smashing it, which flies through the air and disintegrates on impact into a burst of shards. Should the player be on the receiving edge of one of these alternate fire flak shells, looking at it as it approaches, the player can see a smiley face drawn on it. Those that are adept with the Flak Cannon are sometimes referred to as "flak monkeys".
  • Slot 9
  • Rocket Launcher: Probably the most versatile weapon in the game, the Rocket Launcher has five modes of fire. Pressing primary fire once releases a rocket. Holding it down allows the launcher to arm and store up to six rockets in its rotating barrel; when released, the rockets fire simultaneously in a spread pattern. Holding the secondary fire at some point during the loading process causes them to fire in a tight cluster instead of a spread pattern. By tracking an opponent with the crosshairs for a couple of seconds, the rockets become semi-guided. Secondary fire ejects a rocket as a grenade, which bounces and then explodes after a short time. Holding secondary fire readies up to six of these impromptu grenades for simultaneous release. Keep in mind that charged rounds cannot be held in reserve; once the weapon finishes loading its sixth barrel, it will release all its projectiles, regardless of whether the target or the wielder is ready to fire them.
  • Slot 0
  • Sniper Rifle: A high-power, instant hit rifle that can decapitate foes if aimed at their heads. The secondary fire activates the sniper scope, which zooms up to 8.3x magnification, allowing the player to see enemies a long way away. A score of Sniper Arena (sniper only) dedicated game servers and sniper clan sites have progated in all releases of UT.
  • Redeemer: A miniaturized nuclear warhead and launcher. The Redeemer's missile causes a gigantic explosion, the shockwave of which vaporizes players instantly. Primary fire sends the missile out unguided, but secondary fire allows the player to steer the missile via a nose camera. The player can detonate the missile either by pressing the button again, or by crashing it into something or someone. Unfortunately, the missile can be shot down without detonating it. Also, although the player is able to move while guiding the rocket, they cannot see what they are doing, making them an easy target. If the wielder is killed while guiding the rocket, it will be destroyed without detonating. If detonated at too close range, the redeemer will also kill the player, which is especially a problem in secondary mode if either trying to fire from a concealed location, or when tracking an enemy or group of enemies that end up getting too close to the player. The redeemer has a maximum ammo count of only two shots.


The translocator is a small disc shot from a launcher. The player can then teleport to the disc's location, including in midair or on top of a high ledge. Three popular translocator techniques used throughout UT are telepunting, telesprinting and telefragging. In the single player campaign the translocator is a starting weapon in some game types. In practice sessions and multiplayer there is an option to enable or disable it.

Telepunting is a movement technique allowing for quick traversals of large open areas, reducing the likelihood of unwanted engagements. It is when the user "punts" the disc off the ground with a Shock Combo or a blow from the Impact Hammer. This trick is especially useful in Capture the Flag, as it allows for rapid flag-capture attempts without the long delay of traveling from base to base. This tactic is somewhat offset by the fact that players will drop the flag on translocation.

Telesprinting is using the translocator in rapid succession to move about the map faster. This technique caused 'translocator sickness' to skilled Capture the Flag players. These players telesprint to the opponents' flag in order to avoid enemies.

The translocator is one way to perform a telefrag (fixed teleporters can also be used if present and player starts occasionally cause it as well), an instant death move in which the user translocates into the space occupied by another player. While this may seem unbalanced, it is usually only effective at close range and after a great deal of practice.

