List of Naruto characters
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The universe of the anime and manga series Naruto is a home to a wide array of fictional characters. Names of Naruto characters are in Western order, with the given name before the family name. The English manga uses the Japanese naming order, while the English anime orders the names in the Western order, with the given name before the family name.
Names of many characters in Naruto are puns, literary and historical references and the like. The characters themselves often borrow a bit from the story behind the name.
All characters
See also
Modèle:Portal Modèle:Naruto infoar:شخصيات أنمي ناروتو el:Κατάλογος Χαρακτήρων Naruto es:Personajes de Naruto fr:Liste des personnages de Naruto hr:Popis likova (Naruto) it:Personaggi di Naruto hu:A Naruto szereplőinek listája ms:Senarai watak-watak Naruto ja:NARUTO -ナルト-の登場人物一覧 no:Liste over Naruto-figurer pt:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Naruto th:ตัวละคร นินจาคาถาโอ้โฮเฮะ zh:火影忍者人物列表