It must be noted, however, that the disc can be shot at by enemies. If the disc gets hit by an explosive weapon, it will malfunction, making it so the user of the disc will be killed if they attempt to translocate or recall the disc. So tactically speaking, it may be unwise to leave your translocator disc out in the open for extended periods of time.

unreal.epicgames.com/releasenotes.htm]</ref> to slow down the rate of teleportation. In Domination type games such mobility gives a large advantage over a player who does not use such a bind. Amongst the community that grew around the game, the issue of macros against not using them was very hotly contested on forums and chat channels between those who considered binding unsporting and those who considered it a viable tactic.<ref>For example, [1].</ref>//unreal.epicgames.com/releasenotes.htm]</ref> to slow down the rate of teleportation. In Domination type games such mobility gives a large advantage over a player who does not use such a bind. Amongst the community that grew around the game, the issue of macros against not using them was very hotly contested on forums and chat channels between those who considered binding unsporting and those who considered it a viable tactic.<ref>For example, [2].</ref>


The term "launching" refers to the ability to 'launch' another player on your team to a desired location within a certain distance using the rocket launcher or impact hammer when there is 0% friendly fire. Although considered by some as "cheating", launching is generally accepted among older players as part of the game. Although there is some dispute as to whether or not Epic meant to include this feature or not, it is widely accepted as something which is quite good for the game. Many newer maps, particularly in Assault, are designed with launching in mind and many objectives are almost impossible to get without some basic launches.

  • How To Launch

Launching can be done with both the rocket launcher and the impact hammer. Both of these weapons use different techniques to launch the individual and the rocket launcher can launch significantly higher and farther than the impact hammer.

  • Launching With the Impact Hammer

In order to launch with the impact hammer one must first secondary fire (referred to as 'priming') in the direction one wants to launch the person and then hold down primary fire to 'load' the hammer. A player can jump into the hammer while it is loaded for increased height or dodge into the hammer for increased speed and in some cases distance. Two players can prime and aim next to one another so the launchee can hit both hammers and go twice as far. For increased height on some single-hammer launches the launchee can hammer jump into the launcher's hammer.

  • Rocket Launching

Rocket launching will send a launchee much higher and much further. The launcher typically gets as close as possible to the launchee and attempts to hit them at a certain point on their body. There are many different hit points on the launchee's body which will send them catapulting through the air towards a target. These include the left knee, left ankle (both of which will send the launchee quite high and forward), right below the feet (this will send the launchee straight up), and the buttocks (this will send the launchee far forward but not as high). The launcher aims on the left side for a number of reasons: the positioning of the legs (left leg is further forward) and because of the angle at which the weapon hand hits the target. This balances out and sends the person flying forward.

Rocket launches require the launchee to stand in certain places and face certain directions in order for the launcher to be able to hit the right location on the launchee's body and send them in the right direction. The launchee must also be able to use air control to get to some locations or risk failing the launch. Most (but not all) rocket launches cause the launchee to commit suicide with their rockets.


Stomping involves jumping onto an opponent from a high enough ledge to deal damage. This technique is rarely employed due to the limited number of opportunities, the difficulty in its execution, and the fact that it inflicts little damage. If, however, one 'stomps' an opponent with little health, a frag will be accumulated and is registered on the HUD as a kill with whatever weapon the 'stompee' happens to be holding.


As of February 2007, there remains an active but dwindling UT online community with a couple of thousand UT dedicated players online in multiplayer combat at any one time across approximately 2,000 servers located on almost every continent of the world.

Also dwindling are the leagues that once existed for competitive play. One such league, the Proving Grounds, was arguably the longest lasting and most respected gaming league for UT that ever existed. Unfortunately, the Proving Grounds closed its doors in 2004 to the dismay of many online clans who actively played in the United States based league.

By far the largest faction of the UT online gaming community is the European one one of the largest online gaming community in the world which spans nearly all major online multiplayer games. One of the other large competitive gaming communities is the UTAssault league which features a couple hundred active members. There are also grass-roots gaming communities, which frown upon using the term "clan".

Also in existence is the ProUnreal league which was mainly started as a CTF league but has adopted some of the orphaned Proving Grounds competitors. This league is based in North America and includes newer Epic Unreal 'series games such as UT2003 and UT2004.

UT is an aging game, and many new players come and go. This may be due to several factors. First, a high skill level is needed to compete in many of the existing servers. Many of those who still play UT are or were at one time dedicated to the game much as a professional athlete would dedicate himself to his sport. Many of these players are very skilled, know the maps in and out, know the location and use of all secrets and power-ups, and use weapons in ways that newer players would probably never discover. Second, many modern servers are heavily modified and require downloading the altered files, a task which can be very time consuming for players with slower connections. Third, because of the prevalent cheating in the game, the game engine has been modified multiple times to versions 436 and 451. This latest release came about by the joint efforts of the game's "modding" scene, united as UTPG.org, wanting to keep UT up-to-date after Epic Games stopped supporting the title. Clients can but do not have to apply this patch, as they can still connect to 451 servers while running version 436. It is often recommended that clients DO NOT install the 451 patch, as it has brought about several problems. A public beta of UTPG for the Mac platform has not been released, but is in development by developer Ryan Gordon, also known as Icculus, who is also responsible for the Linux port. Internal betas have been released to his testing group, Mac Ninjas, and Gordon has stated publicly that the project will be completed some day, although not by any fixed deadline as it is a volunteer effort. However, as of October 2006, it appears that the UTPG project is dead. The UTPG website's last posting is dated from November of 2004.

UT has also been kept alive thanks to its dedicated CTF community, consisting of a number of devoted players who have resisted both changes to the Unreal Tournament series and modern FPS titles. However, the game shows no signs of slowing down just yet. Due to the age and status of the game, it has proven to pose a steep learning curve for new players to the online community. Now thanks to new game types such as the "SpamCup" mod, now in its fifth season as a hosted cup on ClanBase, new clans and players are encouraged to take part alongside seasoned veterans and regular players alike.

World Cyber Games

www.worldcybergames.com/6th/history/WCG2001/wcg2001_overview.asp 2001] and 2002. Where the title was contended for in a deathmatch 1 vs 1 environment. This is where UT was played on an international scale, with players from all around the world went head to head to see who would be crowned world champion.//www.worldcybergames.com/6th/history/WCG2001/wcg2001_overview.asp 2001] and 2002. Where the title was contended for in a deathmatch 1 vs 1 environment. This is where UT was played on an international scale, with players from all around the world went head to head to see who would be crowned world champion.

Place WCG 2001 WCG 2002
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www.worldcybergames.com/6th/history/Halloffame/Hall_main.asp WCG Hall of Fame].//www.worldcybergames.com/6th/history/Halloffame/Hall_main.asp WCG Hall of Fame].


One active Assault league called UTAssault is European-based and provides a great community in which the best assaulters from around the world compete for the title of best assault clan. Although this is a European-based league, many people from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, China, Israel, Australia and New Zealand participate. Some of these non-European players have slightly more difficulty than others due to the great distance in location between them and the server which causes their ping to be much higher. This however does not play a significant effect on North American or Israeli players but makes it very difficult for people in the southern hemisphere.

During the IAC (International Assault Cup) set up by the UTAssault.net league, countries are given the option of home servers and some North American servers are set up for the North American teams to play on. The IAC features teams from almost every country with 6 players to make a team (Assault is played 6v6) and is an extremely popular event among the Assault community.


The Unreal Tournament community of Capture The Flag and Team Deathmatch began a league of their own. The site which was designed by UT players is a drafting league like the major leagues such as the NFL and NBA. In MLUT there are player sign ups and captain sign ups that are announced in the mainly used IRC by the UT community. After the sign-ups each person is given a ranking based on salary. After salaries are posted, the picking begins. Each captain has a certain salary cap that they cannot go over during the rounds of picking so one team cannot be "stacked" and have an unfair advantage. There have currently been 13 successful Capture the Flag seasons, the most recent season having just recently ended.

PUG Matches

Many members of the Capture-the-Flag and Assault communities enjoy playing pick-up game (aka PUG) matches. Normally, 10 people (or 12 for Assault) on an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server channel change their nicknames, placing a designated letter in front of their names. (If the letter is y, then a guy named Bigfoot would change his alias to y-Bigfoot). A program called the pugbot (such as Rival or ABot) monitors the channel and when a certain designated number of people (usually 10 or 12) have signed up, two people become captains (by typing in a designated command) and then draft the other players. The drafts normally proceed in a 1-2-2-2-2-1 order, with the first captain picking the first player and the second captain picking the next two players. The players then join a Teamspeak voice communications server and join the PUG game server where they play a 5-on-5 best of three maps CTF match or, in Assault, a 6-on-6 best of seven maps match. Like a clan match, players have assigned positions and in capture-the-flag, they try to cover their flag carriers. For example, in Assault people might play as back man defenders at an objective, snipers, and defendes against the offense. Common Capture-the-Flag positions are flag defense, offense, middle, and front door defense. Some of the IRC servers that offer pug activity are:

irc.UtChat.com -- The offical Unreal Tournament Chat Network.
irc.GameRadius.net -- home to the North American CTF community.
irc.Quakenet.org -- home to the European UT community.
irc.UTAssault.net -- home to the UTAssault.net community

For North American PUGs (and also, to meet the North American UT99 CTF community), come to irc.GameRadius.net and investigate channels #MLUT (moderate activity), #SpeedPug (125% game speed, high activity), and #FSP (125% speed, new and with some activity). Other channels exist for other game types such as Instagib and Sniper, and some channels are passworded. New North American players are advised to first try #speedpug where they are more likely to be welcomed by the other players. In Europe the IRC server is irc.Quakenet.org and you might try channels #CTFPug and #UT994FunPug as well as #naat for Assault.

Several PUGs are set up every night. Although the pug matches are open to the general public, players do need to have some minimum amount of skill and experience in order to play and to be welcome in addition to the voice comm program TeamSpeak, which means that you also need a headset--a pair of headphones with a boom microphone. Additionally, for all intents and purposes, you also need a high-speed, broadband Internet connection.

A UTAssault public pug is also done for those within the assault community. One can find more on it by using the in-game CHAT feature or an IRC client by going to the server IRC.UTAssault.net & channel #UTAPug.

Frag Friday

Frag Friday is an event that often occurs on Friday nights in the North American UT CTF community. It was founded in response to the dwindling population of players who enjoy playing regular weapons CTF on custom (user-made) maps on public servers. The idea is that if everyone who enjoyed playing would come to a single server at a certain time, then they could play on a full server. So far it has proven to be a resounding success. Although it was originally founded by the Unreal Playground community, it has more or less migrated to the young raggers Pub community. Frag Friday has a festive atmosphere and many of the players enjoy chatting on Teamspeak voice comm, which is like a large group phone call. Server information is available at the Fraggers Pub webpage and discussion forum. Generally, people start coming to the server around 10-11 PM EST.

1/2 EO / 1/2 Excessive Overkill

Server setups, while varried, usually consist of a good quantity of the full "Excessive Overkill" mod weapons, but with health varying from 100 through 150, with the average server being 125. Self-damage is typically enabled in 1/2 EO, resulting in people randomly flying about custom-made maps by the means of what is referred to as "self boosting" or "team boosting" with the excessive ripper. While this mod is usually found running on CTF servers, it has been seen on more than a few DM servers in its time.

System requirements

Image:Unreal tournament.JPG
Screenshot of Unreal Tournament.
Microsoft Windows
  • Intel Pentium 200 MHz or AMD K6 200 MHz or better processor
  • 32MB RAM
  • DirectX 7.0 or higher
  • PCI Local Bus Video Card with 4MB VRAM
  • 300MB HDD
  • 4x or faster CD-ROM or 4x or faster DVD-ROM Drive
  • Windows 95
Mac OS
  • 200 MHz 603-based processor
  • 64MB RAM
  • 120MB HDD
  • Mac OS 7.6
Mac OS X
  • G3 processor
  • 128MB RAM
  • 120MB HDD
  • Mac OS X 10.1.x
  • Pentium II with 3D accelerator card
  • 64MB RAM
  • XFree86 3.3.5 or newer at 16bpp
  • Video Card capable of 640x480 resolution
  • 550MB HDD
  • OSS compatible sound card
  • Linux kernel version 2.2.x

Loki Games distributed shell script installers for the port of Unreal Tournament for Linux, which enables the original Windows Unreal Tournament CD to be used to install the game on Linux systems. Although Loki Games ceased operating in 2002, it can still be found on the Internet.


As Unreal Tournament is an extremely popular game, many fans have taken the liberty of creating mods for the game. These range from slight changes on some aspects of gameplay (such as map voting) or to total conversions.

Selected mods and mutators for UT:

  • Map Vote - Lets the players vote on which map is to be played next.
  • UT Pure - An ongoing server side cheat project. Pure aims at eliminating illegal cheats such as a common rendering hook that can be used to create exploitations such as aimbots and radars. The latest version Pure7G has unfortunately been hacked by elite gamehackers, however the hack is not widely known and can be stopped when used in conjunction with UTDC v1.6, another hack protection.
  • Infiltration - tactical shooter modification, features very realistic gameplay in respect to modern warfare as a soldier on foot both in open areas and indoors
  • Strike Force - tactical shooter modification, featuring Special Forces versus Terrorists. Official maps are noted for meticulously detailed recreations of banks, condos, and offices.
  • Tactical Ops considered Unreal Tournament's equivalent of Half-Life's popular Counter-strike. Tactial Ops was later bundled and spun off into its own retail product which featured additional maps not found in the free download version.
  • Thievery UT - A mod based on the Thief game, but with a multiplayer game type featuring a Guard team and a Thief team. These teams have different equipment and abilities. The Thief team sneak around and tries to achieve objectives (generally involving stealing) while the Guard team must stop them. Thieves become translucent in shadow, to the point of being completely invisible in the dark. Since the style of play is vastly different to most other mods for Unreal Tournament and map knowledge is crucial, Thievery has a steep learning curve.
  • Action Realism - Players are realistically crippled depending on where they are shot. They also lose energy if they have open wounds, and must stop to apply bandages.
  • LeagueAssault - Mod created by the UTassault community to enhance the game of assault. This mod is easily downloaded off any server running it without hassle and provides spawn protection, cheat protection, bug fixes, an extended HUD which displays the location and status of teammates as well as the support of custom messages and text colors. Many Assault players find LeagueAS to be such a good UT mod that they are disappointed when they join servers that lack it.
  • Monster Hunt - These are maps prefixed with "MH" . This is where you team up against varying sizes of monsters, ranging from small Pupae to Warlords & Titans. By killing these monsters you progress through the map. The hunt is ended by reaching the "Hunt Complete" area, in which the winner is chosen by the person with the most kills (or "frags" as they are known). One of the sites to visit the community of players is at Planet Monster Hunt. Monster Hunt is one of the most active gametypes in UT, with many new maps/mutators still being created. A popular mutator that a lot of servers run with MH is UTJMH, which regenerates player's ammo/health making maps a lot easier to get through.
  • Strangelove - This mod gives you a nuclear missile launcher which can be fired two ways. First, you can fire it at your enemies like a standard weapon. Alternatively, you can ride a launched rocket around maps and control the direction and speed. Pilots can arm or disarm the nuclear warhead and jump off before crashing. An updated version also used is called RocketX. It is just like the Strangelove but the skin is much more different when flying. When flying you can also shoot with the primary shoot button.
  • BunnyTrack - These maps start with CTF-BT- or BT-, a movement game where you must jump on blocks, shoot targets, dodge up ramps, dodge crushers, press switches, etc., if you fail once you usually fall in lava/slime and go back to the start, you must get to the end and capture the flags. Typically, maps feature a series of creative obstacles that test the player’s dexterity, skill, and thought process. Surviving obstacles sometimes requires problem solving; others involve precise aim combined with quickness and direction. Obstacles range in difficulty, as do the Bunny Track maps themselves.
  • Instagib - All players have high-powered Shock Rifles that can blow an opponent apart with a single hit and have unlimited ammo. This is the mod most played in online gaming, as it requires an extremely precise aiming skill. (Shock rifles are very slow on reload, thus one missed shot gives the enemy several seconds to aim.)
  • Excessive Overkill - High powered weapons, no Self Damage and the ability to self boost around the maps with varying weapons. Originally tested by CFH (Calibrated for Harm, originally Clan of the Flaming Hair), the oldest Excessive Overkill UT clan in existence.

planetunreal.com/u4e/. More recent versions for Unreal Tournament 2004 can be found here http://u4e.beyondunreal.com///planetunreal.com/u4e/. More recent versions for Unreal Tournament 2004 can be found here http://u4e.beyondunreal.com/ chaotic.beyondunreal.com///chaotic.beyondunreal.com/

  • UT Soccer - A fairly new mod (2006). It is based on various SCR- maps, on which the players struggle to get the ball into opponents goal (like real soccer). The game is weapon-free, so the most important factor while playing are speed and agility. The community is small but nice, accepting new players with open hands (the mod was very popular during WC2006). Official ladder system can be found on ClanBase.
  • Oldskool - A mod that allows the Original Unreal, and the majority of its custom single player content, to be played in UT. As well as provided Single Player mapping functions in UT.


The following codes can be typed into the console to produce various effects.

Common cheats

The "tilde" or ~ button opens the console.

Cheat Effect
god Toggles god mode. The player becomes invincible.
loaded All weapons (except the redeemer) and their usual maximum ammo.
allammo Gives all of the weapons you have picked up 999 ammo
fly Enables you to fly around the map
ghost Enables no-clipping mode
walk Cancels fly and ghost
playersonly Stops time except for your movement (the only guns you can shoot with properly in playersonly mode are the Shock Rifle and the Sniper Rifle)
slomo x Changes the speed at which you are playing the game (replace x with a number. 1 is normal speed.)

Another cheat is summon, which you can use to make an instance of a weapon appear in front of you.
To use summon, you need to type "summon" and then the "instance name" into the console, eg. summon enforcer would make an enforcer appear.

These are the different weapons you can get using summon, and their instance names;

Instance Corresponding Weapon
translocator Translocator
chainsaw Chainsaw (cannot be obtained during regular gameplay)
enforcer Enforcer
ut_biorifle Bio Rifle
shockrifle Shock Rifle
supershockrifle Enhanced Shock Rifle (Instagib)
pulsegun Pulse Gun
ripper Ripper
minigun2 Minigun
ut_flakcannon Flak Cannon
ut_eightball Rocket Launcher
sniperrifle Sniper Rifle
warheadlauncher Redeemer

Other cheats

Some cheats exist that are not as widely used. These are mostly actual changes to the way the match works, like jump height etc.

Cheat Effect
setjumpz x Changes your jump height to x. The default is around 350.
addbots x Adds x bots to the current game.
killpawns Removes all bots from the current game.

External links

www.unrealtournament.com/ Unreal Tournament] official website//www.unrealtournament.com/ Unreal Tournament] official website www.unrealtournament.com/ Unreal Tournament] official website//www.planetunreal.com/ut/ Planet Unreal] www.unrealtournament.com/ Unreal Tournament] official website//wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/ Unreal Wiki] - Unreal engine Documentation www.unrealtournament.com/ Unreal Tournament] official website//www.worldcybergames.com World Cyber Games] Hosts of the only Unreal Tournament world tournament.



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